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Posts posted by Emerson

  1. 5 hours ago, XRay said:

    And Ophelia's.
    "Fate has chosen us. The moon and the stars bless our union. The constellations celebrate our love. You and I, forever into eternity."

    Hey, I was actually coming here to mention this one. I honestly really prefer it to the JP confession, which is honestly a rarity for me when it comes to Ophelia dialogue between the original and localisation. In JP it's less flowery and also less sweet.
    "I love you. It is an honor to be chosen by you: a legendary warrior! I'm looking forward to our rings. So let's get along forever, starting now."

    I also wanna shout out Marianne's entire S Support, it gets me every time. The whole thing is super sweet when you take in the rest of her growth throughout the game and finally wraps up that growth by having her be the instigator of the proposal in giving Byleth the ring instead of the other way around, which iirc makes her the only girl in the cast to do that.
    "I... I love you. So very deeply. Thank you for giving me the world."

  2. The generic tome for it is apparently called "Rock", so definitely Veld with Stone. He makes too much sense for it.

    I do like FEH adding new magic elements. Earth was a weird element always missing from FE magic overall minus a few examples.


    Also, I'm like... 99% sure they added it to give Tomes a colorless option since, if they add Fists which is highly likely especially now with these being added, it'd be the last group of weapons that lacks a Colorless variant.

  3. 1 hour ago, Dedesett said:

    3 - No, the bug with the secret shop is there even if you don't touch anything related to Marisa. It was something that i found but i didn't report because i forgot about it. It doesn't make the game crash or softlock, it just make the shop a little weird if you scroll to the bottom.

    It, uh, definitely doesn't just make the shop look weird.


    yeah this is
    a thing you can do if RNG blesses you and you get Audhulma as that final slot. (or anything else good). If you buy that 0 cost item it also bugs out the items available in the 2 normal slots still visible. Like, I got a Brave Lance to show up.

    (ill come back and give some proper feedback later, currently at ch 17. the squad)

  4. I've been playing Masters since launch, although not particularly often since I have like 3 other gachas I play and tbh enjoy a bit more overall. Rerolled for a while until I got Roxie which was preeeetty much the only reason I was playing at first. And kinda still is.

    N, Gladion and Silver are all coming soon so l'm pretty much going to be playing during that time for sure. Thankfully Silver is likely to be free with Ho-oh (hopefully), and I hope N is too for a Reshiram/Zekrom event.

    Even if personally I don't really have time to play it, I really appreciate them working very hard to improve the game and taking player feedback.

  5. 8 minutes ago, Dragoncat said:

    Ketchup and mustard are gross. Mayonnaise is best.

    I dislike this opinion. It makes me angry.

    I'm the opposite, mayo is really gross to me but I really like mustard. Ketchup is..... okay. It has it's time and place but it's like BBQ sauce, it can make something taste better but it super overpowers the flavor and I really only would use it to make something that doesn't taste really good better. Mustard on the other hand, in lower quantities (especially for yellow), is good at enhancing taste.
    Brown mustard is best, yellow is honestly kinda gross I agree with that one.
    I USED to like Mayo but I really can't stand it anymore.

  6. Fates kids weren't a mistake because we got Ophelia.

    Genealogy isn't fun to play beyond the Prologue.

    Thracia is really fun to play but I have to hate it design wise because of the noob traps.

    Three Houses' maps are really poorly designed in both layout and enemy placement and AI in the majority of cases.

    Etrian Odyssey is the best Atlus property.

  7. 14 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

    I like to headcanon that Severa had no idea what to name her kid and was put on the spot so she just threw her mother's name in a metaphorical blender and came up with that.

    Headcanons aside, how else would you make an anagram of Cordelia's name while also making it sound eastern inspired. It's tough

    I swear I've seen one but I don't remember. I'll see if I can find it.

  8. Obligatory mention that I like the name Ophelia.
    Even outside of context I like the sound of the name, and before FE I WAS a bit of a theatre guy. Which... actually makes me want to give the name to something less given what happens to her, but I still like the name.

    Outside of that... I like Lucia, it's a nice short name with a good flow to it. Setsuna is also nice.


    I don't really have any I really dislike, although I'm not too big on Caeldori. Like... that's the best you could come up with? Really?

  9. Creativity, first and foremost. Although I enjoy a good challenge or a good story, I mostly just value being able to express myself and do things I want to do and have a good time doing it.

    But honestly just... beyond that, fun factor overall is just very important to me. Good feeling controls, enjoyable gameplay, and such. I really don't mind if there's little to no story and such if I can just enjoy myself. Not that a good story doesn't improve the experience for me, but it mostly immerses me outside of the gameplay since I tend to take things like story in after the fact rather than during. While I'm playing, the story doesn't really matter to me as much. Challenge is also something I do appreciate but it doesn't really drive me as much, especially when many games I like tend to have challenges which end up reducing your variety of viable options and methods of play which is something I personally don't like.

    I do also really like relaxing through games, it's pretty much my main way of doing so.

  10. Not particularly difficult, but stressful, at least before you know what you're doing. However I greatly enjoyed breaking it.

    Since, if you hold the gates open for more turns, you can just waltz on up to the next gate and no reinforcements spawn, even if you activate the second lever. It's pretty amusing to just have your entire force surrounding the bandits the moment they spawn in. I personally find the third part the most annoying, mostly because there's so little room, and the more people you bring in to try and deal with the enemy, the more enemies spawn. It's not that bad once you know it's gonna happen, and especially not so if you just... throw Retribution Byleth at them, like pretty much everything else in this DLC ngl, but it's really annoying and generally not super player friendly for the first time through considering very little happened after clearing the first gate, just a golem that didn't even't move for like 4-5 turns.

    The main issue is really the congestion of enemies, especially in the first area. It's hard to shove past them and keep your squishies safe while also moving forward, especially with Archers in the mix. Again, uh, Retribution really makes it a non issue at the end of the day tbh, but still. Especially when gambits are, generally, not well utilized by the majority of players.
    EDIT: Should specify that I do mean taking the shortcut route. They can quickly have you on both sides since some go around the bottom while others come from the top. Pushing forward while also defending on two fronts can be difficult. Not to mention you can't stay and choke the point too long since the golem will catch up, and once you're out of it's range, the gap is now 4 tiles wide. It's not too overly difficult at the end of the day, especially when you use your turns wisely, but it can be annoying if you aren't prepared, or aware they would move.
    There's also the fact that if you don't hit the second switch before you close the first gate, its pretty annoying to get to, given it has reinforcements for 2 turns in a row, and they cover both defensive stats. Plus the bandits then spawn, which is much more annoying to take the shortcut with them around while also pushing into the room before the second gate.

    Then again I also found Chapter 3 like... really easy. Like you literally just, attack a golem twice, then Balthus, then Byleth and it dies. Even when there's two around, the things can't actually kill in one shot unless it's a squishy, and if you manage your aggro of other enemies you're almost always safe since the only enemies with a movement trigger are the VEEEERY tops ones who move once you attack the main boss at the bottom. The main issue is the stupid key thing, which is just a really dumb concept to begin honestly. But like, you can just DP out if you picked the wrong one. Honestly there needed to be some actual sign of which one was the correct one, and that you COULD pick a wrong one in the first place. At first I thought you might need to do all 3, but then the line after picking one made it seem like it is how it actually is, although still kinda vaguely tbh.

    Honestly I didn't find any part of the DLC actively super challenging, it was pretty solid the entire way through. But honestly it started better than it ended. Ch 6 is just kinda dumb (not bad just, eh. It's difficult until you remember Retribution exists, then it flips around to being kinda easy and you end up having like 10 turns left easily.) and Ch 7 is tedious as hell and genuinely not very fun to play to me. I appreciate they tried a new concept for a boss but frankly it had a bit too much health to make the gimmick tolerable, although even then it probably wouldn't be that fun since its literally just a loop for like a solid like, 20-30 turns at minimum if you know what you're doing from the start unless you end up getting good placement rng.

  11. IMO, Rhea, easily. Edelgard is a close second but Rhea as a whole has absolutely amazing depth as a character and her actions. It's not something I'll discuss here because there are multiple very good breakdowns of her on Reddit and the like. Seriously she's probably my favorite FE character regarding their character alone.

    But yeah honestly, 3H has some really great characters overall. While we have a couple like Raph and Bernie that unfortunately got stuck in ye olde Fateswakening routine of "here is my gimmick, now I push it forever", they're still fairly enjoyable anyways, mostly due to their placement in the world actually being tangible. Meanwhile as much as I love a good chunk of Fates characters, they mean absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things which is really detrimental for them overall.
    Wow, who would've known that actual worldbuilding would help your plot and characters!

  12. Oh, VSilque's weapon got confirmed! I'm really happy they made a new equivalent to WEirika's staff for Spd Opening! I really enjoy using it + Atk Opening so this is absolutely welcome for me. The only shame is you have to kill 2 of her (or another Speed Opening character) to get both on another Staff user. At least, since she's free, she's easier to do that with than WEirika and her staff, that was a bit annoying to get.

    But I'm merging her so it's not much of a concern for me.

  13. Rhea is genuinely my favorite written character in Three Houses, if not FE overall. Analyzing her actions, alongside the actions of the church as a whole and how she shapes it, is really enjoyable once you take a full dive into her character. Edelgard has similar qualities in regards to analysis, but I find Rhea's overall character to be more interesting to me.

    Honestly 3H just has a lot of characters that're fun to analyze psychologically and then review their actions along multiple supports. Felix, Lysithea and Edelgard, alongside Rhea, are the big four for me.

    That said fuck the Rhea S Support dear lord. While I appreciate the acceptance of Byleth being Byleth for her character, it absolutely should've been elsewhere and not locked to this otherwise god awful option.

  14. Okay so a couple things.
    Effie can easily hold the upper-right like, entirely by herself with a couple Vulns. They're really not a threat once she's there.
    So, I decided to promote Silas to GK (for the Bulk, his speed is garbage anyways) and Arthur to Berserker, since his gains compared to Hero are much more preferable. He can easily one round everything on the map. Silas now takes Effie's job, albeit with a lack of proper enemy phase due to his lack of D rank Lances for Javelin, but now that Arthur can act as a very competent frontline unit, it should be much easier.

    I'm going to keep at if for a little while, and I do have a backup save in case I need to/want to revert anything I've done prep wise.

    Thank you for the advice.

  15. After taking a break I decided to come back to CQ Luna and try it again. I greatly enjoy Chapters 7-9 but 10 is always extremely rough for me, which while I expected that, it's really proven to be too rough for me.
    So I figured I might try and pool some knowledge and see if I can figure out a better strategy. My exp has been generally funneled into Corrin, Arthur, Silas and Effie, all of them sitting at Lv 10-12. Odin, Niles and Nyx are still base level. Corrin can easily take care of the right-center choke and push through, albeit with a the semi-consistent chugging of Vulneraries, while Effie can hold down the left side of the center in Pair-Up with ease. The upper-left can be dealt with easily once Camilla and her squad arrive with Selena + Silas or maybe Beruka (but her flier utility is more useful up front), but the issue lies in the upper-right. With both Archers and Spear Fighters coming in constantly, as well as the threat of a Pegasi swooping in and picking someone off, Niles and Odin, the only people not already holding down something, simply can't deal with it, and there's no one else left to hold that side unless I devote Camilla to it once she shows up (and she's really needed in the front to deal with Pegasi and help Corrin), meaning I need to really restructure my distribution of units.

    I can post stats if needed but it likely won't change much, except that my Corrin's got much more Strength and Speed than average, even for his boon/bane, which... I believe is Spd/Luck? Spd/Luck or Spd/Mag, idr which.
    But 15 Str and 17 Spd at level 11 is kiiiinda insane.

    I have a healthy supply of funds, since up until now all I've purchased is a Heal, Bronze Axe and Javelin, so hopefully it's enough to figure something out.

  16. dedue is cute and you cannot prove me wrong


    But tldr my view is that its very subjective and can be influenced by association as most things can be, generally I'd previously found scrawnier and younger guys cuter but I've personally found myself broadening by tastes a bit tbh.
    Personality absolutely plays a part but not everyone finds the same stuff cute.

    anyways this video came to mind 




  17. Just now, Ottservia said:

    I wouldn’t say she needs a heavy rework. Well her supports definitely do(well not all of them but most of them anyway) but every other aspect of her character is fine as is if you ask me but I digress.

    I feel it's less that her character can't work without being reworked, it's more that Fates supports and story isn't an environment when it CAN work due to every support needing to start and end without the character majorly changing. Peri as a character would've likely only worked if she COULD change.

  18. 1 minute ago, Morgan--Grandmaster said:

    Don't forget Selkie and Percy. They're so adorable and wholesome. And besides, did I mention that Percy is voiced by Antony Del Rio?

    Selkie isn't particularly a favorite of mine unfortunately, I don't find her to be particularly interesting as a character and I don't really find myself getting directly attached to her. But she is cute.

    Percy I think I'd like more if they toned down the "Lucky" gimmick.

  19. 4 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

    I have, in fact, read her Laslow supports, and I see no growth there. She's the same old literal serial murderer who shouldn't have been a recruitable character. Every single criticism I have of her applies directly to her.

    I actually agree that Peri doesn't grow in her Laslow support. There's definitely a semblance of it starting, however due to the nature of FE Supports pre-SoV, she unfortunately cannot fully change due to the fact that she has to be able to act the same in every other support. It's a shame, because I genuinely think she could hypothetically be a semi-decent character should Fates writing not be Fates writing.

  20. Just now, ciphertul said:

    Most of the kids in fate are bad a couple are okay like kanna and Kaze’s daughter Midori 

    I find a majority of them to be at least decent characters in a vacuum, honestly. Shiro is kinda neat, and Siegbert, while a bit boring and generic, isn't too bad. I genuinely appreciate Ophelia and how she differs from Owain overall (and to be fair, how else would his kid be), and I also find Mitama to be enjoyable to read. But then we have some stinkers like Soleil and Nina, the latter being a major disappointment since instead of making a fun Robin Hood thief character, we just have a fetishized fujoshi.

    Honestly their main issue is just
    While their individual character honestly improves from not being in the clusterfuck of a story that is Fates, and are instead entirely in the generally better written supports, it also means they have literally 0 place in the grand scheme of thing and suffer haaaaard from it.

  21. 3 minutes ago, Caster said:

    Besides like... Kris, I guess the only character I really dislike passionately enough anymore is Asugi from Fates. Just copy-paste Gaius into the game, but remove any good points about him and make him one gimmick. Incredible. The other copy-paste kids had some semblance of something there, Rhajat is pretty nice. But Asugi is... blegh.

    Asugi just makes me sad. He was the one potential Fates kid with a chance to actually mean something at the end of the day, and they just slapped bootleg Gaius on him and called it a day. He would've been such better as just an original character entirely and throw the Gaius clone on Kaze's kid slot, or remove them entirely (even if Rhajat is a pretty good change to Tharja).

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