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Everything posted by Enaluxeme

  1. YES! I so wanted someone playing as a transformer or a mecha pilot for an idea I had :D Anyway, working on Thyme. And that's it. I'm sure some numbers will need tweaking later on, but this will do for now.
  2. I'm gonna be pretty liberal with weaponry: while there is no general equip mechanic, you are free to take whatever you find with you. In your case it means you can take any gun you find and it will be just another Weapon Change option. I don't think the paragon/renegade thing is necessary in a RP... There are no AI controlled NPC that need a way to judge you. You can be a good Shepard or a bad Shepard and other players will treat you differently on their own (and also npc I guess, but you'll continuously meet new one so they probably won't know you). That is perfectly ok. The down-side of choosing pre-existing characters is that they usually have their personality set in stone. To fix this you can make an OC or choose a non-developed background character (or, you know, choose a player-sobstitute like Shepard).I'll make a skype group later so we can be faster and more coordinated during turnless non-combat play. Also, if someone has something to say about their character's stats you are welcome to.
  3. Ok then, since he's a soldier he'll have good health, some health regen and average stats but no techs or biotics (I'm getting all the infos from the wikia page on the soldier class).
  4. I never played Mass Effect, but that's not a problem. It seems like you have choosen the default Shepard. I personally like the personality: you aren't specifically going for paragon or renegade, but both. That seems to be fun to play with! Just one thing, tho: while Shepard is allowed to use many types of weapons, I seem to recall that there's a class system granting proficiency in certain weapon types. Also, I need to know if Crucible belongs to Shepard or if he probably had to give it back at the end of the mission/service.
  5. Yes, if it's faster than the second thief. I don't see any reason for Alfred to change that.
  6. Maybe it would look better if he (she?) made a step back during the dodge. As it is now, the first one made by recycling looks better to me. Anyway, the idle stance looks off. Shouldn't he have his arm straight forward instead of having his hand on his chest?
  7. For the actual numbers of stats, I'll be mostly arbitrary at firsn, then adjust accordingly to characters already done. What I can say for certain is that stats will be in double digit and will mostly go from 20 to 40 (accuracy excluded), while base damage of skills will be lower, probably going from 0 to 20 and having minimum and maximum value insted of a single one. To be more clear, here's an example: Name: Quick thrust Type: Physical, melee Base damage: 5-6 Base accuracy: 95 Special effect: none
  8. You probably already read the other thread, so I'll cut it short in the presentation department. For the sign-in form, we'll need the following: Name (+surname and nicknames) Work of fiction the character cames from Physical description (an image is well accepted) Short summary of the character's personality Short summary of the character's backstory Short summary of the character's powers and abilities (with emphasis on the ones most used by the character) As you noticed, there's nothing regarding actual stats. Once the character is accepted, well create their stat sheet together, including usable skills and unique characteristics, based on the character's work of fiction and the description of their abilities. Once every character is accepted, we'll do a quick revision of every sheet for balancing purposes before starting out.Now, for the explanation of the basic system. Each character will always have these stats: Health Points: the amount of damage the character can withstand. When the HP go under zero, the character becomes unconscious. If the HP go under -50% of the maximum value, the character is destroyed and won't be usable anymore. Strength: increases the damage done by physical skills. Note that some skills (usually associated with magical weapons) are still influenced by strength but cause magical damage. Spirit: increases the damage done by magical and other non-physical skills. KI based skills are usually influenced by spirit but cause physical damage. Defense: mitigates physical damage received. Resistance: mitigates magical damage received. Speed: determines turn order and evasion. Accuracy: influences the accuracy of offensive skills. Most characters will have an additional stat in the likes of mana points to limit skill use (those character will usually have higher stats to compensate and/or a way to replenish their "fuel stat").Strength, spirit, defense and resistance are directly added and subctracted to the base damage of the used skill. The same goes for accuracy and speed, used to determine the final chance of the attack hitting. As for turn order, that's slightly more complicated. Each character has a turn count that goes from 1 to 100. Each character's speed stat is added to their turn count until someone reaces 100. When somebody reaches 100 or more, it's their turn: after that, their turn count goes back to 0 plus any overflow from reaching 100. If two characters reach 100 together, the one with the most overflow will go first, if they also have the same overflow the one with the higher speed will go first, and if they also have the same speed the enemy will go before a PC, and don't worry about any other possible coincidence because we'll just make sure that that won't happen ò_ò (or, you know, we'll just go random) Example: Character A has 21 speed, Character B has 36 speed and Character C has 24 speed. A: 21/100 B: 34/100 C: 24/100 A: 42/100 B: 68/100 C: 48/100 A: 63/100 B: 102/100 C: 72/100 turn of B A: 84/100 B: 36/100 C: 96/100 A: 105/100 B: 60/100 C: 120/100 turn of C A: 105/100 B: 60/100 C: 20/100 turn of A A: 26/100 B: 94/100 C: 44/100 A: 47/100 B: 128/100 C: 68/100 turn of B A: 68/100 B: 62/100 C: 92/100 A: 89/100 B: 96/100 C: 116/100 turn of C A: 110/100 B: 130/100 C: 40/100 turn of B A: 110/100 B: 30/100 C: 40/100 turn of A Other mechanics: Mana Points: Mana Points are totally recovered when resting out of combat. Ammo Points: Ammo Points are totally recovered between battles. Energy Points: Energy Points reset to half the maximum value between battles. Each time a character hits an enemy with an offensive skill, they gain 1 Energy Point. Heat Points: Heat Points reset to 10 between battles. Each time a character hits an enemy with an offensive skill, they gain 1 Heat Point. Rescuing: during their turn, a character can rescue an unconcious ally instead of using active skills. A rescued character is completely removed from the battle. Anti-lock: after recovering from sleep and stun, the character gains a bonus resistance to the recovered debuff equal to 30%. The bonus decreases by 5% each turn.
  9. Hey... Does someone have an idea for the name of this thing?
  10. I was curious about that as well. I suppose that you can do either way. I would play FEV directly after ch5 mostly for a more linear gameplay, also ch6 would be great to remind you that your main lord is now Celice! I think another important thing would be inheritance. You should plan gen 1 parings in order to make the children as close to their FEV incarnation as possible.
  11. You can use both OCs or unoriginal ones. Still, it's advisable to use widely known works of fiction as a base. You don't need to play as Cecil, but stating that my original character is from FFIV's world is better because it's easy to understand for most players.
  12. In this game it's mostly Soren plus any of the others if you want two mages. Use Ilyana in the chapters where you can deploy everyone and see if she is turning out well, if she isn't both Tormod and Calill have good aviability: Tormod can be easily fed kills thanks to his skill and Calill has good stats and ranks all around, you have to choose between waiting for Tormod to grow and have a great staff user or stick to Calill and get a good magic user right off the bat but no staff.
  13. A Naruto character would have chakra, a transformer wouldn't, regardless of universe. As long as it's something "built in" the character it would remain with them. As for the more straightforward question, no: an HP spell can't protect you from ki. In fact, ki-based attack are magic based but should target defense, as most of the time there's a distinction between ki and magic (it's very clear that ki and magic are distinct in Dragonball and RWBY, for example). And regarding reviving spells, it's just like the ban on unkillability and insta-death: you can use a Raise spell from FF to wake up a KO character, but if the character is completely dead, then that's it. We may find a way to insert another character in the group if you want to continue playing, just as long as it's clear you didn't kill your character on purpose :P
  14. Just because it's called magic it doesn't make it the same thing. Just like there can be ki based attacks and magic there can be different sorts of magic. I don't know anything about Touhou, so if someone whants one of such characters they'll have to do some deep explaining. What I can do however is talk about Harry Potter magic. A wizard from H.P.'s universe would have no mp bar, as those wizards are shown to be able to continuously use spells without tiring. In this sense, they'll have less mechanics instead of having one more. I imagine that most spells that can be used offensively will either cast a special status (like Pietrificus Totalus) or directly attack with some element (like Aqua Eructo) or doing strong non-elemental damage against certain beasts (like Arania Exumai) and of course the standard attack spell used in the videogames would be a simple non-elemental magic spell. Those spells would translate into skills the character can use in battle. As for other spells, they can be used both in or outside of battle, but only in roleplay, and thus would have no actual effect on the battle in terms of stats (but can be actually useful outside of battle, expecially something like Accio or Wingardium Leviosa). Expecto Patronum would probably cast a defensive buff against dark spirits or something, I suppose... Also I write little because I want you to have eye problems.
  15. Well pretty much all duels are like this in animes about card games...
  16. The idea is to keep the system simple. It's still gonna be interesting for the various quirks of the characters. As for fitting characters so different from each other, I know how to both plot and gameplay wise. The basic premise of the plot is goig to be: the multiverse is in danger and God recruits someone to save the day. As for the gameplay: the universe in which the characters will fight has different rules than the ones from which X character is from, and this can make him/she/it and their skills weaker or stronger. As a result, all characters will be roughly equal. Of course, I'm gonna rule out immortality and insta-death spells. No Alucard levels of unkillability and no avada kedavra, folks!
  17. But you should explain how the triangle system works (keeping in mind that greatswords and triangle-reversing weapons exist) and how a sword can somehow damage even the most armored of the opponents and even without half-swording (now that I think about it, I'm pissed about the fact that the anti-armor sword is always a cutting-oriented sword instead of a thrusting-oriented one).
  18. I wasn't really thinking about mechanics when I said to submit ideas, but I suppose those are welcome as well. As for your idea, that's basically what I already had in mind. Only, I don't think there's a need for locked skills to unlock with experience, unless it's a mechanic unique to a character. Of course, you can still learn a new skill or something.
  19. Please don't try to make a fire emblem game realistic. It's a lost cause.
  20. It's some time now that I have this thought about a RPG where every character is from a different place. The basic idea is that the PCs can be from any kind of work of fiction: want to play as a sayan from Dragonball? Ok. As a Fire Emblem villain? Check. As an hero of Greek mythology? No problemo. A wizard who attended at Hogwarts? You can do it. You can choose whatever character as long as he/she/it can fight. I want this to have a stat system, and it should come out as a fighting-heavy game. The most important feature is that each character may have a special mechanic unique to them. As for the basics of the system, it should be quite simple: each character as different skills to use which may go from a simple sword slash to a rasengan or a support skill or whatever, plus some simple stats (health points, magic/mana/stamina/ki points, strenght, magic, defence, resistance, accuracy and speed). I'm going for a party of three to six people. If someone wants to join, ask some questions, master this in my place or simply give ideas, please do it! ...I wonder if somebody else did something like this. Probably yes.
  21. If you have different weapon ranks then it's impossible to have a non-elemental tome, I suppose. Unless you can finde a way to make so that you need a specific rank in all three anima ranks to use it... That would be rad. As far as managing weapons and tomes, i's all about balancing: there's no rule saying that Thron and silver weapons should only be accessible during end game. As a developer, you can balance characters in base weapon ranks too, not only in bare stats: you can have a weak character that needs some levels to catch up stat-wise come with an high weapon rank and a good weapon or vice versa. As for effective weapons usually it should be available before the chapters you need them most, or in the chapters themselves. Again, if a map is flooded with knights a weak character could join in that map with a hammer. There isn't a set answer, but there are many variables you should experiment and play with. (Also you can do whatever you like with special tomes: those are strangely very rare in the official games but are always welcomed in the community)
  22. There are a bunch of skills pre programmed in the game, and you can find many in the resources section. If you put your mind into it, I'm sure you'll be able to do it: there are various tutorials and you can always just ask for help, the community is here for a reason after all! All you need is time and dedication.
  23. But can you run an emulator? Anyway, you should probably just patch it with something else, there are even apps to patch roms if you can't get your hands on another pc.
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