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Everything posted by ChickenWings

  1. So, the goal is to just beat Grima? You don't need that many pairings or kids, then.
  2. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I had a harder time raising Rickey up to combat than Donnel...
  3. (For any tiers that attempt to cover Lunatic: ) I agree with Maribelle being too high and Libra being too low. I think Panne is overrated.
  4. You probably couldn't spend EXP due to Donnel being a huge EXP hogger. No kids were raised up to level?
  5. Finally finished no DLC, high man, gen 1, vanilla Lunatic run. I used Chrobin, Lissa/Frederick, Virion/Sully, Stahl/Cordelia, Lon'qu/Panne, and Miriel/Gregor, Olivia and Libra tagged along. My thoughts: Chrobin is boss, even with the constant crits, Chrom got through Lord, Cav, Padalin, and back to Great Lord. Lissa for Vice President. Even if Freddy falls behind, his bonuses are awesome. Sully is boss. Should have put her back in the Paladin line again at the end, though. Virion is great support as usual. Miriel for President. Taking her through the Troubadour line was a good idea. Stahl eventually becomes a boss. Lon'qu was unexpected Bronze. Panne was underwhelming... Maybe I didn't use her as well as I should. I did not know what to do with Cordelia, at least as Falcon Knight she got free exp. Gregor did his job.... I knew I should have trained him more. Libra and his Ward are always welcome. I really wanted him to S rank with Olivia, but I couldn't even get their relationship started... Olivia for Secretary of State. Gotta not use Barracks as often. P: Until the end, I had serious money issues. I had to rely on the Leif Blade mid to late game even with the Large Billuon drops. I used lots of renown... Up to Innes?Wolt?Bow... p: It was lots of fun.
  6. I would say Chrom, but he can't marry everyone! Male Robin??? Favorites: Chrobin Virion/Sully Lon'qu/Panne Stahl/Cordelia Yarne/Lucina
  7. I thought Vaike was asking if Laurent forgets his things like he does. (Fathers ask Laurent if he inherited a quirk from them in the C support).
  8. And yet, she admits to crushing on him and she may or may not have tried to make him notice in their S support.
  9. I kinda understand Vaike and Lissa, though... Doesn't Owain admit he only acts nutty so he can keep his comrades' spirits up? I honestly believe Frederick/Lissa makes more 'sense' than Lon'qu/Lissa, though it'seems mostly because they have more 'close' interactions.
  10. Chrobin, I feel it "fits" the story. Virion/Sully, Both do want to protect others, and their "colors" together make Kjelle's purple. Kjelle looks at her future past self a little too much like Virion stares in the mirror too much... EDIT: I feel like there's more, but ugh, I can't seem to come up with 'deeper' reasons. Cherche/Minerva They're always together and Cherche remained single for so long... I like a bunch of ships, but I don't feel the 'canon' just yet. And of course, Carvantes and his mustache! SEE HOW HIS MUSTACHE TWIRLS IN THE WIND!!!
  11. I agree. I believe she orchestrated the plot of Awakening. After all, more war=more money! Oh yeah, and she even ruined the kids' home universe cuz they scammed her or something...As for the theory, meh. I think Robin would probably resemble their mother much more. CZ Yoshi, I thought the official art showed it was brown?
  12. Credits to Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi, Moving Dog GIF Interceptor, and Czar Yoshi for their guides! I've gotten ideas from the guides to help improve early game vanilla Lunatic. Is there anyone else I should give credit to?
  13. Who'd be a good husband for Maribelle (besides Chrom)? Don't care about post game.
  14. Actually, I've never read people say about Miriel being a bad unit. What I've read is she is a FRAIL unit....
  15. I was actually kidding. Whatever fits the headcanon!
  16. And make Morgan a slowpoke???Go with whoever you wan- You don't like Chrobin!?!?!?!? WHATISRONGWITHUUUUU?!?!?! Follow what you wish. Choose Stahl. C:
  17. Hot damn! If he can use that many gen 1 characters, so can I! Lucina doesn't count? Congratulations Dimbenes! Will you do another Lunatic run?
  18. It was awful and it was one of the reasons why I gave up on the last run. Tactician->Dark Mage-> Sorc->Dark Flier sound good? It looks like a hassle to do that pairing in Lunatic+. I'll try it in Vanilla Lunatic instead.
  19. I plan to try no DLC/grind Lunatic+ again (gave up the other run). What would you guys recommend the class paths to take if I want M!Morgan to have Gladforce? Also, would Henry/Sumia be workable in Lunatic+?
  20. Does stuff like this happen often? Even so, excellent news. Will look out for it.
  21. I've always seen Lissa [in lunatic] useful. Of course, I use Heal too often, especially before chapter 5. I try to add Maribelle, but I find it difficult to do so...
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