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Everything posted by Eriotto

  1. -5 luck also so it gives us 40 luck and 30 def. I mean with ethernal seal or two we'll be able to max stats anyway, it's one of the most balanced if i can say it like that build. I don't know if in the end -1 def will turn for us for that 3 hp, we'll see when game will come out.
  2. Well nice thinking there but still i'm confused which is safest way, i think there isn't, everyone plays how they want and probably later on there aren't any bad build if you're going to hit the cap after all. Well we can try to neutralize mods to the lowest -% growths so later on we'll hit cap with a little of luck. I'll think that is best for me or rather try few builds with mods and decide which is best for me. : P
  3. Someone started Hoshido side, fufufufufufu Well i think this'll be much easier side than nohr, at least by what people are saying anyway gl in completing this. : P So jelly i can't have this game yet!
  4. Yeah i know but on main save i'll use them anyway, more or less to grind stats a little. : p
  5. I mainly doesn't want to make Magic Kamui cause i'll be using 2 others magic characters which will be effective on those, I don't feel like doing magic kamui with out fast promote is a good idea to do.
  6. Far enough, it's still money-saving comparing to that i'll grind those characters i care about (i'll use them in pvp) so yeah, maybe it's even better : P
  7. I know that but this will help me alot, Thanks for answer. : P I mainly wanted to know that cause grinding gold will be the thing and i rather want to safe it for eternal seal than for skills i can learn that way right?
  8. Hmm, tough decisions. : s I still don't know what exacly i want to be honest, anyway everything but magic sounds fine anyway. So as i thought speed would be most effective cause of double, i think this 3 more damage won't do much when double will deal much more with a little of luck, both will hit. Soo -Mag + Speed is good enough looking at it that way? -3 mag 2 skl 3 spd 2 lck -1 res.
  9. To be honest i thought about doing magic kamui but change to a magic one class would take a while so this would be a waste. : P although i want to know your opinions about it what is best for you and maybe something will be great for me as well. Thanks for the ideas how can i do it, it's always worse to choose thos assets : s
  10. Hello, it's me again (obviously) I wondered how it works, when for example i'll promote sakura and let her learn both of WP skills then change her for sage for tomafaire how she will learn it? for example when Sage is learning this skill after 8 lvls (random number) so i need just add 8 lvls on her acually lvl to make her learn it or she just can't anymore cause she skipped that lvl she could do it?
  11. Count that i wanted more for MU than kids, marrying Zero as Male MU won't give me any. : p
  12. thinking this way i can go also - mag + resistance which gives me -1 magic 1 speed and 3 res which would be better when i don't wanna do magic MU after all.
  13. Oh lol, you at least know exactly what you wanna to do lol. xD Nice thinking tho. : p
  14. I wondered what people want to use in thier pvp teams soo.. list your own team below! I'm little curious if people will have same / similar choices : P I'll start then! MU/Zero Marx/Sakura for the last one i'm not sure, maybe nishiki/flannel/Deere - one of them, we'll see in the future! So post your pvp team below and have a nice day!
  15. Ah then he can come back to his basic class yes? Well now that makes sense.
  16. Hello, i wondered what modifers give to MU, i think i won't use magic as him so acording to this : http://serenesforest.net/fire-emblem-fates/hoshidan-characters/maximum-stats/Flaw should be a magic, then what would be the best to add for him? -1 speed can effect no x2 attack when dealing another MU in pvp with/out flaw on speed? I want to know your opinion so this may be easier for me to decide what bonus will be great for it. : p
  17. Oh lol, why i thought that was an aura, i was fond of xander having benefit from it but that was cause of marriage, he can get it cause of marriage with sakura, i'm so stupid. XD Can you exactly tell me how this works? I mean taking skills from marriage etc. : s
  18. I'm stupid or i just don't get it now? .-. So sakura need to be a leader of pair to heal everyone (except the person she is in pair with) ?
  19. I see, well we'll see when game will come out, i think i'll find someone on change if this won't work, both nishiki and flannel seems good, i like thier class or rather that type of class (more nishiki cause can't stand the werewolf animation) Also evetually marry flannel with someone with good str and promote Velour to one of berseker or those slow high defense knights. As i said i'll have chance to test everything i wanted when game will come in english and i'm excited if i'll make even only sakura viable as offensive magic unit, but who knows maybe i'll change my mind. : P
  20. I see, still for me that's strange he have -2 to str tho. Well i'm going to grind at least 5 of my characters to pvp and Zero will be on of them along with Kamui with him, When i'll hit the cap str/mag should be similar so he can use physical bows also. We'll see when game will run in eu tho. I still wonder who should i use as fifth character to pvp, If someone cares i'm going to use for sure Kamui + zero / Marx + Sakura (dark flier), wanted to use Deere but when thier team will one shot my units he will be usless there. : s
  21. Can you tell me why zero is one of best characters? I will use him anyway but his : -2/0/-1/3/0/0/1 doesn't seems that good for a bowman. How can i see he still have more str than mag after all but i want to know your look at this character in that point.
  22. So techincally this will trigger for the unit protecting sakura and others, ok thanks. : p
  23. Hello, i wondered if this still triggers when i pair unit (for example sakura) with someone and sakura is as support, does it triggers? If yes it does only for the unit she is paired with or something like that. : p
  24. Hmm, i somehow Like Deere and Kisaragi, they're totally opposite how i look at them, Kisaragi cheerful and Deere is gloomy i can say? At least looking at the apparence. : P
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