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Everything posted by BlazeKing

  1. Update: *Hums Dark Pit's theme in the background* I wanted to do this for a while now, gonna make Pit since I finished Pitoo, to be honest I can just recolour this portrait and tadaa but I don't think that'll work... Everything but his face and scarf is completely custom, so he's a semi-custom(?) Can't help but feel I exaggerated the hair a tad bit ._. Used BlueDruid's sigil thingy cuz I'm lazy to make mini portraits so I just made the smash bros. icon thing Edit: Aaand I just realised that I forgot the wings...urgh Edit again: Actually, never mind, I can't "do" wings, wingless Pitoo then *shrug* :/
  2. Also, for that Lilina portrait, I just put her head onto Cecilia's body xD I just recoloured the armour to Hector's armour colours.
  3. I guess that would cause issues, if you put colours that don't "exist" in that frame yet, would it cause anything?
  4. All this time I NEVER put the palette of my sprite there, for some reason it seems to work for a different animation when I inserted it into a game without putting the palette at the top right corner, but I guess I'll fix the frames up later
  5. Uhh, what do you mean? All the frames I make I use like a template I got off a tutorial topic (forgot which), could you put an example as to how I should make the frames?
  6. More Updates: I made the Roy one before and the Lilina one was just completed, they're basically just them older...I guess? Used the blinking and mouth frames made by shadowofchaos.
  7. I'm kinda aware of that, but it won't be too much of a bother...right? But that's the tactician animation complete so yay :D
  8. Slightly Bigger Update: So I finished the critical animation, not much different from the regular attack animation other than the cut-in thing (which doesn't look good at all) The actual cut-in itself kinda bothers me a bit, I don't know how though :/
  9. I did not mean to post 2 of the same replies, whoops
  10. Thanks, I was actually thinking of putting a tome in his hand, but I can't seem to make a small pixel book :/
  11. Update: Aaaand here's the Magic attack animation, what I'm going for is pretty obvious, definitely needs refining though... I guess it's pretty obvious that I like the Summoner's sigil thingy.
  12. Wow I can't believe that there's people looking forward to it...well I'm gonna make it after getting some rest, school is a bit tiring, I have ideas on the crit and tome animations so yay
  13. Minor Update: I notice I'm actually doing more minor updates than actual updates...whelp xD Anyway, I polished up Robin's animation more and I kinda like it
  14. I admit I ended up being a bit lazy for the attacking frames, and yes, I'm going for the Awakening style animation gonna polish it up soon, thanks for the feedback by the way :)
  15. Very Minor Update: Edited the Tactician normal attack animation, *slightly* resembles my old Tactician animation, maybe this looks less...cringey? Still a tad bit odd though :/
  16. Minor Update: So I was working on this for nearly the whole day (could've finished it sooner but got a tad bit lazy) but I finished the normal sword attack animation for the tactician class, made from scratch, this was my first time trying a full custom animation ... ... ... Ok I lied, THIS was my first attempt...I despise this [spoiler=Kill it with fire please] Oh my Naga, this was bad ._.
  17. Thanks for the feedback :D For now, I'll just focus on making Robin's battle animation, for Hooded Robin and Chrom, maybe I'll do later, thanks for liking Hooded Robin's portrait by the way, I spent a few hours on it
  18. So this is unfortunate, Photobucket decided to be a prick and now my gallery's a graveyard, will be putting up archive sorta images with all the sprites if anyone cares but yeah, at least for the opening post, these are all that remain....thanks for nothin Photobucket Mugs: Not-so Animated Battlesprites: Megaman stuff:
  19. For those who are wonder what I mean by "Generic Class Portraits" I basically made portraits to replace these: Made 5 so far, and here they are: Critiques are more than welcomed. (Especially for the Archer portrait that looks garbage in my opinion)
  20. Wow I didn't really expect people to like it ._. ... But thanks a lot! :D I'm not that good with spriting, so I just made it completely off of Eliwood's animation, so Chrom will just stab everything.
  21. This counts as a full blur frame right? I'm not good at this http://imgur.com/FMBqTO9
  22. I was working on this for quite some time, but basically it's just an edit of Eliwood's animation, I kinda like how it turned out. Here's the frames made for those who actually want to use this bad animation: https://www.mediafire.com/?66ak3n41h9oj4p2 Critiques are welcomed.
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