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Posts posted by Darrman

  1. @everyone who asked: yes, this is serious business. If I was trolling, your calendars would say April the 1st.


    Here's the title screen. A proto of Ch1 is in, but it's still too rough to show for now. Dismount is in, though!

    (If you're still interested in helping with things, just PM me.) Gameplay screenshots ``soon``.

  2. So I've been mulling it over for a bit, and I think my next project will be a rough port of FE3 to FE8. I'll be basing this on the original Book 2, so there's no avatar present. Names will be to my preference, leaning towards pre-Shadow Dragon fan names and the FE3 translation. Stuff like rescue will still be present, so don't worry about that.

    And since talk is cheap, have this.


  3. Celice and Julia are still pairable in Project Naga, I've done it myself. Have you reset your game? You cannot have reset your game at all in generation 2 to pair them. Else just follow the guide on Serenes, for it works. If you have reset your game, then they cannot be paired, so you'll have to resort to the cheats or deal with Celice being with a different girl/single.

  4. Continue: AS+20% chance to attack again.

    Charge: If HP>enemy HP, start another round of combat.

    Bargain: Halves shop prices.

    Prayer: When under 10 HP, increase avoid by (11-current HP)*10%, eg at 1HP, gain 100 avoid. Effect wears off after one turn.

    Great Shield: Completely nullifies incoming attack. Level% chance.

  5. At a glance, I thought you were talking about Akaneia. Oh well. Thinking of a plot is easy. Execution isn't easy. The Ultimate Tutorial should be read before you do anything, and familiarise yourself with Nightmare and Feditor-uh,EA before doing a full romhack. Just start with reskins, your plot sounds very FE8-able. Can't really say much more, but good luck!

  6. Just pair him with who you think he's cutest with, gen 2 pairings aren't as important. Still, a paired Celice is better then a single Celice, if only so he has some company once the war's over. Alternately, play the game naturally and see who nature dictates he falls for! (For me, Celice gets Lana, while Patty and Lakche got Shanan and Jo-bro respectively, but that's just my view.)

  7. I started with FE8. I was pretty bad. Even without the Wallace situation, I remember early-promoting Franz at around level 12-13. He ended up pretty sucky at the end of the day. I also fell for the old Jagen trap... except it's Seth, so it's not like I was really in much trouble. The shoulder buttons on my 3DS were broken, so I couldn't reliably check stats due to an inconsistent R, so I couldn't check stats too well. I vaguely remember buying a short bow thinking it was 1-2 range... I was disappointed.

    After that I moved on to Awakening and I just Fredrick Emblemed my way through the game. On Normal/Casual... and when he fell off, I had to do *loads* of grinding since no-one was promoted. I also used Donnel. *sighs* Bar Chrom's forced marriage, no-one fell in love during the main game. Pairings were determined by 12-13 year old me's sense of "shipping", before I just paired units arbitrarily to just have the kids. i'll make that mess work with apo one day... By the time I got to FE7, I had wised up to the ways of Fire Emblem, but I was still pretty poor, as people just died often. I got wise of not Jagen spamming by then, at least!

    My Shadow Dragon run was pretty bad. For some crazy reason, I decided to ironman it, on normal mode... and people dropped like flies. Many recruitments were missed. I remember thinking Astram was a sub-boss instead of a recruitable. My units were slow in getting to promotion, and when I was nearing endgame, my units just kept dying. I remember getting both Cain and Abel killed in the final chapter, and that Aum staff actually came in useful! I used it to get myself the good ending since Sheeda had died a chapter or two before I got it. How did I even make it to endgame? I also missed the Starsphere, so I missed Starlight, so I missed the Falchion... Somehow, I didn't run into a single gaiden, since Tiki was still alive.

    Take note: this is how not to play Fire Emblem, because I was a bit of an idiot back then.

  8. You must share your hack as a patch. Creating a patch is simple: just follow the Lunar IPS instructions. However, since FE4 is a SNES game, that means you've got to deal with the infamous copier headers. Roms around the internet sometimes have around 0x200 bytes of nothing at the start of the rom. If the bytes of nothing are present, the rom is headered. If not, then it's not. Don't forget to specify which type of rom you apply it to, or else no-one will know how to use your hack. Also, are you modifying a Japanese rom or an English patched one? This is another compatibly issue: if you made the edits on a rom with the old patch, it probably won't play nice with the Japanese/Project Naga roms. And one last note: DO NOT SHARE THE ROM. If you do, you'll get banned. Share the patch.

  9. I went into FE1 and modified a character to use his character number. The game didn't crash, but he doesn't appear to have his own growths. When he levels, he takes his growths from Elice and Gotoh, who also just copy each others growths for some reason. I think that they're the default growths to fall back on in case of emergencies. I haven't found any detailed unit info, but I can't seem to find the used enemy info, let alone looking for weird unused people.

    Also, his name isn't translated in the translation patch, but that's to be expected.

  10. 3-Marth: Everyone is good with the power of star shards! Would sometimes use.

    Sigurd: He's awesome, would use every time.

    Celice: You can use everyone in 4, so... Were it traditional FE, I'd use him sometimes for the awesome after he promotes.

    Leif: See ya in benchville, bud! Come back when you're in FE4 form.

    Roy: Even with a sane promotion time, you're still riding the bench.

    Eliwood: Bench!

    Hector: You're cooler, you can get used.

    Lyn: Meh. Indifferent.

    Eirika: Come back when you actually have some strength.

    Ephraim: You can join the team, you're pretty good.

    Ike: He's good, on the team.

    11-Marth: Oh, the star shards aren't a thing... Sorry, you're meeting the bench.

    (Haven't played 10, 12. Not enough 1, 2, Fates to pass judgement. I've never played Awakening outside casual mode.)

  11. "Not a day passed that I do not think of it... Memories of my mother and father, of my home... I yearned to see it once again..."

    The italics are the added line. 19xx is Hector exclusive, yes. Don't forget to grind Nils up to level 7!

    As for the paired endings, the best bet is to just grind them properly, but that takes forever. The paired endings are weird when you mess around with cheats and hacks. For instance, I hacked Eliwood and Ninian to start with an A-rank for a thing, except the latter was an NPC to be recruited, and if you didn't recruit her, you got no ending, not even a single one.

  12. 1: I know there's a variation depending on if Eliwood and Ninian got A support between each other. From hacking inside the script, there appears to be another version with an extra line added in, presumably activated by visiting 19xx.

    2: Automatic.

    3: Intelligent Systems were just lazy, I believe they're still counted as dead. Death by dragon is still death, and I think Nils is protected by retreat magic anyway.

  13. I'm just a boring promote at 20 guy, but it's not like you're gonna hit 20/20 anyway and EXP gain doesn't suffer for the early promotion. In my book 1, most of my units weren't promoted by the endgame, and only a handful hit 20. The legendary weapons are useful for gaining EXP, since they double gain. In Book 2, I had almost all my units promoted by the endgame, and I just went mad with Gradivus beforehand and ended up just ramming 20/20 with Palla since she's cool like that. Your archers and mercs will appreciate the Parthia and Mercurius respectively if you want more exp.

  14. This topic looks interesting. Here's mine.

    17444: Ananas. Just posted in a few threads about Fates, left after two weeks.

    17445: JaylKarus. Never posted. Last seen April.

    17446: Elrik. Never posted, left within a week.

    17447: Me. A lurker who posts mainly in the older FE sections every so often.

    17448: Invisabella. Posted once in the Fates fan translation thread.

    17449: CyborgZeta. Active enough in Serious Discussion.

    17450: Khan-Maria. Apparently tried to be part of the Fates fan translation... but got kicked and left after two weeks.

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