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Posts posted by Abvora

  1. Beruka/Sophie: http://aphonicdreams.tumblr.com/post/144112686642/would-you-be-able-to-do-berukasophie

    Felicia/Ophelia: http://aphonicdreams.tumblr.com/post/144112160022/if-you-want-to-could-you-translate

    EDIT: Rinkah/Rhajat: http://aphonicdreams.tumblr.com/post/144113506482/rinkahrhajat-for-the-hoshido-child-festival

    Damn, I really liked Rinkah/Rhajat. Her line about throwing the spicy seasoning in people's faces was gold, and I'm glad the rest of it focused on her status as being a member of both the Fire and Wind Tribes.

  2. Orochi/Soleil was surprisingly nice; no mom-flirting, just Orochi giving Soleil magical advice. Kagero/Ophelia though, owwww, that was sweet but painful.

  3. Not counting the obvious Ryoma x Scarlet and Jakob x Flora, I kind of wish Azura had a same-sex support with someone like Felicia. I know the lack of them (with non-related characters) is supposed to indicate her anti-socialness, but it kind of fails when she can still support every male, non-Corrinsexual in the army. A Camilla support would have been fantastic, too.

  4. @Abvora:

    Well, the family that would result in a Hinoka!Sophie would be very martial in its background so it isn't all that unfitting for mother and daughter to talk about something like that, you know.

    I know, but I was hoping it'd be a bit longer, or maybe talk about how Sophie feels being a princess of Hoshido with her Nohrian blood (since Silas mentioned that might cause trouble for them IIRC).

    Looking it over again, it's not bad--I like what they talk about--just short and not really what I was hoping for.

  5. Shiro x Caeldori is the bomb. Reveals a lot about who they are off the battlefield, great development, it all feels perfectly natural.

    You've said you don't have Fem!Kana, but I'm still going to rec Fem!Kana x Kiragi because it's too cute. They just get the chance to goof off and be kids for once, but it still offers character depth--like Kiragi's worries about his responsibilities as a prince--and the S-support is too adorable "Maybe, when we're older, would you be my princess?" AGH.

    I wouldn't put M!Kana with Sophie, since he gets shot down hard at the end of it. I'm trying to recall which of his non-Selkie supports don't end badly for him and I think Ophelia and Nina are the only ones who don't friendzone him (they don't explicitly hook up with him like Selkie, but it's better than nothing).

    Shigure has a lot of great supports. Shigure x Mitama and Shigure x Sophie are the top two I'd say; both are just really very sweet. Nina's is hilarious and hints he's crushing on her before the S-support, but it might be tanked depending on how much you like or hate her gimmick. Ophelia's is funny, Selkie's is cute; really the only one I didn't like was Fem!Kana's, and that's not a problem for me since they're always siblings in my games.

    Dwyer is great. I've loved his supports with Mitama, Rhajat, and Velouria so far.

    You're already pairing Forrest and Soleil, but I have to say I like that support a lot more now than it was in JPN. It's just so cute seeing them squeal over hair and being stylist buddies.

    There were other supports I enjoyed, but these were the ones that immediately leapt to mind for recommending kid supports.

  6. Hey guys! May I request Kaze/Shigure if it hasn't already been done yet? Keep up the awesome work! <3

    Kaze/Shigure's already been done. I ask again that people who want to make requests check the masterlist on the first page before posting them, so nothing ends up repeated.

  7. Nina/Kana: http://aphonicdreams.tumblr.com/post/143654705507/these-are-some-really-good-translations-so-thanks

    Mozu/Sophie: http://aphonicdreams.tumblr.com/post/143655796587/can-i-have-mozusophie-and-effievelouria-please

    Nina: ...ah, but Corrin also has a fantasy about his ring and my ring finger...

    Wait what? also did that sound dirty to anyone else or am I just unbelievably perverted?

    (In serious news, I liked Mozu/Sophie a fair bit)

  8. My friend tells me that Shigure has some significance to the endgame of Revelation. I'm not sure if he's telling the truth, but he says that Shigure sings a verse of the endgame boss music with Azura. If that is the case though, I'd like to hear it. Point being, they may have relevance to the plot.

    That's the Heirs of Fate DLC, not Revelation. So no, they aren't relevant.

    About the adoption thing while it is not very responsible to get preggo in the middle of a war and put your kids in mini time chambers its even more irresponsible to adopt a kid and then do that exact same thing. Waiting until the war was over is the right thing for them to do. -_- a temporary peace and time skip would have been better than what we got with the time chamber babies anyways.

    It's even worse when it's Femui and Azura, who do this twice.

    This is why I refuse to consider the kids canon. Or at least, the kids being born in the game canon. I'm fine with them being born/adopted after, but during is too stupid for my suspension of disbelief to hold.

  9. Yes; Sakura says in her support with Corrin that 'I was really little when you were kidnapped and taken to Nohr', so she was already born by that time.

    Also, 3-4 year olds are more than capable of walking, talking and drawing decent pictures! Plus it would make more sense that Corrin was younger given their complete lack of memory of Hoshido.

    Ah, thank you.

    I attribute Corrin's lack of memory to a combination of PTSD and brainwashing. No way would Garon leave the chance of him remembering something about Hoshido, if he wanted him to be completely loyal to Nohr.

    Also, in the JPN version, Corrin says that Sumeragi had started training him with a sword (Rev 25). Now 5 is still young to learn swordplay, but better than 3 or 4, when kids still tend to be a bit uncoordinated.

  10. According to Hinoka's supports with Camilla, she was 7 when she started training with the naginata, and she started training to rescue Corrin. So she was 7 when he was kidnapped, and he wasn't any older than that--but able to walk, talk, and draw pictures, so out of toddlerhood at least. And, according to the JPN version, Sumeragi had started training him with a sword, which is definitely something a toddler shouldn't be given. I put him in the 5-6 range, personally. Azura also has to be older than Corrin, since her dad died before his parents met, but probably not more than a year or two older.

    And since Elise hadn't been born yet (according to her supports with Azura), we just add her age in-game to 7 to figure out Hinoka's age, and from there we can make some rough guesstimates of everyone else's. Leo says Elise is "technically an adult", but adulthood in the medieval ages is different from adulthood now. Back then, women were considered adults at around 14~, so roughly 14 years have passed.

    So, my guesses:

    Xander: 25

    Ryoma/Camilla: 24

    Hinoka: 21

    Azura: 20

    Corrin: 19

    Leo: 18

    Takumi: 17

    Sakura: 16

    Elise: 14

    Sakura's birthday is after Elise's, but we know she was born at the time (Corrin's support). So she has to be at least a year older than her, I just put her at 16 to make myself feel better about marrying her off. As for the rest, Xander, Camilla and Leo just strike me as older than Ryoma, Hinoka and Takumi (especially Takumi, who acts a bit like a teenager).

    EDIT: As for the other characters:

    Orochi states she used to babysit Takumi (their supports), meaning she's a fair bit older than him, probably Ryoma too. Kagero is her best friend, and Saizo and Kaze trained with Kagero, so they're probably around her age. I'd mark them as 27-ish.

    I don't know how much time passed between Awakening and Fates for Selena, Las and Odin, but they look and act a bit older. If they were 18 there, I'd say they're 20 or so now.

    Nyx calls her body that of a teenagers in one of her supports (I can't remember which one, sorry), but given that it still looks fairly young, I'm gonna go with 14 here, like Elise.

    Silas is Corrin's best friend, so he's probably 19 like Corrin. Jakob, Felicia and Flora are all likely around that age as well, maybe a bit older in Jakob's case.

    Hana and Effie are Sakura and Elise's best friends, so they're in the same age range. Hana looks like she could be 16--which also puts her in range of being friends with Takumi (their supports)--but Effe seems a bit older than Elise (it's her voice, I swear), so I'd say she's 16 too. Same goes for Mozu--Hayato looks a bit younger and gets mistaken for a kid. 15 for him is my guess.

    Reina was Mikoto's retainer but looks older than her, so anywhere from 30-40. Gunter once had a wife and child, 40s-50s. Fuga was Sumeragi's best friends, 30s-40s. Yukimura was serving Sumeragi but doesn't look at as old as the others, so late twenties-early thirties?

    I've got no numbers for anyone else. Niles, Azama, Benny, and Arthur should be older based off their appearances and experiences, mid-twenties, but that's it.

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