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Everything posted by Enaluxeme

  1. Jagen growths make characters unusable. Little exp is not a concern when you always use the same 10ish characters (they can gain exp slowly but they'll still hit level 20/20 well before the last chapter) If you want to make sure people use ALL of their characters, you need to make sure everyone is usable and you have to add fatigue. If you want to add fatigue it has to be mandatory because you need to balance the game accordingly.
  2. Pretty neat, actually. It would be something like the puzzles in yugioh/magic videogames, right? Those special maps can be pretty insteresting not only in a gameplay point of view, but they could be used to show something happening away from the main plot: I imagine this kind of map would be used similarly to that Ephraim chapter in Sacred Stones (the one with playable Orson), to show something happening to someone you haven't recruited yet or you never will (an ally that's otherwise only a green unit), so that their stats and skills can be controlled well.
  3. "You are now ready. Join your orbs together and you will be transported to a new world. These made the orbs so that they will choose the worlds where your enemies are located. Farewell, guardians of the worlds. May you succeed in your mission." With these final words, the entity disappeared in another flash of light. Those of you who still had their orbs in their hands could feel them trying to move, attracted to one another like magnets.
  4. I like the concept of fatigue. It just need to be implemented right. Having fatigued characters lose some stats instead of making them completely undeployable seems like a great idea. Characters also need to be able to get overly fatigued AND recover fatigue during battles (if you reach the fatigue cap you get the malus at the start of the next turn, if you do nothing during your turn you recover some fatigue)
  5. I'm baffled by the screenshoot being called "bullshit"...
  6. I don't, actually. Maybe the Valm ark feels a bit like a side-quest compared to the main "keep Chrom and MU alive and make them kill Grima" of the rest of the game, but I think the plot is generally good, specifically for how the children are included. Now, if only the characters weren't mostly flanderized and the children weren't so OP compared to everyone else...
  7. "Indeed, these want you to eradicate the group responsible for the annihilation of the missing worlds. You were not choosen for your strenght, nor your bravery. You were given this opportunity by mere chance, and you already decided to accept it the moment you appeared in this place." The figure made a motion with their arm, as if moving a curtain aside, and a glowing, light blue orb appeared before them, in mid air. The orb autonomously divided itself in five smaller orbs small enough to be hold in a single hand. Each of the orbs flown to the nearest of the group, waiting for them to take it. "You will use these orbs to travel the worlds. When the time comes to leave a world, you need only to join together."
  8. Mercenary all the way! I love longswords *caresses his bastard sword*
  9. Isn't FE8 better as a base than FE7?
  10. Maybe it would be hilarious to see such a thing today, but I can't imagine it ever having succes.
  11. I prefer personality by far, and that's why I hate when some characters are completely unusable. Most FE games aren't bad in this regard: you just have to buff someone with the right weapon or item and they are good.
  12. It isn't? At each their own. I personally prefer a game that's mostly balanced (you are only as good as your enemies) but gives you some way to be stronger if you know how to. As far as FEs go, I like it if I can only have OP units if I plan how to make them from the start (through feeding them, building supports, give them the right skills, plan their inheritance if there's generations...) but even then they'll be stronger than most enemies but on par with bosses.
  13. Having animations off saves a lot of time. Anyway, if I spend more than half an hour on a chapter it has to be one of the latest and on the higher difficoult, mostly because I always speed-up the game (on Awakening you can speed up by pressing B and even skip animations with L and I play the others on emulator). In fact, the reason why I never finished TearRing is because psx emulators can't toggle speed up.
  14. "Yes, let us call them 'worlds'. Some of you came from worlds made out of a single land, while some worlds are made of billions of stars and planets. Regardless of how big or small the world, you were led to believe that it was everything. In truth, reality is much greater." The entity continued to watch everyone, only lingering on Shepard when talking about the vast worlds made of stars and planets. "Even so, the number of worlds is not infinite. Most importantly, these noticed that it inexplicably grew lower and decided to investigate. Thus, these discovered that someone is intentionally destroying worlds." They stood quiet for a moment, looking at everyone's reaction. "Do you now understand why these called you?"
  15. "These are nowhere, for these are not a being." The voices responded to Noel, giving half a reply to the others as well. "Nevertheless, these understand that simulating a body would help put your minds at ease." A radiant light engulfed the space. It became dimmer and dimmer, until it left only a person in its place. Said person had an androgynous figure, no hairs and a completely white skin, uncovered by any kind of cloth. They were smiling slightly and slowly moving their head to gaze on everyone of the presents. "You are here, because you answered the call. Or indeed, what you would call soul, heart or subconscious did."
  16. Basically just keep an open mind and don't be afraid of experimenting. Just don't throw dozens of new features and mechanics in a single game.
  17. I don't think that this "turn on-off any feature" is a good thing, and even if, it would be hell to balance a game according to this.
  18. "This is interesting." You suddently hear a voice. Rather, it's like hearing thousands of voices of men and women of all ages, all saying the same exact words, all talking at the same time, all coming from different directions. "These were prepared to a homogeneous lot, but these were not expecting it to be this peculiar." Despite the various voices, it's clear that there aren't just a bunch of hidden people speaking together, for the words are all perfectly synchronized. It's astonishing, even slightly unsettling.
  19. I think you may want a plot closer to FE7 or Tellius than the others, simply because the others mostly amount to: the protagonist is a lord of GoodKingdom, then BadEmpire attacked, the lord fought to reclaim his homeland, but then realized that BadEmpire's emperor was only a servant of EvilDragon, so he used the sacred DivineSword to slain it. That's mostly what I had in mind myself, but I would make it so that the player has a choice: You start with a plain swordsman. On level XX you get to choose between gaining a horse or the use of axes. On this note, the Avatar would have more choices aviable, making it the most customizable unit. On the topic of weapons, I would have no weapon triangle, instead having all kinds of weapons with different balance of damage, accuracy and weight, meaning that you have to choose the best weapon type to use based on the stats of your unit and the enemy rather than just picking the type that gives you an advantage over your opponent's. The weapon types would be swords, lances, axes (and maces), hidden weapons (and knives) and bows, but also greatswords and poleaxes as separated types. Swords: high accuracy, low damage, low weight; Greatswords: medium accuracy, good damage, high weight; Lances: high accuracy, medium damage, medium weight; Axes: very low accuracy, very high damage, high weight; Poleaxes: medium accuracy, very high damage, very high weight; Hidden Weapons: low accuracy, very low damage, very low weight; Bows: high accuracy, low damage, low weight. As for the magic, it should have more special tomes with things like debuffs, AOE, physical damage and whatnot. This is actually a complaint I have about the main series, as tomes are just res-targeting javelins.
  20. I would like a fire-emblem-like to not be completely equal to original titles. For example the first TearRing is too similar, even if it has it's reasons to. While the premise of the turn based strategic game with loads of characters is okay, I'd like to see a fire-emblem-like that's not afraid to remove or change some mechanics instead of just adding. For example, having a game where character progression is more than just level-up -> random stat gain -> higher stats: what if stats are gained based on how the unit performs? If the character did lots of scratch damage, they have a bonus to their strenght grow, if they weren't able to double someone they have more speed, if they survived a crit they have more luck ecc... What if instead of having classes, each character can learn how to use any kind of weapon or mount or choose to wear different kinds of armor? In this sense, the ability to use swords would be as valuable as Luna. In fact, using a certain type of weapon may very well be an actual skill. Instead of simply promoting to another class, characters gain some new skills once they reach certain levels.
  21. That would grant you some serious worshipping...
  22. You find yourself in nothing. As you open your eyes, you find all around you a deep, dark purple. It appears like you are standing on a perfectly flat surface, yet you can see no difference from everything else, leading you to question whether the ground you are stanting on is of the same exact color as this "sky" or merely transparent. Your memories are fuzzy. You start to remember some things, but you can't say for sure the last thing you recall doing before waking up here. Since you really can't seem to remember, checking your conditions seems like the best thing to do.
  23. Of course you should. Seriously, is there even any doubt? You have been, for all intents and purposes, swindled. She probably planned everything the moment you started giving her the first sums, deciding to milk you more. Maybe the man was with her on this.
  24. Then give the Balmug to one of Holyn's kids instead of Larcei or Ulster! I bet no one does that.
  25. It's a pity that you went with formulas instead of palms, would have made Fennel more different from Thyme. This time, I have no idea about the quirk. The only particular thing about EO's gameplay in battles is the use of positioning, and I don't want to add a row system anyway. I think Fennel will be quirkless. It's not that necessary to have a quirk after all. However, if you have to chop something or even take or mine when outside of combat, she'll have an advantage over the others. Consider this some sort of out of combat quirk. NEVERMIND SHE'LL USE THE FORCE. I gave her Inferno/Cocytus/Thor instead of Flame/Freeze/Spark because Flame/Freeze/Spark would make no sense without EO's positioning.
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