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Posts posted by saisymbolic

  1. Odin. Some see him as a step down from Owain, but I still like him quite a bit. He also has shit stats in both Fates and Heroes but that doesn't stop me from wasting EXP and feeding him units. What can I say? His dorky speech and Dark Abs woo me every time. Also, his support with Kagero was one of a handful from Fates that I enjoyed.

    Ilyana. Okay, I know she isn't a deep or even a good character. Everyone, you can stop reminding me now. Still, I have fond memories from my youth of struggling to recruit her and, when I did finally manage to stop being stupid, her rather decent ability in battle. I also enjoyed her dialogue with Zihark in RD if you supported them together. Funny, how brief optional dialogue gives her more character than most of her supports in the prequel game.

    Makalov. I've stated this on several threads but Makalov is the definition of a "guilty pleasure" unit. His design is a bit odd; he's outclassed by the other cavaliers available before him; and he's a complete asshole with no reddeming qualities. But it's because of his douchebag nature that he's one of my favorite characters and units in the FE franchise. We need more genuine assholes in the FE series, to be honest.

  2. I'm on Team Fae using my 95% completed Fae. I can swap her out with some other unit color if necessary, though.

    Also, whoever is going under the name Sage Moonie on Heroes has this 5* Nowi with Ignis/Lightning Breath+/Fury 3/Vantage 3/Threaten Res 3, has been saving my butt during these battles. Please tell me what team you are going to next if Fae loses so your Nowi can keep protecting me as a meat shield helping me out.

  3. I don't know what team to join. None of the candidates that I have are fully decked out.

    I have Boy!Corrin and Fae are the closest I have to being finished i just need fury ffs hinata just let me pull you fuck

    I may go with Fae because she is missing only one skill, while Boy!Corrin needs, like, four.

  4. 1 hour ago, IEatLasers said:

    Soliel Character honestly makes me uncomfortable when she married Corrin. 

    Especially since the game does have a lesbian option so it’s not like they can’t do it  


    I don’t feel like Inigo liking seducing women is the same as Virion. 

    Virion specifically never claims to love women. He just proposes. Inigo is more of the fairy tale prince in that he thinks he falls in love with each pretty girl he saves. 

    But Virion it’s part of him. 

    Inigo it’s some part of his defense mechanism. He does genuinely like doing it, but he also does it to distract himself (or so, I felt like it’s inplied in his parent support when he says “well I do actually like the ladies though...” as a last minute thing. It made me think of Rick and Morty and other mean type characters, who have to make some joke to ruin a sweet moment to save their mean reputation.) 

    It's irrelevant if they do or don't seduce for the same reasons. A person can have similar tendencies to their parents but the reason behind these actions can be completely different.

    While it's stated that Olivia was the one that caused Inigo to begin flirting to get over his shyness, it isn't that hard to imagine that Virion perhaps reinforced this behavior in him when he was young—likely both directly and indirectly. Considering Virion is a rather charismatic individual that can approach just about anyone with ease, it also isn't difficult to imagine that a young Inigo saw how easily his father interacted with others and associated his flirtatious ways with his confidence. In comes a dark future where his entire world is gone, older Inigo would fall back on these ways as a crutch to cope with his situation.

    See, it's incredibly easy to spin a character's actions to fit a particular narrative. Not trying to say that you do/are but it is rather easy.

  5. Well, to play any Persona game, a PS3 at minimum is required. I'm fairly certain P3-P4 is available on the PSN for about 9.99 USD and P5 has a PS3 port.

    As for which game to play first, all of them have their strengths and weaknesses, but they are all good games despite that. It really doesn't matter which one you start if you're interested in story as all the games have their own self-contained story and don't need to be played in any specific order. As for gameplay, I wouldn't recommend Persona 3 as it has something of a hurdle to get over if you're used to controlling all the members of your party.

    Because I'm a fangirl, I want to recommend Persona 3 because it is my favorite in terms of theme. However, I think you'd really enjoy Persona 4, considering you did mention it. I personally started the series through Persona 4. While it isn't my favorite anymore, I would definitely recommend it. It does share a similar tone to TMS but don't be fooled: I would consider it to be just as dark as its family in terms of overall theme.


  6. Where the hell is this person getting this information from? It boggles my mind.

    But, I'm not going to join any teams or make any judgement despite how unrealistic I think this is.

    Partly because I'm sort of interested in the story if it were true but it really doesn't sound like something FE would try.

    I could be wrong, though. Which is why I'm not sure.

  7. 3 minutes ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

    I strongly disagree, because I'd EASILY argue that Virion's much more fitting as Inigo's father than Chrom ever was.

    Have I found someone else that believes Virion is Inigo's one true father?

    pls tell me i found another

    Onto the topic, I always found Olivia and Chrom's relationship to be founded on sudden attraction and not much else other than being the backup in case you somehow married off all his other options. I did read through the supports and, while they were cute, I still couldn't shake the notion that they sort of jumped into marriage (which I believe was mentioned in the support itself) and it wasn't something built to last (despite how the game works). The fact that you have to go back and read through their supports and the game doesn't even bother to establish anything about their relationship duirng the narrative other than the confession scene after that one chapter really hammers the nail in the coffin for me, though this could easily be blamed on the game design itself and not the characters.

    Of course, you're more than welcome to have your preferences, but I personally think Chrom and Olivia can do much better than each other.

  8. Junko Enoshima from the Danganronpa series. I have never hated a character with the passion that I hate Junko.

    You can't make her quake with fear and anger when you thwart all of the plans she's spent ages preparing. You can't turn her ideology against her or outright prove it wrong and force her to accept that she is the loser and you are the winner. You can't garner any type of reaction from her that would fill you with happiness, satisfaction or vindication that she has been trounced time and time again by your hand. You can't rejoice when she is no longer of the world and can't influence it with her vile presence.

    What makes her so fucking infuriating is that, in the end, she WANTS to feel these things. She wants to feel despair! There is no change of heart for her and no peace of mind for you because this person who has fucked over so many people still has her happiness in the afterlife when she DOES NOT DESERVE IT!

    flips table and explodes house

    She is one of those villains that you can't say you've truly defeated. There is no worth in defeating her.

    And she even finds amusement in that.

  9. Just now, Javi Blizz said:

    Also, was it just me, or there were too few green orbs? Except for 2 pulls, the was only 1 or even 0 green orbs. I was afraid I'd pull Olivia instead, as when there was no green orb, I pulled gray instead looking for some fodder. Worst thing is that I haven't got almost any useful fodder, just a bunch of 3* xd

    I keep getting a whole bunch of colorless and red orbs. Pissing me off.

    Also: I JUST PULLED OLIVIA! She's +ATK - HP.

    All the colorless orbs must have been her way of begging to come home to my castle where she belongs.

    2/4 focus units collected.

  10. Just now, thecrimsonflash said:

    and hopefully let them know that it won't fly, still though, Mozu a thousand times and far beyond before donnel's pot so I guess that's my thought on the matter.

    I do wonder if they will moderate the poll in any way, I expect it to get crazy. Goku confirmed.

    No, she needs as many votes as possible. I need my Ashnard x Mozu boss encounter conversation to happen some kind of way.

    They honestly probably only did it to spite Donnel lol

    That said, there should be some restrictions on the poll. People could just spam a singular character to rack up votes.

  11. 3 hours ago, SilvertheShadow said:

    Anna is awful 90% of the time. I don't like her personality at all and only tolerated her in Heroes, where she has a better attitude (and look :3). Unfortunately they seem to be reverting back the old trope...

    I hate money-grubbing Anna as well. I remember when Awakening first came out and everyone on YT that played the game that I watched married her and I literally could not see the appeal when I witnessed her support conversation with Robin. Even until the end, she is still an opportunistic materialist that only has love in her heart for her billions of sisters and money. Seems like she only tolerates the Avatar for potentially being useful in her schemes and scams. The only time I remotely felt something positive for her was when she was the irrelevant Tutorial Girl in some games.

    • I like the idea of Outrealms and have no ill will against their existence. I've always liked the thought of multiverses as I associate them with paradoxes, another concept I'm quite fond of. 
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