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Everything posted by vanguard333

  1. I agree that they have a lot of parallels; another example of FE borrowing from Path of Radiance on the surface-level for something in Three Houses. That said, while I haven't played Blue Lions yet so my opinion may change, I do think Tauroneo is the more compelling character, and one reason for that is that Tauroneo's mistake was the very thing that tore him from his family, while Gilbert trying to atone for a prior mistake led to him making another one in deserting his family and it's hard to tell which he's more concerned about: his family or his atonement. The problem with that is that is that Echoes was almost schizophrenic in whether it wanted to rigidly adhere to Gaiden's story like Shadow Dragon, or update and expand upon the narrative.
  2. Technically, it's older Purah if we're talking about physical age rather than chronology.
  3. Thanks for the input. I think Shadow Dragon would be best out of all the games because Marth's story is so barebones in the first game (it was really New Mystery that added a lot of worldbuilding and such, and that stuff can't really be put into Shadow Dragon because they were big reveals in New Mystery), which would give a good outline upon which I could expand and explore the stuff that's plot-relevant and leave out a lot of stuff that isn't. Stuff like the Pyrathi chapter could be completely removed without harming the film or upsetting fans too much. I do think Fire Emblem is far better suited to TV shows than movies, and if I could make a show, it would easily be an almost 1:1 adaptation of Path of Radiance, but this thread is asking about a movie, so I said what I would do if asked to make a movie. Who says it has to be a wig? A small studio whose name I can't remember is making a short film based on events in that recent fantasy novel Chronicles of Everfall: Shadow of the Conqueror, the protagonist in that book has blue hair, and they say in their videos about the short film's production that they've found a dye/tint that would have the effect without it looking silly.
  4. That's the reason why I said my Shadow Dragon three-part film would have the first part have Marth vs Jiol (the king of Gra who betrayed Marth's dad) as the climax, with the addition that Jiol claims he was threatened into betraying Altea by Gharnef, and the battle would make it sink into Marth that the war is a lot more than, "Defeat Dohlr and reclaim Altea". Do you think that would be a satisfying enough end if done well? That is true, and I'm also tired of elves and dwarves, which is one reason I promised to myself that I wouldn't use elves and dwarves in any of my own fantasy stories that I'm writing; I would use faeries (the Celtic Folklore kind of faeries, not the butterfly-winged kind) and stuff like that that doesn't see as much use.
  5. If it has to be live-action, I would probably adapt Shadow Dragon into a three-part movie series like The Lord of the RIngs. A) Part 1 would cover the prologue up to beating Jiol (which would be changed to happen earlier), then part 2 would end with retaking Altea, and part 3 would be Marth defeating Grust, Macedon, Gharnef and Medeus. I would use the movie format as an opportunity to expand upon the main characters using the outline that's already there in Shadow Dragon and Mystery of the Emblem. For some examples: Since the game had Jiol (and by extension Gra) betray Altea out of cowardice, Part 1 would have the climactic siege involve a duel between Jiol and Marth where Jiol reveals that he was threatened into betraying Marth's father by Gharnef (who would be mentioned in passing a few times, but this would be the moment that reveals his involvement in the war). Jiol still refuses to surrender, however, believing that he's doomed unless he kills Marth. He is ultimately killed, but Marth doesn't feel any relief from the traitor's death like he thought he would; instead he just silently weeps. A big part of Marth's arc in part 1 would be that he only sees the war in terms of reclaiming Altea and defeating Dohlr, and realizing that he needs to grow out of that mindset and see the larger picture of what's going on. This moment is the moment where that really sinks in. I would give Medeus and Gharnef a greater presence in the story, even without them necessarily having to be on-screen. Gharnef would be popping in and out every now and then to try to manipulate things in his favour, and Medeus would be confined to Dohlr Keep (as leaving it would kill him due to him not being fully revived, which is the reason Gharnef intends to use the Aum Staff and a captured princess to accelerate his revival), but he would still have a few scenes before his big battle. One scene I had in mind was that we see him personally punish Camus for freeing Nyna, scoffing at Camus' reasons, and then convincing him to be loyal to his kingdom. This scene would be used to give insight into Medeus since we don't really get his backstory until Mystery of the Emblem, and here he would reveal to Camus, "I once picked my heart over my kingdom (when he became a manakete and helped Naga seal away the maddened earth dragons), and it led to my kin being sealed away and my people being trampled on by you humans." It would also expand upon Camus' "were my heart my master I would side with you, but I must think of my kingdom" reasoning for not siding with Marth and Nyna. Speaking of Medeus, every scene with him in Dohlr Keep would have him and/or Gharnef noting, "Only three years left until the seal is broken" as a sequel hook for New Mystery of the Emblem, with Medeus at one point saying, "Why couldn't you just choose to become manaketes? Why then, of all times, did you let your pride cloud your jusgements?" This is to hint that Medeus and Gharnef both want to unleash the Earth Dragons upon humanity with them believing Medeus will be able to control or at least guide them. Perhaps, if a film of New Mystery were made, I would have Gharnef taunt Gotoh by screaming, "The seal is broken! [...] From the first day you taught me, Gotoh, I knew you were a dragon that lost your stone! How does it feel to know that everything you and Naga sacrificed was for nothing! Tell me, teacher! How does it feel?!" B) I would probably try to cast a lot of newcomers for the younger roles and more experienced actors for older characters like Jiol, Gharnef, and Medeus. I can't think of anyone specific that I would cast. C) For one thing, since it's a Fire Emblem film, there would be a lot of heavy emphasis on the war. And, unlike Lord of the Rings where they're fighting Always Chaotic Evil Orcs, it is made abundantly clear that the heroes are fighting people; people who may not be opposing them by choice. Also, even if it's live-action, I would still want to maintain the aesthetic of the games as much as possible. For example, if possible to do so without it looking silly, I would give the characters their different hair colours. What do you guys think? Seriously; I would appreciate feedback since I'm currently writing my own fantasy war novel.
  6. Subliminal Messaging/10 I can't remember if I've posted this one already or not; if I have, please let me know and I'll change it to something else:
  7. I got Mario 3D All-Stars. I'm starting with 64, and I'll 100% it before moving on to quickly going through Sunshine (though not all of it), then Galaxy. 64 surprisingly holds up well. Graphics were always going to age, but the gameplay and level design is pretty good. Each of the 3D Mario games seem to be especially good at something in particular, and I would consider 64 the jack-of-all-trades. That said, the camera is bad. Most of the time, it's fine, but the limited angles it can turn and Lakitu's tendency to get stuck and prevent you from seeing at certain angles can really hinder the game. There's a good reason why Sunshine is much less polished: it and Wind Waker were both rushed out the door due to lackluster initial sales of the GameCube.
  8. Well, I suppose Steve's inclusion was inevitable. I'm not excited for it, but I was also never really that interested in Minecraft.
  9. I buy games that interest me, and I play games that I buy, so I don't normally have very low expectations of a game. I enjoy games, and I'm surprised when they're even better than I was thinking they would be, but I wouldn't say I was surprisingly pleased with them as I expected to be pleased with them. There is one exception: Xenoblade Chronicles X. I had never played a Xenoblade game before, and while I thought the trailer for X was cool, I didn't really have any intention of getting it. My family got it for me as a gift because the guy at the EB Games recommended it over the game I was interested in getting (Hyrule Warriors), and honestly, that guy at the store knew what he was talking about. I absolutely loved Xenoblade X, mainly because of the exploration, but I also really liked the characters and I thought the story was alright. The combat was a cooldown-based system one might see in an MMO and I wasn't a fan of that, but I did like the customization and switching between a ranged weapon and a melee weapon. Piloting skells was also very fun if a bit awkward at first. That's good to hear; I've been meaning to get that game for over a year now as the trailers for it caught my eye (never played a Ys game before) but I've been busy with other games and not having much free time.
  10. Well, if it had to be a Fire Emblem 3D All Stars, it would have to be Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn, and Awakening, as those are the oldest 3D Fire Emblem games.
  11. I never played Hyrule Warriors, but I can say that the gameplay for this game looks interesting. I like that there is a fair bit of thought for how and when to use the different runes. Paya's combat looks really neat; it reminds me of the Yiga Clan and Monk Maz Koshia in a good way. But what is she doing 100 years in the past? (Whispers in ear) …You're kidding; that's Impa? I'm familiar with family resemblance; it doesn't happen in my family but I'm familiar with it as a concept, but this seems less like family resemblance and more like family asset reuse. …Just kidding; I knew immediately that it was Impa and I honestly didn't even see the resemblance with Paya at first. Anyway, I also really liked the new trailer; it looks like we may be able to take part in the siege of the Akkala Citadel. That should be exciting and heartbreaking.
  12. Interesting. I'm not sure if electric guitar fits the song, but it's interesting.
  13. One that I would mention would be the openings of Black Clover. The show has had twelve openings, and they've all been good. I'm not alone in saying that; much of the show's fanbase online agrees that Black Clover has consistently had good openings. Though my favourite right now would actually have to be its most recent ending. It was sung by the voice actor of the protagonist. This was his first time doing voice acting for an anime, and his approach in the first couple episodes was basically, "excitedly yell almost every line", which annoyed a lot of people. But, he quickly improved and has been doing a great job as the voice of Asta. And now, well, listen to him sing the most recent ending: Another one of my favourites would be the opening of Violet Evergarden. Violet Evergarden is a very emotionally-charged show that is simultaneously both one of the most saddening shows I've ever watched and one of the most heartwarming at the same time, and the opening reflects that:
  14. Interesting. I'm honestly just going by what I've heard as well, since I always simply never deployed Jill for that chapter; avoiding the problem altogether. I think the Lethe part might've been a copy-paste of how to get her on Ike's team in part 3 of Radiant Dawn. I just double-checked some of the sources I read; they now just say, "If Mist has an a-support with Jill". So, yeah; it's Mist that supposedly can re-recruit Jill if she defects if they have an a-support, and now those sources are being ambiguous on if she can recruit her back or if Jill simply doesn't defect.
  15. It's actually that, if Jill has an a-support with Lethe or Mist, they can re-recruit Jill if she defects. She can still defect, and the support needs to be A rather than B, but they can get her back to your team.
  16. When it comes to myrmidons and mercenaries, I think both have their place in FE. Ideally, the myrmidon class line is a fragile speedster and dodgetank who makes up for lack of power with high crit rate and such, while the mercenary class line is a lot more well-rounded and is more versatile as a result. Both have their place; they just need to be balanced well.
  17. On a second (or fifth) viewing, something I realized is that I hope the overall game will be more... colourful than what was shown in the trailer. When it comes to medieval fantasy, especially in video games, I much prefer when they're vibrant and full of colour, like Breath of the Wild (or really any Legend of Zelda game other than Twilight Princess) and I really dislike when fantasy games that try to be "gritty". "mature", or "realistic" almost inevitability fall into the Real is Brown trope: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RealIsBrown Basically, I dislike when medieval fantasy games decide to mute the colours and make all the environments & clothing various shades of brown or gray. I really dislike this trope as it makes the games aesthetically bland and unappealing, and it's not even accurate to the Middle Ages: the Middle Ages were very vibrant and full of colour. Fire Emblem: Three Houses managed to be bright and colourful while being the darkest FE game in years in terms of tone and content, and the game was all the better for it than it would've been if everything was brown. Final Fantasy XVI, based on the reveal trailer, looks like a case of Real is Brown, and I don't like that.
  18. Ah, The Flash. I wanted to like this show, and, despite its issues, I did manage to get through season 1. It was season 2 (the season from which the clip originates) that I really couldn't finish. This video is over the four-minute limit, but only by 38 seconds.
  19. This was a "partner showcase", so there wasn't going to be any Smash Bros. DLC reveals or anything made by Nintendo.
  20. Out of everything the direct showed, the only thing I was excited for was Monster Hunter Stories 2. I played a demo of the first game on my 3DS and I really enjoyed it, but I missed out on actually getting the game itself. I honestly was not expecting a sequel considering the first game was barely marketed and didn't sell a lot of copies; I am very surprised and very glad to see a sequel. I haven't tried any main-series Monster Hunter games, so I'm not really excited for Monster Hunter Rise. I'll wait and see if I want to try it once more is revealed about it. When it comes to games, I'm more intrinsic in that the experience matters more to me than the rewards, but when the main reward in a game is better gear, I can't help but think, "To get the best gear, I'll neat to beat everything. But since I'll have beaten everything, there's nothing to use that best gear on, so now what? What was the point?"
  21. From what I've heard, it's an okay game, but the scars of its development can be easily noticed even if you know nothing about the development nightmare it went through.
  22. I don't know too much about Final Fantasy: I heard about Versus XIII/XV but didn't get it (and given everything I've heard about it and the development nightmare it went through, I do not regret that decision) and my first and only Final Fantasy game so far is FF7 Remake, which I have been really enjoying so far, but I have not yet completed it. So here's my opinion as a newcomer to the series: I like that this reveal trailer included at least some amount of potential gameplay; I've come to really dislike when a trailer is only cutscene; especially a trailer for a Square Enix game, as it usually means that Square Enix is announcing their game way too early (see Final Fantasy Versus XIII for an example). Looks like it will be mainly real-time action. I like the way in which FF7 Remake blended action and tactical combat with its ATB system, which made stuff like abilities, spells and healing something to be considered carefully and quickly while still having a bit of room to think. I hope this game implements something that stands out on its own but provides that same level of tactics. Anyway, I don't care too much about crystals; mainly thanks to FF15. What stood out to me that I really like is that they're going for a more classic medieval fantasy as opposed to science fantasy or urban fantasy like they've been doing for a long time. It's good that each game in a long-running series stand out, and this is a good way to do that. This seems like it's going to have a big war plot with political intrigue and such. Seems interesting; especially the part where the kid transformed into a phoenix.
  23. Please keep in mind that I have yet to do a Blue Lions playthrough. Black Eagles: Ferdinand: Great Jack-of-all-trades. Petra: she's fast, she's versatile. Dorothea: good stats and a great list of spells. Meteor in particular comes in handy. Golden Deer: Lysithea: She's a glass cannon, but emphasis is on cannon, not glass. Easily one of the best mage units in the game if not the best. Outside of offence, she also learns warp, which is very useful. Marianne: great healer, and she has flying proficiency, frozen lance and a magic-based sword with her crest if you don't need her to be magic. Other: Jeritza: Starts off great and remains greats for the rest of the playthrough. He's only available in part 2, but he makes a great addition.
  24. This movie was so terrible; one of the worst films I had ever seen. Thank you for reminding me about it. I was going to use opening 1 instead, but the video must've been taken down by YouTube or something despite being fair use, because I couldn't find it.
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