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Posts posted by Darrman

  1. Considering peg knights have used lances in every single game in the series, lances are their thing. The matter of what falcoknights can use, however, is one I find interesting. I prefer sword/lance to lance/staff myself, considering their magic isn't amazing post-promotion and swords don't weigh them down so much in the games where that's relevant. FE4 has sword/lance/staff falcos, clearly the best option.

  2. 8 hours ago, Extrasolar said:

    Heck, when Jagen tells him he needs to choose which units to deploy:

    Marth: "Um...all of them."
    Jagen: "Sire, you can't do that. You must choose which units to deploy."
    Marth: "Oh, okay! Um...all of them."

    For the record, there is no actual line in FE1 along the lines of that. That quote is paraphrased from a let's play of FE1, and one where Marth acts fairly out of character at that. Battle preparations just appears in FE1 with no explanation and the cutscene alerting the player to battle preparations was added into FE11.

  3. I decided to take it upon myself to calculate the children's scores, since things are going a bit slow in that department.


    fine i guess i'm gonna count the ratings

    Lakche: 8 +3.5 +7 +7 +6.5 +4.5 +3 +3.5 +6 +3 +9.5 +3 +2 +3 +6 +9.5 +8= 5.47/10, 17 votes
    Ska: 7+ 3+ 7+ 6.5+ 6+ 4+ 3+ 3.5 +5 +3 +7 +2.5 +2 +3 +6 +9 +7.5= 5/10, 17 votes
    Badney: 2+ 5+ 2.5+ 2.5+ 3+ 3 +2 +3 +1 +2 +4 +2= 2.67/10, 12 votes
    Roddlebad: 2+ 5+ 2+ 1.5+ 3+ 2 +1 +3 +1 +2 +3 +2= 2.29/10, 12 votes

    Lester: 7+7+4+4+8+5+7.5+7+5.5+6+7+6+4.5+4.5+7+6.5 = 6.03/10, 16 votes
    Lana: 6.5+8.5+9+8+8.5+6.5+8.5+7+8+10+7+9+7.5+5+8.5= 7.83/10, 15 votes
    Dimna: 2+2.5+2+2+4+2.5+2+2+2+2+3= 2.36/10, 11 votes
    Mana: 2.5+3+3+2.5+1+3.5+1.5+3+2.5+3 = 2.32/10, 11 votes

    Delmud: 7 7 9 6 7.5 7.5 6.5 6.5 7.5 8 4.5 7.5 6 6.5 7.5 = 6.97/10, 15 votes
    Nanna: 7.5 8.5 8 8.5 6 6 7 9 6.5 7 7 8 7.5 7 8.5= 7.47/10, 15 votes
    Tristan: 5 3 4 5 4.5 4.5 5.5 1.5 5 3.5 =4.15/10, 10 votes
    Janne: 6 5 6 5 4 5 3.5 2 5 3.5 =4.5/10, 10 votes

    Ha, the mounted healer got beat by the foot healer. Take that, horses!

  4. Delmud has always been thoroughly mediocre for me. He has good availability, I suppose, arriving very early on, but he never can really do much. He starts with an iron sword and inheritance, if his dad happens to be Beowulf or another sword user. If dad happens to be Fin or any other not-sword user, bye-bye any sense of early usability. For skills, Delmud will always have his mother's Charisma, and combined with his horse, he can serve a decent non-combat role buffing his allies. When it comes to combat, he tends to be rather mediocre. You can give him a Silver Blade to help fix that and let him go nuts against Ch6 bandits, but once enemies get out of negative avoid territory, he'll start having problems with it until he promotes and gets a crazy +9 skill. Sure, he mightn't be bad promoted, but you've got plenty of other competent mounts already. Do you really need him?

    I guess he has Charisma? He never gets truly great. 5 -0.5 bias since I do not like him for a 4.5/10. First playthrough I sacrificed Delmud to the Dark Warlords to help rig the RNG to aid Sety in dodging the Hel mage. The next run he got skill-screwed. Badly. -7 skill anyone?


    As for his sister, she's a more useful unit than chumpy Delmud, but that's not exactly tough to match. Nanna comes at the start of Chapter 7, stuck with her husband-to-be and her father Leaf and Fin defending Lenster Castle against a huge horde of eight units. Nanna brings mounted healing to the table here, and if she inherits Return you can just ignore the whole "defend Lenster" thing and bring the entire party back to base. Whatever skills Delmud has, Nanna will also have, what with them being siblings and all that. Having two mounted charismabots are better then having one, and this bot can heal... not very much. Nanna tends to start with around three magic or so. Rather underwhelming. At least she can heal, if not by very much. Promotion doesn't improve staff rank and just gives a useless lance rank, so she isn't using anything better than Mend ever. Still, 26 HP with 8 move isn't bad. Her combat is alright, though not excellent by any means. Talking to Fin in Ch7 does give her five speed if he's actually dad this time around.  She isn't a master knight like her mother, but she can marry a master knight. That's close enough, right? Right? Funny thing is that would actually work in FE14.

    Nanna has a horse and staff access. That's always nice. Charisma helps too. 7/10.
     I believe that their father is Beowulf and/or Fin.

  5. On ‎15‎/‎02‎/‎2017 at 5:45 AM, OliKad said:

    If I don't update them by the 16th at noon (in my timezone, at least) then very violently remind me to stop being a lazy fuck, okay? Thank you :)

    It's the 20th. I'll be sending a level 30 Narga!Julia to you ready to knock some sense into you. In case you fell asleep, she has a restore staff too.  A man who doesn't like Delmud can't be kept waiting forever to rant about him!

  6. Let's get ready for another MAFC! I've watched every single submission for the previous MAFCs in preparation. Will Tequila retain his crown? Will I get revenge for last time? Can Circles wizard the win to him, or can Zim use his track record to his advantage? Maybe Pwntagonist will slip through and steal the victory? There's only one way to find out, and that's... wait patiently until Ghast gets the videos ready. Playing chapters and editing videos and real life take time, after all.

  7. Lester isn't anything special. He's got a horse, sure, but his stats aren't amazing and... yeah, I really don't have much to say about him. He gets points for availability, I guess. Showing up on like turn 3 of chapter 6 is pretty early. Maybe I could talk for longer if I ever got him a dad that gave him a bow, but I was a chump the first time and made his dad Dew and later on I just made his sister good at his expense. Sorry Lester. At least you get a bit of bias for your name hardly changing ever. Stops you from being swallowed up by the namewanking wars. He comes with no skills from mum so dad kinda needs to pick up the slack; someone with Pursuit is as always a good idea for him. Inheritance is also important for him to go anywhere. Midir exists for a reason, you know; get him Pursuit! He's not bad when he gets the brave/killer bows, but he's never gonna be a standout.
    Honestly, you're kinda underwhelming for me. Take a 4 with the bias I promised you so you have a 4.5/10. Yay. Go play with Delmud in the gen 2 chump corner.

    As for his sister, she's a much better unit. Even if you decided to make Lester half-competent by making dad Midir or Jamka, Lana's always gonna be decent. The staffbot is still gonna staffbot, after all. Remember when you needed to wait half the game before you could start throwing Physics at people? Well because of inheritance, you don't need to wait for anything, you've got it out of the gate! And unlike Lester who needs to cross his not-yet existent fingers that Aideen would fall for Midir or something, Lana can start with everything her mother had. Only up to B-rank, though a quick date with Claude and a conversation that kinda spoils the BBQ, you dastard, was getting Rescue for keeps really worth it, you could fall for Azel instead and get the game kinda telling you "no, wrong pairing, he goes with Tiltyu you idiot"...   can fix that and get you early Rescue to keep in gen 2! Skillwise she has nothing, though dad might give her Pursuit and Charge sometimes. She doesn't need a thing, however, as fighting isn't her job. She can't even fight until promotion anyway, though she isn't horrible in the arena with Pursuit and a wind, but why am I going on about a healer being in combat again. She also appears turn 1 so she'll be keeping you alive right from the beginning of the generation. If Celice had his way when he told her "nuns and warfare DO NOT mix", then I wouldn't be writing this, would I?
    Lana does staff things. And she does them well. She's also cute and she still had her life at the end of that one ironman I did so you get bias. Take 8+1 for a nice 9/10. Now you're the lucky one that ends up with Celice for me. Always. Help him kick that incest habit a bit.

  8. I've never done any myself, but let's theory the Kaga games.



    Oh, this is gonna be fun. You'll have exactly one combat unit until Chapter 10. Enjoy your Sheeda solo. FE11 exclusive people and notes are in italics.

    1: Sheeda carries the game... because she's soloing half of it.
    1: Playing FE11 on normal? Sacrifice a bunch of chumps to get a chumpy archer. Yay.
    3: At least Rena can heal us now.
    6x: For those opting to play the remake and choosing to sacrifice those useless men, you get Athena here.
    10: I guess Maria's here as well.
    11: Linda arrives ready to zap things with Aura.
    12: Hi Midia. You're here.
    14: Paola shows up, and I guess she's alright.
    14: As does her sister. Katua's fine too.
    18: Hi Est, that fancy Miracle Sword you have is kinda useless since only Marth can use it. Or perhaps you killed all those men and you can let Athena go nuts now.
    19: Hope you dragged Marth to old man Banutu's house, because you get Chiki the final boss slayer here. Also about time you gave me an Elysian Whip and Guiding Ring, game.
    24: Ellis, it's too late. The game's pretty much over. Take Gato's Fortify and spam it.
    24x: Marth doesn't like Banutu, so one of his army of ladies ended up slaying Chiki instead. And then Linda forgot how Starlight worked and Garnef ran off with the Falchion. Or maybe you got everything but that little dragon stole Marth's sword and got herself killed. At least Ellis is useful now. ...That was a long winded way of saying "you get Nagi."



    We're gonna split this by route.

    Alm's Route
    Starting army is entirely male, so play normally until the Thief Shrine is cleared.
    Thief Shrine: Yay, we get a healer! ...Who also has to fight! With a really inaccurate spell! Thanks Silk, can't you hit something with that Nosferatu?
    South Fort: A combat unit with a not-fixed accuracy spell! Alas, Claire isn't known for soloing horde of units unpromoted.
    Dozer's Fort: Matilda can pull her weight well. But can you even make it there?
    Floodgate: If you can manage to not kill her, you'll be able to get Dyute to zap things now.
    Nuibaba's Manor: After a long, painful slog, you can get Teeta to join you.

    I very highly doubt this is doable without grinding. With grinding, you can go nuts with Falcoknight Claire murdering monsters and Dyute throwing Ragnaroks everywhere, but without it, I don't think it's possible.

    Celica's Route
    The starting army has females in it, the lord is a girl, for goodness sake.
    Cloister: Let's go! Celica's the main character, and she shouldn't be in much trouble during Boat Emblem.
    ": You also get Jenny for healing, physicing, illusioning, etc. 
    ": May's also around to be a combat unit. ...And that's all you have during Boat Emblem! At least Celica's competent.
    Sofia Port: Remember the Pegasus sisters of FE1? Well they're back. And they're really really good. Paola helps carry the game.
    ": As does Katua. She also has the Angel Ring, so rake in the +2s!
    Geyse's Fort: Est is here too. She isn't even that bad anymore.
    ": You get Sonia here as well if you chose correctly. Dean is a man so it's not exactly a contest...

    A much easier trip. If in doubt, triangle attack it.

    ...You know, Doma isn't dying without Alm stabbing him. Welp. Do you really think you can get Silk to zap him with those fixed-hit Resires?



    I'd probably forget someone if I covered FE12, so I won't. Book 1 is the FE1 chart, so let's do Book 2. It's an easier task then FE1, since the girls mainly show up in earlygame.

    1: Cecil solos... one single horde of bandits. Marth can even talk Lawrence out of a fight! Afterwards she's a cavalier and that's a good thing.
    1: Malliesia heals things. And opens chests for good measure. Don't forget about Hammerne.
    2: Katua shows up early and she goes nuts.
    3: Then Paola appears next chapter and carries the game.
    3: Linda also shows up early on and makes herself useful.
    4: Yumina can rescue things. And act as backup healer.
    5: Hello Sheeda. Unfortunately, she isn't as great here. Still, she shouldn't get benched here.
    7: Feena arrives! Now we can move again!
    9: Minerva isn't really as important this time around, but it doesn't hurt to have her.
    14: Chiki's back. And you don't need Banutu this time. Don't forget the starshards! Also Warp and Again get.
    15: Yay, it's Est... At least there's still room for you.
    17: And now we get Sheema in all her usefulness. Which is not a lot.
    20: Hello Midia, you're still here... Assuming you don't get killed because we were too slow.
    F: Nina is dragon food. Ellis is dragon food. Rena is dragon food. You can save Maria, though!



    Generation split is in effect. The prologue might be the hardest in the game... but it's probably gonna be Ch2. It's always Ch2. 

    First Generation

    P-1: Hello Ethlin, you're gonna have to solo this first chapter. Have fun killing those bosses.
    1-1: Aideen does the healing thing. So long as she doesn't get eaten by bandits.
    1-2: Perhaps you needed to sacrifice Alec to her, but Aira will make life easier.
    1-3: Deirdre, silence Sandima. Nice knowing you after 3-1.
    2-1: Can you save Lachesis? Better get moving. If you can, then let's get ready for master knight hype.
    2-2: We get Sylvia! And she's got the whole four-way dancing thing going on! Problem is she's kinda out of the way.
    2-3: Fury's your only flier, so she's automatically useful for that.
    3-3: Hi Briggid, fire some arrows into these annoying things.
    3-3: Tiltyu, meet bench. Go hang around that Azel chump, he's not even that manly a man.
    5-4: Alvis's Barhara Barbeque! Everyone died, the end. Well, the girls tended to die in timeskip, but meh. Onwards!

    Second Generation

    6-1: Instead of a long boring Ethlin solo, we get Lakche demolishing 6-1. Harold never knew what was coming. Neither did the rest of the game, they were too used to her being benched.
    6-1: Sometimes the RNG hates you so you get hit. No worries, just let Lana heal you.
    6-2: Hello final boss nuke! At least Julia has a decent amount of availability.
    6-2: Fee's got flight, so get on the team.
    7-1: Isn't it nice to be able to steal things? Well now you can. If only Patty was competent at combat.
    7-1: I hope you don't mind cheesing Lenster, because you aren't doing it legit with just Nanna. At least she can use a return ring to not die.
    7-4: Dancing returns! Leen isn't much different from Sylvia, but dancing is dancing.
    7-4: At least you showed up earlier, Tinny. I guess you have magic damage?
    9-3: It's been a while since we had holy weapon goodness. Go nuts and let Altenna slay things with the Gae Bolg.

    I don't know enough about Thracia to comment on that, and 6-10 have already been done.

  9. Finally, we start up the kids! Lakche and Skaskher are the children of Aira and both are fairly similar. I guess we'll start with Lakche? Not-LTCers love Lakche. She shows up right off the bat at the start of Ch6 with all the stuff her mother has, along with an iron blade. Skillwise, she has Pursuit, Nihil, Astra... and whatever dad happened to have! She could gain Vantage and Paragon. Perhaps Luna might be your thing. Or maybe you like her with Charge and Critical. It all depends on who you pair Aira with. Lakche is kinda crazy no matter what, especially if you let her mother keep that brave sword of hers, but honestly, I wouldn't recommend it because Lakche gains Continue and some nice stats on promotion to swordmaster! Then she goes nuts. If she can catch up, anyway. She gets left in the dust sometimes. Problems of six move.
    She's kinda nuts, but she gets left behind a fair bit later on. Take a 6/10, I guess. Now maybe we can get a Swankicha user in a hypothetical gen 3.

    As for her brother, he's not as infamously crazy as his sister, though he's not bad by any means. He also starts with an iron blade, but Ska isn't guaranteed inheritance. This is where the "Lex kills Chagall 2 for Silver Blade" thing comes from. Pair Aira with Holyn or Noish to avoid this issue. Everything I mentioned about skills is common to both of the sword twins, so yeah. Ska has a worse promotion, though; Heroes are strictly worse than Swordmasters. Sorry about that. +3 magic in exchange for a bunch of skill/speed? No thanks.
    He's slightly worse, so I go down to 5.5, except he loses bias points because I can't spell his name. 5/10.


  10. tries to check my previous ratings...  Turns out the links in the OP got broken and just lead to the forum home page instead of the actual posts.

    How did we even get talking about Levin and Cuan and Aira anyway? Holsety is ridiculous but he lacks Pursuit; 2HKOs everything and will kill with Continue and is also mounted; can hit hard with Astra overkill but as durable as tissue paper. I mean isn't it time we go and tear into how Aira's kids get left in the dust by rescue-skipping?

  11. Hannibal. Poor, useless Hannibal. The worst unit in the game. He arrives at Chapter 9, where he takes part in a very annoying recruitment sequence. He blocks your way because Trabant put his jerk hat on and decided to hold Corple hostage because why not. After using your only sleep staff charge in the whole game or rigging a sleep sword sleep activation or sending him into retreat mode or something, you better send Celice charging to the west in order to seize the second castle and then let Corple waddle up to old man Hannibal to get him on the team. So after undergoing that nightmare, what did you get? A general. In FE4. Remember Arden? He's worse. Arden at least had availability and could hit a bandit or two in Verdane. Hannibal? Useless, I say! Useless! He just gets left in the dust. His stats aren't amazing. He has Continue and Vantage and Great Shield but who cares? At least the slowcoach mages could hit res and the healers can heal. What can Hannibal do? Give you a sense of satisfaction as he Great Shields an arena chump?

    Honestly, why even bother recruiting him. 1/10. At least he has his beard. Everyone is cool if they have facial hair.

  12. It's a fine starting effort. All romhackers must start somewhere, and a reskin is a good way to learn the ropes. Plus you have screenshots so that automatically puts this high up in the concepts already; far too frequently do people show up with ideas and nothing else. For suggestions, I'd recommend balancing the prologue so Lyn can clear it; a game that can't be cleared isn't exactly a good game.

  13. Just now, Lucis said:

    That makes sense. Would this translation happen to be exceptionally larger than other FE4 translations? I find it odd that I can get Thracia to run but not FE 3 or 4. 

    Indeed it is; a patched Project Naga ROM is 8MB big. The vanilla game and older translations are only 4MB, for comparison.

  14. Altenna has the mighty Gae Bolg... but she isn't amazing, to be honest. She comes late. Very late. The final recruited unit in the game late. Around seizing Grutia Castle late, to be specific. And you might be waiting around a bit if you're playing fast, but that's not her fault, blame the map designers or something. Anyway, when you finally get her after she realises who she thought was her father actually killed her true father unless you busted out the insane rigging/luck/strats to save Cuan from his untimely fate and softlock the game in the process she's not useless or anything. As I've said, she has the Gae Bolg and all its 15 weight. But a holy weapon is a holy weapon and she'll become a physical wall with that thing equipped. However, her res leaves something to be desired and the last two chapters aren't known for their physical threats but rather the magical ones. The Wall of Edda? Mainly magical. Brian and co have physical weapons, so she can wall off the Pursuit Graunen Ritter jerks at least. Freege's army of barons? They have Thoron. Arion? Welp, she's gotta turn him green and leave the battle. But at least she can fly and might be able to catch up anyways. Did I mention she's got a pet dragon? Because she has a pet dragon. She also gets Continue and Critical, plus Pursuit on promotion. She's kinda ridiculous when you're on the receiving end of two Gae Bolg strikes, after all.

    She's not awful, but when you've only got a third of the game's worth of availability, it kinda hurts. Take a 6/10 and remember you have a holy weapon, don't throw javelins at the mages. who's Hannibal again


  15. FE4 is my favourite FE, so I don't want any remakes to go nuts with the changes. I'd just want some minor changes to the more annoying chapters; would anyone actually miss the crawls through Yied or the backtrack fest of Ch2? cough let me warp to Nodion Castle cough Anyway, other than minor map changes, just leave the game as is. Standing around grinding love points is how we did it back then! I'm not opposed to support convos, though. Maybe convert some of the +love convos to C supports or something. Maybe add trading in the inevitable casual mode.  And do something about the whole "horse=automatically good" thing. But don't nerf the good ones. Just make Noish/Alec so bad that even the LTCers hate them. General rebalances are good, though. Make armours not suck!

    And to cover the original points...

    1 hour ago, CappnRob said:

    Answers in bold.

    How pursuit works: Its no secret that one of FE4's strangest and controversial alterations to the classic FE formula was locking double attacks behind a skill.... then undermining it by basically giving almost everyone access to it, rendering non-pursuit characters less "different" and moreso just plain worthless. I'd like to see it retooled, but not totally removed. Something like how FE Binary handles it, where pursuit lowers the threshold for double attacks so speedy characters actually benefit from it without just being redundant with the existance of Adept/Continue and still keeping slower/heavier hitting classes distinct.
    I'm not really opposed to Pursuit being changed. I mean, it's the skill to rule them all, it kinda needs a nerf.

    Choosing your gold deposits: Thieves are integral to managing your funds in FE4, but the problem is they just dump everything they have at once onto a character until said character maxes out or the thief runs dry, which is really obtuse. Being able to give an exact amount (or hell, even a roughly exact amount, ie by the 10s or 100s) would make managing your money a bit more tolerable. On an aside, I think maybe a bank mechanic in towns where you can deposit gold from your character to pick up when needed would also be good, given how some characters hit the 50k cap and just can't seem to get rid of the shit afterwards even with weapon repairs.

    Sword skills work for something besides swords: Self explanatory, Dew and Holyn are significantly limited in their dad-abilities because their skills can only be used by infantry based sword wielding units... which basically is just Ayra's kids and Patty, as all other sword bearing infantry are pre-set in their parentage (ie Seliph and Leif). Expanding it to mounted units would also open up some possibilities as well though I'm less certain on that because these feel like means to balancing out the combat abilities of infantry characters vs mounted ones, but I digress.

    Mild weapon rebalances: Part of FE4's charm is how ridiculous the power creep gets, but in some cases it just results in TOO many things becoming TOO good or other things becoming TOO useless. Weapons all weighing the same regardless of material with a few exceptions is silly, and makes Steel a straight upgrade over iron and silver a straight upgrade over steel, to say nothing on how it totally fucks with magic balance as thunder will always be lighter than fire and wind lighter than thunder but all magic spells of the same spell rank do the same damage. Fire should have more power to compensate for its weight and Wind probably reduced ala Tellius games. Axes need to be reduced in weight period as 18 is absolutely insanely high, and lances could probably be made a slight bit lighter as well. Greatswords/Blades are generally fine but making them all A rank felt silly to me as well. Bows could use some accuracy boosts and the Killer Bow could use an accuracy nerf. Just mild changes, though, nothing drastic to remove the nature of these weapons. Axes should still be heavy but not UNUSABLE heavy.
    The examples given I'm fine with. Was fire being strictly worse then the rest really needed?

    Mild class rebalances: Heroes/Forrests are absolutely redundant in this game and I'm not sure why they exist. They're swordmasters with 3 less speed and no Continue in exchange for.... 3 more magic?? It's really dumb. Give them axes or bows or some shit to compensate. Paladins only having access to B rank weapons is also lame but giving them access to A rank stuff infringes on the Ranger's abilities.... then again both paladins in G2 have holy blood which let them do exactly that anyway so pft. Generals should just have access to A rank everything, and possibly just merge all Armor Knight variants into one class and just let them use all four basic weapons as one class as compensation for their awful movement (Arden might actually be useful if he could lug a steel axe around for mad damage or use a bow to hit dudes from afar). There needs to be more distinction between infantry and cavalry  advantages, overall. Cavalry have mastery over one single weapon and mild caps, infantry should get better weapon access upon promotion and have great caps. Something like that. Oh, and maybe include FE4 Binary's cliff-scaling ability for infantry units so they can get around goddamn Augustria and other places a bit better. Pls. PLS.
    Just give those insane mounts a nerf. And the footies a buff.

    Mild skill rebalances: Ambush/Vantage always provides first strike regardless of HP, plus all that stuff I said about sword skills and pursuit. Other skills seem fine. Maybe introduce some later skills, like Gamble, Shade, or Provoke? I really liked those skills which felt like they jived with the style of FE4 instead of being superfluous fluff. (Arden might actually be useful with provoke, as enemies will actually try and attack him!). Maybe possibly include skill scrolls to teach skills to characters as well, though of course they'd be rare.
    Don't go FE13/14 with the skills. Keep them FE4esque. Now adding a handful of skills isn't the end of the world, but don't add all the little things. And the final reason that Forseti!Ced is better is because Erin grants Speed+2. I'm not opposed to more skill items, though.

    Support Conversations and expanded story in general: FE4 has a pretty great story IMO, and Judgral is an interesting and compelling setting, but a lot of the game's story and lore are locked being predestined pairing conversations (which means you have to play through this long ass game several times over and make sure certain characters fall in love in order to get the whole picture) or are just absent from the game entirely, in either unused content (like Alec and Noish's Chapter 5 conversation), creator's notes from Kaga, or were just later added in with FE5. Integrating these elements I think would better strengthen FE4's story, and using support conversations instead of lover talks to get information on character's backgrounds and the extra lore (such as the early mentions of Eldigan's son, Ares) would prove more rewarding.Plus,with FE4's smaller, tighter knit cast of characters, having everyone cross support and see how they reflect on one another would be a great thing IMO.
    I'd say don't go nuts with the S-ranks, but the game kinda already has them...

    Buying things you can't use from the pawn shop: It's really annoying that Lex can't pass swords down to Ulster because the pawn shop keeper is all "noooo you can't use that" and only serves to annoy me as I dump all my swords on Ayra and just have Ulster buy them off Lacei in chapter 7 >:| seriously, I know managing item inheritance is an important part of FE4's meta, but it can afford to be less obtuse.
    No opposition.

    Constitution and Rescue: In such a cavalry heavy game this could open up totally new strategies I think, plus provide a buffer for those god-awful heavy weapons the game has, though I'm less sold on using Con (or Strength for that matter) on reducing attack speed in FE4. However, Rescue mechanics would really help with some parts of the game where mobility is a pain in the ass,as well as pulling someone near death out of the fire.
    There's romhacks floating around for Strength reducing weight for the actual game. And yes please to rescue. Now those useless horses can carry the footies along and drop them off ahead!

    Difficulty re-balance: A lot of FE4's difficulty stems more from gimping the player (ie pursuitless characters, redundant classes) rather than a challenging enemy. Given I'd like to see those gimps removed/fixed/changed, it only stands to assume that FE4's difficulty as is with these changes would be too easy, so buffing up the AI as well as the enemy's stats would be adequate compensation. 
    It wouldn't hurt. Gimme a hard mode that actually buffs stats; make the holy weapons not be overkill for the strongest enemies!



  16. Aless is kinda ridiculous. He shows up halfway through Chapter 7 when he realises that bossman 7-3 Bramsel decided that he'd try to make Leen his waifu or something. So Aless got angry and betrayed the man who raised him, sub-boss Jabarro because he thought he'd have a better shot of being Leen's waifu instead. Whatever, get on Team Celice, it's good for your health. Don't wanna end up like dad, do we. Anyway, Aless has fine bases, decent growths, and one very fancy sword that turns him from good to amazing. Misltlotin or however it's spelt has 30 might, +20 skill, and +10 res. The resistance makes him a magic tank and the skill, combined with innate Critical, makes him a critical machine. Skillwise, Aless naturally has Pursuit, Continue, and Ambush. I guess Eltshan lost all his skills when he got thrown into prison and he turned them off for the Elliot-bashing. These just add to the insanity. Strike twice? Extra attacks? Go first when on low health? Easily one of the best units in the game.

    Did I mention he's awesome yet? 9/10.

  17. Leaf is a chump and an awful lor- oh wait, wrong game. Leaf starts out at level 1 and a huge horde of armours are charging at him. Well, actually there's only seven and a mage, but they're really scary or something. So our hero, his Jeigan and his waifu deal with those chumps. How does our hero fare? Well he comes at level 1. And his bases aren't exactly great. At least he has decent growths in most departments and he has his trusty Light Sword, assuming no-one robbed Ethlin of it in order to slap a few kills on the thing. Unfortunately, Leaf lacks Pursuit, but his parents give him Continue and Critical at least. He also has <8 movement so I'm required to hate him so keep that in mind...

    Until he reaches level 20. Then he promotes. Leaf's days of being a useless scrub are no more. He is now a Master Knight. And that means he is now awesome. Big stat bonuses? Check. A horse? Check. A ranks in nearly everything? Check. Pursuit? Check. Only thing he lacks is major holy blood, but he doesn't need it. Anything he touches is probably gonna die. That fancy A staves lets him use Rescue. Leaf and Rescue go wonderfully together. Someone falling a bit behind? Give them a leg up! Wanna seize a castle really fast? Give Celice a ten-space head start! Even better? He can canto off somewhere afterwards and get danced and do more rescuing. Or stabbing. Or healing. Or doing anything really. He really is amazing. It's definitely worth the effort.

    He takes a bit to get going, but the second half of Gen 2? Leaf leaves it in the dust. 9/10.

  18. After being an NPC for the first generation of the game, Shanan finally comes onto the scene! And he's positively ridiculous! He turns blue at the start of Chapter 7, running away from a horde of enemy shamans... ...except he can take them down with ease with that fancy sword of his! The Balmung isn't as good as Holsety, but it is Holsety in sword form. In other words; almost as good as Holsety. Suddenly the prepromoted swordmaster with good bases becomes the prepromoted swordmaster that can smash the endgame to pieces at base. Helping him in his gamebreaking performance are his skills. He has Pursuit, so he'll be doubling without any problems. Continue will help him finish any enemies still standing, and it's gonna go off a lot with all that speed. Astra's around too, for that sweet overkill. If it activates, the enemy will die. Simple as. His growths are pretty bad in most departments... but his bases are good enough to make up for it. He doesn't drop off at all. Maybe he does if you steal the Balmung off him, but it's his sword, not Lakche's, so shut up. Sure he has six move, but meh.

    If he touches something, it dies. 8-bias since he got killed turn 1 when I ironmanned the game and I'm salty at him for getting all those Jormungs in the face with the Balmung. Altogether, he gets a 7.5/10.

  19. The axe brothers of this game are pretty bad. Let's start with Johan.

    Johan has a horse. Like many others have said, he's basically Discount Lex. So this version doesn't have the Elite skill? Well dammit, that's what made my Lex competent! Get him the brave axe and he's alright, I suppose. 5/10.

    Johalva? Oh boy. Like his brother, he starts at level 12, so his EXP gain is a bit slow to start with. His bases aren't too horrible, but lacks Pursuit and is on foot? And has Charge? Sure he can take down a thing or two early on with that brave axe, but he just ends up falling behind in experience as well because two hits don't cut it... At least they come early enough. But he's probably the second most useless unit in Gen 2; only Hannibal is worse. 2/10.

  20. Julia is like her mother. But thankfully, she isn't as terrible as her mother! Why isn't she as terrible as her mother? Because she actually has some more skills and can get a better weapon. Get a better weapon. She starts out completely unarmed. Wonderful. At least some quick convos let her heal and fight. Take Isaac, get Nosferatu. Take Sophara, get Aura. Remember how horrible mum was with that Aura? Don't make the same mistake. So now she can actually fight, so let's take a look at the stats. She has 100% magic, so she physically can't get magic-screwed. She'll get +magic no matter what. Unless the arena bugs in older patches/vanilla Japanese rear their ugly heads, that is. On the other side of the coin, her HP/Def are awful. Can't Nosfertank if you just get one-shotted by the stronger physical enemies... Skillwise, she has her mother's Nihil and got Pursuit and Continue from... somewhere. I guess Alvis was still a sage and managed to personalise Continue somehow... I don't know where the Pursuit comes from. Maybe the ring on her head is a Pursuit Ring. The important thing is she has it, so she's automatically better. She also can use staves, so having a second healer is nice. Unfortunately, she also has the dreaded five move, so she's gonna get left in the dust. Then Manfloy kidnaps her at the start of Chapter 10. Like mother, like daughter. At least Manfloy let us use Julia for a while. Let's compare availability for a bit.

    Deirdre: 1-3 till 3-1. And she isn't even usable in 3-1, you just have time to sell her stuff.

    Julia: 6-2 till 9-4. Don't forget to sell her stuff after killing Arion!

    Instead of being forced into committing incest with her brother and getting her mind wiped, Julia gets mind controlled and is forced into trying to kill her brother. Well, her nice brother. After killing Manfloy and getting Narga, we can then wipe her evil brother off the face of the earth. Now Jugdral is finally at peace and she can willingly commit incest. If you exploited that glitch, anyway. ...Man, I've rambled on for ages now. I should rate you already.

    Julia is alright, I guess. She can fight, but not too well. She can staffspam, so I guess that's nice. 5+bias since she is quite cute for 5.5/10. Appearance bias best bias.

  21. Oifey is the Jeigan of Gen 2. So let's see how he shapes up. At the start of the game, he completely dominates and anything that tries to attack him will die. He is still highly effective in Ch7, and is still good in Ch8 and 9. Alas, he starts falling off at Ch10, but he never becomes truly useless. His bases are ridiculously good for the start of the game and that armourslayer keeps him one-rounding the armours in your path right up to ch10. He also comes with a javelin so he can two range, and he can use magic swords fairly effectively with his decent magic stat. Even past the point of falloff, he is a good tank with a shield ring and can still heavily chip the remaining armoured enemies. Skillwise, Oifey has Pursuit and Critical. He's just like a normal unit from any other game in that regard, but this is a luxury in the land of Jugdral. I may classify all early game prepromos as Jeigans to keep things simple, but there's a reason Oifey gives his name to that particular subdivision. Also moustache.

    Earlygame would be much worse without Oifey around. Take an 8 +bias because moustache for an 8.5/10.

  22. runs old prototype ...Well great, I can't even get into the unit menu to fiddle around with the names and all that, the game hangs when it tries to get to a map.

    ...It's probably just ZSNES being itself. Considering the compatibility with final PN and ZSNES, I can't be surprised.

    EDIT: The opening demo plays fine, creating a new game hangs after the title card, the game implodes if savestate from not-PN implodes, loading save just crashes.

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