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Saint Rubenio

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Posts posted by Saint Rubenio

  1. 6 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

    Oh yeah, I learned BB's soundtrack's more infected than I thought.

    Might need some help with that one (though to be fair, I think that track's not as cursed by the short loop to fruit loopiness)

    You can run, you can hide. But you can never escape the earlygame FE6 theme.

    7 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

    Is this focused on SS villains or more of a series-wide travail? I assume the former, but the villain list is a bit smaller here......

    Former, yeah. I had to get creative and pull NPCs, background characters and monsters to bolster the numbers.

  2. 15 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

    Alright, I think it's been a long enough break.


    Too bad about the thing, though. Better luck next time?

    15 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

    Lot I've missed, can't really be fair about that to ask all of you what's been happening but I'll admit my curiosity is there.

    On my part there's not much to say. I've mostly been working on my FE8 Bad Guys hack for most of this year.

    15 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

    Also, rumours of Livealive getting a sequel? Hype if true, the Switch has brought back TWEWY and LAL, I have to argue it is the best console on that alone.

    Shoot, no way. I mean, I have no idea how they'd go about giving Live a Live a sequel. The plot is pretty self-contained. Still, you wouldn't hear me say no.

  3. 6 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    -Except for all the hardcore fans who incessantly complain about the terrible Civ VI AI. You'll find many of those on the Web if you know where to look. -Fortunately I'm a more casual player who plays to see my virtual empire relaxingly grow like a garden.

    Oh yeah, I've seen some of those around. Can't really speak for them as I've only played 5 and 6 but, hey.

  4. 25 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

    Using the old "cinematic cutscene announcement trailer with no gameplay to build hype" trick for historical strategy game Civ 7 is so funny to me. I could not think of a genre more worthless to use that method on. You see this? This is EU5, this is Humankind 2, This is the first DLC trailer for Millennia. I fucking love video games.

    These games are literally all gameplay.

    ...On the other hand, I guess Civ is such an established name at this point that they could just, not show anything ever and people'd still buy it.

  5. 9 minutes ago, Capt. Fargus said:

    Guess Im a little jaded since Blazing Blade was my first FE game. You know how that story starts down one tangent then switches to another once you pick up Elwood or Hector’s story?

    Well LE goes and starts you right in to a war. Woulda been nice to know what led up to the chaos you just got dropped right into the middle of. Seems like a fun game though otherwise

    To be fair, that is most FEs aside from Blazing Sword. Though funnily enough, Eidolons's direct inspiration is also one of the few FEs that doesn't do that. Half of Three Houses is just kids in school with a vague conspiracy that becomes more and more prevalent until the war starts.

  6. 28 minutes ago, Capt. Fargus said:

    Lost Eidolons...

    Anyone tried it? I did last night for about an hour an enjoyed it

    Seems like one a Fire Emblem fan would definitely like

    I played it like a year ago. The Three Houses inspiration is clear but map design exists so I enjoyed it well enough. Gilbert berserker is hilarious.

  7. 14 minutes ago, Codename Shrimp said:


    Swiggity swooty, ceasey and desisty.

    - Nintendo the moment this gets any traction

    ...I scrolled down and they have a twit where they claim that if it's not a remake it's in not as much danger. Here's hoping. I was thinking of Power Star Frenzy but I think that one was discontinued by the devs of their own volition so they could just make their own IP and not risk it.

    On the other hand, Mario Royale, so really the trick is hope to God you don't accidentally toy with an idea that they're also considering. Which, in fairness, doesn't seem to be the case here or they'd already have done it.

    If this does manage to come out it'll be the best Paper Mario game by default so let's cross our fingers

  8. 3 hours ago, BrightBow said:


    Perhaps the best video on the internet.

    48 minutes ago, Codename Shrimp said:

    One thing i super appreciate in Paper Mario tho, and it's something i appreciate in FE as well (makes sense, same dev)...

    Small numbers. Small easily calculable numbers.

    They also did WarioWare, which is literally small games. I guess that's their whole shtick.

    22 minutes ago, Codename Shrimp said:

    Paper Luigi telling story moment xD

    I always knew it wasn't going to happen but them going the route of the M&L remakes and having this become an actually playable campaign would've been, so amazing.

  9. 3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    What, you don't get communion through a drive-through window? Just remember that the window for receiving blessings is not the same as the one for giving donations. The mic & speaker for confessions is a left turn once you're inside, turn right for the prayer parking lot (with EV charging stations).🚗

    Ah, silly me. So that's why they kept asking me for money.

  10. 10 hours ago, Armagon said:


    It is complete. My first art piece (this was a practice, i'm gonna hold off on coloring until later).

    Hey that looks pretty cool! I think maybe you should cut off the road a bit lower, it looks like it goes inside the church in the background, but still, solid stuff.

  11. 24 minutes ago, Jotari said:


    Does Duckstation run PS2 games? Since Berwick would be next (after I get through a few physical games and finish writing a thesis) and that is PS2, I believe.

    ePSXe and PCSX2, despite the similar-sounding names, are not the same emulator or even made by the same people iirc. ePSXe is awful, whereas PCSX2 is... basically the only PS2 emulator, but fortunately it's solid - in fact, in recent versions they got help from the Duckstation creator, which is why the UI for both emulators is now just about identical.

    24 minutes ago, Jotari said:

    Does it have such esoteric recruitment conditions? Because that was something else I was intending to mini rant about. Not only is there another conversation as soon as you do anything, but if you don't roll a dice and dance like a monkey or some such thing in between those conversations then you lose access to a bunch of playable characters. I exagerate a bit, but a lot of this game depends on having the correct army composition to get the right events. Even with a recruitment guide, I managed to miss the second batch of four selectable units because Holmes' army didn't have anyone from Welt, so they treated me like pirates. I also missed Plum's dancer promotion because I sent her to Holmes army thinking another healer might be handy (though I'm pretty sure I got her milk event the on that referenced failed attempt). And I managed to get Leeta, followed every step that would be impossible to do without knowing otherwise, and then she and Kreiss ditched my army five seconds later. I knew that could happen, but I thought I'd have time to kill Kreiss first.

    Oh, this is true. Leteena is a fun easter egg but there's a whole bunch of recruitments that really needed to be less convoluted.

    This is one aspect in which he greatly improved, though. While Berwick and Vestaria are still rife with interesting events and convoluted secrets, the recruitments in those games are far more lenient than in TRS.

    24 minutes ago, Jotari said:

    On the plus side, THIS GAME LETS YOU USE A WITCH! Why didn't anyone tell me that years ago. Infinite rewarp+attack just like enemy witches can do and it's a ridiculous amount of fun. Especially since you can get Narcess to dress up as her and inexplicably also gain the warp skill.

    Sierra is one of the highlights of the game. Finally, a proper witch that doesn't chicken out and become a mage upon joining. She's so cool.

  12. Runan's story does have one thing going for it: Eugen is there. Eugen is the best character in games. Eugen beats Holmes. Literally!

    For what it's worth, I'd say you made a mistake playing this game on ePSXe, or really using ePSXe in general. ePSXe is, bluntly, an absolute garbage emulator. I used that one in my first TRS run, and never finished as a result until I tried again on a better emulator - that was years ago and even back then it was outdated and outclassed. Nowadays? Duckstation exists. Duckstation is awesome and I recommend you get it and ditch ePSXe forever. It has a turbo feature!

    As for whether the complexity gets better in later Kaga games, I'd say, uh... Berwick Saga goes for a different vibe, though it's still quite hefty, but Vestaria's structure is very similar to TRS's. Both Vestarias have one scene that has you reading for like 90 minutes straight. Both of them have a million people doing things outside of your protagonist's sphere of influence. It helps make the worlds feel alive rather than just set dressing for the hero to do things, but at the same time, it's easy to lose track of stuff.

  13. 20 hours ago, Jotari said:

    I have not. Is it good (because, needless to say, that's also very important).

    The game works on an ingame clock. Its 100-odd NPCs, most of them located in the primary hub town of Radiata, follow different routines with a wide variety of tasks and chores they do over each ingame day. Just saying that really doesn't do justice to how varied and alive the town of Radiata feels. The amount of moving parts this 20 year old PS2 game has to keep track of is legitimately insane. You can recruit almost all of those 100 characters into your party, too, each character having wildly different requirements that are never quite spelled out but rather hinted at in their dialogue, leaving you to figure out what to do, which was a pretty fun exercise. It's almost like filling a Pokedex but you have to use your brain to catch the Pokemon instead of just throwing balls at them. I had a text file with all the hints I'd been able to figure out and everything lol

    ...Then there's the combat. The game is an ARPG where you can only control the main character, Jack, and give orders to your teammates, who each have a set pattern of attacks. You can't really customize the characters, but considering there's like 100 of them, the teambuilding aspect comes from choosing a combination of partners you enjoy. There are also a number of formation attacks you can learn where you attack with your teammates. The problem is that combat gets very repetitive eventually, and Jack often felt way more powerful than he should've been.

    I was enthralled by the town of Radiata for a good few dozen hours, just running around, following NPCs, figuring out their schedules and deciphering the riddles they presented to be recruited. Genuinely, the most fun part of the game. When I had recruited a large portion of characters and mostly just had the main plot (and the combat) left, I ended up getting distracted by other things and not finishing the game. This does not mean the story is bad or anything, I just have a problem finishing open-world games in general. I get super distracted by sidequests (in this case, following NPCs around and trying to recruit them), then the gameplay loop tires me out and I never bother with the story.

    In conclusion: I'd recommend giving it a shot just based on how perfectly it fits the description you provided earlier. Just exploring Radiata, seeing all of its moving parts and following NPCs around to see what they do is a lot of fun. Just be wary that the "prologue" portion of the game can drag on a tad - while there are places to explore there and NPCs to follow, the game doesn't open up in full until Jack joins the mercenary guild and gets his own house, which can take a while. Oh, and a couple of the game's characters have aged... ungracefully. But your mileage may vary there.

  14. SRPG but with something that differentiates it from the rest tends to be pretty reliable in getting me interested in games.

    For an example, I've played the first two Vandal Hearts, an old PSX series with something of a cult following primarily for the first game. Well, I thought the first game was boring and fell in love with its very polarizing sequel for the same reason fans of the first one hated it: It's unique combat system, where the enemy moves a unit at the same time as you move yours. You can't stop your action once it starts, which means if the enemy you were going to attack has moved, you only strike the air, and viceversa. The point is deciphering the AI's quirks and honing your instincts to predict what their move will be, so you can move their target out of the way.

    That's just an example, but yeah. Unique quirks like that often get me interested.

    5 hours ago, Jotari said:

    So, yeah, give me a game with a fully realized time based schedule for NPCs that has an in universe and gameplay justification for being on a loop (or no loop at all, if it's to be a game you play and finish in one sitting and are intended to play multiple times).

    Ever heard of Radiata Stories?

  15. 3 hours ago, lenticular said:

    Fire Emblem characters in other games including: Smash Bros, Code Name STEAM, Warioware, Mario Maker, Dragalia Lost, Project X Zone, Club Nintendo Picross+, probably others that I don't know.

    This point being in the second section irks me a little, considering FE characters have been appearing in Smash since well before Awakening. Heck, Roy appeared in Smash before he appeared in FE! I also don't think this is really something that affects the series itself. They're unrelated games. Same goes for Heroes, the card games and Warriors. They're just adjacent stuff doing their own thing, there's no harm in their existence. Well maybe Heroes but that's just gacha being gacha

    In the mainline games, I guess it's depends on each specific case for me. Camus and the Whitewings feel a tad forced but Valentia is established to be just a ways off of Archanea and they do feel relatively well-integrated into the game's story. The Cipher characters don't feel super out of place in Echoes either, if I didn't know their origins I could've believed they were just created to be DLC for Echoes.

    On the other hand is Engage. I enjoy the emblems for the gameplay, but I'll admit I could've done without the vapid fanservice. When I got to the end and they had that really long scene where each emblem said their farewells to Alear, I was seriously tempted to just skip the cutscene. I wanted to say goodbye to the actual characters I'd grown attached to throughout the adventure, not the marketing gimmick!

    Then there's Anna. If they're going to keep shoehorning this pointless character as a playable in every game - and I'd much rather they kept bringing Cipher characters back instead, Anna is really boring - at least they should have some fun with her instead of just, "here's the obligatory Anna." Kid Anna from Engage was a step in the right direction, just because she's different even if I would've taken Mitan over her a million times but I digress. Let's do more of that. Elderly Anna, Male Anna, Monster Anna, heck Villainous Anna, why not? Anything but just Anna again, please.

    Tl;dr: When they aren't drawing attention to themselves and screaming "DO YOU REMEMBER OLD THING" in my ear, I don't really mind them too much. I would dig more Cipher crossovers - it has some pretty rad characters that could be easily slotted into games and are sadly doomed to obscurity in a now finalized card game. Give them a chance to shine in mainline games as DLC. Or even give them a game! I'd play Valjean's game.

  16. 8 hours ago, Capt. Fargus said:


    @Saint Rubenio I know you’re no fan of the Final Fantasy series but if you ever get the inkling give the DS version of FF4 a shot. That one might be a worthy challenge for ya

    No guarantees, but if I ever get the JRPG itch again I'll keep it in mind.

  17. 7 minutes ago, rdrouyn said:


    I could see maxing out Tactics and Fame, but maxing out Completion and Happiness? I'd like to see someone who did that because that sounds impossible to me, lol.

    It does sound impossible haha, it certainly did to me before I did it. But really, once you have a hang on the game, its mechanics and its maps, it's not as difficult as it appears.

    The trick to happiness is to rotate your team, prioritize units who need to be recruited/promoted when deploying and bench units who are already promoted and/or permanently recruited unless you absolutely need them for something. It's counter-intuitive, I know, you just got your unit all upgraded and can't use them any longer. Think of them as "complete" and focus on "completing" every unit that remains. Also, every wplvl point you can get from level ups is welcome.

    As for completion, get the treasure first and rig it to always yield treasures. If you get it before... I think chapter 5 and get a treasure from it every chapter, it ends up giving you a profit by the end of the game. Also, trying to capture all the bounties for extra money is nice - not strictly necessary, but it gives you some much welcome leeway. Beyond that, you just need to be thrifty with your weapon purchases. Don't try to outfit all your units with generic weapons from the store. The game gives you plenty of material to work with. Focus on relevant weapon purchases, food from the restaurant and, of course, on the obligatory rank investments. Oh, and don't forget to capture a bandit axe - it's the only blacksmith weapon you can't ever buy or obtain from a drop!

  18. 9 minutes ago, rdrouyn said:


    That's good to know. Do you know how each category is scored? I assume tactics has to do with turn count, Fame with completing all of the side missions (I only missed out on one, not sure why I'm down by two points), and happiness with side characters that are happy enough to join the party (which sounds impossible to max out in one playthrough, to be honest). Not sure what Completion is all about though. I wonder if that has to do with completing the item collection missions. 

    Tactics is obtained by fulfilling a variety of objectives in each main map in the game.

    Fame is about the citizen requests you get on main maps. Complete one, you get a point of this.

    Completion requires you complete all side missions, craft all items at the atelier, complete Erzheimer's collection, get all bounties and buy all the furniture. Yes, all of it.

    Lastly, there's a happiness point for each playable character in the game, and they all have their own requirements to obtain it - usually it involves seeing their character arc through and, if possible, promoting them.

    You can check the rankings here.

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