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Posts posted by calculuswhiz

  1. In the Metal Gear world, I think Big Boss could use another game after MGS: Peace Walker.

    I also think MGS1 should be remade with better graphics (I don't count the Twin Snakes. Grey Fox should not have lost that fistfight.).

    That said, Kid Icarus?

  2. The situation:

    I accidentally translated 4 chapters beyond what was has already been done by others. Apparently, someone left a job half finished in Volume 3. Jerks. Now I have to go all the way back and do it myself. Sorry if you noticed a break in the storyline. (If you even read it at all.) Oh, yeah. No one reads this. What am I worried about?

  3. Clarification:

    #1. I did NOT do a naked BBE run. (i.e. I loaded previous files.)

    #2. I had a Solar Gun and special rounds/ grenades, M82A2, camera, auto-aim, rail gun, 10 chaff grenades (you can get 4 per game without help from Akiba), face camo.

    Drebin's Tank (Act II)

    Area I: Vista Mansion

    Method 1: Stay low and stun knife/CQC throw. If you accidentally do a grab, it's okay, you can still push people off while in grab.

    Method 2: Solar Gun the power suits. Fully charge, or else. CQC anyone that gets on the tank. This method is MUCH faster.

    Area II: Confinement Facility

    Make sure you have Solid Eye equipped to see Weak Points on the Gekko. Use the machine gun. Watch out for SOPS soldiers, use CQC if you suspect they are behind you. Make sure the Gekko don't get too close.

    Area III: Power Station

    Shoot the gate first. Then turn around to shoot the pursuing tank. After it blows up, aim for the gate.

    Area IV: Not sure what it's called.

    Point the MG at the Gekko. The MG doubles as a shield.

    Run for the end: Marketplace

    Rail gun, if necessary. Although, the M82A2 works pretty darn good. 2-3 shots and BOOM!

    Motorcycle chase (Act III)

    Hard part #1: Security Checkpoint: ramp jump

    Not so hard anymore. Solar gun + auto aim = win!

    Hard part #2: Raven chase

    Don't have to shoot the bots.

    Guy #1: Duck behind EVA until the auto-aim indicator is ready. Pop up and shoot him. Easy.

    Guy #2: He comes from the right, just so you know. Auto aim, if you'd like. (But it's different.)

    Jeep blockade: Smoke grenade. Practice helps.

    Jeep flip: Solar gun. Don't auto aim. They're out of range. A weak blast is enough.

  4. First ("Christian name" as Hercule Poirot would say): Remembrance of the Lord (Hebrew)

    Chinese name (also given by parents): 存 - to preserve. 理 - reason / logic / truth.

    Family name: 邊 - possibly a border land division?

    Weird, no?

  5. That crap from Twilight.

    Vampires may cause blindness because they get all shiny (that seems to be the general consensus nowadays). (I'd hate to go blind.)

    Werewolves just because I own neither guns nor silver bullets. The only thing I have that is remotely silver is spoons. Good luck stabbing a werewolf with a spoon.

    I hate vampires. They should all be killed by cyborg ninjas and nanomachine suppressor injections.

  6. MGS4:

    Love Theme (Hebrew Lyrics version.)


    Snake Eater


    Tanker Incident


    Theme of Tara


    The Best is Yet to Come



    Portable Ops:

    Calling to the Night


    MGS: Main Theme

    Fire Emblem:

    Main theme: Monshou no Nazo

    Monshou no Nazo: Tapestry theme

  7. Examples of things never to say:

    1. I found this on the GameFAQ's website on Monshou no Nazo: "Is Ike in this game?"

    2. On Youtube on FE OAV: "Where's Ike?"

    3. Also on youtube on a video of Blazing Sword: "Who's that blue haired girl at the end? Is that Marth?"

    4. General stupid thinking: "Marth is a girl/ doesn't like women." (That one gets me mad. Ignorant jerks.)

    5. Never pronounce "Gaiden" as /geɪ/dɛn/. It's pronounced /gaɪ/dɛn/ or, if you're really picky, /ga/i/de/n/. It's like the select few morons that pronounce "Raiden" as /reɪ/dɛn/.

    6. "Yeah, sure I know Fire Emblem it's the game with Marth and Roy, right?"

  8. On Drebin 893's tank: Must have: SOLID EYE!!!! Facilitates shooting Gekko.

    Don't have to take out the power suits. Just stay low with stun knife on the "zombie's" (I like to call them that). Or just 1shot with solar gun. Either way. I prefer the latter method.

    Machine Gun is excellent cover for the Gekko area (It shields you). If you suspect a guy coming up behind, leave immediately and CQC slam or stun knife.

    Shoot the gate a few times, turn to face the tank (the "MGS"), blow it up, shoot the gate like your life depends on it ('cuz it does.).

    Gekko are pretty much all that matter now. Shoot them in their Weak Points. Use the Machine Gun as Cover!!!

    If you didn't know this already, you can download OctoCamo patterns from Extras. Metal Camo makes the Marketplace part easier, but is not necessary.

    On Bike Chase: Must have: Solid Eye, Smoke Grenade (any color), Mk 2 pistol, it's a good idea to have autoaim, maybe solar gun. Do not attempt to use Chaffs (yes, you can get them in South America.)

    First off, they go down in one hit. So don't even think about using a lethal weapon to injure.

    Call it sissy, but autoaiming w/ solar gun on the CheckPoint works pretty good. (For the record, I did it once without the solar gun or autoaiming.)

    Autoaim also works pretty good when the Raven and her bots start chasing you. (Don't shoot the bots!) When you see the first guy, duck until the autoaim cursor shows up, aim and fire your tranquilizer! Next guy shows up on your right, so keep looking there. When the autoaim shows up, shoot him. Easy, right? Need Smoke Grenades for next part. There's an intersection that, if smokes are timed correctly, should get you between the twin Jeeps gunning at you without damage. Takes some practice. Solar Gun helps for next, or just well timed smokes. (Sometimes, it is slightly dependent on luck if you get damaged, though.)

    Yeah, keep your solar gun/ mk. 2/ smokes(/maybe twin barrel v. rings?) out. Better hope you hit those Haven Troopers down the stairs, or problems can happen.

    I ended up using Stun Grenades (only for Beauty fights), Mk. 2 pistol (a lot.), solar gun (not so much), chaff grenades (Shadow Moses), no twin barrel, smoke grenades (bike chase), 1 magazine clip, and colored smoke (fun to use, mostly. I like laughing (yellow), 'cuz it causes them to shoot each other! Haha!).

    Items I relied on: iPod (especially after bike chase, as you don't heal! ["Rock Me Baby"]), Solid Eye (duh), rations (no, i didn't eat them, I gave them to the neutrals), Syringe (Screaming Mantis, Vamp), Drum Can (like once)

    Lethals (for Robots and Beast/RAY fights): REX's Weps (Gatling and Missiles), Rail Gun, M82A2 Sniper Rifle (good Helicopters, Tanks, Beasts), Operator (Shoot the dolls on S. Mantis fight, or just something with a laser pointer), Mantis doll (S. Mantis), I think that's all.

    RAY strategy: Stay near land. RAY is strong in and near water. Gatling gun at first, and move back! Ready triangle button! When he's still, use AT missiles. I never found a use for the laser, but... When you see him about to use the Water Cutter or his Gatling gun, dodge!!! Don't charge him when he's shielding. You'll get hit. BAD. Shoot his missiles with the Gatling Gun. If you see him fall, you can charge him if you want, but it's risky.

    Vamp: tip: Shoot him once with the solar gun, and he's down. Makes sense, right? Vampire? Solar Gun?


    1: Get him with strong punches. Get him near the edge. When he gets up, strong punch and he'll dodge, so do it again and he'll fall. Wash, rinse, repeat. (Teehee.)

    2: Stay out of reach of strong punches. Then, strong punch him.

    3: Wing it. Ready your triangle button. I just basic combo'd him from here. Sure, he still got me, but I lived.

  9. I almost shed a tear. And I never* cry. I just love Pixar.

    I think many of us think of ourselves as growing up with Andy. I'm a year younger, or so, but still. It helps us connect with the story better.


  10. Hm? Why is that?

    Oh, well, I'm bound to be unnoticed in life anyways. Hm...

    But, no. There's no pressure. As I said, I won't be announcing any further projects, though, as I may just give up. I just thought some people would care. *sigh*. Now I'm depressed.

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