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Posts posted by Radiance

  1. Heh the restocks tease us all. We got 10 days so keep it going. Worse case scenario, you would need to win the contest so good luck on that. Either way, you will get the special edition or regular. Strive for that special edition and in the future know that Nintendo has shit stocks and try ordering 1-3 days it comes out. Wish you the best

  2. yarr. I want to put things on Marxander's head, discuss the beauty and dynamics of gothic romance novels with Leo (he'd dig it), ask Takumi how to archery, and compare swords with Ryoma. I also have drawn the line in the sand that im not S supporting Hoshidan siblings. One of my MUs is S supporting Camilla but he is not a self-insert and i am going to write a fanfic about him and Conquest. Kinda GoT style tbh

    Imagine this as the supports. That would actually be a great idea. Yato vs Rajinto

  3. They will get no sympathy from me. Society has always been like that in the Middle ages and it applies today. Idk why but it just does. With this game I feel like it could have been worse. Censorship also is gender biased. Guy with a shirt off while a girl... yeah people just seem to be critical about it. Why do you think there are rarely any online ladies? Because men are dumb and think they are superior. Now with the situtation of the game, I feel like age was just a hit and miss on IS. Shit happens enough said. Perhaps in the future this will be fixed idk.

  4. Fortunately not everyone thinks like you. I've had people curse/drop their controllers and its great. It doesn't work on my local scene anymore since I've effectively convinced most people here that Link is high mid tier and they don't feel bad about losing anymore. This is why I travel for Smash mostly, to elicit this reaction from people who aren't used to losing to Link outside of FG.

    Well said. For glory is nothing to me though and I beat every Link I face there with an exception of 1 that does decent. Getting people mad is awesome. Ganoncide ftw. Btw King DDD down is so upsetting to get hit by. It is like Kirby side special.

  5. I honestly play Link cause I'm sadistic and like to make opponents salt about losing to Link. There's no right or wrong reason to play a character.

    Sadly that won't effect me. A good Link is great and losing does not bother me. Perhaps but you should find a character that suits you. If you use Zero Suit but dont like her play style or cant get used to the way the character feels, it is a waste of time. Mario is pretty basic, but I like Doc.

  6. When I play characters, if they are fun and awesome, I will use them. That is why I use Ike. Loyalty to my character and I like Ike. If I was focused on winning, Ike would have been dropped as my main. I used him since Brawl and he is staying as my main. I win with him so it is awesome. I also play other characters like Marth and others because theor fun to use. Corrin will be my secondary or Cloud. Idk yet

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