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Posts posted by Radiance

  1. Corrin is so amazing. This character has so many options as well. Good stun for follow up at mid to high percent, b-air helps edge guarding and recovery, tilts are on point as well, and smash attacks are so good(forward smash MVP). I know some tricks so I can help anyone if they want. Corrin will be my secondary once I learn everything. Ike buff though, my main Vanguard looking clean. Btw his Jab is so good.

    Btw Smash takes time

  2. I love Corrin. I know some things and will make him a main secondary because he is fun. I wonder if Ike is better this patch. Corrin has a strong Up air and Back air(helps edge guard and recovery. His recovery is invincible and his smash attacks are powerful. Tilts are great and can combo as well. I like the stun to because at mid-high percent a follow up can be done. Awesome character

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