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Everything posted by chococoke

  1. I'll give this a shot, since I just started a playthrough. Team: Sigrun Elincia Mia Haar Jill Brom Bastian Tibarn Oscar Heather Pretty solid, I suppose? Only I've never really used a handful of those characters.
  2. I'd have to say Jasmine, as Jasmine and Paul are equally ridiculous, but Jasmine is a girl's name, edging him beyond his equally as ugly brother.
  3. I don't remove halfshift, but I sure as hell don't use it. I just always treated him as a typical Jeigan during part 1, and by the time I get to part 3, there are better DB options (Tauroneo, Nolan) Though I am doing another playthrough that I started yesterday. I'll make sure to destroy people with Volug.
  4. Alas indeed. Thank you.

  5. Why is your youtube account closed? I really enjoyed looking at everything.

  6. It would help if I learned how to quote people :/

  7. That's what I was thinking as well, he's always merely decent for me. Ulki + Mordy = <3 Also, respect to Muarim for not being annihilated in his lolreturn during part 4. Double edit: Apparently I'm retarded and can't quote people despite using forums before. Argh :(
  8. Aw, come on guys. I love Fire Emblem. Stop being so depressing.

  9. Boy, Volug sure is popular :o I've honestly never used him before, at least beyond part 1.
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