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Everything posted by NeedTheFriction

  1. Before i say anything i just want to point out that i have been trying to avoid spoilers until the English release, that said i do know the basic new and returning features. First off fates has some "unconventional" features. The homosexual relations was out of left field but not bad from what i hear, the fire emblem amie (you know what i mean) is kinda creepy but its optional so i don't mind. In fact many new changes i thought were awesome including the re-imagined weapon triangle and the absence of durability which actually makes the forge useful. I think my biggest issue really isn't about fates specifically but more on the return of free marriage and supports. Hear me out on this, what made supports in other games so charming to you? I cant answer for you but for me it felt like they were actual people in conversation. I didn't notice until a while after awakening but i just didn't feel that with it. I liked the characters quirks and personalities so why didn't i enjoy their supports? I concluded it was because you could have anyone with anyone. In a school classroom do you make friends and find common interests with everyone in class? i doubt it and its the same here. No matter how interesting the characters are on paper having everyone get along makes them feel cardboard as a whole. In blazing sword the dynamic between Matthew and Jaffar is tense, and it should be! I wouldn't want to be on the same continent with someone who killed my only family. They do end up working together but they shouldn't have to like each other and that's natural. In terms of marriage so many seem extremely forced. I like having options but choices feel worthless to me if it doesn't feel right. Donny is an amazing unit but i don't know how anyone has him marry and thinks he legitimately fits with any of the girls as a character. It doesn't help that some people play the game and pair up purely to create perfect children. When the characters relationships are like this its almost taunting people to disregard character dynamics simply to maximize potential. When i see people doing this it makes me feel sad, like the humanity inside these characters doesn't exist. They go from being the Shepherds to the livestock. Don't get me wrong i'm REALLY looking forward to fates as a whole, So many changes are happening for the better. Even so to me supports were special because they were limited but not forced, does anyone else think this should have been one of those things?
  2. Thanks, ill take you up on that offer ^^ Thank you very much. I didn't go on forums because i was too impatient to post something and wait for a response. That's why i never got very involved in some of my favorite website communities. i decided to try a fourm on a whim and figured i was already on serenes looking at news. xD You can never have too many friends who play fire emblem i suppose. Thankies. i think the reason i like horoscopes, tarot, and personality quizzes is because i need self verification. I know it sounds a bit silly that i need something so ambiguous to reinforce my personality traits but it just makes me feel secure. ;;^^ although i agree the meaning behind tarot cards it especially interesting. Much appreciated ^w^ thanks a bunch ^^ Hello and thank you :3
  3. I'm from Florida. our family has a saying "people think we're crazy but we know it", you be the judge.
  4. I never had the urge to use a forum when i was younger, mostly because i didn't feel like waiting for replies. I finally decided to see what i was missing and i couldn't think of a better site to start with than my favorite fire emblem news source. Online name: NeedTheFriction/celalec/split decision Real name: Alec DoB: 6/23/95 Favorite FE Game: in terms of gameplay my choice is easily blazing sword however to me there is no better fire emblem than radiant dawn in the story department. Favorite Game (other than FE): The only other games to make my eyes sparkle even close to fire emblem was persona 3 and paper mario ttyd. There is just this magical feeling you get when you play a game and it just clicks. Favorite FE Character: Lyndis made me fall in love with fire emblem at first sight so she will always be #1 for me. i also have a soft spot for pervy characters like sain and gatrie, they always seem to make me smile Least Favorite game: I don't care for very open ended sandbox games. I just get bored really fast without a narrative or direction to keep me going. I also find games with a mods distasteful often but only when the game needs mods to be fun. Games should be fun standalone and mods should add enjoyment, needing mods to keep a game interesting defeats the purpose to me. Online friends: none...YET! Favorite music: My music taste is limited but i really enjoy 90s-2000s punk rock/alternative. i also have a soft spot for parody artists (namely weird al). Country: home of the whopper Hobbies: Found on the interests part of my profile Good Point: I like to think im honest almost to a fault and take my friendships very seriously. Bad Point: I'm pretty emotional and tend to overthink various people and situations. Anything else? I have a guilty pleasure of enjoying horoscopes, tarot, and other fortune telling stuff more than i should. I'm humorously sadistic so i get warm fuzzy feelings when i make a bad pun and people groan. That's enough for now right?
  5. looking forward to a new adventure!

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