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Everything posted by Enaluxeme

  1. Sir, first of all, I'm really enjoying LPing this and I really thank you for your hard work. Second, I have a few questions. Can Claude!Lana inherit the Valkyrie staff? If not, can you switch Lana and Lester's blood inheritance without changing their equipment? This is because they can only have Blaggi and Holsety major blood and Lester has no need for them (also, as you surely know, Claude and Aideen share a few conversations). Will you ever upload the growth rates? You had plans about changing some mugs. Have you scrapped that idea, or am I so blind I can't notice the changes? ... Are you ok with me LPing this, right? I really should have asked this first, sorry about that.
  2. This is awesome. Will you use the current animation as critical? (I haven't read the other posts)
  3. Going on, maybe I'll finish chapter 1 (yeah, right...) [spoiler=Murder of May] On enemy's phase hunter guy reminds us he's worthless. Alec can't kill the armor guys even with an effective weapon. He insists on feeding kills to Noish. Ethlin makes herself useful and heals Alec. Noish gets the first level up from that kill: HP - SPD Meh, could have been worse. Ardan is tired of using his bow. The lance-pals can kill of these guys without fear of repercussions. In the meantime, Sigurd can go on not-ORKO another guy. Azel waits on a tree hoping for the best; ♪♫ while Lex makes a run for the village in the west. ♩♬ That went ok. More exp! Fin inexplicably avoids an axe. He doesn't even have the speed ring yet. I want to feed some kills to Alec this time, but Noish wants the kills all for himself, the stingy. Ardan can proc supports too! I won't complain, but I don't think he and Alec are good pals... Ethlin heals Noish and Fin gets his first level-up: HP Seriously, Fin? That knight was smart enough to surround himself with road tiles. He still can't hit Sigurt though. Cuan procs nothing, but that's not a problem since hunter guy is worthless anyway. Azel attacks the unarmored opponent, because more hit rate. Level-up: MDF Oh come on, guys. His pal starts his struggle to save the village. It's a pain without pursuit or any other offensive skill. He gets a level from it: HP - SPD This is only decent because of that 20% speed growth. Chatting! I was so worried when I heard about Verdane's invasion. I'm just glad you're okay. You didn't think I'd lose to Verdane, did you? Yeah, but I heard you only had a few soldiers in Chalphy. And I know you, Sigurd. You are always jumping into this kind of stuff without thinking. Especially with Father being away... I knew I had to come. Heh heh... you've always had your head on straight, haven't you... You know you did a great job filling mum's shoes after she passed away. When you married into Lenster's royal family, I swore we had a lady on our hands. But you're still the same old Ethlin. Poor Cuan! Hahaha! Sigurd, that's mean. Sigurd! If I'm a nag, it's because of you and dad! If both of you weren't such slobs! ...Yeah, you might have us there. But we still appreciate everything you've done. Ethlin, I'm sorry you had to come all this way. I can't thank you enough. Sigurd... Back to the bow, Ardan levels up: HP - STR - DEF - MDF That's more like it. That 5% resistance growth is lovely. This is taking too much time. Sigurd is the first arriving at Jungby. I started saving every time I do something and take a screenshot. Basically I'm using savestates so that I can't abuse savestates, if that makes sense. Cuan finishes off the opponent and gets a level-up: HP - STR - MAG - DEF He won't need that magic point, but I'm not complaining. Azel takes an axe to the face, but that's not a problem at all. FINALLY. Level-up: HP - STR This is sad. WAT. Cuan murders another guy and goes toward the village. Meanwhile, Alec uses his effective weapon. He procs darkness sword and finally kills someone, getting his first level-up: HP - MAG Another 2 stats level-up, uh? Anyway, I guess Alec will want a magic sword later on. Noish is mad at Alec for taking the spotlight, but he fails at killing the opponent even with the support critical. Damn, Ethlin can't reach Noish. She can't even attack somebody. Problem solved O_o Ardan pokes the boss. Gotta love that bow. Sigurd was hit with 5% chance, but Cuan doesn't avoid. Maybe balance is restored in the universe. Ethlin takes her first life and her first level-up: HP Oh goddammit. Go, Azel! Damn you, Azel! After some healing, Cuan is ready to screw the odds. This things happen when there's no true hit system. Fin-ished. Sorry. Ardan weakens the remaining guy, one of his pals wil end him later. Noish wants the spotlight again, but he procs nothing. DiMaggio is now alone. Sigurd hasn't killed anyone yet. Ok, DiMaggio just sucks. This shouldn't be surprising, since he couldn't even kill Midir and his boss had to do it. Fin earns his speed ring and level: STR I'm hating you, Fin. Luckily, Azel avoids the axe-boomerang. Everyone, get in line, please. Alec goes first. Then Noish. Ardan. And Sigurd claims his first victim, getting a level-up in the process: HP Hey, isn't that Midir!? Come on, Midir... pull it together! I don't know. Gandolf was here though... Is that right... Well, don't worry. I'll get her back. Give yourself some time to heal up. No, Sigurd. I must join you. I can't begin to tell you how worried I am about her! I'm not sure if he actually wanted you to join. It's rude to invite yourself, Midir. Anyway, let's see how you changed, maybe you don't suck anymore. HP Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res 60% 30% 5% 40% 40% 10% 30% 10% Much better bases, and critical will be fantastic with that higher skill growth. Albeit useful, that longbow won't make enough damage. Got to switch some bows... And that's all for now. See you later!
  4. Because The Title Has To Be Like This. Hi everyone! This is going to be my first LP ever. I thought about doing a video LP, maybe in my native language, but I figured out this is going to be just for fun, and I enjoy screenshot LPs more. Let's see, I call this a "pseudo-blind run" because I played vanilla FE4 until the start of gen2 and I also tried some chapters of the Shin patch, until chapter 3 or something. Also, I'll be using emoticons instead of mugs. Since not every character is there, I'll be using the most similar one. I hope to be entertaining! [spoiler=Starting out] Alright, here we go, Shin. PROLOGUE! WORDS! NARRATION! The idea to show all this in a LP doesn't excite me, so I'm going to skip that. Long story short: Grandbell is at war with Isaac and there are few soldiers left, but that's not a problem since every other adjoining country is an ally. Except actually they aren't, since Verdane attacks Jungby. ... We? You are the only one there, Midir. Please save yourself. I want as many of you to get out of this alive as possible! None of us are going anywhere, my lady. We're here for you till the very end. Even if it means our lives. Oh... Thank you, Midir. I'm so sorry to put you through all this. Noish, I'm going to go and see if I can do something. You're in charge while I'm gone. Sir... You're not planning on going alone, are you!? Yeah Ziguldo-Sama, you can't ORKO the prologue guys anymore. Also, the lack of Sigurd in the emoticons is disappointing. Grandbell's military is already en route to Isaac. There really is no one left to call on. Verdane's army may be full of barbarians, but it's huge. There are bound to be casualties. I can't get you involved. I think fighting the invaders is exactly the reason why they should be involved. Excuse me, sir!? We were born into the knighthood and are prepared to die fighting! We'd be a disgrace to let our master perish out there all alone. We're going with you. Alec, you're with me on this, aren't you? Those barbarians'll loot the place, kill everybody in sight, then burn it all to the ground. We've got to beat them there and get the villages to strengthen their defenses. And not a single emoticon has a turbant. Even Nergal is shown without it. What else can I use? Tempting, but no. Point well taken, Alec. We mustn't overlook our duty as knights to protect the people. Actually, Oifey takes credit for that one. I tell ya, that kids a strategist in the making. Takes right after that famous grandfather of his, Lord Sesar. Who? All we know about him is that he probably has minor Baldur blood. I don't want to just sit back and watch the castle, sir. I don't know, Oifey... You're still pretty young. You think you'll be okay out there? I'm already 14, sir. I know I'm not ready to fight yet, but I can still help out. Please... let me go with you. Just wait 'till you grow a mustache. Well, it has been a good two years since you began training for your knighthood under me. You're probably ready for some battlefield action. But no fighting... Not just yet anyway. Why don't you come along as my personal advisor? You bet! Thanks, sir! Sir, have you considered leaving someone behind to defend the castle? It would be too risky not to. We would be finished if we lost our base here to the enemy. Noish gives bad advices. Because you're strong, reliable... and slow! You're the one, hands down! Hahahaa! Alec is a bully Hrmph. I can live with the strong and reliable part, but leave the slow bit out of it, ok? Arden, can we count on you? You're the only who can aptly handle the castle's defense. Alright, I'll do it. But you gotta promise to take me to battle with you sometimes. Will do. Alright, let's make our way to the villages, and then we're off to Jungby! Finally, we can start. Let's take a look at our characters, shall we? HP Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res 110% 50% 5% 50% 30% 40% 40% 5% Sigurd is pretty much the same. His starting stats have been tweaked a bit and he has A in lances. Otherwise, no changes. HP Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res 80% 40% 5% 35% 25% 25% 40% 5% Noish has better stats, but also better growths and continue/adept HP Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res 70% 30% 20% 40% 30% 30% 30% 20% Alec gets better starting stats, magical prowess and drakness sword, wich can boost both his offense and defense. He also starts with a better weapon, especially since there are some armored axe users in this chapter. HP Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res 90% 50% 5% 20% 20% 10% 60% 5% Ardan has been heavily changed. He has a different, better class, better stats and sol. Basically, he doesn't suck anymore. The only downside is that he still looks like Frankenstein's monster. We begin! That forest tile is just asking Ardan to try his bow, which he does. Alec weakens that axe guy and Noish tries to finish him, but he doesn't proc neither critical nor adept. We'll let axe guy choose who's gonna kill him. More chatting. Ya held out pretty well for bein' on yer own. But I've gotcha now. Die! Also Gandolf breaks the rules and procs a skill he doesn't have, killing Midir. Also I have no idea who should lend his face to Gandolf. Grr... Lady Aideen... Forgive me! Dimaggio, you and Gerrard are in charge. Hell, we may even press on to Barhara. There'd be no one to stop us if we did! Make yerselves at home here, boys. Anything goes! Just be patient, Sigurd will show you how wrong you are... Heh... you can count on us for that. Gandolf takes Aideen away with him. I'm sure he is a gentleman and he only has the best intentions in mind. Sorry. She's my booty! I'm takin' her back to be my wife. She's a keeper, wouldn't ya say? Yeah, she's makin' my mouth water. You wipe that grin off your face! You'll get your needs met once Grandbell is ours. What're you mumblin' about!? We're goin'! No fallin' behind this time! Yup, the best intentions. Enemy's turn. Axe guy chose Alec. Hey, look! It's mounted Hector and little red mage! He'll sure be happy to see us. You just can't stay out of these things, can you, Azel... Sadly, Hector's emoticon is taken already. Yeah, but with the military on engagement to Isaac, Grandbell is completely strapped! Sigurd and the few soldiers left in Chalphy are out here fighting for their lives! I can't just leave them hanging... Azel's our boy... I guess? Oh really... I'm not quite buying your story, Azel. What aren't you telling me? Wh...what are you talking about!? I'd surmise that you're all worked up about Lady Adean of Jungby. I know you like her. Y...you're nuts! A-ha! Face is getting red there, buddy! You little player you. Lex, knock it off! Now come on, let's get going. Hahahaa... Alright, let's do this. Finally, a chance to kick some ass. And many asses we shall kick today. But first, let me take a selfie let's see the new characters. HP Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res 50% 20% 40% 25% 50% 20% 20% 10% Azel gets Adept and slightly better stats. The better strenght growth may benefit him by acting as con if he reachs a multiple of 5, but mostly it will be useful for his childrens. Raquesis x Azel is considered good in vanilla, it should be amazing here, I suppose. HP Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res 70% 40% 5% 25% 20% 25% 50% 5% Lex is virtually the same. He is just faster since axes do not weight as much as they used to and thanks to the con system. Time to kick asses! Azel fails to hit the enemy twice, despite activating adept. We get off to a bad start. Lex can't finish him. Oh well. Yup, we knew already. To be fair, that's the first time this is a thing. Back at Chalphy, Ardan continues to use the enemy as dartboard. Alec and Noish attack in duo again. This time, Noish procs adept. Sigurd waits on a forest tile. He gets attacked and counters, but he fails to kill the enemy. Even more chatting on player's turn. Let's skip over the fact that Ethlin is wrong since Azel is here. I'm sure I can put my Live Staff to some use around here. I'm sorry to pull you into this, Cuan. I know I'm no longer a Chalphy, but I can't just sit back and do nothing. On my brother's behalf, thank you so much for coming. You don't need to thank me, Ethlin. You know Sigurd and I go way back. Not to mention that he's my brother-in-law now. Besides, I can't have you fighting alone. I sure appreciate it, dear. How pragmatic of you, Fin. Let's see the new guys and lady. HP Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res 110% 50% 5% 30% 40% 10% 50% 5% Cuan gets some slight nerfs in stats, but he gets critical. HP Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res 70% 30% 5% 40% 30% 50% 30% 5% Fin gets better bases. That's all. HP Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res 60% 30% 5% 30% 30% 20% 20% 10% Ethlin has better bases and adept. Seems like all three of them aren't very different from vanilla. Cuan starts his career by murdering a guy. We heard about your skirmish with Verdane. We're here to fight. How about Lenster? Don't you have Thracia to keep an eye on? We do. That's why I only brought Fin. My father took command of the Lance Ritter. I see... Geez, sorry to drag you in to all of this, Cuan. Sigurd! Did you already forget about our pact? Huh? Remember the academy? We all met at the military academy back in Barhara. It was the three of us. You, me, and Eltshan. We were talking late that one night. And we took a vow to help each other out if one of us was ever in a bind. That's right. No... I haven't forgotten. Ok, then. Let's get to work and rid yourself of this little nuisance. Don't forget, Sigurd. I'm always here for you. Especially in times like these. Cuan is a real bro Sigurd can attack with the lance and swich to swords later. Thanks, canto. Alec keeps weakening guys for Noish. Support bonus, yay! Noish claims the village's gold. Lex kills the enemy his partner couldn't weaken enough. Azel should take lessons from Alec. Still not enough to level-up. Well, it seems like that's all for now. I would go on at least until Jungby is conquered, but the forum won't let me upload more images. Please let me know how I've been, and make suggestions for pairings!
  5. I would love a Fire Emblem with fixed personalized promotions. Like 2 mercenaries, one promoting to hero and the other promoting to arch knight, the pegasus sisters promoting in Falco knight, Seraph knight and Dark flier and so on.
  6. An armored mage beside baron would be cool. As for returning classes, the soldier and the gba magic classes, but with melee valkyries.
  7. Personally? NO NO NO NO NO. They should go back to sword-axe-lance. I'm ok with knives outside of the weapon triangle, but adding more weapon types and adding shields and dual-wielding as suggested above would make it change so much it wouldn't be fire emblem any more. If they really wanted to add those things, they should make a spin-off series.
  8. I think it adds to the difference between characters, both individual chars and classes. Not only it's cool to have someone with both tomes and swords or axes and staves, it has a huge impact in the use of magic swords/weapons (the GBA system always felt dumb to me)
  9. Actually it's just generic male druids, Sophia is cool. As for FE11, the animations weren't good, but I would have been ok with them if all the sprites changed color instead of only the hairs changing. Oh, and Amatsu/Ragnel in Awakening are super cool for me, that's how you actually throw a sword. [spoiler=throwing a sword]
  10. So, a recent excange of opinions in the Fan Project section made me realize that someone likes GBA druids. What are the worst animations for you? I despise the aforementioned GBA druids, the GBA berserkers and fighters and the SNES pirates, fighters, hunters and warriors. A special mention goes to Vaike's tiny chest as a berserker in Awakening.
  11. The SaGa series. The fighting mechanics in Unlimited SaGa sucked, but that's not a good reason for killing off a good series. Besides, there's a need for high budget turn-based rpgs nowadays, with Final Fantasy turning action that could be a way to apologize from Square Enix.
  12. Rpg in general, be it jrpg, western rpg, action rpg, tactical rpg. I actually find myself planning my characters in terms of stats, classes, equip and whatnot so much that sometimes I spend more time doing that than playing the game (for example, planning pairings and final skillsets in awakening or planning equip and stats in dark souls). Other than that, I love racing games, they are the only kind of sport games that I play (that quidditch game for ps2 doesn't count, right?).
  13. I think you have some good points too and this is probably just a matter of opinion. I wouldn't like Ash as a generic necromancer. Not because it doesn't look good, but because the big bad uses the non-hooded version, so I think it would look bad having them against each other. Someone else may actually like that. And the summoner seems like it does have an hood but it just isn't on. That's fitting for Ash as he rarely puts his hood on in scenes.
  14. Well, dark magic is associated with hunger for wisdom as much as anima magic. Also, she does learn some of Ash's dark magic, canonically. Still, some minor difference from the basic sage class and a different name would be enough to make her feel unique. Like a dark and anima class called "dark sage" or something. For Ash, he too could use a different weapon type before promotion and gain dark later (light+dark would be unique in fire emblem as a whole), as he is accepting the darkness. Or he can become some sort of dark magic swordmaster/berserker, only using dark from start to finish but using its full power (crit bonus+S level+personal tome+high con) after promotion. And the summoner animation seems like it was made specifically for him, looking at his mug. It would need a palette fix though [spoiler=comparison] This way no one of them would use staves, wich would make staves an incentive for using at least another magic user.
  15. Yeah, the druid animation is ugly and Alicia promoting to sage makes her feel less important and Layla redundant...
  16. I think many others will agree with me: ARVIS, YOU DASTARD!
  17. A system like awakening where you can skip animations with the press of a button without having to completely turn off animation would be great.
  18. It should use a composable map made out of smaller pre-made map pieces and use the TCG cards to randomize resources of both factions. The map pieces should be something like 6x6, with a view completely from above instead of the usual, so that you can turn everyone of them however you see fit without it feeling weird. You should have 2 turns of card-drawing: 1 for character-cards only, where you draw X cards and chose Y of them. Then you take all the character cards left, mix them with every other one, and draw Z cards. You can assign weapons and items however you see fit and discard anything you can't use. For characters, you can only add one to your rooster: if you draw 2 characters or more you have to either discard them or discard someone else to make space for the new character. X, Y and Z depend on how big the map is and players preference, probably max 15 for Y (of course, X>Y). Characters should be represented on the map by little statues (wich may be completely abstract-looking or represent a specific class) with a little hole in them used to attach a colored number (blue, red or green from 1 to 16) to better distinguish characters.
  19. I guess the best skill for overkill is lethality. Even better with Rightful King
  20. @Cquel: someone has to check the same conversations in different pairings. If they change than they aren't good proof; if Severa can say that she wanted to be a mercenary like her father Ricken and Vaike was too strict with Brady then you are right. @Radiant head: totally right, I hate that pairing DX
  21. The Morgan in your pic is the son of Chrom, of course he has the same hair ._.
  22. Oh right, got the wrong game. But the wolfguard still as good growths, I think?
  23. ... Wat? http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/fireemblem/images/6/6d/Inigo_%28FE13_Artwork%29.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20130524032649 http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/fireemblem/images/8/89/Morgan_%28FE13_Artwork%29.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20130507235047 http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/fireemblem/images/c/c9/Cynthia_Artwork.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/275?cb=20150923130342 Morgan's hair color is closer to Say'ri then Chrom
  24. Hair color isn't a good way of choosing pairings as many children just can'have the right ones: Severa has a brighter red color than Ricken and Gregor, there are no grey haired fathers for Cynthia and Inigo, no green haired father for Nah and Morgan has dark hairs (I suspect it references his/her granpa Val).
  25. The prepromoted of the wolfguard are actually very powerful as they have super growths. But yeah, this game doesn't shine for the balance of units (both power and diversity).
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