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Posts posted by Abvora

  1. Here is Subaki/Takumi: http://nanigma.tumblr.com/post/142351893102/subakitakumi

    I hope everyone reads this at least once. I don't remember the last time I identified with a fictional character like this. Takumi really feels like he doesn't "just" have insecurity problems here, but also a heavy dose of anxiety.. Not that I am qualified to make a diagnosis, but still.

    This just cements Takumi as one of the best-written characters in the game, possibly the franchise.

    Sakura/Elise: http://pastebin.com/P8MwnwAf

    Hana/Kagero: http://pastebin.com/UvLmk01X

    Sakura/Elise was tooth-rottingly sweet, so cute~

  2. Azura (and possibly Mikoto and Arete) are a scaled up version of what happened to Xander. Xander being better written lets Conquest (and maybe Birthright) to have a better individual plot. Azura being better written would result in Conquest and Birthright not existing.

    I say Garon being written better would make Conquest have a better plot (Birthright is mostly fine as is, IMO). What's the key issue we have with Xander? That he obstinately refuses to believe his obviously evil daddy is evil. So if his daddy's not one-dimensionally evil, if he has actually good goals that Xander, the Nohrian siblings, Corrin and Azura can believe in, they have an actual reason to follow him.

    But if Garon weren't completely evil, then Hoshido wouldn't be completely in the right, and we can't have that.

    It's not always easy to separate the character from the writing though. When a character is mostly consistent (and likable) it's easy to write off random stupidity as incompetent writing but what about when a character is largely inconsistent (Xander loving his family and peace but supporting his warmongering dad and threatening to kill Corrin) or drastically affects the story in a negative way (Azura's ooc inaction in Conquest and Birthright that allowed those routes to exist)? I can handwave Kaze joining you in Nohr as being "The writers wanted to give you a loyal ninja retainer but didn't think about the story implications" but I absolutely loathe the former two for their story involvement (support convos paint a different picture).

    Her inaction in Birthright is forgivable IMO, since they never set foot in Valla and there's never really any time for her to go "hey, now that we have a moment, can we all jump into the Bottomless Canyon? There's something I need to tell you". They directly leave to rescue the royal brothers, then they directly sneak into Nohr to assassinate Garon and don't stop, because Nohr's crushing their front lines and time is vital.

    I still think the best way, if we had to have Revelation, would have been for there to be no curse at all, and for Azura to say she tried to warn people before, but got ridiculed and mocked. Since no one ever believed her, she just gave up. Or for no one to be aware of Valla's existence, Corrin and Azura just stumble across it by accident.

  3. Kagerou-Dia

    Check the masterpost or my pastebin for the first two. And here's two more:



    Felicia-Lutz unfortunately it's gimmicky

    Ah, wow, that was quick! Thank you very much! I really appreciate your hard work, taking the time to translate so many of these.

    Hmm, yeah, shame they just relied on their gimmicks. I thought it'd be a nice surprise if they at least included Percy using his mom's ice powers or something (since she used them unintentionally in her S with Arthur), but oh well. Maybe another of her kids will get to do that. Still, thanks again!


    Since it seems like it might be helpful to the OP, I'm gonna go ahead and post the individual links to the other Shigure conversations I mentioned earlier.

    Saizo/Shigure: http://pastebin.com/ZAMjSH5F

    Silas/Shigure: http://pastebin.com/PXN3fW56

    Azama/Shigure: http://pastebin.com/BcL0zD29

    Subaki/Shigure: http://pastebin.com/i0XrRAM8

    Kaden/Shigure: http://pastebin.com/FH8uxDZB

    Xander/Shigure: http://pastebin.com/cZuHS9ue

    Thank you both~

  4. Agreed that Takumi is insanely popular in Japan at least, considering that in some other non-official polls he was actually the top scoring character. Not to mention that splitting up the characters by gender naturally skews things anyway, because you could have male characters who scored in the 3-5 or lower range who are still more popular than a girl who scored higher. I mean, the popularity poll is an indicator of who's popular amongst the people who voted in it, but not like definite fact that can't be dismantled.

    In unrelated comments, all the conversations so far seem really nice. I especially liked Sakura and Yukimura's, although maybe I shouldn't pause to wonder about how the fuck he got all those ingredients while on a battlefield.

    Not to mention the whole "vote once a day, every day" thing means it's less about who's popular and more about who has the most persistent fans.

    Don't get me wrong, I think the poll results are loosely accurate--the top 10 do get the most artwork, the most love in forums, and so on (excluding Nina, at least over here). I just don't think it's a numerically accurate representation of everyone's actual popularity.

  5. Mitama, Shigure and Shiro are all characters I like, they're well-rounded and believable. Pity they weren't first gen. I voted Shigure because Shiro has enough and I like him a tiny bit more than Mitama.

    Least favorite is Rhajat. No, I did not like you when you were stalking me in Awakening, what makes you think I'd like you when you're stalking me in Fates?

  6. Hayato/Subaki: http://pastebin.com/3VT5Mf6D

    I feel like since they got an idea of who is actually popular that they were actually allowed to focus a lot more onto the character's emotions and motivations. I mean Oboro got a whole load of stuff added to her ever since she got a lot of DLC supports given to her, especially this Halloween one.

    It's more that they only had four to write than those four being the "real" popular ones. Takumi is insanely popular (at least in Japan), he just didn't make it into the top two.

  7. I dont like to be spoiled but the ending for each wife In Revelation with male avatar is generic. The Unique ending is with Female avatar. Also i agree with you the plus is that our choose partner became queen and the bad part the game dont recognize that as unique ending.

    I will never not be bitter that IntSys couldn't be bothered to write unique endings for Corrin/Azura, or heck, at all. Half of the time the epilogues contradict and the other half they're just so...dull.

  8. Honestly, for me, it's real hard to find a good support husband for Setsuna. She's the laziest person in the game and not in the lovable way.

    I got so fed up with digging through her lackluster supports that I eventually just threw her to Hayato. I don't care about him, I don't care about her, and I don't care about their kid, so it all works out.

  9. ...


    For some reason that makes a lot of sense, and that scares me.

    Just what sort creature is Leo anyway?!

    Will his desire for tomatoes never end?! How long must he world suffer until he is satisfied?! How many poor innocent tomatoes must be sacrificed for is hunger?!

    That tomato meme is getting out of control (though I did like that support)

    Rinkah/Setsuna: http://pastebin.com/S4EbFUH4

    Kagero/Mozu: http://pastebin.com/vYkRWn6z

  10. But really, not all is bad for Fates though. I find the characters in this better than Awakening for instance. Oh, and Conquest is really fun, and it's nice to see such an upgrade from a sequel. For once, I think I can say pretty much everything is better gameplay wise from Awakening.

    Agreed. I think Fates improved on everything Awakening did except the epilogues (those were a step backwards; would it have killed IntSys to write more than one line for each character?). The soundtrack is amazing, the characters are generally better written, and the gameplay is possibly the series has had yet.

  11. Which still causes problems, because we're back to problems that rival Radiant Dawn's blood pact. We need more information. It's a great deal to assume the context of a conversation to force the plot to work. We have to guess the context of the conversation. Regardless, it STILL doesn't work, because that means that when they are actually physically in Valla, Azura should be able to give a better answer besides the avoidance of the questions that she does. The conversation is the most rigid way of avoiding the conversation I've ever seen. Revelations shouldn't have existed, and Conquest should have had the goal change after they arrived in Valla and basically been the rest of revelations from there. The story would have worked much better, and there would have been more conflict between the siblings between the two factions doing it this way.

    No. I'm assuming the world doesn't exist in a void where things only happen the second the player starts playing. And why would it even matter at that point? Conquest Corrin would be WAY better off abandoning Nohr mid war than Revelations Corrin that literally starts out with no one but Azura, and the maid/butler. There's no reason. Especially when Corrin is deceiving Garon the ENTIRE time.

    Actually judging her on these ones is more a judge of her than her supports or anything else. 2 out of 3 paths, she really doesn't do anything about it. Her record is already looking pretty bleak, but then they actually physically arrive on the land that she can tell Corrin what's happening, and ... Doesn't. Considering what's at stake, this is really bad.

    Which honestly doesn't give him much of a pass either. But even then, Xander's still makes far more sense as there's a huge difference between not wanting to kill your father and threatening the person that says that they want to basically take your father out, and refusing to reveal the information because... Reasons.

    But because Revelation existed, the writers had to make Azura act completely out of character to accommodate for the third path, because if she spilled the beans now it wouldn't exist. Azura's decision isn't in-character for her, because as soon as she can she tells what she knows in Revelation; she would and should do the same here, but the writers don't let her.

    Conquest Corrin would be better off abandoning Nohr, but doesn't because the writers don't want you to, because they want to sell you Revelation. This is the same reason each story, despite being advertised as whole, still leaves questions hanging ("who possessed Garon/Takumi"? in Conquest, "why was Garon slime?" in Conquest, etc).

    On one of those paths, she doesn't do anything because they never set foot in Valla, and the plot moves them along too fast for a detour. "Fort is attacked"->"brothers are missing"->"rescue brothers"->"invade Nohr and beeline to capitol"->"fight royals + Garon"->"end". On Conquest, she suffers from the same thing characters in that route consistently suffer from--being handed Idiot Balls and railroaded into making out-of-character decisions so the plot can happen.

    Xander is all about family, but he's fine with threatening one of his siblings for..reasons. That is just as bad as keeping silent because the writers want you to.

    When characters make stupid decisions that are in-character for them, they can be held responsible for their actions. When previously smart, moral characters are railroaded into making stupid, immoral decisions to move the plot along? That's the writers' fault for not coming up with a better way to do it, not theirs.

  12. I feel like Oboro is the new Cordelia of this game. She is hopelessly in love with another lord, falls in love with the Avatar/Kamui, and is pretty popular among fans.

    Nah, that's Flora/Scarlet. Oboro's feelings actually can be reciprocated, and from what I've seen people love pairing her with said lord rather than the Avatar.

  13. Oh Kana, never change. Love that apparently Corrin did that with his dragonstone too. (Though is he asking Azura to stop teasing him about that, or Kana to stop doing it? Eh, it's funny either way).

    Ryoma's face in those last two panels is killing me XD

    Also, I realized I really like this artist's style. Did s/he do some for the Nohr anthology too? It looks really similar to the style used in Chapter 12 of that.

  14. And that leads to a how does she know that Vallies can only use it? The only person she knew from Valla was her mother, and from what we've gotten for information from Azura about her mother is that she didn't want to go back-- and died because she mentioned Valla to Azura. Regardless, if she saw Gunter in Valla, she could have been like "hey Corrin, Gunter is still alive!" And then had him/her jump through the bottomless Canyon to save him because the theme of Fates seems to be "Corrin will believe anyone." It's still mind blowing how stupid that is executed.

    It shouldn't. The whole game Corrin has been saying "I don't want us to fight Hosido." and it doesn't stop her from doing exactly that in Revelations. You know, not fighting Hoshido? Azura being around is just awful for the plot

    Which completely compromises Azura's character and makes her undeniably one of the most horrid characters in the game. She doesn't try to do anything until someone absolutely hits rock bottom? Do you even care Azura? They could have at least had her say "I'm too scared to do it alone." I'd even sort of acknowledge that, but as it stands, she just doesn't say things because she doesn't feel like it. For instance, it takes Xander to pretty much lay out on the table that Azura and explain how Azura isn't actually truly Nohrian. Not Azura despite being in the game several chapters earlier. Elise isn't some juggernaut that'd pound Azura to pieces for saying "we actually aren't sisters." Even when Corrin is aware they might not be, he doesn't open his mouth either. It's almost inhuman how much people don't speak in this game.

    I dunno, maybe Arete told her "only we can go to Valla through water because we're Vallite, if you want anyone else to get here you need to have them jump into the Bottomless Canyon"? Since, you know, Arete's the one she got the information on Valla from in the first place? Arete was born in Valla as royalty, so surely she'd have known about an ability like that, right?

    You're assuming they have time to go gallivanting off to the Bottomless Canyon in the middle of a war, and that Garon wouldn't punish them severely for desertion (which it would essentially be considered, abandoning the front lines for something else) when they got back.

    Exactly, she acts so out of character, so far removed from Support!Azura, Birthright!Azura, and Revelation!Azura, that judging her as "horrid" solely for that moment is a huge disservice. Birthright!Azura never says anything about Valla because they never go there and never have the chance to, and Revelation!Azura spills the beans as soon as she can. Conquest!Azura is forced by the writers to act out of character and keep silent so players can buy Revelation later, just like Xander and the Nohrian siblings are forced to refuse to acknowledge Garon is evil.

    Heck, Story!Xander has a moment just as bad as Conquest Chapter 15, refusing to acknowledge that Garon is evil when he overhears him plotting to kill Corrin, and even threatening to kill Corrin if he's wrong about Garon, which goes completely against his established trait of loving his sibling dearly. Does that make him one of the worst characters in the game, laying aside the fact that Support!Xander, like Support!Azura, is a really fleshed-out and thoughtful character with established flaws and virtues? When a character is forced to suddenly act contrary to they were before, for the sake of the plot, you don't blame them for it, you blame the writers. And anyone who touches Conquest's plot sans Takumi is worse off for it.

  15. So I'm playing Conquest now, and I KNOW this isn't going to be a popular opinion... But... I think Azura should have died in every path that wasn't Revelations. I don't know how she would have died (on Conquest I do, have your characters arrive to see Azura get her blood smeared on the walls), but she should have never been permitted to exist in either path. It's absolute garbage that Azura has made almost 0 effort to convince Corrin so far about Valla. They freaking warp to Valla and the curse itself couldn't affect them there, and you know what she does!? Not tell anyone about it. Even worse, is that this plot revelation makes me even more annoyed with Revelations (that was the first one I played), because if she can warp through water, why in the world did she NOT do this earlier with Corrin? Was she just not feeling like it? Where did she get that crystal ball?

    Man... What happened? The plot was okay from 1-14, but I can already see it cracking to pieces in the same vain as the crystal ball. At the very least, if Azura isn't going to be alive, then make her the big bad or something manipulating everyone else to do her bidding. Heck, you know who should have been the final boss with how poorly this story is thought out?


    Annakos. Her family seems to know completely about the Outrealm gates, she's been in every game that has weapons that have infinite use--- giving her family an inspiration that could have promoted her to have learned how to master the art of making indestructible weapons (like Falchion). It's pretty much been tradition for her to be some sort of merchant since I think... Fire Emblem 6 with secret shops-- implying that she sells things, but doesn't wish to make herself particularly well known to people around for some reason (a strange thing when you think about why a merchant would do this). She knows how to have people be pulled into different as seen from Awakneing DLC, and even is quite the competent fighter herself. When Odin, Laslow and Selena were saying that they couldn't mention why they were fighting with Nohr, what they were saying is that they couldn't mention Anna because she's literally... Everywhere. Also, Anna is what permits them to continue to stay in that world or have the ability to leave because no one else can use the Outrealm gates.

    Why would she do this? Money. Seeing as how Anna specializes in selling weapons, there's no reason for her to NOT to want two factions to keep fighting to buy her weapons. And in the world of Fates, her greed is especially bad as she's gouging the hell out of people in the world of Fates and your characters only seem to get a discount when they volunteer to help Anna and smuggle the weapons to Corrin for less money. The truth is, the mastermind of Fates is Anna. And the reason she's willing to destroy both worlds? It's not her natural world, so she just plain doesn't care about it. Also, Valla's curse is a mastered Blood Pact curse. After refining it for years, she's managed to actually make the Blood Pact no longer a chaotic killing machine that randomly kills people and instead specifically targets the breaker of the contract.

    Anakos is just Grima from a different timeline that Anna used to give the Fates team a big bad to destroy and feel satisfied for defeating and not even bother to notice that Anakos is just a stammering fool. She was even arrogant enough to stick with her tradition of keeping "Anna" in the what she named. Anna actually manged to escape the Fates team unscathed. And even if she joins and helps them on their adventures, she still wins because she squeezed every bit of funds she could from the world and can pack her bags and go home.

    Until I find something that stops me from thinking this, I'm sticking to it.

    I mean... At least it's kind of humorous. Man, I'm really bored.

    She states she didn't know Corrin could warp through water like she could--it's apparently an ability

    only Vallites can use, and she doesn't know he's Vallite.

    So she's justified in that.

    As for why she doesn't say anything about Valla while they're there? You could say it's because she thinks they're too deeply embroiled in the war against Hoshido to go split off and fight another one, especially when telling Corrin that he's playing into the real big bad's hands would probably make him feel even worse, and that is true...

    ...but the real reason is the plot doesn't want her to, so she doesn't. Same reason the plot doesn't want Corrin and the siblings realizing Garon is evil earlier even though they should, so they don't.

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