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Everything posted by Byleth

  1. you might want Witches' Trial to farm Warp skill scrolls... and Anna maybe for support completion?
  2. We've got trouble! They're memeing us!
  3. it will only activate if you can kill the enemy without Guard Stance (pair up) or Attack Stance (dual attack with adjacent unit)
  4. nope you only need to buy one.. because DLC's are tied to your console, not cartridge... But imo you should buy only one cartridge and buy the other two paths via DLC in game so you can get these freebies (in Japanese version at least) [spoiler=free]
  5. Laslow, Peri, Beruka, Subaki, Caeldori stick out like a sore thumb..
  6. if you have two routes, you will get Dread Scrolls.. and when you can download the third route or if it's already in cartridge, you will get the Ebon Wings too.
  7. yeah it's DLC but you can also get 2 Ebon Wings (item to reclass to Dark Falcon) by purchasing two other paths digitally in game..
  8. it's possible.. if you can find and beat others my castle that have skill for unit you want
  9. you will have that problem in all path including Revelations, so if you want to get all the kids with male Avatar, just marry the Corrinsexual or marry the 2nd gen female.
  10. I think fliers will still get terrain effects if they stand on woods/mountain/village/pillar/fort Depends.. for Kanna sake, Felicia is better, but for Corrin sake, Jakob is better.
  11. or maybe Ogre Strike for crit shenanigans? :v
  12. alright, Line of Death/Hoshido it is then..
  13. Warp, Copycat, Breaking Sky, Hoshido/Flamboyant, Galeforce.. isn't this a general set up? So I won't use something like Agressor, faire skill, Prescient Victory to increase damage..
  14. yeah it's personal preference but having higher base damage output is better than rely on skill activation rate imo
  15. Oh yeah I forgot the Omega Yato.. Hmm well +Str or +Spd will give you +2 Skl so I think +Str or +Spd is better than +Skl because it gives more damage output and -Mag will give penalty to Spd..
  16. Hi, I'm interesting with the team planning for pvp... If I want my avatar to end up as Elite Ninja, isn't +Str/-Def is better than +Spd/-Def for pvp? Because Elite Ninja max Str is only 27:/
  17. Example: Flannel A+ Arthur, Flannel will get Fighter though he already has it in his secondary class, but Arthur will get Outlaw (hidden class from Garou) Kaze A+ Saizo will give Samurai for both so no new classes for both of them Correct Selena will get Pegasus Warrior from Marriage Seal though she already has it in her secondary class, Subaki will get Mercenary.
  18. Imo she is one of the best Diviner you will find in the game especially if Mothered by Nyx (+5Mag +5 Spd mod) because she has Natural access to Breaking Sky, Tomefaire, Ogre Strike, Dark Mage (from Nyx or A+ Ophelia), Herb Merchant (A+ Kinu) and can inherit Vantage/Astra/Line of Death (Hayato A+ Fuga) or Luna (Hayato A+ Benny).
  19. What tomes could I get from the villages in Ophelia paralogue? I only managed to visit two from four villages, and only got Horse God and Mjollnir I think.
  20. maybe we need to wait until the US version came out so they could use the subbed cutscenes from it.
  21. I'm thinking the same too.. but Hinoka!Gurei can have Deadly Breath + Snake Venom combo, and no class overlap (Weapon Master is one promoted class from Villager) You can't buy items in other units inventory in My Castle /Streetpass. you can use those skill scrolls on any unit.
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