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Everything posted by Doruken

  1. Actually I just got a knight like that on one of my othe files (not the same name though). Not sure how they com about, but I've two of my own (including the knight) that just nearly maxed stats.
  2. HUGE EDIT: Lol ok. I finally figured it out after giving another try tonight. It was neither my speed, nor other circumstances that I thought to be possible problems. The actual problem was myself. I wasn't recreating the actual circumstance in order to get my required stats. I started over with prologue 2 (decided to due a normal game to use easy abusing ad such for wifi). Using frey, I got him as close to 90 exp as possible (70 exp at the time after taking out the first lancer, and fighter). Then it hit me! I restarted the map and used able as a means to drop the others to low enough hp (using the jav that could double hit but with only 77% acc so I tested my luck). One jav hit. Round pass by, and the fighter gets owned by frey (70 exp). The lancer coming from the bottom right corner is but a few feet away. My turn again. I I use able again, relying on luck again. Only one jav hit, and boy was I happy as hell. Suspended then followed the steps again. Low and behold, after frey K.O'ed the lancer,immediate +6 spiked up. I had literally creamed my pants. I then restarted using able, who got the conseculative +5's, with a +6 every 2 lvls or so afterwards I guess due to dynamics. Overall, I was overjoyed after figuring it out. I'll try and start finding times of my own as well to help further the cause now.
  3. Yea I di all that as the tutorial said. I guess it is still just my timing like Ether stated above. I was guessing that it was probably extremely tight on time as far as seconds go. Well, I'll keep trying I guess. Although maybe my Abel gaining +6 on the cavalier!frey time was just me finding a different time for him.
  4. Ok well this clock abuse stuff makes no sense to me at all. I've been trying several times to getting this thing to work. So far, it's been pretty useless by far as I haven't been able to recreate ANYTHING of what you guys are getting. From that matter, I can't say that im still doing something wrong, but overall I just want to make sure I hve a few things clear: -Are the times extremely precise or what? I mean, I clock in the right date and time, working it down into seconds, making sure I get the kill in while the times are still the same(usually save or suspend before I go or the kill). -Are there any other variables that might change the RN's as far as actions go? Like movement? I've seen on the first post about the specific things giving a set amount of RN, but does that have to do with anything involving the stats as far as getting them as low as possible? An example of what I did get was with the 00:05 time for +6 Frey on Cavalier!Abel. I set the time a minute before, and clocked it by seconds to reproduce the effect of getting +5 with Abel(one stat wasn't high enough). Instead, after the level up I still recieved +6 in my stats, an it confused the crap out of me. Previous times I had failed, and after finally clocking it to be exact and as close as possible, I receive +6 stats, which I totally didn't complain about, but the fact that the methods didn't reflect the results I was suppose to get. Maybe dynamics screwed with it a bit? Unsure of that, but still. As far as I can see, this is pretty damn hard to attempt to replicate, and some clarification on this would be excellent. To me it just seems like there is something im not quite grasping as far as producing the right stats.
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