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Everything posted by Byleth

  1. Breaking Sky from Basara.. so you can choose between Diviner or Spellcaster to get it.
  2. Nyx!Syalla mods still need to be fixed.. and Yuugiri is avalaible in Revelations.
  3. Fuuma? I thought it was Kana.. with single 'n'
  4. Troubadour and Shrine Maiden/Monk isn't equivalent. Jakob x Azura will give Wyvern Rider class to Shigure.
  5. Replace Deadly Breath with proc skill, like Luna. The problem is Avatar can't learn Four Fangs in legit way..
  6. Because Mozu is in special class, so she tried to give Bowman to Takumi but since Takumi already has Bowman as base class, Mozu will give hidden class from Villager instead, which is Herb Merchant.
  7. the blow minigame is not to wake up your spouse, it's to blow the steam because your spouse is feeling hot..:v
  8. It's because she has the same base class with Camilla, so Camilla can get her secondary class.
  9. Oh I see.. I thought I got fixed level up stats because I got the same stats if I soft reset my save file..
  10. yes for other child but for Corrin (F) and Azura, father class gets first priority for inheritance just like mentioned in the link you posted "The only two exceptions to this rule are Shigure (Azura/Aqua's son) and male Kanna (female Avatar's son)."
  11. There are some errors regarding Kanna (M) and Shigure (with Jakob as father) class overlap. For example: Kaze x Corrin(F) with Ninja as secondary, because father class takes priority for inheritance, Kanna(M) will get parallel class from Corrin(F) secondary which is Cavalier while in your sheet, Kanna(M) gets Samurai instead. You can use this sheet as reference https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Xd0pBZ4oQtk7o3fBXUcCGCXc8tQ3BFSx4CcknOkPKTc/edit#gid=714086933
  12. there is no Effie as Mitama's mother option.. and seems you're miscalculating something for 3rd gen Kanna, because 3rd gen Kanna won't get +1 all stat mod
  13. Lunatic in Fates is easier than Awakening, and no Lunatic+ in Fates. Plus you got fixed level up stats in Lunatic so no bad RNG level up stats like in Awakening.
  14. they're alright. There are errors in Charlotte!Gurei.. He should inherit Fighter class tree not Herb Merchant (Apothecary) and Nyx!Rhajat mods should be: Str 1 Mag 5 Skl -2 Spd 5 Lck 1 Def -2 Res 1
  15. Errors in Kagero!Lutz mods.. it should be: Str 5 Mag 1 Skl 3 Spd 0 Lck -2 Def 1 Res 1
  16. I think they both want Spear Fighter class for Lancefaire..
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