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Everything posted by vanguard333

  1. In your opinion, should the next Fire Emblem game be for the 3DS, Wii U, or the NX? We have had two Fire Emblem games for the 3DS and none for the Wii U (apart from the crossover game). So, with the NX coming in 2017, I was wondering what people want the next Fire Emblem game to be for; the 3DS, Wii U, or NX.
  2. Hi. To be honest I have had a profile on this site for several months. But it was only recently that I noticed this introductions forum, and I realized I never actually introduced myself. As you can see, I am Vanguard333 (obviously not my actual name). I first heard of Fire Emblem when I played Super Smash Bros. Melee. Some time later, my family and I found Path of Radiance, bought it, played it, and enjoyed it. I have been a fan of Fire Emblem ever since, with Path of Radiance still being my favourite to this day. One thing that I should mention is that I have high-functioning autism. That does affect how I communicate, especially online.
  3. No; just no... Way, way too old and I'm pretty sure a crush on one's dad (unrequited or not) is not desirable in any way, shape or form. As far as Micaiah and Sothe, chronologically she is older, but I don't think by as much as some suggest (35 when she has a sister in her mid-teens? Even for Branded I don't think that's very realistic). Not to mention biologically she and Sothe are similar-aged by Radiant Dawn.
  4. If I could add more paired endings in Radiant Dawn; it would be the following: Laura x Aran: I'm not a fan of these two characters, but I was very surprised that they don't have a paired ending. Rolf x Mist: I was not a fan of Boyd x Mist, but grew to like it after reading the supports in Path of Radiance (the Radiant Dawn ones are a joke). However, it was surprising that the game writers thought of Mist x Boyd and not Mist x Rolf (especially after reading their Path of Radiance supports), though it might be weird that Mist would have a choice between Boyd or his younger brother. Oscar x Tanith: I don't know why, but after reading their supports I thought this one might happen. And, last but not least: Ike x Elincia: Back in April, I mentioned a bit about my opinion on this in the thread on the story of the Tellius Series. There I mentioned that I really did not like the ending they gave Ike in Radiant Dawn. It felt like it was written on a coffee break! Not only that, but I was not the biggest fan of Geoffery x Elincia. People talk about Micaiah and Sothe being too much like sister and brother, yet, in my opinion, Elincia and Geoffery seemed more brother and sister than Sothe and Micaiah (purely opinion, and I am autistic so I may have missed a few signs or interpreted them a different way). I was more a fan of the idea of Ike and Elincia.
  5. I just thought of a couple other ideas for a sequel (I still haven't played this game yet, but I'm genuinely considering getting it). A lot of people have agreed that the next game should have more mirages from more than just two Fire Emblem games. But therein lies the next question: which ones? I already suggested Ike from Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn as someone I personally hope will be in a potential sequel. Some other characters that I think should be in the next game should be: 1. Azura, for the simple reason that, well, she is a songstress. That's literally the name of her class. That and she's from the most recent FE game. 2. Sephiran, because he can wield light and dark magic (and even if he's not a hero's mirage, he can be an interesting boss).
  6. I haven't played the game yet, but I do have a few ideas: 1. Atlus might not want a sequel to take place outside of Japan, but that doesn't mean there cannot be one or two non-Japanese characters. One idea would be someone whose family moved to Japan for business reasons, and his mirage is Ike (a nod to the fact that Ike was the first English-speaking FE character in Smash Bros.). Because the character just moved, sometimes he forgets to speak Japanese instead of English. Another idea would be a tourist visiting Japan. 2. Obviously, since I mentioned Ike, more mirages from a greater number of FE games. 3. Maybe just a few more elements from Fire Emblem. One of the reasons I'm hesitating about getting this game is that this game seems to borrow more from SMT than Fire Emblem (as I said, I haven't played the game yet, so please inform me if I'm wrong).
  7. I have a couple suggestions for you: Muk - Garon Magikarp (bought from the guy in the pokemon centre) - Arthur Vaporeon - Azura
  8. Radiant Dawn Rolf; easily. He requires a little more effort than training Shinon, but, in my opinion, is far better overall.
  9. I agree that all three routes could've been better written (especially in worldbuilding). I think they should've shown the Nohr sewer-market in both Conquest and Birthright, rather than just Birthright. Just one thing: weren't Hans and Iago killed in chapter 16 of Revelation; and wasn't Garon pretty much insane and unable to give orders in Revelation?
  10. Two things: One; I have no idea how to make a poll (so could anyone who replies please tell me how to make this topic a poll if possible). Two; I know it has not been long since Fire Emblem Fates released. However, since Fates is the second Fire Emblem game for the 3DS, and the NX will be released in 2017, I was wondering: which of the three consoles should the next Fire Emblem game be on: 3DS, Wii U, or NX?
  11. It's not nitpicking if one simply raised the question and then the answer given was a bit dumb.
  12. That is a stupid reason for Link to be right-handed.
  13. That is a stupid reason for Link to be right-handed! By that logic he should've been right-handed in EVERY Zelda game.
  14. I have a question: why is Link right-handed in this game? He's always been a left-handed hero; and was only right-handed when it came to the Wii games because of the Wii remote. This game is for the Wii U/NX, so why is he right-handed in all the footage they've shown? I hope that Link can be left-handed or right-handed in this game.
  15. I stated that I hoped Ganondorf would return, and every reply to that that I saw was that they should move on from Ganondorf. Well, the Sheikah things in the shrines state something about granting Link the power he needs if he hopes to beat Ganon! Ganon's back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now, after seeing the E3, I'm just hoping Link can be either left-handed or right-handed (since I prefer when Link's left-handed, but all the footage they showed had a right-handed Link).
  16. Aren't the Mario-less Mario games spin-off games? The only Mario games without Mario that I can think of are Captain Toad and Luigi's Mansion. That being said, I don't play a lot of Mario games. But wouldn't it be a little strange is they suddenly and permanently retired Bowser as the big bad guy of Mario games? I'd argue that Ganondorf is to The Legend of Zelda what Bowser is to the Mario games: there are games without them as the bad guy, and there games without them at all. But they are the integral bad guys of their series; destined to haunt the main hero and the princess over and over. I'd also argue that, of all Zelda villains made so far, Ganon is the biggest and baddest, and it would be next to impossible to make one bigger and badder than him. Majora's Mask only has the edge in creepiness, and even then only just. The nightmares in Link's Awakening are a joke. Ghirahim is a sidekick (as is Zant). Malladus is a Ganon rip-off. Bellum (or whatever that squid is called) is just a parasitic squid. That witch in Tri Force Heroes is bland. Vaati is interesting depending on the game, but is a bit goofy in all three games (he's also the only main villain other than Ganon to even be in more than one game).
  17. Here are a few things I hope will be in Legend of Zelda U/NX: 1. The return of the magic meter. 2. Lots of dungeons. 3. A musical instrument. 4. The ability to equip any of the different swords/shields/tunics obtained at different points in the game (I disliked how in Wind Waker, weapons, shields, and the tunic just replace the previous items). 5. A great story. Finally; and most importantly: 6. Ganondorf!!!! He has been missing for several games. I liked all the allusions to Ganon that have been present in recent games, such as the face of the Demon Train in Spirit Tracks, and the villain Demise in Skyward Sword being a pre-Ganondorf and the reason Ganon keeps coming back. However, it has been several years, and Ganondorf has yet to come back! Also, his appearance in A Link Between Worlds shouldn't count as that was just Yuga stealing the Triforce of Power! Nor should his appearance in Hyrule Warriors count as that was a spin-off; although I do like that they at least made him important in that game unlike a certain 3ds game I already mentioned... Bringing back Ganondorf is inevitable! Funny enough, both games that have been remade for the Wii U had Ganondorf as the main villain...
  18. I think that, ideally, gameplay and story need to go hand-in-hand, and that the amount of story should reflect the game being made. For example, a game like Pac-Man needs no plot, whereas a fire emblem game definitely needs plot. If I had to choose... gameplay should be more important. But, I think we can all agree FE Awakening and Fates could've had better stories.
  19. Here are some that I can think of: Azura - Milotic Elincia - maybe Altaria? Corrin - Dialga Kaze - Sceptile Gatrie - Mega Aggron Garon (Birthright) - maybe Houndoom or Tyranitar? Garon (Conquest) - Muk (Honestly, I can't think of a better combination of FE character and pokemon than this one...)
  20. I would base a region off of either just Scotland or the entire Great Britain. I once visited Great Britain and it was fantastic. It would especially be interesting to see a city/town in the game based on Edinburgh.
  21. I predict that, in some part of the game, the number 30 is used as an allusion to the 30th anniversary of Legend of Zelda (similar to the nod to the 25th anniversary in Skyward Sword). ...Wait, are we predicting what will be in the game, or just what they'll reveal at the E3?
  22. I miss light magic users (and I'm clearly not the only one who misses them), sword-wielding flying units, and warrior. While not exactly a class, I also miss the capes paladins had in Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn (otherwise they just look like cavaliers with a bit more armour).
  23. Here's my idea for a character: Name: Alec Gender: Male Starting Class: Mercenary Reclass: Apothecary Available: Revelation Only Recruitment: Talk with Azura Description: A former young retainer to the King of Valla and survivor of the destruction of Valla. Always looks like he has seen a ghost. Personal Skill: Atonement (grants hit and avoid +10 against invisible enemies) Age: Late twenties to early thirties Background: A young retainer to the King of Valla who wanted to accompany the King into the cave where Anankos was hiding, but the king ordered him to stay behind. After the King's death and Anankos' rampage, the queen ordered him to flee, which he did, against his better judgement, and it continues to haunt him. The king had given him dragon blood in case he ever needed it, but he has not touched one drop of it. Personality: a blunt young man nearly consumed by grief. Appearance: A tall thin build with longish red hair and a scar on his left cheek. Wears silver and brown armour. Critical Quotes: "For Valla!" "I am running no longer!" Death Quote: About time I joined those I left behind... I'll see you soon; my king." Retreat Quote: "Once again; I'm forced to run... as if once wasn't bad enough." Supports: C-S with most female units. C-A+ with... (I haven't figured out that part yet). Unique weapon: Fang of Valla (sword) A sword forged in the breath of the silent dragon. Once wielded by the elite in the Vallite army. Mt: 11, Hit: 90, Crit: 0, Range: 1-2
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