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About Radicre

  • Birthday 12/14/1986


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  1. Congratulations Len, I'll definitely play it. What's a good goal to shoot for for LTC ;)?
  2. Oh that is interesting hmm... it worked for me. I tried creating a new wordpress page and putting that HTML in exactly as you typed it :( Here is what it looks like for me! http://ragnite.net/fire-emblem-heroes Actually embarrassing to admit, I am a full-time developer, but pretty newb at wordpress. This wordpress injection is really clever, so I added it to my wordpress after reading your post! Much nicer since it has a nice layout now instead of no CSS hahaha On a positive note, I updated the probabilities using the proper conditional probability formula. Haven't done probability in a really long time but someone on reddit reminded me I was doing it wrong.
  3. Updated with the new summoning event!
  4. Sounds good! Let me know how I can help when you've got some time. I know there's a ton of game and character info to get onto the site first :p
  5. Actually moving forward the excel sheet is a little frustrating to manage. I made a webapp to replace it, and would be happy to help get it up on SF. Right now I'm just hosting it myself. It's all js so there's no unnecessary database overhead. Deploy two files and it's good to go. http://ragnite.net/fireemblemheroes/ If Nintendo continues to be transparent and gives us the characters available each event, it should be easy to keep it going.
  6. Appearance rate calculator http://ragnite.net/fireemblemheroes/ I'm a bit too busy to deal with css, just keeping it simple for now. -- old message --- Spent half an hour to compile this up. Can someone help me throw it up on the SF wiki? I'm not a registered user on it. I wouldn't mind an invite so I can throw this up on there myself though. Can also add it to the Heroes site as well. I know the appearance rates are up there already, and you'll just have to add the percentages into it. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gMnfjNy42SZIO_kuTFyOrR-Jmsx_T2s3hWv_zQXTWXA/edit?usp=sharing (note there are 2 sheets, the only difference is the change in rates for the focus characters) Cheers, friends
  7. Radicre


    You found the secret shop! if~ひとり思う~MUSIC VIDEO 蓮花Ver. if~ひとり思う~MUSIC VIDEO ファイアーエムブレムVer. I'm justifying this as file sharing between friends. Any misuse is your own responsibility (i.e. Uploading the Renka version onto Youtube. But who would do that?) I've been a SF visitor for about 10 years. I made an account just to share this as thanks, as the website's content was helpful when I played Fates in Japanese. At the very least I don't think I would have completed Lunatic if I didn't know what some of the skills did. Enjoy! Let me know if there is a quality issue as I did not QA these files. This is a DVD, so the video resolution is small and you may not want to stretch the video to fit your screen.
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