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Everything posted by Matthew147

  1. Oh.....that sounds really frightening to be honest. Still after the stuff I've been put through in this game I think I can handle it. Thanks for the heads up :)
  2. Hi! Thanks for the advice, I got through both of these chapters today. About chapter 21x..... what is so nightmarish in that chapter?
  3. Hello everyone, I'm currently playing Thracia 776 and I'm at chapter 19. I also heard that the chapter after this one (chapter 20) is even more difficult. I would like some advice on how to beat these 2 chapters. Thank you in advance! :)
  4. Hello! My name is Matt, i've joined this forum, because i love fire emblem (started playing 2 years ago). I'm hoping to have a good time talking about some fire emblem topics with the rest of you. Favorite FE game: Fire Emblem Geneology Of The Holy War
  5. I was just looking for some neat tips and tricks for hard mode! Thank you very much! :D
  6. sorry to bother you but is there still a v1.93 for your patch on FE4?

    1. Shin


      I might have it somewhere, sorry for the delay. I'll try and find it over the weekend.

    2. Shin



      Here's 1.93! I guess it counts as my Christmas present to you!

    3. Matthew147


      sorry for the late reply, but thank you very much :)

  7. I've tried using the SFC/SNES ROM UTILITY program, but it still says that its corupted. Does anyone have a rom that already has this patch on? If you do, could you please send me it?
  8. Remove the header? Im sorry but I don't follow :(
  9. I've heard that the shin patch for Fire Emblem 4 is hard and really fun, therefore i would like to play it, however when i try to use the ips program to patch the shin patch to a fresh FE4 file it won't open, and it says that the file has been damaged. If anyone knows how to do it please help me. Thank you in advance!
  10. can you play this patch on android?
  11. Hello, I would like to know if there is a point to level up a unit to level 20, since all stats cap at twenty? I would also like to know which units benefit from early promotion and can be really usefull despite not hitting level 20 before promotion. Thank you in advance!
  12. Hi mangs! Love your videos, and looking forward for more randomized FE6

  13. Hello, I would like to know which characters you guys use for your team on HM.
  14. I played this game and reached chapter 7 after that my rom decided to be corrupt and i couldn't retrive my old save file -.- I would really appreaciate if someone could send me a save file that starts from the 2nd generation because i really don't feel like starting all over again. Thank you in advance!
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