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Posts posted by MrPerson0

  1. 1 hour ago, SHEmperor said:

    It's a Edelgard paralogue but it's mostly to ward off Almyran invasion.  You can assume that they invaded either to avenge Claude or Claude lives and he tries to take back the alliance using Almyran forces.

    Thanks for that info and video, must have missed it.

    1 hour ago, CyberNinja said:

    As for the argument on judicial system, its been shown that many of the students have a problem with Rhea's actions I.E. they see her response as out of the ordinary, we the viewer with no context will then take her actions as unjustified, the only ones who back her are basically those that appeal to authority (she's the archbishop I guess she knows best) or explicitly devotedly religious/fanatics and anything Rhea does is automatically just. Byleth as a character was sheltered form most of this and thus may not find these sufficient and the player would as mentioned find it reinforcing the negative view implanted in them from Jeralt's suspicions and question how justified her actions are in universe.

    Guess that is true, though some of their objections are odd, such as Bernadetta's (asking if they tried to kill Rhea, would Rhea punish them in a similar manner), and Ashe questioning it means he still has bias towards his foster father attempting to do this. Though, the students were convinced that the members didn't want to assassinate Rhea even though it was already mentioned, and confirmed again in a paralogue.


  2. 3 hours ago, CyberNinja said:

    Jerald's death is less an assassination and more the whim of kronya who is shown not to be mentally stable.

    TWSitD saw Byleth as a threat to them. They knew that the only way to get to him outside of the church was through revenge, so that's why they chose to kill Jeralt.

    As I mentioned earlier in the topic, even though Edelgard was not directly responsible for Jeralt's death, she failed to tell anyone about who Monica truly was, and thus, was responsible indirectly.

  3. 2 hours ago, goodperson707 said:

    Yes I have proof there's a Judical system in place in Fodlan more specifically the Empire. (House Herving is in charge of it though House Varley has been moving into that area with the decline of the church there) I was just more focused on reiterating my point in response to you moving the goalposts. (And your request for proof was tied into that)  

    Was that really talked about in the BE path? Or something only mentioned through the texts in the library? If the latter, I can see why no one really brought it up in general, since what the Empire does has no bearing on the Church and vice versa (seeing that they haven't sent a lord to Garreg Mach in over 200 years). And when did I move goalposts? It's common sense that a judicial system is not normally in FE at all, especially when people asking for one need to realize that these people (Western Church, Edelgard, etc.) committed many atrocities and were out to kill anyway. The Flayn and Seteth paralogue really showed how far gone the Western Church truly are when they started exclaiming that they know how to worship Saint Cihol and Cethleann ...in front of those very two people, and were willing to kill if necessary.

    3 hours ago, goodperson707 said:

    How does that counter my point that taking away crests from the equation and it being the exact same but with no crests is not a safe assumption? 


    Because if they didn't have the crests, Fodlan would have been overrun, and there would be no Edelgard, Dimitri, etc.

    22 minutes ago, SHEmperor said:

    Almyra does do an invasion in a paralogue irregardless of whether you spare Claude or not. 

    Which paralogue? IIRC, the Alois and Shamir one takes place before the timeskip, and the Hilda and Cyril one can only be done on a non-Edelgard path.

  4. 14 hours ago, goodperson707 said:

    Having a Judical system is a reason to expect a Judical system, you can argue the possible details of that system and the assumptions that could be made of it but the concept does exists here.  

    So, you don't have an actual example? Seeing that none of the previous Fire Emblem games had such a system in place, there is no reason for people to expect one here.

    14 hours ago, goodperson707 said:

    If the state of Fodlan was exactly the same but without crests sure, I don't think that's safe to say at all though. 

    Seeing that Fodlan wasn't the country to truly technology advance in the beginning, it definitely is safe to say.

    7 hours ago, wissenschaft said:

    Are we forgetting that Rhea is a dragon. Are we going to pretend if we learned the real world was controlled by some alien being that we would be ok with that and just accept it? Yeah sure, leave the church as it is, under some crazy dragon that masquerades a human.

    So, just forget that Awakening, Gaiden/Echoes, Fates, etc. had people worshiping dragons? This art: https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/fireemblem/images/5/57/Church_of_Seiros.png/revision/latest?cb=20190530095507

    even depicts the goddess ruling over dragons.

  5. 11 minutes ago, goodperson707 said:

    Maybe because a judicial system does exist in Fire Emblem Three Houses? 

    Something similar to due process that we have? If so, where?

    12 minutes ago, goodperson707 said:

    And they used the power of crests (among other things) that is different then needing them. 

    They barely were able to beat the invading Almyrans with the crests. It's safe to say that without the crests, they would have been overrun, which is why the crests are needed.

  6. 14 minutes ago, Mage Goddess Lysithea said:

    I doubt Heroes made THAT much of an impact to the other big factors of its success because if so Echoes would've done a bit better and it got the main characters to promote that and didn't help it especially for the west. That being said unlike Echoes Three Houses was much more smarter giving us the central Protagonist completely free for buying the game and he's VERY good as well THAT'S how you market a mainline game for a mobile spin-off. Real major factors: 

    Heroes and Echoes both came out in 2017, so it didn't really have that big of an install base by the time Echoes released. By 2019, Heroes grew considerably. Also, in general, remakes don't sell well in general. This is seen with both Echoes and Metroid: Samus Returns, both games are remakes of what many would call the black sheep of their respective franchises, and in turn, didn't do well in sales.

  7. 19 hours ago, Cadros said:

    From the get-go you know Jeralt doesn't fully trust Rhea,

    He didn't trust Rhea because he didn't want to accept the fact that his wife would give up her life for their child. From what I recall, after the Remire village incident, he starts wondering if they should have left the church at all.


    19 hours ago, Cadros said:

    There's a difference between retaliation and genocide. She offers them no alternative punishment except death, and does so right in front of a person that barely knows her. I'm not saying it's not likely that others would respond similarly, but the manner in which Rhea presents herself in regards to the Western Church is quite scary to see from someone with so much power and expected to be a holy authority.

    Why do people keep on expecting a judicial system in a Fire Emblem game, where they have always been based on medieval times that ignored such a thing? Remember how Chrom's police and the Feroxians had free reign to kill any bandits out there? The fact of the matter is, the moment they confront Western Church members, the Western Church members are out to kill.

    Also, people seem to forget that the Fodlans needed the powers of the crests to (barely) beat the invading Almyrans in a battle a while back (year 960 or so). It's safe to say that without the crests, Fodlan would have been overrun. Outside of that, the fault of the current crest system falls on the nobles, who will always find some way to discriminate/have more power over others.

  8. 5 hours ago, Dayni said:

    That game got marketed pretty strongly at the time, there was a good deal of advertising for it, particularly internationally after it did better than the minimum expected in Japan. It also was similarly early in the 3DS era, which probably helped matters.

    Don't think it was really marketing. From what I heard, Fire Emblem was heavily marketed in Japan, but even there, sales were slumping. It's likely thanks to the introduction of Casual mode that helped make the series prosper, as it allowed more people to play the game without worry of permadeath.

  9. 28 minutes ago, GamerX51 said:

    Rhea was, and they simply used her secret project as a means to turn the Imperial Family against the church.

    No...they literally brainwashed Edelgard into becoming a dragon killer/demigod (giving her two crests), just like how they kept on turning people into monsters. That has nothing to do with Rhea's project in the slightest. TWSitD would have done these experiments anyway.

  10. 7 minutes ago, GamerX51 said:

    In fact, they were taking advantage of it to provide Rhea/Seiros with human guinea pigs for her "get mommy back" experiments, of which Edelgard and her entire family were victims.



    TWSitD were the ones who experimented on Edelgard and her family (Arundel has been Thales for a while apparently). They were the ones who created the crests and hero relics, and they were the ones who kept on experimenting on people. Rhea was doing her own thing by creating clones using the Crest of Flames she procured from Nemesis. AFAIK, she didn't sacrifice innocent people. Also, we only have her word in terms of what happened during Byleth's birth, so we can only assume that they were truly stillborn, and their mother (the 12th clone) wanted Byleth to live, which is when Rhea transplanted the Crest of Flames onto Byleth, which was conveniently the best way to get the proper vessel for Byleth (due to Jeralt having Rhea's blood).


  11. 9 hours ago, matchalatte said:

    I am merely pointing out perspectives that many players seem to completely miss. 

    Sure, you try to suggest "the ends justify the means", but that is also only if it is guaranteed, not a chance. For all Edelgard knew, she could killing the other leaders and their companions would have eventually lead to the bandits outing the Flame Emperor anyway.

    9 hours ago, matchalatte said:

    Killing bandits in every FE game is framed as the outcome of militaristic combats

    And the same can be said for what happened with Lonato. He was out to kill Rhea, no questions, and was willing to kill anyone in the way. That includes the students and faculty at Garreg Mach.

    Also, TWSitD likely tricked the soldiers in the kingdom to cause the Tragedy of Duscur. That doesn't mean that all of them should be exempt from being killed because those were still their actions. Same with the Western Church members. Now, killing members who had no part in this debacle (I forget if the central church did this), would be outright wrong.

  12. 2 minutes ago, matchalatte said:

    Of course it is justified in the sense that a larger scale war with higher (human) cost could be prevented.

    Could be, but she couldn't even confirm that. How many murders of innocents would it take to reach a point of confirmation? That is why some believe Edelgard became ridiculous once she tried to unit Fodlan again (whose fracture wasn't even the fault of the Church).

    4 minutes ago, matchalatte said:

    Rule of law is not a modern concept and it has existed since Babylon along with every major civilization.

    And yet, in practically every Fire Emblem game, we kill bandits who threaten our or civilians' lives without any trial. Why do people expect one all of a sudden with Lonato, who outright stated that he "must destroy these evil-doers" (Rhea and the church), and he is willing to kill Dimitri as well?

  13. 15 hours ago, matchalatte said:

    That's exactly why El's underhanded dealings were justified from a strategic perspective, precisely because she did them to achieve something.

    No, hiring bandits to kill Dimitri, Claude, and their companions (possibly even her own were back at the camp too) to try to prevent a war that she will start anyway does not justify said action.


    15 hours ago, matchalatte said:

    As the ruler during peaceful time, you should only execute people after a proper trial (fair or not).

    You really shouldn't apply modern logic to fantasy games that are based on our world's medieval times. You should also note that Rhea and the church didn't execute Lonato when he started hating them (when they executed Christophe for being a part of the Tragedy of Duscur), then only did it when he threatened to kill him.

  14. 3 hours ago, SSJDennis said:

    Do learned "classes" carry over? Or do we really need to buy the weapon ranks and such? Got some lucky 30% exams, would be terrible to redo them...

    No, they do not. However, if you master a class, in NG+, you can pay 500 renown (I believe) to learn the mastered class's skills. In the case of Byleth, they can learn gender-locked skills this way (Lifetaker for F!Byleth, Pegasus skills and I believe Vantage for M!Byleth).

  15. 15 minutes ago, Hekselka said:
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    Modern times and middle ages aren't really the same thing. If Rhea didn't held back info about the crests and their history then crests wouldn't have been glorified and wouldn't have been much of a status symbol...because who wants to be known as one of the descendants that served the guy that committed genocide? 

    In the context of this game? Yes. The reason Ingrid had so much political power despite being born in a failing house is that she has a crest. If she was a noble without a crest no noble would want her. Same for Mercedes, she got adopted by a merchant who sought out to have more status by marrying of because she has a crest. If she didn't have one she could have stayed at the church which she seemed happy at.





    I agree about modern times and middle ages not being the same thing, which is  why I also reference other FE history as well. Also, everyone knows that Nemesis committed genocide, but they still revere him. It's not farfetched to believe that humans would hold up the crests and hero relics as symbols of power.

    For Ingrid, all the blame lies on her father for trying to push her to other nobles. This is a terrible attitude which is normally seen among nobles in general anyway. In the case of Mercedes, guess that is true, but it seems she truly cared for her half-brother that came out of it.



  16. 5 minutes ago, Hekselka said:

    Crests would never have been revered or valued if people knew that their "elite ancestors" were monsters that committed genocide.



    How do you know this? In FE history (and our history), humans will always turn to weapons that give them an edge over others for power/discrimination. Do people honestly believe that Ingrid, Mercedes', etc. situation would be any different if crests weren't around? There would still be discrimination through money, land, and weapons, along with TWSitD still handing around performing experiments on people.


  17. 21 hours ago, Sire said:

    I only played on Hard difficulty. 

    In that case, you likely has 0 renown by the end of your initial run. Others have confirmed that you get 3,000 renown for beating the game on Normal, and 6,000 renown for beating it on Hard.


    1 hour ago, iavasechui said:

    Warning Blue Lions Dimitri support can be flagged as missed during Lonato invasion if you enter Sothis Holy Tomb for items during that month before you get his C rank the following month.

    Wrong topic.

    2 hours ago, Moonlit Knight said:

    I bought up to B professor level after getting E+ automatically, and that seemed more than enough to do everything. In fact, I quickly ran out of food since dining in the dining hall was what I spent most of my time on (to unlock supports everywhere), and you can’t buy simple things like onions, tomatoes, and chickpeas. 

    I still think A+ is the best since that is the only rank with three battle activity points. Every time you complete a battle that costs a point, you get 100 renown, you you'll likely make that amount back quickly.

  18. On 8/13/2019 at 3:01 AM, Tharne said:

    If I develop a game where a fairly big portion of the game is about talking to your students/exploring the monastery, I intend for people to at least talk to each student every month and build a basic relationship with them, especially the Lord of their House. 

    The issue is people might not support her/give her gifts to increase supports. Doesn't help that in battles, because Byleth can give gifts, it takes much longer to reach a certain support rank than other students getting a support with each other. This is basically Kaze living or dying in Fates all over again, and I don't think anyone liked that.

    On 8/13/2019 at 7:26 AM, DragonFlames said:

    abolish the system where people with crests are only revered because of their crests and not because of their qualities, and people without crests are treated worse than trash, especially if they're noble - a system that was deliberately created by the church from the looks of it

    The funny thing is, the Church actually was actively treating everyone equally in Garreg Mach (Seteth says this on the first day you leave your room). Edelgard blames the church for this, but the blame actually lies on the humans because they will always try to find a way to discriminate each other through power.

  19. 4 hours ago, Sire said:

    I guess for the first playthrough, the player starts with just 3000 Renown to mess around with. NG+ puts this up to 6000. However, when I went to NG++, I just got 6100. I guess this is my leftover renown as I was basically broke at the end of my NG+ file.

    I don't think you start off with any set amount of renown. In the first playthrough, by the time you can view your renown (which is when you can fix up the statues), you likely procured 3,000 by then. Also, thich difficulty did you play in? I heard you get 3,000 for clearing on Normal, and 6,000 for clearing it on Hard. Assuming that it'll be more for Lunatic and Insane.

    If you played on Normal, you probably had around 3,000 and 3,100 by the endgame respectively of each playthrough. If on Hard, probably close to 0 or 100 by then.

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