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Midori Mage

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Everything posted by Midori Mage

  1. http://peachymints.tumblr.com/post/160599689014/thats-right-i-make-the-best-investments-i
  2. i don't remember Hayato x Elise being a thing. Or Leo x Oboro. Is it some kinda hack thingie you patched in your game?
  3. Hope you're ready to lose (is joke) The main reason I want Boey (other than his art) is so that I have a tank mage. While I still have Julia and Nino, I got rid of the Robins (and I kinda just don't wanna level em) for Lukas and Draug, and having that kind of niche would be nice.
  4. who else is on team Julia? also i'm gonna whale a mountain for Boey, whether he's good or not be damned. Or just make an alt I guess.
  5. I laugh whenever I see Julia destroy Linde and Reinhardt.
  6. I regret feeding my Roy to Ninian when I use Azura a majority of the time instead. Though I still find the action of feeding Roy to his mom really funny.
  7. I regret feeding my Roy to Ninian when I use Azura a majority of the time instead. Though I still find the action of feeding Roy to his mom really funny.
  8. I pulled another Julia, but she has the same IV as the one I have now. (-Spd, +Def) Why. Also, should I merge the one I'm already using into the new one so I could get more SP for the build I'm making for her?
  9. Thanks Wada Arco for not making BB's final lewd as fuck.
  10. You should pull for Julia then. She's pretty much the Fred of mages. (Slow, tanks non-red mages, and hits like a truck!)
  11. My avi's face says it all. She's going down this time.
  12. Just tested this now. You can pass on Tiki's weapon to Ninian.
  13. Oh yeah for Julia should I go Fury or TA? I'm guessing TA since her main purpose is gonna be to bully every blue in existence. And I have green tomebreaker so she can laugh at enemy Ninos.
  14. Ouch, that's rough dude. As a fellow Odin user, you have my condolences. Best case scenario, you get another one with a better IV. (Mine's -Res,+Spd, yay me) If that does happen, one lucky member of your team gets access to a good special!
  15. If I remember right, we get them on the 11th. Not sure how many though. Hey, at least you can power up your good units even more yeah?
  16. With that whole possible Bride class thing, I wonder who's actually gonna be the unlucky girl?
  17. Yes. Try the next century my dude. For real tho, probably when I'm done with the school year. My constant wanting to get stuff over with in school makes me not want to talk to anyone. Sorry.
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