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Posts posted by calculuswhiz

  1. Now, first off, I'm not a big fan of FPS's to begin with, but it looks like a kind of interesting game to try out. It looks different from the "shoot everything that moves" and lack of tactical thinking idea from CoD, Halo, etc. I know there's no way to compare with MGO (third person tactical), so I'll leave that out. It's a military simulation game, I know.

    I watch gameplay videos on Youtube but comments range from "this is a great game," to "do not buy." Has anyone tried out this game? If so, what's it like?

    Also, some comment that it's glitchy. Are there really that many glitches?

    How much time can I expect to put into this to complete it? Standard completion time? Replay value? (Is it repetitive, a little boring, and incredibly easy like Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood was? Or does it have good replay value like MGS4 and Fire Emblem 7? I'm not asking for a comparison of mechanics, here just replay value.)

    Other comments?

  2. Greetings to fellow fans of Fire Emblem. As you may know, there was a manga based on the third game's (That's Monshou no Nazo) first part.

    Again, as you may know, long ago, I decided to take up the abandoned translation! Unfortunately, due to the busy life of a high school senior (graduated, going to UIUC, now), I haven't been working on this for a while. Because I don't like to leave a job half finished, I've finished up volume six of this manga series. The rest can be found in Serenes Forest itself, or Animea which requires no downloads.

    I've posted here the links for my previous works:

    Without further ado, I present to you volume six! Enjoy!

    In this volume, Linda, Midia, Thomas, Tom, Mishelan, and Boa. There's also a flashback chapter at the end!

    Volume 3.6: v3.6

    Volume 4: v4

    Volume 5: v5

    and of course:

    Volume 6: v6

  3. Oh, come on! There was no genocide of Native Americans. Killing a few here and there and getting into a fight with them here and there hardly constitutes a genocide. The violence was mutual in many cases, anyways. Sometimes it was spurred by provocation of the settlers, sometimes by the natives. In fact, most of them were assimilated and married off to the European immigrants. Only about 10% died due to war and disease.

    And on a side note, the blankets were not the source of the smallpox. The disease reached them through other means. The blankets were a last ditch effort by a fortress under siege. They were desperate.

    Happy Thanksgiving.

  4. Yeah, go nuts. What do you need? I should have files backed up somewhere, if you need an email with attachments or something. I have to check on the whereabouts of Vol. 4, though.

    Hm... Well, it's a tough call on the name thing. Um... 存理者 is just fine, but could you say "存理者 (Zach)"? If not, then it's okay. I just wanted the English speakers to be able to say something other than a butchered version of cún lǐ zhě.

    Just so you know, I do not own the manga. I had to download the scans, so technically, it's not really scanlating, is it? I don't know. I should only be credited for the English versions and no more.

  5. Greetings, my faithful followers. I've been really busy with schoolwork and all, so it's been a while.

    I just need to proofread and unzip some files before uploading on Windows Live and animea.net . Tomorrow's the last school day of the week, but I have a Youth Symphony concert, so I probably won't get it out sooner.

    I also have a big announcement, but I'll wait til Wednesday.

    Until then, 再見 and best Thanksgiving wishes!

    (P.S. First Encounters: Paola, Katua, Est, Minerva, Banutu. We start at the part where Marth has just freed Orleans from Durhuan rule and Marich's in the middle of a battle with two mages (most likely females).)

  6. I'm not much of a FPS type of guy, as you've probably guessed. I'm the only one of my gaming friends around where I live that doesn't really like CoD (or FPS stuff), but I think it beats Halo any day (*cough* overrated). Probably the only one around that plays Metal Gear Solid, too.

    That said, MGO is amazing fun. Claymores are neat, no matter who you are.

  7. Yeah. My username is Gearrtha (Irish Gaelic for "cut").

    Epic moments:

    1. I threw a grenade as I was getting shot at. I died, then it blew the other guy up.

    2. I was in a firefight with this guy next to a van, but then the other guy shot the van and blew it up while he was next to it.

  8. This rings home for a reason... (check my sig, yes, it is short for what you think it is)

    Anyway, asides from when the unusual name crops up that's in Fire Emblem, not really. Things like, I spelt Lyre in Scrabble (online w/autochecker) and didn't even know what it meant (turns out it's an instrument). And of cause Mordecai is a woman in the Bible (I think it's Mordecai anyway... maybe it was Muarim ¬_¬)

    Mordecai was a man, BTW.

    I used Anri's tale in my Honors English class as an Anglo-Saxon style poem. Also, I translate the Fire Emblem manga, so I guess that's part of my life.

  9. I am a non-denominational Christian (well, kind-of a baptist, but don't go putting me together with those Westboro jerks).

    Frankly, I'm sick of those trying to use "separation of church and state" to get us to shut up. The reason that's there is to keep the state out of religion.

    I also hate the stupid stereotypes. I am not hateful of sinners (we're all sinners after all), I do not believe in forcing my religion (telling others about it is different), I am not perfect (that's why I believe, because I need forgiveness).

    People also get the wrong idea. I believe salvation should come before rules and regulations. People think "Oh, he's so high and mighty telling me what to do," but I don't.

    Though you can't prove either way on this, I feel there's more of a reason to be theistic than not. That's just me. Believe what you will. It's your choice. No argument that has been said is adequate.

    For example:

    Against omnipotence, some will say, "Can God create a stone so heavy, he can't lift it?" Then I will ask, ''Have you stopped beating your spouse?" Neither of these questions is valid.

    Against omniscience, people will cite the Heisenberg uncertainty principle (impossible to determine the position and the momentum of a quantum). However, this "uncertainty" comes from our need to observe to know. We need to use an electromagnetic wave to hit the electron to get readings, but electrons move due to being hit by the wave. However, omniscience rules out having to see things to know things.

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