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  1. Agree 100%, some of the designs are so ridiculous looking. And as a side note that I thought was kind of funny, next to Leon's picture it says that food like tomatoes can't be grown in Nohr (his title in game is that he loves tomatoes the most), so they are secretly imported from Hoshido.
  2. Yeah, sorry for cutting off some of the words. The part that was cut off says that sunlight doesn't reach the region, leading to a shortage of food and constant conflict. After that is the bit about vampires :)
  3. Here’s some more artwork! Takumi: http://i.imgur.com/h3RgocN.jpg Leon: http://i.imgur.com/xEFXSbP.jpg Nishiki: http://i.imgur.com/dK2PHOA.jpg Flannel: http://i.imgur.com/snpHeqC.jpg Joker: http://i.imgur.com/HdXwRdA.jpg Felicia: http://i.imgur.com/BDaKe1R.jpg Lilith: http://i.imgur.com/H24Dakz.jpg Here are some class designs: Dark Blood: http://i.imgur.com/exwJzpt.jpg White Blood: http://i.imgur.com/HLen7Np.jpg Puppeteer: http://i.imgur.com/sRW6vky.jpg Golden Kite Warrior/Great Herb Merchant: http://i.imgur.com/mr8EQm7.jpg Lancer/Holy Lancer/Basara: http://i.imgur.com/BLGSYlK.jpg War Priestess: http://i.imgur.com/hMNLpqd.jpg Ninja/Elite Ninja: http://i.imgur.com/GGgC0ej.jpg Outlaw/Adventurer: http://i.imgur.com/BNwFe0x.jpg Revenant Knight: http://i.imgur.com/IFqr1v9.jpg Female Knight/Great Knight/General: http://i.imgur.com/SfZVLbV.jpg Generic female Nohrian designs. The bottom right is the base, and the armor/clothing is added depending on the class: http://i.imgur.com/bjpNPyr.jpg More Nohrian scenery: http://i.imgur.com/FNN3gLh.jpg
  4. Here’s what I can make out: The entire city is like a crater, and Kraken Stein castle is down in the lowest part. The castle extends underground. The diagram in the top right corner of the first picture shows the castle’s location, so it’s off center. Light comes up to the city from the center. (It literally says that “light leaks out from below” over the drop in the center). At the top it says that there were fields that were previously in use. This doesn’t have an arrow pointing anywhere, so it might be referring to the space outside the city? Something that I thought was pretty interesting is in the note at the top of the page. It says that the Hoshidan castle was meant to be a castle extending to heaven because it’s so tall, so I guess that makes the Nohrian castle the equivalent of hell because it’s underground. Neat way to keep up the White Kingdom/Black Kingdom dichotomy. There are a few kanji that I’m not familiar with (I’m no where near fluent haha), and the size of the writing makes it kind of hard to make out the strokes on some of them. I’ll try to look them up by radicals in the morning so I can make sure I’m not missing anything important. I’ll post some more images from the book tomorrow, too, but for now it’s after midnight, so I need to get to bed XD Anyone with a higher level of Japanese comprehension than me, feel free to post your own translations/corrections :) Not sure if these were posted yet, but here are the Hoshido pictures from the same pages: http://i.imgur.com/kAUxHY7.jpg http://i.imgur.com/QfvW8IG.jpg
  5. Here are the images. I need to type up the translations, so I'll post that later tonight! Here's the picture of Nohr and the page facing it: http://i.imgur.com/HwVKLw8.jpg http://i.imgur.com/ceQwylG.jpg And here's the dark mage/sorcerer picture: http://i.imgur.com/XOL7WwY.jpg I'll post some more concept art tonight if I have time. If not, I'll post some tomorrow!
  6. And do you still need clearer images of the Nohrian pictures you posted? I can get pictures from my book and translate what I can if you still do!
  7. I just got my book today, and there is a lot of text in it. I haven't had time to look through the whole book yet (I'm still learning Japanese so I read pretty slowly), but from what I've seen so far it's pretty text-heavy. The concept art is really great, but it's probably not the best book to get if you don't know any Japanese (in my opinion).
  8. Likes: -Overall I like the map design, especially in Conquest -Birthright story -Most of the new classes -The music is great -Most of the characters (both design and personality) -My Castle Dislikes: -Conquest story -Slime Garon (goes with Conquest story but it's so bad that it deserves it's own point) -So many female class outfits have no pants for some inexplicable reason -Awakening characters (I don't dislike them as characters, but they seem unnecessary) -Aqua (mostly due to her awful plan in Conquest) -Ricken 2.0 (there are a few other characters that I dislike but he is my most hated by a long shot) -Only the brothers get legendary weapons and the sisters get nothing. I don't think they all should have legendaries, but it should have been split more evenly.
  9. Luna can only become a dark knight if she marries Odin or Leon. Because Luna and Lazward share the same base class, they give each other their secondary classes if they S-rank. Luna would get ninja from him.
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