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Everything posted by Lopey

  1. Camus 20 Eldigan 10 Ishtar 11 Brunya 6 Galle 8 Lloyd 10 Selena 13 Shiharam 6 Bryce 6 Hetzel 4 Levail 12
  2. Misty 14 Sabrina 12 Blaine 10 Blue 23 Falkner 10 Morty 25 Jasmine 8 Clair 11 Roxanne 4 Wattson 7 Norman 4 Gardenia 10 Maylene 3 Volkner 25 Chili 16 Cilan 12 Elesa 8 Drayden 14
  3. Camus 14 Eldigan 10 Ishtar 10 Reinhardt 7 Brunya 10 Galle 12 Uhai 4 Lloyd 10 Linus 2 Selena 10 Shiharam 9 Bryce 8 Hetzel 8 Levail 12 Mustafa 2
  4. Misty 12 Sabrina 12 Blaine 8 Blue 20 Falkner 10 Whitney 3 Morty 25 Jasmine 10 Pryce 8 Clair 10 Roxanne 10 Wattson 10 Flannery 11 Norman 9 Winona 9 Gardenia 16 Maylene 7 Byron 8 Volkner 25 Chili 10 Cilan 10 Burgh 5 Elesa 6 Skyla 7 Drayden 18
  5. Misty 10 Erika 6 Sabrina 10 Blaine 8 Blue 20 Falkner 13 Bugsy 4 Whitney 5 Morty 25 Jasmine 10 Pryce 8 Clair 10 Roxanne 10 Wattson 10 Flannery 12 Norman 9 Winona 10 Tate and Liza 0 Gardenia 12 Maylene 7 Fantina 0 Byron 8 Volkner 25 Chili 10 Cilan 10 Burgh 8 Elesa 5 Skyla 7 Brycen 6 Drayden 21 Marlon 8
  6. You mean the novel? By Kiera Cass? I read it. It was pretty good ;P No, no he didn't.
  7. I tried out for the school play being the shy, socially awkward introvert that I am because if you're in drama the drama teacher gave you 200 extra points if you got in. Yesterday was our final rehearsal and he told me that the one reason he picked me for this play was because he had plans for me in the next play. When I asked him what he wanted me to be he said I'd be a great villain. So today, before the school play I asked him what he meant by that he wanting me to be a villain and he said that it was really almost everything about me that made him think I'd be a great villain. He also said to take it as a complement because it's supposedly 'hard' to find natural villains. So although he said to take it as a compliment I'm really not sure.
  8. Oh, sorry. Is this right? Misty 11 Erika 7 Koga 0 Janine 6 Sabrina 10 Blaine 8 Blue 19 Falkner 10 Bugsy 7 Whitney 10 Morty 24 Jasmine 10 Pryce 10 Clair 10 Roxanne 10 Wattson 10 Flannery 15 Norman 9 Winona 10 Tate and Liza 7 Gardenia 10 Maylene 10 Fantina 7 Byron 8 Volkner 22 Chili 10 Cilan 10 Lenora 3 Burgh 8 Elesa 8 Skyla 7 Brycen 7 Drayden 20 Cheren 0 Marlon 8
  9. Misty 11 Erika 7 Koga 0 Janine 6 Sabrina 10 Blaine 8 Blue 19 Falkner 10 Bugsy 7 Whitney 10 Morty 24 Jasmine 10 Pryce 10 Clair 10 Roxanne 10 Wattson 10 Flannery 15 Norman 9 Winona 10 Tate and Liza 7 Gardenia 10 Maylene 10 Fantina 7 Byron 8 Volkner 22 Chili 10 Cilan 10 Lenora 3 Burgh 8 Elesa 8 Skyla 7 Brycen 7 Drayden 20 Cheren 0 Marlon 10
  10. Cain/Abel 13 Luke/Rody 6 Alec/Noce 0 Alva/Kain 8 Allen/Lance 15 Sain/Kent 12 Forde/Kyle 3 Kieran/Oscar 12
  11. If I get Merric, can I give his Exacalibur to Wendell or would rule 4xx prevent that?
  12. Julian, Barst Teams: Lopey (via Gabe) - Bantu, Midia, Arran, Beck, Jake, Boah, Est, Caesar, Wendell, Wolf, Castor Tempest (via Air) - Matthis, Wrys, Dolph, Tiki, Jeorge, Bord, Hardin, Gordin, Lena, Abel, Sedgar Gabe (via Tempest) - Macellan, Tomas, Samson, Maria, Roshea, Minerva, Darros, Navarre, Palla, Draug, Merric Air (via Lopey) - Elice, Lorenz, Roger, Rickard, Vyland, Astram, Radd, Linde, Cord, Catria, Julian, Barst Cain Caeda Ogma
  13. Brock 10 Misty 10 Lt. Surge 8 Erika 10 Koga 10 Janine 10 Sabrina 10 Blaine 10 Giovanni 7 Blue 10 Falkner 10 Bugsy 12 Whitney 10 Morty 12 Chuck 10 Jasmine 10 Pryce 10 Clair 12 Roxanne 10 Brawly 10 Wattson 10 Flannery 10 Norman 11 Winona 10 Tate and Liza 10 Wallace 10 Juan 10 Roark 12 Gardenia 11 Maylene 10 Fantina 10 Byron 10 Candice 8 Volkner 10 Chili 10 Cilan 10 Cress 7 Lenora 10 Burgh 10 Elesa 10 Clay 10 Skyla 10 Brycen 10 Drayden 10 Iris 10 Cheren 10 Marlon 10 Viola 10 Grant 10 Korrina 10 Ramos 10 Clemont 10 Valerie 10 Olympia 2 Wulfric 6
  14. Hey, Hylian Air Force could you update the list of units and teams in the original post? Here's the list of units: Cain Caeda Ogma Barst Julian Merric Sedgar
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