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Posts posted by MrPerson0

  1. 10 hours ago, Quillmonger said:

    I'm not really comfortable with that idea. It feels like it's supposed to happen in the middle of the larger story somewhere. 

    The issue is when you can meet them. Throughout the main story, the Ashen Wolves never mention the side story in any form. Also, in the main story, you can recruit them as early as Chapter 2 even though the side story can't happen until at least after Chapter 4. Then, there's the Ashen Wolves leaving the monastery at the end of the side story.

  2. 15 hours ago, Darkmoon6789 said:

    The Agarthans not being dead in Azure Moon would definitely be a problem for Edelgard

    Except Hapi was literally introduced to show that the Agarthans are taken care of in all routes. Dimitri would likely know who they are due to that.

    3 hours ago, eclipse said:

    "Whoever's in charge of the writing sucks.  We should take them out."

    Pretty much Three Houses in a nutshell.

    Also, who knows. This might happen with the CYL versions of them in Fire Emblem Heroes, assuming that they get a Forging Bonds together and whatnot.

  3. 20 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    Jeritza getting information is far more beneficial to her than the Agarthans.

    Sure, but still, thinking the bandit plan was all so she could get Jeritza a teaching position (though he already has a one there) seems to be jumping into way too many things whereas the easier idea is she meant to get them killed, and was hoping to do that by following them (seeing that she is stronger than them as you say), especially with her view that she will spill as much blood as possible to get what she wants.

    22 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    The teacher ran off. But the thing is, again, my point is that your belief that Edelgard would be suspected is a silly fallacy given that she bears no responsibility for their actions.

    And the teacher was judged for their actions (by not helping the students). Edelgard would be judged by not helping them and if she didn't tell the Knights where they ran off to.

    24 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    Doesn't state that they destroyed the Shambhala or track it. 

    None of the endings outright state that Shambhala is tracked down. This is assumed, and even was in the CF endings until it was shown with Jeritza's ending picture. There's only so much of Fodlan that they could cover, especially since they know that Jeritza is linked to them (Hrym is where the base is), they are bound to find their base and it's clear the none of the remaining members could even do things such as use the nukes (likely linked to Thales).

    29 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    What Jeritza says is a guarantee, not a possibility. The difference is as clear as heaven and earth.

    Oh please tell me where in the other routes that it's stated that the Agarthans have been wiped out. Do you have that? No. You don't. 

    No, it isn't, because you have to specifically pair off Byleth with Jeritza for the "forever vanquished" part. You can't transplant that to his solo ending, or his other pairings (such as Mercedes where they are "finally defeated", which is the same as Hapi's endings).

    This is exactly my point. None of the endings point out that all Agarthans have been wiped out other than Jeritza x Byleth, but that pairing is only a possibility because the same term isn't used for his other endings. If you wish to move that to his other endings, you have to do this for all endings that mention TWSitD getting taken out.

    38 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    Because of Felix's dialogue, where he talks of Dimitri being decapitated, which contradicts what Hilda says.

    So he says this only in SS, and not in VW? Then I guess that would make her outright stronger than him, and the Crest of Flame is supposed to be the Fire Emblem as well.

  4. 7 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    You expect Edelgard to trust Solon?

    Seeing that she is working with them, she has to trust them for the time being. How else would she have done everything she did in the pre-timeskip era?

    7 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    What happens to Dimitri or Claude would be pinned on the teacher. Simple as that. 

    Seeing that they had to stick around

    9 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    If they are around, they will cause a lot of suffering. Just cause Hapi beat them herself, if she did, doesn't mean much if they survive to cause ruination another day. Hapi isn't immortal after all.

    Really? So Hapi can track down the Shambhala in CF? Interesting. Funny how no one else could until Hubert tracked it down. So no, BL, even Hapi doesn't make the Shambhala be discovered.

    Sure, but there's a reason they introduced Hapi with her endings, and that is to close the book with TWSitD, also, seeing that you want to point to one ending being indicative of a whole, Hapi's ending with Dimitri explicitly states that they "relentlessly pursue TWSitD", so it's very possible that they did, indeed, find their base, and this would extend to Hapi's other endings

    13 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    Hence why CF endings use the words "true peace" specifically because they know the only way to ensure that is to wipe every last Agarthan.

    Even though this was never explicitly stated? Even in Edelgard x Byleth's ending, they say "lasting peace" after they mention TWSitD, which is the same term used in previous titles.

    15 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    It's cause in the end, VW is just a copy and paste of SS, with SS being just known as a bloody conflict and Dimitri having died in it.

    That's exactly what I am saying. If he died the same way as in VW, then you really can't use that as saying "she's stronger" when it was her soldiers who managed to kill an unconscious Dimitri.

    17 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    Not to mention that if Dimitri was really stronger, the Agarthans would have used him instead of Edelgard.

    I'm pretty sure it was easier for them to experiment on Edelgard due to how the Empire was separated from the Church at the time (to the point where the Church didn't question what happened to Edelgard's siblings), as opposed to the Kingdom still being in close contact with it. As for the Crest of Flames, Edelgard still never showed its use in any capacity in a one on one battle with Dimitri, which is the issue with you making it out to seem she is stronger than him.

  5. 35 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    I mean, honestly, even if we go by what you're saying, it still doesn't actually detract her.

    The thing is, there is still nothing that can really point to her wanting to insert Jeritza as a professor because you are making assumptions as to why she would, especially since he is already a part of the faculty there (along with Solon).

    35 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    Which is a logical thing to do. If anything, she was the practical one, and the other two were idiots. 

    Yes, I meant her staying put would be the issue, as people would judge her for not helping them out.

    35 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    There's a difference between beating them and wiping them out for good.

    My point was Hapi was able to solo them on her own, which makes it obvious that the "resurgence" is a joke, which makes it clear that true/lasting peace would be obtained with this method.

    35 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    The other routes lack the use of "true peace" because the Agarthans aren't wiped out. They live on.

    This is once again you really trying to look into semantics. It's like saying the Grimleal lived on in Awakening because "true peace" isn't mentioned in the endings (which was my original point). With all Fire Emblem games, a lasting peace is assumed unless a direct sequel comes about going against that. Even in the case of a direct sequel not happening, anything can happen down the road (Archanean games into Awakening, for example), but we only look into the near future.

    35 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    Edelgard was injured. But Dimitri died.

    Was he explicitly mentioned to have been killed by Edelgard, or could it have possibly been what happened in VW (killed by her soldiers as he fell unconscious).

    35 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    Dimitri's Crest comes from the his minor Crest of Blaiddyd, but Edelgard bears the Crest of Flames, the Crest of the goddess Sothis herself. Edelgard, as a result, has power comparable to that of Nemesis and BYleth.

    Edelgard isn't comparable to Nemesis and Byleth because they had a Crest Stone to use the Sword of the Creator, while Edelgard does not. That means that we still have no clue what Edelgard's strength is other than assumptions.

    43 minutes ago, Crysta said:

    Does solo Hapi have a means to find them, that she didn't choose to use before they surfaced for some reason?

    It's pretty clear that it's a generic ending that IS made to make it so TWSitD are taken care of in all routes, because many people were saying that they weren't taken care of in BL It's unknown/doubtful that there are other cells after Hapi takes care of them.

  6. 5 hours ago, omegaxis1 said:

    Jeritza would basically choose which house to train as well. 

    Yes, we know that this is how it would work, but Edelgard and Jeritza do not. Jeritza was simply a training instructor, not a full fledged professor, so there's nothing to show that he would know how the process works.

    5 hours ago, omegaxis1 said:

    And still unlikely for Edelgard to be suspected. 

    Like, how "secret" is this? They didn't even talk about their training exercise as being even a big secret. So literally anyone could get that info. 

    Not really, since some people would question Edelgard running away instead of helping her two fellow lords and allowing them to get killed.

    5 hours ago, omegaxis1 said:

    In regards that simply having a replacement just resets chosen houses in accordance for the new professor. So that basically pushes the case that Jeritza would choose Black Eagles.

    As mentioned above, Edelgard now Jeritza wouldn't know how the process for choosing houses works.

    5 hours ago, omegaxis1 said:

    Yes, but this is against one ending that DOES make it clear. Out of all the endings, there is one ending that makes it abundantly clear. So now, Jeritza has that.

    But Hapi and the others don't.

    By that logic for Jeritza, the fact that Hapi has a solo ending where she can solo TWSitD makes it obvious that they are a pushover due to her, which means that they are

    5 hours ago, omegaxis1 said:

    Even if you defeat the Agarthans, it doesn't use the terms "true peace" in them, which is a pretty good indication of how the Agarthans aren't actually gone. 

    That's a pretty big assumption to make, seeing that, from what I recall, no Fire Emblem game uses that term, which means the villains could make a return, though peace has been achieved.

    5 hours ago, omegaxis1 said:

    As I said above just now, Edelgard HIDES her true strength. Dimitri doesn't. 

    It's still a pretty big assumption to make that she is stronger than Dimitri. Dimitri, we have footage of him being ridiculously strong (along with other statements), whereas for Edelgard, the most we have is her taking out demonic beasts on her own.

  7. 2 hours ago, omegaxis1 said:

    Actually, not really. It's stated that Jeirtza got into Garreg Mach under Arundel's recommendation. He was clearly planted in there for a purpose.

    I'm not arguing against this. However, it's clear that the purpose is him being in Garreg Mach, so he is close to Edelgard already. Also, the game shows that the third professor was meant to be the Golden Deer's teacher (without Byleth's interference, Manuela is with Black Eagles and Hanneman is with Blue Lions), so there is no way Edelgard would have known that the professors would let Jeritza pick a specific house to teach anyway.

    2 hours ago, omegaxis1 said:

    thus there was absolutely NO way for Kostas to ever be able to identify Edelgard

    I never said he would identify Edelgard....I said that the Church would know that there was a mole with them earlier in the game.

    2 hours ago, omegaxis1 said:

    This is a quote to before you actually choose a House.

    That doesn't make sense. Before you pick a house, none of the students (save the house leaders) know that you are the new professor. I am assuming you are referring to this quote by Caspar (assuming you pulled it from the Wikia, since there is a typo at the beginning):


    Wow, Jeritza sure seems strong. I kinda thought he was gonna be the new professor assigned to our class. After that teacher ran away during our outdoor training, I figured Jeritza was a natural replacement. I was surprised that you were suddenly appointed professor instead. I don't think I could hold my own against Jeritza in battle. I could probably take you though.

    He says that to you only after you have picked a house in Chapter 1. Also, just because he can't beat Jeritza doesn't mean he doesn't want to keep on fighting him. He was hoping for Jeritza as a teacher so he could learn from someone who is strong, and he is the only one who even brings up this possibility.

    2 hours ago, omegaxis1 said:

    No other ending makes that clear.

    I agree, not even his solo ending makes it that clear. This goes on to show that there are too many

    2 hours ago, omegaxis1 said:

    Also, that's not how being instrumental works. Being instrumental is just meaning that without her, they are screwed.

    I know what being instrumental means...I was agreeing with you on that idea... Also, you seem to have ignored the point where Hapi's solo ending makes it seem that she takes out TWSitD on her own without any help (outside of her power), which is unlikely. This is why I am saying some endings are left to interpretation, because you don't know what actually happened, and there are way too many discrepancies between them (such as solo Jeritza and his ending with Byleth).

  8. 25 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    Like, this isn't headcanon.

    It is when, once again, even Jeritza doesn't even supplement this idea (through his supports) even though the writers of the game could have easily done so. Edelgard not telling the bandits about the Knights of Seiros could be easily covering herself in case the bandits told people who hired them. Saying that someone told them about the Knights of Seiros being there makes it more likely there was a mole instead of a bunch of bandits just happening upon them.

    As for Caspar's statement, that was solely on his idea of him wanting to have a chance at fighting Jeritza more, which is simple speculation. Also, he says that quote no matter which house you pick, so it's clear that he wasn't talking about Jeritiza becoming his house's leader.

    25 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    So in the end, the facts are really simple. CF has the least chaos and bloodshed in the war out of all the routes. 

    This is still under the assumption that they literally did nothing for five years, which is pretty unrealistic. I do admit that she at least didn't persecute church followers and whatnot, and it seems that the public was more on her side in this route, so there probably truly were fewer deaths among the citizens and whatnot.

    25 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    Are you not the one that's trying to criticize context clues and such here for not outright saying it?

    Sure, but there's a reason that multiple versions of Hapi's ending has her taking out TWSitD. The developers simply wanted to show that they are taken care of in all routes no matter what. This is different from Jeritza since we already knew that they were taken care through the CF ending, especially since his solo ending doesn't mention them being "forever vanquished", it's pretty clear that these different terms used are supposed to be synonymous.

    25 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    contrary to CF's ending, where they are defeated behind the scenes, as the struggle against them is an unseen one, contrary to the non-CF routes.

    Suggesting that the struggles in the other paths (outside of the VW one which is only mentioned in the Byleth x Claude ending) aren't behind the scenes is an assumption as well. We have no way of saying how it worked in BL and SS.

    As for Hapi being instrumental, one can argue that her solo non-CF ending makes it seem that she took them out on her own (with her power), which can easily show that the reemerged TWSITD were not able to even take her out.

  9. 6 hours ago, omegaxis1 said:

    But that ain't how Edelgard is Everything about her is to look deeper into the context and analyze things.

    The thing is, there's a difference between looking deeper into things to the point where you start to develop your own headcanon on why she did that as opposed to what the game presented.

    6 hours ago, omegaxis1 said:

    If she wanted them dead, why did she follow?

    Because it would look suspicious as hell that she didn't follow to help her fellow students, putting an extra amount of scrutiny on her.

    6 hours ago, omegaxis1 said:

    Ah yes, thank you for making it clear how people need to have their hands held for everything and need every detail explained. Fans are clearly incapable of actually analyzing context clues.

    As said above, there's a difference between finding more info that is presented by the game and inserting your own headcanon into why she did such a thing.

    6 hours ago, omegaxis1 said:

    But more than that, least character death's don't equal best route. I would actually say that Blue Lions holds the bloodiest route of them all. Ironic, the opposite of CF, the least bloody path. 

    If you are talking about how many civilians are kill, no one truly knows if CF has less people killed than AM. If you are talking about Dimitri going rogue, from what I hear, Yuri outright confirms that Dimitri only went after Adrestian soldiers, and never went against civilians.

    6 hours ago, omegaxis1 said:

    As mentioned above, even Hapi isn't like Jeritza that outright confirmed that the Agarthans are wiped out. But more than that, least character death's don't equal best route. I would actually say that Blue Lions holds the bloodiest route of them all. Ironic, the opposite of CF, the least bloody path. 

    The thing is, you need a specific pairing in a specific route for that to happen. At least with Hapi, she doesn't even need to be paired off with anyone to take out TWSitD and she is easily available in any route. Also, you are splitting hairs seeing that Hapi's ending outright says that "they were defeated" which is more or less the same as "forever vanquished" in this sense.


  10. 4 minutes ago, eclipse said:

    At the very least, Byleth gets a heartbeat.  That's worth something!

    Yeah, that part was clear. Them getting emotions afterward, however, isn't.

    1 minute ago, Crysta said:

    CS putting a band-aid on Dimitri's ending by adding a single support chain that deals with the Slitherers doesn't make it good, either.

    I explicitly mentioned Hapi's solo ending though, not her pairing with Dimitri. Then there's her paired ending with Dimitri and Balthus where she also takes them out. In the end, many people who had an issue with the Blue Lions ending were mainly those who noticed that they never took care of TWSitD, and Hapi simply fixes that.

    7 minutes ago, Crysta said:

    Just because there isn't an immediate, rapid change in his personality doesn't mean he's not feeling the feels more. Not all of us can be Dimitri.

    And the game insinuates pretty strongly that the lack of Byleth reacting to anything is linked to that damn crest stone being there.

    Sure, but it's still a pretty big assumption to make, seeing that nothing in the game even pointed to such a thing happening.

    8 minutes ago, Crysta said:

    I'm pretty sure it is with one of Rhea's primary motivations being to control Fodlan herself - might as well.

    Pretty sure she wanted Sothis to rule Fodlan to "fix everything", not so she could try to rule over it herself.

    8 minutes ago, Crysta said:

    You can make the argument that Edelgard being unwilling to allow the other two nations to co-exist with her versus subjugating them is the more villainous angle that's more in alignment with other FE would-be conquerors, but the motivations are definitely different, and thus the results are. 

    Just because the motivations are seemingly different doesn't make her any better than people like Walhart. He was essentially trying to do the same thing (stop the revival of Grima, though he apparently never revealed it outside of a private conversation), but he completely went about it the wrong way because a majority of people don't like conquerors and will always try to fight back.

  11. 1 hour ago, Crysta said:

    The future Edelgard forges for Fodlan if she wins is arguably the best ending

    Nah, Verdant Winds was probably the best ending, until Cindered Shadows came along where Hapi takes out TWSitD no matter what in her solo ending, which makes Blue Lions the best ending imo (due to the least amount of main character deaths).

    1 hour ago, Crysta said:

    Byleth is no longer emotionally stunted by the crest stone anchor on his heart.

    That is a huge assumption to make, especially since Byleth didn't change their personalities in their S supports in CF. Same with the Slitherers getting "a more thorough trouncing".

    1 hour ago, Crysta said:

    That isn't really the case with Edelgard.

    Except it is. Things like trying to kill enemies before they can even oppose and trying to conquer other countries as the aggressor more often than not put you in the darker light, especially in Fire Emblem games.

    8 hours ago, omegaxis1 said:

    You mean the "assassination" that seems to have way too many flaws to be really something Edelgard would have intended on?

    No matter how many flaws you try to look into it (which this game is full of unfortunately), you can't deny it was presented to us in the game as the sole reason for the assassination. Anything else you try to come up with really can't be fact until it's shown in the game.

    8 hours ago, omegaxis1 said:

    This bandit attack happening is what causes the teacher to run off, and Jeritza was apparently gonna replace him had that happened. Not to mention that Edelgard, despite being Jeritza's superior, had no use for him. Like, that makes no sense for that to be the case. 

    And yet, nothing in the game points this to actually being the reason, even when they brought Jeritza on as a character.

  12. 1 minute ago, omegaxis1 said:

    How is that anything about starting a war for the sake of conquest solely?

    I never said it was for the sake of conquest solely. Her wanting to conquer other countries is the problem no matter what.

    As for fixing the Empire, we have gone over this before. She could easily raise her own army or get help to truly take over the Empire from the nobles who has taken control from the Emperor.

    5 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    Not knowing that you committed a crime doesn't change that you overall played a role. Flayn being ignorant over what Rhea does and what her brother overall advocates is a problem in and of itself. 

    Find it interesting that you refer to MCU. Another big problem with the villains was their plan in The Winter Soldier, where they want to kill anyone who could potentially go against them (Project Insight). Of course, Edelgard tried to do the same thing by getting Dimitri and Claude murdered before they could even voice their opinions against her, which is another huge issue I have with her.

    8 minutes ago, Moltz23 said:

    The issue is as far she's concerned, she already fixed Adrestia via the whole "corrupt noble purging" thing she does (sans the molemen issue which is more complex 'cause they have agents in the Kingdom as well).

    If that is the case, then there really isn't any need for her to conquer Fodlan just to liberate it. She should have been fine with her own country.


  13. 2 minutes ago, Moltz23 said:

    Isn't Edelgard using conquest as a means to liberate humans from the Church/Rhea's influence tho? I recall her stating something like that when you fight her on Embarr in VW/SS.

    That might be her reasoning, but this goes back to why she decides to conquer Fodlan when she could have tried to fix her country first. Also, she says that to Flayn, who she should know that, of all people, doesn't have power over anyone.

    2 minutes ago, Darkmoon6789 said:

    I do think myself that starting a war for freedom is exactly what she did, the conquest part is secondary. It is a means to an end, but freedom is the end

    The way I see it, the conquering part is the issue. The way we are raised today, that isn't acceptable. If she was able to fix her own country instead, then I would be more inclined to be on her side (especially if Rhea/the Church chose to attack her).

  14. 11 minutes ago, Darkmoon6789 said:

    she is way too selfless and have intentions way too good for that to be a possibility and that is if I would agree that actions were a mistake

    I find myself disagreeing with her when she says things such as:


    No matter how much blood flows at my feet, I will not relent. We must break the bonds that the depraved church has placed on Fódlan. These sacrifices will allow us to create a future where we never need sacrifice again. It may seem contradictory, but it's the only way.

    After you pick the CF path.

    There's a difference between someone starting a war to fight for freedom and someone starting a continental war to conquer it.

  15. 15 minutes ago, MithRevan said:

    I doubt IS individually go through the game in every language and approve everything, more likely they trust the translators.

    Maybe not all of the languages, but they would probably go through the most popular one. There's a reason that they changed Bernadetta's support, even if it was just cutting out a voiceclip, we just don't know exactly who was the one to order it. In the end, for better or for worse, the changes are official.

  16. 1 hour ago, omegaxis1 said:

    In fact, what you said is not in the manifesto, and the first part which I bet is what happens in the prologue, is once more something lost in translation, cause Treehouse sucks.

    I notice that you keep on deflecting translation issues, but from what I recall, doesn't IS approve these? If they see something they don't like, they should be able to tell NoA to retroactively change them, such as the Bernadetta support.

  17. 3 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    You can't say that he's like redeemed Dimitri in the latter half of Azure Moon.

    And Claude, again, admitted he wanted to be Fodlan's supreme ruler himself. Like, let's face facts here. What he said isn't some joke. Ultimately, he wanted to conquer Fodlan as well.

    True that he isn't redeemed, but from what we have seen in CF, he hasn't consistently tried to keep on attacking the Empire like his other self (pre-redemption) did.

    As for Claude, he still wasn't willing to go through war to get what he wanted. Even at the end of his route (along with AM), he chose to leave Fodlan in Byleth's hands.

  18. 1 minute ago, omegaxis1 said:

    Edelgard did do something that can said to be morally wrong. But the same can easily be applied to everyone else. 

    No, because for both Dimitri and Claude, what they did was in reaction to what Edelgard did (declaring war and forcing their countries' nobles to pick a side). If Edelgard never declared war, they would have never needed to do what they did. Also, in the case of Claude, he was never willing to go to war like Edelgard was, and in the case of Dimitri, at least in CF, he never

  19. 1 hour ago, omegaxis1 said:


    Please try to realize that if someone tells you "surrender or die" (which is what Edelgard did), you literally don't have a choice other than those two seeing that Edelgard immediately declared war on the Church, and wasn't open to other options. Also, putting the fault on the Kingdom or Alliance for choosing to fight back instead of allowing the Empire to roll over them is pretty ridiculous. The blame should always be put on the instigator, and that's how it always worked in the Fire Emblem series.

  20. 2 hours ago, omegaxis1 said:

    Rhea is the one that set the doctrine that Crests are worshipped. Rhea opposing Edelgard when the Empire is crippled means that Edelgard has nothing to fight back in the end. So all you're proposing is a crippled Empire still being forced to follow the will of the Church, but now one that is entirely lacking the military might to oppose the Church. 

    Once again, if Edelgard ended up telling Rhea the truth, she might end up siding with Edelgard in this case (which in the end, goes back to your original post).

    2 hours ago, omegaxis1 said:

    Again. Bergliez controls the military and Edeglard only gains the military strength though his support. 

    Again, she has many followers who would likely side with her. How else do you think Dimitri gained support in the non-CF paths?

    2 hours ago, omegaxis1 said:

    What chaos and strife for a thousand years? Like, the entire Loog rebellion might have been caused by their help, but that happened roughly 400 years before the game started. That's the farthest back event that can be traced to be their influence after the War of Heroes. Are you gonna say that they brought Dagda to invade now? 

    Because there are cases of them doing other things, such as launching a missile that destroyed Aillel. I highly doubt that the Agarthans were sitting around doing nothing for all of these years.

    2 hours ago, omegaxis1 said:

    The Agarthans are that. They are consumed by hatred and the desire for revenge that it twisted them. 

    Even though the DLC book seems to show that they were just scared of a dragon (for some reason believing she would flood the world), and decided to launch a preemptive strike that resulted in the destruction of their lands (which I assume are old names for Fodlan and whatnot), still believing that Sothis would flood the world with Despair though she just resurrected it.

    2 hours ago, omegaxis1 said:

    Would it not? Cornelia was in Faerghus. Coup could still happen easily. Then Edelgard has the Empire and Dukedom to go about. 

    Seeing that the Church is still in power, I don't think this would happen easily like in the non-CF routes.

    2 hours ago, omegaxis1 said:

    Yeah, in the end, that twitter post is just false that is trying to defend using fallacies. 

    Guess that explains those differences. Definitely seems pretty bad for Rhea to block these.

    2 hours ago, omegaxis1 said:

    Who gave rights to do anything to anyone? The answer is no one. 

    Depends. The first was to fight against someone who has taken over a part of Fodlan through the power of her family (and said person clearly wouldn't be reasoned with), as for the others, wars for seceding are different from wars where you want to take over the entire continent when there were other methods to go about things.

  21. 14 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    The Crests are put as worship because of the Church. Now, unless you are gonna say that she severs all ties with the Church, which would result in conflict with the Church, Edelgard cannot implement her system so long as the Church remains in power. 

    This is exactly what I am saying. It would be on Rhea on whether or not she would want to start another war, and assuming that Edelgard told Rhea why she was doing this (the Agarthans being behind the nobility in Fodlan), I doubt Rhea would be against Edelgard at this point.

    15 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    The odds of them willing to help her in a civil war is far less likely than helping her fight the Church. 

    Seeing that she had people who had known her for a very long time, I don't think that this would be the case.

    16 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    ... I'm sorry, but are you going on the assumption that the Agarthans can replace absolutely everybody?

    No, I am on the assumption that they have been causing chaos and strife for thousands of years, and have been in different bodies during those times. For example, they were the ones to help Faerghus to be born.

    19 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    The report very much proves something.

    It proves that there are sides to everyone that reveal how difference in perspectives changes everything.

    That might be true, but I would still argue that there's a huge difference between Rhea who is trying to keep Fodlan afloat as opposed to Agarthans who outright hate her/Fodlan and keeps on trying to cause chaos everywhere.

    19 minutes ago, Darkmoon6789 said:

    I have to say I found the evidence in the encyclopedia of Fodlans insects to be quite damning against Rhea. Especially the part of suppressing medical knowledge so that people would be more reliant on white magic and therefore the church for healing illness. 

    The thing is, that book is probably outdated. Here's someone's post about it (multiple tweets): https://www.twitter.com/XtremeChrono/status/1228113769714176001

    20 minutes ago, Darkmoon6789 said:

    She is still starting a war, the chance of major change in the world is reduced compared to the continental war and it could be just as bloody.

    Assuming that the Kingdom, Alliance, and Church sit this out, I do not thing it would be as bloody as a continental war.

    21 minutes ago, Darkmoon6789 said:

    Not to mention that Edelgard wants to help people in more than just her own nation

    Issue is, who gives her the right to do this? If this she was elected to do so, that would be one thing, but doing it through brute force just isn't the way to go.

  22. Just now, omegaxis1 said:

    Except she wouldn't. The nobility would still remain as nobles. Because the Crests are still worshipped. So long as Crests remain worshipped, thanks to the Church, the nobility will always bear political power. 

    But she would be simply forcing her ideals on her country instead of the continent. That means crests wouldn't be worshipped.

    4 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    Flayn went to sleep as a result of expending her power throughout the war. That isn't a case of how she was being hunted. No Nabateans were being hunted. Cause again, Nemesis thought he slaughtered them all, and no one else knew about the Nabateans. 

    Hence why I point out that the lie was never intended to protect the Nabateans. 

    Ahh, that is true. I do admit I was wrong about this.

    4 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    Unfortunately, if she turned on them, the power is easily taken if she tried anything. And again, this civil war of yours ignores how the Crests would still be worshipped and prevent the nobility system from being reformed. 

    No, because she would still have commanders who placed her trust in her following her (Ladislava, Caspar's uncle, etc.), and she would simply enforce her ideals in the Empire instead of all of Fodlan. Rhea accepting that or getting annoyed is a different story.

    6 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    We're talking about who the bigger liars are, and that is objectively Rhea. Because she's been constantly lying to the people for over a thousand years. This is not even debatable. 

    It is when you have people taking the form of others to cause havoc throughout the continent, which was also on a daily basis.

    7 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    Again, Rhea is merely speaking from her biased perspective.

    And until there is anything else we have to go off of, that's what we have to accept. Same with Byleth being stillborn, Sitri offering to give her life for theirs, etc.

    10 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    The report entirely contradicts everything Rhea said about them. 

    Once again, you are saying to not trust Rhea, but it can easily be turned around by saying we shouldn't trust the Agarthans, especially with how much strife they have caused over the years and are the true villains.

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