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Posts posted by Locke087

  1. Today I voted for Jaffar tommorrow someone else that I feel like voting for in the moment. I could put someone down but I might not vote for them at that moment.  Not gonna play this game that much really anyways but whatever...

  2.  This is what happens when you can build games off the same engine. Since Echoes can be built off the Fates and Awakening engine it can be built in a relatively short amount of time, it's also the reason they were able to financially pull off the three versions of Fates. It's definitely been in production since the end of Fates though they probably had smaller teams working on DLC.  Being a remake semi helps but since is the complete overhaul of the game in question it's still about about as hard as making a new game.

    My more speculative ideas are that they may have had a B team working on this as well during Fates production. They likely flipped over most of their team to get this ready to show and out the door, then after this is out the door the whole team will be concentrating on the switch game. Unless they plan to have multiple teams creating more remakes who knows.

  3. I don't think the mobile game should count, cause if we count the mobile game we have to count BSFE. We likely shouldn't have counted remakes in the first place (though they are admittly very different from their original games) but this is where we are at.

    But yeah as far as I'm concerned Echoes is FE 15, FE Switch is 16.  

    But we have to know what each other is talking about so can we just all agree on that FE 15 is Echoes for now it seems to be the thing that most of us can agree on...

  4. Coming from a man who doesn't like Shadow Dragon, but appreciates that I game came to the US at all.

    Think about it this way what if they added pair up to Tullius for no reason, do you honestly believe that would improve FE 9-10, it wouldn't because it doesn't belong in the game.  Gaiden very much isn't Shadow Dragon, from what I understand it is a very different game. Expect this plays a bit like Sacred Stones with a lot of new features as well, such a dungeon crawling and dynamic promotions, and Gaiden's Unique Classes & Weapons. 

    I hope that supports are in though and I'm pretty sure they will, not a dealbreaker if they aren't. Also seems that they're filling out Gaiden the story a little bit more.  I'm excited I wanted to play gaiden it was just to clunky for me to do it. Having pair up in the game wouldn't be a dealbreaker but I don't think it belongs, If they had it I think they would've advertised it, considering the popularity of the feature.

  5. Gaiden remake is actually looking looking awesome and way more faithful to the game that I actually thought it would be,  and it seems like it's actually coming this year assuming it's not delayed.  That's really cool I'm excited. 

    New game coming for switch eventually, Fire Emblem mobile seems to be everything I thought it would be curious to why android got it first but whatever.  I probably wouldn't play it for more than a couple hours mobile freemium bull crap kinda drains my interest within minutes, it'll probably be on my phone anyways lol.

  6. I played 9 starting on it's launch day way before I even heard of this site existing. Same with 13, so my judgments on their stories were entirely on their own merit's  and my expectations of the series up to the that point. 

    I really blame my replaythough of 7 after I  re-picked up 13 for my degrading opinion of 13's story (though do I still stand by my original opinion of the First Arc being good), since I don't care what anyone else thinks as shown by my unabashed love for 7's story.

    Really the only thing that was probably affected was my opinion of 14's story positively since my expectations were set exceedingly low. Had I not been warned I might have expected a return to form for stories in FE games because of the marketing, so if anything all the complaining affected the game positively.  

    As far as FE 4 goes I don't think I was affected any more than the average positive review. Because I don't set my expectations high anymore it's just not a good practice, I still get excited cause I'm human, but I try to view every game has its own entity.  

    Growing older, playing more games in the series, and talking over them with the community has affected my views on them as a whole. In fact some my opinion on some games has completely changed over time as such games I hated like FE 10, I now like. But my initial impressions were not compromised by the community. 

  7. I Have Played to Completion, Skyrim, Fallout 3 & 4, Knights of the Old Republic 1 & 2, Jade Empire, Mass Effect 1-3, and The Witcher 3. 

    I also played but never completed, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Morrowind, Oblivion, and Fallout: New Vegas.  I fully intend on completing New Vegas someday though.

     My favorite probably a toss up between, KOTOR 1, ME 2, and the Witcher 3. I also adore Fallout 3.

    I have never played D&D but do I have a couple friends that did.

    Favorite class probably infiltrator from Mass Effect.

    Favorite character that is easy Legion from ME 2 & 3, a absolutely fascinating and incredibly well-written character and also very useful in the battlefield.  I don't do OC's....

  8. I picked Anna, Palla, Xane, Shana, Finn, Zephiel, Jaffar, Lyon, Soren, The Black Knight, Tiki, Ryoma, and Xander.  I probably should've flipped Anna and Tiki placements but whatever it works either way.  It kind of feels like cheating when I do Palla for FE 2 lol.

    Edit: If I was allowed no famous characters (had to cut out the Villians and the Royals, and series mascots like Anna and Tiki) it would be Minerva, Palla, Xane, Shana, Finn, Igrene, Jaffar, Knoll, Soren, Gatrie (though Meg would funny), Lissa, Oboro, and Charlotte. 



  9. Mario, Zelda, Spaltoon 2, and Xenoblade 2 are the only current announced ones I plan to purchase I might pick 1 or 2

    Switch, Arms or Mario Kart as my second game when I buy it during the summer assuming there's nothing else to choose from, because I'm not waiting that long for Zelda and will buy it on Wii U. Mario and Xenoblade obviously will not come out till near December when I will purchase them so they don't apply there.

    Least excited for FIFA what else, there couldn't be an announcement I cared less about, Arms could have potential, 1 2 Switch seems like a decent but a bit overpriced party game for Family (I have a family that would probably actually enjoy playing this game together but I don't know if that's worth 50$). Number two is Skyrim, I played Skyrim in 2012 and still have my copy if I ever had the desire to replay it I can. i'm happy to see Bethesda grace a Nintendo Console that doesn't change the fact that already played it. Other than that everything else looks fine nothing I'm overly excited for they could turn out well I'll wait on reviews. That being said I have a lot I want this year so I don't have time for games I'm eh on.

  10. Xenoblade chronicles 2 getting a English release in 2017? Man is Nintendo finally localizing games at the same time in it's more niche series, mabye this means will get the next Fire Emblem at the same time! If it actually releases year I'll be impressed and pick it up between this Mario and Zelda will make this a good year. I now officially want more games than I can possibly purchase...

  11. Did you guys really expect all that to be totally free? Wow. I'm not surprised at all, that's quite a bit to be totally free with no catches.

    You do know that both Xbox and PlayStation give away multiple free games every month both Indy and AAA and it lets you keep them as long as you're subscribed to their service. While Nintendo's is not only giving away just one VC game from NES & SNES but you can't even keep it if you're still subscribed. Basically what I'm saying is you're getting royally ripped off if Nintendo's price isn't significantly lower than Xbox and PlayStation's.

  12. The Nintendo website keeps updating with dates so here's some new release dates for some reason.

    Dragon quest 8 3DS is coming out the 20th of this month.

    Poochy and Yoshi's woolly world is coming out on the switch launch date for 3DS (March 3)

    The Wii U version of Zelda has been confirmed for same day launch as well.

    Obviously these could change but for now this what Nintendo's website says.

  13. Edit: I just looked through the switch website get this only 1-2 Switch and Zelda are confirmed for launch day at the moment and there's going to be more than this there there has to be, not even the flippen weird game Arms is a launch day title.

    I suppose I'll get my final impressions for the night

    We didn't hear from a lot of the studios Nintendo has, a lot of them are produced games into 2016 and 15 so they're probably still working on their next game but retro's last game was Donkey Kong Country: tropical freeze in 2014 what are they working on!!!

    Now on to the games shown

    Arms: not really my thing looks kind of cool I guess?

    1-2 Switch: actually seems like a really good party game for family might pick it up that reason

    Super Mario Odyssey: Hallelujah back to sandbox format this is going to be incredible.

    Spaltoon 2: i'll probably pick it up it looks pretty good

    Xenoblade 2: looks good disappointed that the cliffhanger to X will never be solved, I hope they keep the open for formal of X in the game.

    FE Warriors: yeah I don't like these types of games and going by the trailer it's not even going to have Elibe/Tellius/Judgral (the swords only from FE 1/11, 3/12, 13, 14) which would be the bare minimum to get me even slightly interested. If these are added later as DLC see you I'll get it the game then as it stands I didn't even buy Hyrule Warriors ( though I might if they release a complete edition on the switch) and I'm a bigger Zelda fan then I am a FE fan though I'm a big fan of both.

    Zelda: I want this game so bad! good thing is coming to Wii U because unless it has significant performance issues I'm not gonna wait till summer (which is when I'm getting a switch) to play Zelda.

    So now the Mario is a holiday game so what I am actually going to get for the console beyond Spaltoon 2 ( maybe Mario Kart 8 deluxe) because I'm getting Zelda for WiiU (Bar big performance issues), the rest of the games look really far out... I actually might end up getting a Switch in December because of this nothing before December besides Spaltoon 2 that seems exclusive that's coming out... we'll see what happens it depends Nintendo shows there's more than just.

  14. I don't hear too much about it anymore, but I remember it was pretty well liked and that the game got several awards when the game came out.

    What awards? The game fell off the general media's radar, lost best RPG this year to a piece of a DLC, and is pretty niche. I personally like X (yeah the story is worse but it's not that bad and the part that is most important is massively improved imo, the gameplay and exploration as the original was just a linear RPG with way too big fields) more but that is definitely the unpopular opinion, that being said I do not love Xenoblade Chronicles nearly as much as everyone else did.
  15. Assassins Creed: Master of absolutely nothing I do not understand the appeal of the games, seriously they're not good steath games they're not good open world games are not good action games they not good platform as they excel at literally nothing. I also have a personal grudge against the series for superseding Prince of Persia.

    The Ubisoft sandbox game and it's contemporaries: I can't believe this is a genre... Why have the large bulk of action games devolved into entirely this genre, back in the day action adventure games didn't have to have open worlds stapled onto them to the detriment of the game play I love open explain expiration as much as the next man but if it's not a necessary part of your games is but you should spend more time making the actual game part of your game fun as exemplified by Assassins Creed. I consistently find the action games with these type of open world are more shallow for it. I have enjoyed some of them such as infamous 2 and the first two Batman games but I am so sick of it now. Because these games don't excel at either being a open world or a action game and kind of half ass both. Also can Batman's combat system not find its way into every single action game I remember when action games had variety now they're all just Batman or shallow third person shooters.

    Halo 4 & 5 : I don't like the direction 343 has taken the Games, the campaigns of become distinctly a memorable and super duper linear in level design I haven't played 5 but it doesn't look any better than 4 in this regard. Halo died with Bungie...

    Destiny: Your next game just had to be an MMO didn't Bungie... I didn't play destiny but it is sad to me that their next game wasnt interesting to me considering my love for Halo 1-Reach.

    Dragon Age: I tried, I tried so hard to like it I but did not like the combat of inquisition one bit it was so boring I hate the game.

    GTA and all of its kin (Saints Row, Watchdogs, Mafia, etc.): I have zero interest in this genre, The best thing I played that's kind of close to it was Destroy all Humans but that was uniquely awesome.

    Also anything Rockstar makes: since all of them are pretty much GTA, or they don't interest me like Max Payne and LA Noire.

    Gears of War: don't know what anyone sees this boring snore fest of a third person shooter but yeah it's just kind a basic.

    Sports Sim Games (like FIFA, Madden and the like)

    All Moba's: We are taking the most boring part of a RTS and making it into an entire genre why wouldn't I be bored.

    Fighting games not named Smash: You know my favorite thing in gaming is arbitrary barriers to entries like long hard to pull off button combos because nothing is as great is punishing a person with a bad reaction time and memory, so I end up just button mashing.

    DMC, God of War, Platinum's entire catalog and so forth for similar reasons to fighting games... I just end up button mashing, among other things.

    Any game such as Ninja Gaiden and Doom 2016 that too gory for me to physically play (I become ill once the gore reaches a certain level of persistence and intensity).

    Free to play games: there has never been a free to play game that's held my attention for more than a week (though when I was a kid I did put some time into some flash and browser games) in my mind if you aren't willing to give a price tag to your game it's not worth my time.

    MMO's: I like my games to end thank you very much, I do not have time for a game that doesn't.

    Dungeon Crawlers: Welcome to a more boring version of 2D Zelda that are basically grinding simulators I played all the way for Diablo 3 and at the end I thought to myself why do people like these games?

    Musou's all of them, I played Dynasty Warriors once and it was mind-boggling Boring, slapping Zelda on one did raise my eyebrow though, but I decided against it.

    Monster Hunter: I tried I could not do it too much griding, too much bullcrap, to little actually interesting going on in it world.

    Persona/Tokyo Mirage Session's: Tokyo Mirage Sessions made me realize that a overly linear turn based RPG's is not for me.

    Pokémon X & Y: I like all the Pokémon games except for this one (never played ORAS) it's so boring, way too easy, I'm having a far more positive experience with Sun right now.

    Luigi's mansion dark moon & Pikmin 2: I bound these two together because there two games that I dislike for the same reason they turn their more explorative first games into Linear challenge games.

    I have yet to really give a chance to dark souls and final fantasy though I generally avoid them i've only gone into most JRPG's recently and I have very mixed feelings about the genre as a whole. Final fantasy because I have a lot of RPG's on my plate and I just don't need another RPG to play and dark souls because I have a bad reaction time and I'm afraid that I won't be able to execute actions well enough in the game, but I am thinking I'll give it a chance at some point. Though there is likely more than this but that's all I can think of for now.

  16. And has for linearity, it's significantly less linear than any of the other 3D titles (and many of the 2D titles too) save for its brother Majora's Mask.

    Wind Waker is 16 times more open as well, though I would argue that OoT is completely comparable to Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword in terms of openness yes those two have longer openings but that doesn't make them thar more linear because after their openings tutorials they the same.
  17. I'm probably the only person that likes every single Zelda game from LTTP onwards. Even SS was solid, even if it didn't live up to the hype machine. I assume BOTW will be similar in this regard.

    I am the same I love all the whole series, though I do prefer 3D to 2D, I also respect the NES titles a lot even if I don't love them quite as much as the others.
  18. To be honest, I really don't mind if there's no sequel to this...I love the original better than Dark Moon simply because the original does many things that the sequel lacked on like better ghosts designs.

    Dude I feel the same I did not like dark moon even half as much as the original. But if they made 3 a proper follow-up to the original with more original designs and bosses, while still being focused on exploration throughout the whole game as opposed to the mission-based design of dark moon I would love that. Considering that dark moon was made with the handhelds in mind a console version might fix these problem, as a short sessions mission-based design is usually the hallmark of a handheld game. So I would only be excited for a sequel once I knew it was going in the right direction.

    First launch titles go I don't really have much else to say other than what the rumors have already said I think the rumor is that correct really my only prediction.

  19. "You don't need a complicated plot to be very well-crafted". So in the case of the Final Fantasy games, they don't need a well crafted complicated plot or for something like Xenoblade Chronicles? What about Fire Emblem for that matter since most of them pretty much use complicated stories that are well crafted

    From what I can get from what you said you're asking if an in-depth RPG which is totally different from Action Adventure (I refuse to call Zelda an RPG this genre is already overcrowded, I don't think Fire Emblem should count let alone Zelda) game needs a complicated plot which by the way they don't, see Ni No Kuni, Mother (aka Earthbound) 2 & 3, Paper Mario TTYD, which have relatively simple overarching stories of which Mother 3 I believe to be one of the finest stories in all of fiction. Relatively simple but subtle plots that have a lot of hidden depths are often the best way to use the medium, I can summarize Shadow of the Colossus, ICO, and The Last Guardian in a single sentence yet they are some of the best stories in video games.

    There are many different forms of storytelling and you don't need a complicated plot to be good because the really good relatively simple plots are usually anything but simple if you look at them more deeply they have more to say but you'll have to learn it by playing the game and paying attention. Not saying there's no merit to more complex plots just saying both have their merit and both of have there place.

  20. While I agree that Mario platformers don't have a story worth talking about never had one you should not extend that to a story based series that does have depth of meaning and is really well written, because I do I praise Zelda for its story (at least the 3-D ones 2-D ones tend to have simpler stories). Zelda the stories are highly underrated by some people because they admittedly at their surface level they can be fairly simple but they go so much deeper than that... Infact Majora's is one of the best in the industry period, it a story of death, healing, grief and has some really deep themes. Zelda games have somewhat simple overarching stories (that's summarization of majora plot is a massive oversimplification) with heavily symbolic meanings they have a lot of hidden depths they don't need the words they actually use the medium of video games (shock of shock a game that doesn't think it is not a book or movie) through environmental storytelling (don't tell me it doesn't just look at twilight princess and majora's mask and tell me those games don't exude atmosphere from every pore), mechanics (such as majora's time mechanic, or ocarinas), and excellent world building. You don't need a complicated plot to be very well-crafted, and unlike kingdom hearts the timeline in Zelda is unimportant it's just a little fun thing that you can do to see how the games connect, for all intents and purposes the games are standalone otherwise they do have a light over connecting plotthread but they better viewed their own standalone pieces of art (which games are btw), though viewing them together can often be interesting as well.

    this guy explains it better than I could. (You should watch the other parts too btw, though all this guys stuff is good and he's analyzed all the 3-D Zeldas except for skyward sword)

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