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Everything posted by Sonicfan

  1. Press A twice on the unit for staff range. Alternatively in FE6 staff range is 5+Mag/2 (round down)
  2. I don't like the idea, the idea of killing off a major character is better suited to a novel where the author can ensure that the reader invests in the character and gets to know them intimately before they die. J K Rowling does a good job of that in Harry Potter For video games the player drives the plot and story and the writers taking back that control to do anything does not make me feel anything about the game. The plot of a game should be a case of nudging the player from behind in the direction they (the writers) want to go instead of setting up traps ahead of the player like Dick Dastardly. Killing off a character for plot takes an avenue of control from the player. Killing off playable characters would either make me stop playing, sacrifice someone I couldn't care less about or shrug my shoulders and carry on. To avoid being cheap such a death would need to be telegraphed meaning I'd not play as them and wouldn't care. Best to keep it in plot like a certain character from FE10
  3. Chapter 8 of FE6. It's not hard but it's very boring and very tedious as you basically go in a massive spiral and end up just to the left of where you started and checking the inventory of enemies is tedious since you cannot see their weapon at a glance. Special mentions from FE6 go to Chapter 16 (much the same thing), Chapter 24 (it's just ORKOing manaketes with effective weapons or magic) and pretty much all the gaiden chapters. HHM Chapter 29 (Sands of Time) in FE7 which is just the enemy tossing status staves at you with about 50% hit on your highest res units with a pure water. Get hit and you'll need to reset. Any FE7 map with a luna druid on. Hope you like rolling the dice on whether you'll need to restart with little agency given to the player. Chapter 5x of FE8 - It's a rehash of CH8 of FE6 but saved by the small force you have.
  4. I really liked it but I would have liked to see a more uniform distribution for who gets what. It ruined some characters viability and not to mention how they suddenly forgot how to heal because they were not a magic class (yes, I am still salty Falcoknights can't heal)
  5. I liked the ability to set weapon proficiency but the rest of the monastery stuff was just filler. Replace it with a Tellius style base menu instead and whilst I'm on the topic of Tellius bring back bonus exp, ledges, the dawn brigade and siege defence maps. You can easily set the goals through a base menu with characters getting WEXP at the end of the chapter. Reduce the load times, I swear I've not seen loading times like that since the Sega Saturn. Cut back on the graphics if you need to but that load time needs to come down. I found myself using divine pulse or turning the game off instead of retreating as I didn't want to sit through the loading screens. Ditch the Avatar, we've had 3 Western games with it now and it's clear as day that you can't have a character that everyone can project themselves onto and and be a well-established character in the lore. Tell the story through the eyes of the lords and have an off-screen advisors like FE7 Mark if you really want to make the player feel integrated into the game. By having no Avatar the main Lord(s) can keep screen time and drive the plot. It would also remove an OP character from gameplay. The deployment slots were poor compared to the units you could have effectively forcing the player to have less than a dozen favourites and a cast of bench warmers. The routes are too similar from what I've seen so far although it's far better than Fates' shenanigans! Cut back on the number of playable routes and make it possible to save when they occur. Edit: If I may dream for a moment I'd like to see the characters stop fighting themselves and instead become commanders and leave the actual fighting to more powerful, modern and expendable units which can be replenished for money based on how many resources you have/can capture. You could even take it into three dimensions with air units and naval units. Each character could do better with some of these units and worse with others.
  6. If you want an end at 1-6-2 it may be worth making the extra unit the boss instead of Laverton as killing the latter progresses the game but there's no point if nothing has changed. Has anything (as of the 2.0 demo) been changed after 1-6-2?
  7. There's even more hammy voice-acting for Sieg's crit in the final part: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMJMKm_DDLw [spoiler=postgame]It's all or nothing I'm afraid, I was most disappointed because I managed to miss out on secret 1. You can grind money from stealable fell contracts in the fourth level. Honestly, you're not missing out too much on the postgame, it's good but requires grinding tbh
  8. Nice LP, I'm surprised you got as much as you did playing blind. BTW the amulet gives +10 Hit and Avoid to whoever's has it in their inventory. [spoiler= the secrets scrolls]the secrets allow you to access the last two postgame levels without paying 777,777 gold
  9. This looks like a really good patch, I enjoyed your Binding Blade patch. Sorry to be a nuisance but do you have any plans to patch against the PAL version?
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