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Everything posted by vanguard333

  1. I remember once being on a tour of the Scottish Highlands, and the tour guide mentioned that Sean Connery once said he would return to Scotland when it was finally independent from the UK, and then the tour guide jokingly wondered if Connery would actually do it, since he'd be choosing between returning to Scotland or staying in the Bahamas. …I guess now we'll never know if Connery would've kept his word. 😢
  2. I'm a straight guy and I don't understand it either. Then again, I also have autism, so a lot of things don't make sense to me that make sense to other people because my thought process is different.
  3. So, in addition to the new trailer for Bravely Default II, the developers have also released a player feedback video, going over the changes that they've made to the game in response to feedback from the survey: What are your thoughts? Personally, I'm glad that they've now added indicators for the turn order; the guesswork involved for whose turns were next was one of the biggest issues I had with the demo.
  4. Sounds good. I can completely understand wanting to wait until there are more episodes. I was watching Boruto some months back and watching multiple episodes at a time was fine, but one a week during the more recent arc became a slog. I'll get back to watching it at some point now that that arc is over. This show (Tonikawa), however, I have no problem watching one episode a week.
  5. This brings me back memories of when I was four; I knew the guy was hanging from a cliff, but I didn't realize that "cliffhanger" was also a pun on the type of story ending. I was four.
  6. Good music. I've never played Berwick Saga, but bits of the melody sound really familiar. It's a very haunting tune that could easily be played over a sad moment that's meant to stick in the player's head. And now, yet another extremely wholesome moment from an anime: this time, a scene where the protagonist proposes to a girl at the end of episode 4, when the central premise of the show is that these two got married 15 minutes into the first episode:
  7. @ciphertul You mentioned that you like romance anime. Normally, I don't watch romance (I've often said that I'm able to watch any genre except romance and horror and that it's usually more that I'll try something if I find the premise interesting), but I have recently been watching a show titled Tonikawa: Over the Moon For You (apparently also titled Fly Me to the Moon in Japan), and the reason I've been watching it is that I stumbled on a trailer for it online and the comments section was flooded with people saying, "This will be the most wholesome show you ever watched" and the description "wholesome" particularly stood out to me. I wouldn't be able to explain the premise very well, so I'll just leave the trailer for it below. What I can say is that, unlike basically any other romance anime (or really any other romance show in general) the two main characters get married about 15 minutes into the first episode. It's a Crunchyroll Original, so you would need Crunchyroll to watch it, and it's brand new, so it only has four episodes so far. But I do think it is absolutely worth watching: it's a really good, really wholesome show that manages to be creative, funny, heartwarming and entertaining.
  8. Yeah; I think the game definitely would've been better if built from the ground up to accommodate four routes (though probably just three routes since, if house vs house vs house had been the starting idea rather than empire vs church, it probably would've ended up being three routes) or at least if both ideas had been in mind from the get-go. Ambition has rarely been IS' friend when it comes to Fire Emblem, and this game was their most ambitious yet, so it definitely needed a solid plan and to just stick to that plan.
  9. Yeah; as much as I love Three Houses and feel that did a good job overall showing how war affects the people fighting it, I can't think of any time that it actually shows how the war is effecting the citizenry. That was something that Path of Radiance did far better and far more often in its story, with examples including an entire chapter showing what losing the sudden war with Daein is like for the Crimean citizenry as well as Sothe pointing out that, on the surface, Ashnard didn't seem like a bad king because he was the first to ever offer the peasantry a way out of the slums if they were strong enough to become a knight.
  10. Looking back at what I said, that's very true. I just meant that it was strange compared to how it ended up being marketed, as in the decision to market it that way when it was developed another way makes the whole thing seem strange. Does that make sense? I probably could've phrased it better.
  11. That would be the route where you side with the church over Edelgard. Yeah; that route could've used a bit more work. The weird thing is that apparently, at the conceptual level, Edelgard's route and the church route were created first, then Dimitri and Claude's routes were built around the church route. If that's true (and someone correct me if it isn't true), then that's a really weird way to design the routes in a game heavily marketed as being all about a three-way fight between three superpowers.
  12. Definitely one of the better Smash Bros. themes, though I honestly can't think of any that weren't good. (Watch this from 0:46 onward)
  13. I see. Personally, I dislike XV as well both for how the game ended up and for what Square Enix's upper management did that resulted in this game's horrific ten-year development. Apparently the game's original director, Tetsuya Nomura, is still extremely upset about what happened (and despite what many still believe for some reason, what happened to the game was neither his fault nor Tabata's). I try to enjoy this trailer on its own (as what it shows is really cool), but I can't help but think about what happened. So, I completely understand how you feel even though my reasons are a bit different. Anyway, may as well review the video you posted. …I'm not sure I understand it. Here's a video for those who dislike how anime generally handles romantic subplots (which is to say, poorly). It's one of the most wholesome scenes I've seen in the last two years, and it happens in episode nine of the show (for context, he's a peasant-turned-noble and she's his court mage):
  14. Of course it would cost them nothing; they already have the remake's script that's basically just a translation (since it didn't really add much unlike SoV). I wouldn't be surprised if every text in the localization is the exact same as its equivalent in the remake.
  15. I see. Thanks. I suspect that the reason I didn't know that is simply that I never wanted to turn off the battle scenes (I almost never want to turn off the animations when playing an FE game).
  16. I'm personally hoping for a localization of the Mystery of the Emblem remake, but I think it's rather unlikely given that they chose to release FE1 rather than its remake. Considering that the original Mystery of the Emblem had Shadow Dragon (by that I mean FE1) inside it, I don't really see a reason why they would've re-released FE1 if they were going to also re-release FE3. …Oh, wait; I do see one reason: 🤑🤑🤑
  17. Wait; Path of Radiance didn't have that? Huh; here I thought I knew my favourite FE game almost inside-and-out at this point.
  18. Probably not, since Shadow Dragon was basically this game + added gameplay features and bonus chapters.
  19. I don't know; I haven't checked the website because I'm not really interested in getting this game. All I know is that I saw "$6". How is it a poor remake? It was basically the original game but with some added gameplay features and some updated (but still deliberately retro) graphics. It was basically what Pokémon Fire Red was to Pokémon Red, and I can actually respect that, as much as I normally prefer when a remake tries more to be what the original game would've been if made with today's tech. Those definitely would've been more interesting to me, though I think perhaps an anniversary bundle of all the Japan-only games would also have been interesting.
  20. If you have a DS or a 3DS, you may as well just find a used copy of Shadow Dragon. I found one for $20, though that was several years ago, I have no idea how much a copy of it sells for now, and even the people working at the store were surprised that they had a copy of it. Then again, this game is only $6, so never mind. Same. It's hard for me to be excited about this when there was already a remake of this game back in 2009 that brought it to the west. Personally, I would've been more excited for a localization of New Mystery of the Emblem (the remake of the third game).
  21. I have to say, I was confused when the announcement was like, "For the first time, the original game is finally being localized". I was thinking, "Am I on crazy pills?! Didn't we already get a localization on the DS?! Is Nintendo starting to forget that the DS was a thing?!" Before anyone asks, yes, I know Shadow Dragon was a remake, but with how deliberately retro it was, it was basically a localization with some added conveniences. Personally, I would've preferred a Switch port of the remake and/or a localization of the sequel's remake, but this still looks neat. I won't get it though because 1) I have no time to play it, and 2) I still have Shadow Dragon.
  22. Ah, yes; what I call the Tobito predictability problem (after one of the main villains in Naruto): where the identity of the main villain is made obvious by the lack of anyone else it could feasibly be. There isn't a route where you don't pick a side; are you talking about the route where you side with the church?
  23. If he is, then hopefully he'll be a better fighter than this king:
  24. I see your point. Didn't Gharnef have to disguise himself as a common merchant or something like that in order to approach Hardin?
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