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About L00dBoi

  • Birthday March 10


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    Freckled-peasant trash

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    I need some frens :]
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  1. Don't lose hope yet. We still have the backstory DLC and SpotPass to give us either more information on her or giving her to us as a unit. A criminally underappreciated character in Fates would definitely be Mozume. She's passes down some of the best mods, is a total qt has one of the best designs, and (despite its nerf) has the single best growths in the game, thanks to Aptitude. She requires significantly less babying than Donnel ever did, and can even be a great lategame unit thanks to some decent class options and being able to marry any non-Kamuisexual male in the game. She has some of the best supports in the game, to boot. It's a shame that despite all this, being an entirely optional character makes her forgettable to almost everyone ;~;
  2. It's been a while since I've had the pleasure of listening to a good soundtrack so culturally diverse. I'm still working on listening to all the boss themes and My Castle tunes, but the map themes blow Awakening out of the fucking water, to me at least. Not sure if the map themes have official names, so I'll refer to them by their data names. Ramblings of a music student below.
  3. From a gameplay perspective, I really hope that these two bring something new to the table. Be it a great personal skill, nice mods, or just a combination of classes we don't currently have in Fates, I just want something other than design to justify making getting these characters. Maybe just have them have 3 trees to use, like Flora, since they're almost certainly going to be Kamuisexuals like Awakening's SpotPass characters. Design-wise, Shade has a generic name, generic class, and generic design. I really hope they do something to switch up people's 1st impressions of her, because being an "experienced dark mage from Nohr" isn't really appealing to anybody in a game thinking with their heads. Everything about her just screams "Tharja" to me, and I wasn't the biggest fan of Tharja in the first place. While Emma's name might be an odd choice for a Hoshidan character, her design alone already puts her ahead of Shade. We have less Pegasus Knights than we do magic-users, and the "klutzy trainee" thing could either get real boring real fast, or could actually make for good supports. Even with the whole age-thing, it seems slightly less controversial if the early adolescent you're romancing isn't part of your family. The dress looking good and being unique is just gravy to me. I'm gonna be cautiously optimistic about her even though the mods of Pegasus Knights in Fates have been sub-par at best.
  4. So I've been looking at parent mods, and I see that not only does Asama pass down some pretty dope stuff for Mitama, he can also marry Effie, one of the best mothers in Nohr. So we're already looking at +6 Strength, +3 Speed, +1 Luck, and +1 Defense (the Magic loss is inconsequential) in terms of mods. Effie already passes down innate Pavise and Luna access, and Asama's secondary Herb Merchant line gives Mitama access to an Extravagance set, as well as possible Copycat shenanigans. Not sure if the A+ supports of either parent can add anything important, but let me know if there is something. Skills aren't the worst issue for me, considering I can S/A+ rank either Kanna for any secondary class I want, and use the remaining option to pick up anything else I missed. What I'm concerned about, is what her ending class should be. It'll be physical, obviously, but I see all these great classes at her disposal, and I'm getting a bit too indecisive. (Trueblade, Dread Fighter, Elite Ninja, Blacksmith, Brave Hero, and Berserker all appeal to me). Whatever skills she needs is tied to what she even wants to finish up as. I keep thinking my way in circles, and in the end I really just want to know 3 things. 1: What physical class do I have our favorite haiku NEET end up in? 2: What skill should Effie pass down that would be a hassle for Mitama to get otherwise? 3: What skills do I pick up for a postgame/PvP build, and what marriages/seal shenanigans do I do to get them?
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