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Posts posted by Abvora

  1. Corrin(m) vs Kana(m) vs Corrin(f) vs Kana(f)

    Felicia vs Flora vs Jakob

    Elise vs Izana vs Forrest vs Dwyer

    Arthur vs Charlotte

    Percy vs Beruka vs Camilla vs Shigure (Shigure is in this group as there is no other default pegasus knight in conquest)

    Xander vs Peri vs Silas vs Sophie vs Siegbert vs Gunter

    Effie vs Benny vs Ignatius

    Lazlow(Inigo) vs Selena(Severa) vs Soliel

    Niles vs Nina vs Mozu (Mozu is in this group as there is no other natural villager, and so I put her in the archer line)

    Odin(Owain) vs Ophelia

    Kaze vs Midori

    Velouria vs Keaton

    Thoughts on Azura?

    Azura has fantastic supports and a great amount of characterization. She's stoic and distant, yes, but that's because she has trust issues and fears opening up to people, only to get rejected or be let down. Her supports with her sisters and Corrin are top-notch because you get to see this usually-cold woman open up and relax, revealing herself to be a bit mischievous, such as trolling Sakura with ghost stories. She's blunt and snarky, and that in combination with aforementioned trust issues means she doesn't have good social skills, which means people usually avoid or distrust her, which means it's even harder for her to open up to them--that's the reason behind her mysteriousness. It's a vicious cycle she can't escape from, a brutal deconstruction of mystery making someone appealing, and it all stems from her traumatized past in the Nohr courts. It's also implied she has self-worth issues, just seeing herself as a replacement for Corrin in regards to his Hoshidan family. And despite all this, despite everything she's been through and all her issues and how cynical and melancholy she can be, she doesn't let it stop her from being nice or trying to help people. She's one of the most fleshed-out, non-gimmicky characters in the game.

    Onto other things: her design is gorgeous, her voice acting and singing are excellent, and refreshers are almost always (sorry Olivia) useful. Her role in Conquest sucks, but as everyone involved in Conquest's plot sucks, to the point of acting out-of-character, I tend to blame the shoddy writing and not hold it against them as a whole. She shines much more in Birthright, getting more time dedicated to her friendship with Corrin, her relationship with the Hoshidan siblings, and how her powers affect her. Even in Revelation, where she's unfortunately reduced to exposition dump, she still has her share of touching moments, such as the aftermaths of Chapters 22 and 23.

    Basically: Azura is one of my favorite characters ever.

  2. Where on earth did that comment come from? I merely said that since Kreia is so marvelously written, I got ahead of myself and hoped for something similar. Azura IS essentially pulling some strings but it's portrayed in such an incompetent way that I'd rather she be forgotten entirely by the plot, as opposed to Kreia whose plans were always at the forefront.

    I know she does. I'm saying it's far from enough given her role in the narrative; does she even say a single word to Ryouma or Hinoka throughout the entire game?

    Sorry, it's just that from the comparisons to Kreia, I thought you were saying mysterious characters need to be evil/masterminds or else they're bad characters, and that irked me because it's generalizing an entire archetype. Not to mention, hoping for anyone to be like Kreia automatically holds them to a giant, impossible-to-meet standard which just sets you up for disappointment, and while Fire Emblem has had strong characters, none of them have been at Kreia's level--the closest is probably Lehran. So it seemed unfair to expect Azura to be like a character written by another company, then be upset when she wasn't.

    She talks to Ryoma a few times in Birthright and Revelation, and has a boss convo with Hinoka if you're crazy enough to do that...though Hinoka tends to be forgotten by the plot in general.

  3. We knew very little about Azura, other than her being so mysterious that mystery just oozed out of her every mysterious pore. That's essentially Kreia, too, who is my favorite video game character of all time. I realize that few can measure up to her wonderfully creepy self, but I sort of hoped Azura would be pulling the strings behind Corrin's - but not the players' - back, and maybe even be a villain in at least one path.

    But she isn't. She's a walking exposition bot working part time as a plot device with a song that has as many effects as Tumblr has gender identities.

    There are many reasons as to why Kreia's enigmatic nature works so well, but one of the key things is her connection to the rest of the cast - every single character hates and fears her, yet they can do nothing about it because she's a manipulative witch who knows everything to keep them quiet and use them for her own ends. Azura's mysterious nature just gets people killed, and I can't remember a single interaction she has with any other character than Corrin outside of supports.

    ...so all mysterious characters have to be evil or they're bad characters? Don't get me wrong, I liked Kreia too, but she's like the golden goose of mysterious characters--holding anyone else up to her means your expectations will be let down. That metaphor made no sense, I know, but I hope I got the point across.

    She interacts with the rest of the royal family outside of supports, Elise and Takum in particular.

  4. "We're going to build a wall to keep out all that Nohrian scum, and we'll call it Susano'o." -Takumi on illegal immigration

    oh my god

    The Good:

    - The characters. Say what you will about Fire Emblem's stories, it has always had a strong cast of characters, and this one is great even by their standards. Shout-outs to Takumi, Oboro, Charlotte, Flora, and Azura.

    - The voice-acting is great and the cinematic cutscenes are even more beautiful than Awakening's.

    - New Pair-Up mechanics. They took a broken mechanic and made it as close to perfect as possible.

    - Music. Easily the best soundtrack this series has had.

    - New weapons system. I know some dislike the removal of weapon durability, but I like the trade-off, of certain weapons having certain abilities/buffs.

    - New classes are super fun to use.

    - Localized skinship. I like the thought of Corrin calling on characters to just talk and hang out, and there are neat little tidbits of characterization in these sessions.

    - Map design, especially on Conquest. Far more refreshing and fun than Awakening's.

    - Emotional moments in the story were all handled well and hit me right in the gut.

    - Feet.

    The Meh:

    - The rest of the story. Conquest was good in concept but poor in execution, Birthright was nothing special but solid, and Revelation was good but rushed. Basically: they all had flaws, they all could have been handled better, but I don't hate what we got.

    - MyCastle and Lilith. Cool idea, but they seem out of place in the story.

    - Return of Awakening characters (not the expies, those fall into Bad). I like seeing how far they've come since then, but really, they were fine where they were.

    The Bad:

    - Kids. Awful implementation, awful idea, just awful all around. The kiddie DLCs would have to be abnormally fantastic to make me even reconsider this stance. The Awakening expies are particularly awful, because they're just a cheaper clone of their Awakening selves.

    - Incest. Unnecessary and trying to "justify" it made the story worse.

    - Excessive fanservice. Looking at you, Camilla.

    - The original skinship. Touching faces is just...eugh.

    - Gay marriage. I'm conservative, I'll admit that, so I was opposed to this on principle please don't hate me. But that doesn't mean I wanted to see it handled as badly as it was.

  5. I like Azura, but she's not perfect. I like her design as well as her supports, and I like how she is in Birthright. In Conquest, I liked the family reunion in Chapter 16, but I dislike how you suddenly drop into (As I have not played Revelation; I'm just going to call it mystery world), and afterwards she tells you that you must kill Garon because he's possessed, but she doesn't tell you how she really learned that or anything of the sort (or how she got the orb you use to see Garon's true nature). Her mysteriousness could have been part of what made her a good character, but I feel they overdid her mysterious nature in certain parts of the main plot. It was reasonably understandable in Birthright, but it is a bit too much in Conquest. I have yet to play Revelation, so I can't give a complete review.

    Overall, I would give Azura a 9.5/10 in Birthright, an 8/10 in Conquest, and a 9/10 average. Would be a complete 10/10 if her mysterious nature was dialed down a little bit.

    Her mysteriousness gets deconstructed a bit in her supports--she wants to have friends, but she has trust issues, so she keeps herself reserved from other people--that's why she's "mysterious". Unfortunately, it just makes them distrust her, which makes it harder for her to open up, which makes them even more prone to distrust, and so on.

  6. I can't help but think her plan in Conquest/Birthright was to have her side win the war and then go after Anankos. But then she died, so...

    It makes sense to me. At the very least she clearly wasn't expecting to die on Conquest, as she didn't have to constantly use her powers.

  7. Literally get one to the Bottomless canyon, preferably Ryoma but most likely Hinoka or Takumi, to the Bottomless Canyon, push him or her off the bridge, jump off of the bridge yourself, then tell them.

    Except the timeline means that couldn't happen. Let's have a look at it:

    1) Ryoma and Takumi go missing, they naturally go look for them.

    2) They find Takumi and learn where Ryoma is, so they go grab him.

    3) Literally as soon as they do this, Ryoma comes up with a plan to invade Nohr, which they implement immediately.

    4) They invade Nohr and beeline to the capitol, with only a brief stop to the Rainbow Sage along the way.

    Where, exactly, in that timeline could they have made a detour to the Bottomless Canyon? Every sequence leads directly into the next, with no time off for side trips (short of the Rainbow Sage, which is done via teleportation). Also remember that time is of the essence--the longer it takes them to defeat Garon, the more likely it is they lose the war, as they're receiving war reports from Yukimura talking about how Hoshido is constantly being pushed back. So it's unlikely any would be willing to entertain the idea of taking detours and prolonging the war, and she had no chance of forcing them to the Bottomless Canyon when they're surrounded by dozens of soldiers whose top priority is protecting them and some of whom are already suspicious of her.

    You could make a case for before they get Ryoma and Takumi, but who would have listened to her? Corrin and Sakura wanted to rescue their brothers as soon as possible and again, there's absolutely no way she could have forced them there by herself, nor persuaded them to make a tiny stop by the Nohrian border--and she herself wanted to go rescue them to, as is natural for an adopted sibling. There was no lull in the timeline for her to get them to the Bottomless Canyon.

    Additionally, pushing someone off a bridge doesn't seem like a good way to get them to listen to you.

  8. Not really, seeing as Conquest and Revelations both show it isn't hard at all to get someone into Valla. Hell, she gets Corrin into Valla in Conquest by complete fucking accident, so you mean to tell me she couldn't just trick someone into the country, and then tell them whats going on

    There are exactly two ways to get into Valla: through the lake, which she flat-out says only she and Corrin can do (and she doesn't even know Corrin can do it at first), and by jumping into the Bottomless Canyon, which the siblings are leery on even when Corrin's the one asking them to do it. And that was when there was a truce and they weren't needed on the front lines of the war. So yes, she had no way of getting them there.

  9. I want to like her, I really do, but damn she makes it hard for me.

    tbf tho, I DID like her in Conquest/Birthright somewhat even if not much, but I started to hate her in Revelations.

    [spoiler=earlygame Revelations spoilers]Where she info dumps a bunch of shit on Corrin that she should of revealed in at least Conquest, if not also Birthright

    Her design reminds me of Ninian, which isn't exactly a good thing tbh.

    Despite really disliking her, I'll give credit where credit is due, and will say I adored her support with Niles. AzuraxNiles OTP

    Her not revealing it on Birthright is justified, since they never visit Valla and she assumes she's the only one who can go through the lake. On Conquest, yeah, she should have, but Conquest's writing makes everyone idiots, so I don't hold it against her anymore than I hold Xander's actions on that route against him as a whole.

  10. Exactly what it was going for I believe. xD Even sillier that she eats the meat and the rest of the stuff raw, but then demands this wheat be made bread! (And of course, Corrin acting like she's been a picky eater the entire time rather than just this one time. xD)

    It's a good one. xD

    Or how she eats the milk. Not drinks it, straight-up eats it, chewing through the bottle and all.

  11. As someone who is also a huge fan of Cersei, I would say that her and Camilla are nothing alike. The only things they have in common are that they are both females, they are both royalty, and they would both kill to protect their loved ones.

    And they both go for their brothers.

    I'll show myself out now.

  12. She's kinda pretty boring and bland.

    Oh no you didn't.

    Azura has fantastic supports and a great amount of characterization. She's stoic and distant, yes, but that's because she has trust issues and fears opening up to people, only to get rejected or be let down. Her supports with her sisters and Corrin are top-notch because you get to see this usually-cold woman open up and relax, revealing herself to be a bit mischievous, such as trolling Sakura with ghost stories. She's blunt and snarky, and that in combination with aforementioned trust issues means she doesn't have good social skills, which means people usually avoid or distrust her, which means it's even harder for her to open up to them--that's the reason behind her mysteriousness. It's a vicious cycle she can't escape from, a brutal deconstruction of mystery making someone appealing, and it all stems from her traumatized past in the Nohr courts. It's also implied she has self-worth issues, just seeing herself as a replacement for Corrin in regards to his Hoshidan family. And despite all this, despite everything she's been through and all her issues and how cynical and melancholy she can be, she doesn't let it stop her from being nice or trying to help people. She's one of the most fleshed-out, non-gimmicky characters in the game.

    Onto other things: her design is gorgeous, her voice acting and singing are excellent, and refreshers are almost always (sorry Olivia) useful. Her role in Conquest sucks, but as everyone involved in Conquest's plot sucks, to the point of acting out-of-character, I tend to blame the shoddy writing and not hold it against them as a whole. She shines much more in Birthright, getting more time dedicated to her friendship with Corrin, her relationship with the Hoshidan siblings, and how her powers affect her. Even in Revelation, where she's unfortunately reduced to exposition dump, she still has her share of touching moments, such as the aftermaths of Chapters 22 and 23.

    Basically: Azura is one of my favorite characters ever and insult her at your peril.

  13. I like it. Yeah, it has the dumb plot device in the curse, and the "it was an evil dragon" again, but honestly, the former is no worse than the Blood Pact and the latter is per norm for Fire Emblem. I thought the rest of it was quite good, especially the first half. They handled the concept of being an exile and a traitor on the run, with a handful of allies, desperately trying to gather more while no one believes you, very well.

    The latter half's pacing was off, I thought, but I did like the

    fights against the reanimated parents

    and the "who's the traitor" subplot. Corrin gets a couple of awesome moments without being as overly-impossible-awesome as Robin, and the villain at the very least is above Grima and Garon by virtue of having a personality and a backstory. Dialogue is generally entertaining and well-written, and the cross-faction supports are almost all high in quality.

    Revelation essentially being

    the only unambiguously happy ending

    may or may not sour your opinion on it. For me, it made me like it more, but

    I'm a sucker for happy endings.

    Honestly, if I were to pick a complaint, it's that Revelation could have used a few more chapters in the second half, to smooth out the pacing and give us a little more detail on some of the latter villains. And yes, I would have gotten rid of the plot device, but I'm not going to let my annoyance over it overshadow the things I do like about the route, which outnumber the things I don't.

  14. Even with all the ending combinations, I don't see how it'd take more than one afternoon to write specific text blurbs for all pairings. IS' treating text like it were some expensive resource will always be weird to me.

    I think the Azura situation was left deliberately confusing and contradictory though - just read her single ending. Even her last scene in Nohr is very ambiguous, and Hoshido, although making what happens to her much more clear, still throws in an odd scene right before the final CG.

    I suppose you could interpret the ending as

    her spirit constantly visiting her husband and working with him from the grave

    but really, my immediate thought wasn't that, it was "what the hell"? If that was their intention, they needed to make it a lot more clear.

    They needed to write the epilogues better in general. As is they just wrote half an ending for each gender and slapped them together without seeing if they clash. I was so disappointed by that, I really wanted to see something special for inter-royal marriages in Revelation and whatnot.

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