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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. i think you mean sorcerors also they had minimum accuracy, people just don't really dodge without breakers in this meta
  2. I know i decided some of my skills based on his classes. I dunno if Brady would have had Axebreaker if I didn't choose my classes beforehand, for instance.
  3. I'd be down. It combines low turns and experience into a draft. After each chapter (or every few chapters) participants PM their turncount and exp gained in each chapter to the tournament host and he posts the results once everyone has finished up to a certain point, and people are given points based on the results. So like if Participant A finished the chapter the fastest, but got the least exp, he'd get less points for finishing a chapter the second fastest and getting the most exp. There's more detail here: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=31227
  4. well, I guess i'll try using Noire's Yewfelle on Brady this match might take a very long time
  5. Severa Alm's Blade Noire I guess. I don't think I can kill Brady very easily this game, renewal sorcerors are pretty bullshit.
  6. CHAPTER 32x - 1/135 turns warp eliwood in and profit CHAPTER FINAL PART 1 - 2/137 TURNS Everyone opened doors and stuff. Fiora + Marcus killed Uhai, Lyn killed Ursula and Jerme with a killer bow after opening brendan's room for Jaffar, who blicked brendan (brendan's goon went after Lyn because she was low from Ursula, and died on t1 too.) Dart got rescued ahead to whomp Darin, and Eliwood opened Lloyd and Linus's door, and killed Lloyd on the enemy phase. Lucius warped Sain up to the magic dudes room and he opened the door, but canto'd out of range because he got owned. Eliwood + Hector killed Linus, Fiora and Marcus mopped up the snipers in Uhai's room, and Lyn finished killing Jerme. DORCAS, and Sain killed the remaining magic dudes, and a Filla's Might'ed Athos killed Nergal easily with Luna. CHAPTER FINAL PART 2 - 1/138 TURNS Athos did athos things to the dragon CHAPTER 31x 5/143 TURNS THIS CHAPTER DOES INDEED EXIST was good early on when my dudes were chumps hahaha he capped luck honestly Eliwood is a pretty ridiculous unit to have free in drafts i think this is the first good lyn i've had in like years he existed I guess did staff user things surprisingly very useful lategame +4 con rofl was pretty awesome really actually pretty invaluable early on since he could rescue hector and fight things kind of. Totally useless past chapter 20. his stats kinda sucked ass so he never really did a whole lot besides a few midgame chapters before Marcus showed up, then Marcus was better for most of the game. very disappointing first pick very good despite being speed screwed (this is with a speedwing) If you didn't visit the secret shop to stock up on barrier staves, you might have to hammerne the torch staff and spam the hell out of it in chapter 28 with Ninian's help. You don't need all the hammerne charges anyway. Pent's physic staff can help later too, and you have 20 free turns in 28x to do stuff too. It's also crazy how drafts have changed from "I didn't kill this boss because I had 60 hit and missed once" to "I rigged a 4% crit to kill the boss" over their existance. ALL HEIL THE LTC UBERMENSCH
  7. Like I haven't done the chapter yet, so I dunno. but... CHAPTER 32 - 3/134 TURNS DOUBLE BODY RING DART FOR TOP TIER This allows him to rescue Hector, and not be rescued by anyone. Lucius warped Dart ahead 12 squares, and Eliwood rescued Hector, and got danced by Nils. He gave Hector to Dart, who moved onto the forts in the middle of the map. Marcus and Fiora rescue dropped Lucius ahead, and Lyn and Sain rescue dropped Nils ahead. Lucius got danced the next turn and then warped Dart onto a river space 12 squares away from the forts, and Dart dumped Hector within 5 squares of seizing. He blicked Limstella the next turn and let Hector seize.
  8. I think so, I have an extra unit (even if it's Lyn) and three 8 move units and a 9 move unit, so I think it'll be possible
  9. CHAPTER 29 - 3/117 TURNS actually pretty easy Eliwood ate the boots (since Fiora can't rescue Hector) and rescued Dart ahead, and Lucius rescued (the staff) Ninian ahead to dance him. He held onto Dart on turn 1 (he didn't have any chance of dying) and Marcus cleared a way for him on turn 2, then mopped up the enemies in the area while Eliwood dumped Dart in Linus's room. Dart engaged him next turn with the Swordreaver, and he cleanly 2RKO'd him over the course of the player phase and enemy phase. Fiora went and got warp, and Sain killed the cavaliers and nomads from the north east side (I didn't want to trigger those reinforcements, triggered the rest of them on turn 1, including Vaida) and Lucius helped Marcus up the middle, killing the pesky Longbow nomad on turn 3 Player phase. Also hilariously gave Fiora a speedwing because I thought she'd have to kill Linus, but I figured it out this way and saved over it anyway. CHAPTER 30 - 3/120 TURNS Also easy, Lucius rescued Eliwood ahead, and he rescued Hector. Eliwood dropped Hector in range of the space on turn 2 after being warped by Lucius, and Eliwood killed Kaim (he oneshotted him with a Silver Sword crit and he doubled, so he 3HKO'd him anyway, so it was reliable) and Hector seized. UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL HECTOR 20/01.22 38 19 10 16 12 18 08 A AXE D SWORD ELIWOOD 20/14.19 45 24 21 20 26 14 07 A SWORD B LANCE DORCAS 15/06.49 44 20 15 10 10 11 05 S AXE E BOW SAIN 20/10.33 44 24 14 17 13 13 07 A LANCE C SWORD D AXE LYN 20/05.23 35 17 24 21 15 10 10 A SWORD D BOW LUCIUS 17/15.02 34 25 25 19 09 07 26 A LIGHT A STAFF DART 17/11.71 53 25 10 22 12 12 05 S AXE FIORA 20/15.56 44 22 25 24 16 10 24 S LANCE E SWORD MARCUS ??/17.19 40 20 19 18 13 15 12 S LANCE A SWORD A AXE JAFFAR ??/14.85 35 19 25 25 10 15 12 A SWORD CHAPTER 31 - 11/131 TURNS zzzz fixed rescue UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL HECTOR 20/03.17 40 19 10 16 12 19 08 A AXE D SWORD ELIWOOD 20/15.93 45 25 21 20 27 14 08 A SWORD B LANCE DORCAS 15/06.81 44 20 15 10 10 11 05 S AXE E BOW SAIN 20/14.66 48 25 15 17 16 13 08 A LANCE C SWORD C AXE LYN 20/07.79 35 17 26 23 17 10 11 A SWORD C BOW LUCIUS 17/15.79 34 25 25 19 09 07 26 A LIGHT S STAFF DART 17/16.26 57 28 12 26 14 14 05 S AXE FIORA 20/18.99 47 23 25 25 16 10 25 S LANCE E SWORD MARCUS ??/18.48 40 20 20 19 14 15 12 S LANCE A SWORD A AXE JAFFAR ??/14.85 35 19 25 25 10 15 12 A SWORD
  10. no, but i might have someone who's gone through trickster. Worst cast scenerio I can buy a shitton of rescue staves and spam them to get her enough levels, give me a bit. Need something to do while my smash U updates anyway. EDIT; Lucky Seven works up to and including turn 7.
  11. 6. I've played a gba one... I wanna say circle of the moon. I've also played the original (badly) and Super Castlevania. Was never a huge fan of the series. It has cool music though. 7. Wolf. But since he's likely to get in anyway, i'd like to see Banjo and Kazooie. I their moveset would be easy to pull off too. I can't see it happening though since the series is very RIP and I think? Microsoft technically owns them. 8. Man, you listed all the best ones. But Sheema. Female generals are cool. BARTH is also pretty hilarious because his portrait is so bad. 9. uhhhh CHAOS CONTROL so TIME TRAVEL 10. YEAH. Then we can all team up on ice so we can beat him at something. Take that Ice. 1) It all started before I was born... then as a small child... That probably didn't answer your question but it was fun. The real answer is EAT CAT FOOD, it gives you superpowers. Why do you think they have 9 lives? 2. Anything really. I'm not very creative so I can't really think of a question that particularly stands out that i'd like to answer. I like talking about DOGA though, so kudos to you for that. 3. Yes. If you come and get it. 4. He has many advantages. Some cats pity him for being fat, others fear him for being a TANK. When he was younger, (and less heavy) he actually used jump and attack bugs that were against the sliding glass door with a pretty high success rate, so many years of not doing that have passed, so his dexterity could only have gotten better so it's safe to assume that he could jump 4 times as high (im sure he can, he just doesn't feel like it) and use his massive weight to body slam others. He is capable of getting on the table (when there's food) so with proper motivation i'm pretty sure he could do anything. How many cats have eaten a quarter of a WHOPPER? But really he would probably fall asleep in a sunbeam. 5. I liked BUGS BUNNY when I was a kid. YUGIOH and POKEMON too if they count. 4. YEAH. After I play the games first though. Never forget my first FE4 draft firstpick Ayra because i'd never played the game (past like chapter 2 anyway). Hopefully they're draft friendly. 5. No, and I don't really watch TV either. While not anime, I did recently finish watching Battlestar Galactica (the newer one, not the one from the 80's) and enjoyed it immensely. I'm also a fan of Community. 6. You seem like a cool dude. I've seen you around quite a bit, but we haven't interacted all that much though, so i'm just basing it off of what i've seen. 1. Yeah, earlier I even said it was my favourite game ever! 2. Ninja's are ok. I'm still not sure if I like them appearing in FE or not. 3. ^Refa asked the same question. I liked BUGS BUNNY, YUGIOH, and POKEMON. 4. Depends on the mood really. I'll like something a bit more uptempo if I'm driving or something. I'd have to pick ROCK as my favourite genre though. 5. Yeah, question 3 is like, two posts above yours. Number 1 and 4 have kind of been asked in a way too. 6. I honestly just wanted to experience it. Never again. It's not a bad game, but the interface makes playing it a huge slog. 7. Rein was like FE2 IS AWESOME so I tried it. The first time I beat it was actually in a draft here: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=40559 The best part about that draft name was everyone actually finished, haha. 8. I was intruigued by the weapon level system, and I wanted to play book 2. I played it before FE12 came out, so there was some reasoning there. 9. I wouldn't recommend FE1 to anybody, its a bit too archaeic. I actually prefer playing FE3 to FE12. The star shards work differently in FE3 (instead of giving raw stats, they give growths) so it's a bit of a different experience. Along with slightly different battle calculations and the existance of the weapon level stat. So I disagree, FE3 book 1 and FE11 are different, and FE3 book 2 and FE12 are very different. 10. No, I've actually never owned a bike. YEAH But really he's very average in FE11 and unless you make him a sniper and feed him boosters he's pretty bad in FE12. It's funny though, he went from having the worst growth rates to close to the best.
  12. man, the book of naga guy is right at the back, hopefully Yarne proc's Luna. Yarne does 47 damage to a sage with 20+5 defence. He does 59 damage, so the book boost is accounted for, so Morgan in the turn 2 scenerio dies. Yarne Hammer Gerome plz
  13. I have access to the deadlords and a hax Yarne with Luna, i'll test it, but I think it'll be the same... One sec. EDIT: I had all the DLC but now I don't, what do? EDITEDIT: Just have to redownload it, one sec..
  14. Just checked, Fred did 18 damage to a thwomp with 15+2 def, and Luna'd for 26 (8 extra damage, using the 17 def) So it uses altered defence. I think it means Morgan actually dies too. If that's the case just hammer Gerome again.
  15. book of naga is the real mvp Aversa's Night Noire with Morgan.
  16. I'm 100% sure his morgan's stats are wrong. EDIT Ninja'd. I'm fairly certain my dudes are all right though.
  17. Yeah, pretty much. It's the same with any game really. Nino might be able to help route endgame or something at least.
  18. If you had to recruit everyone you drafted the Harken Karel people would autolose. its an extra 6 turns!
  19. Farina is never worth it. EDIT: my Fiora got like 4 shin levels in a row and is pretty lame, I might lose a turn on Cog because her speed blows. CHAPTER 27 - 5/99 TURNS Fiora brought Hector to the throne and killed the boss. RIP Harken. CHAPTER 28 - 15/114 TURNS LUCIUS LIGHT UP DA HOUSE He hit A staves fairly easily. CHAPTER 28X - FREE GRINDED SUPPORTS ONLY GOT MARCUS ELIWOOD C YEAHHHHHHH also got all the chests with Jaffar. He's on my team! UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL HECTOR 20.00 35 19 08 13 12 17 03 A AXE ELIWOOD 20/07.00 40 18 17 20 19 12 06 A SWORD C LANCE DORCAS 15/05.46 43 19 14 10 10 11 04 S AXE E BOW SAIN 20/08.65 42 23 14 17 13 13 07 A LANCE C SWORD D AXE LYN 20/04.90 43 17 23 20 15 10 10 A SWORD D BOW LUCIUS 17/09.23 33 22 24 17 07 06 22 A LIGHT A STAFF DART 17/09.95 52 23 10 22 11 12 05 S AXE FIORA 20/13.73 42 21 25 21 15 10 22 S LANCE E SWORD MARCUS ??/12.43 37 19 18 17 12 13 10 A LANCE A SWORD A AXE JAFFAR ??/14.37 35 19 25 25 10 15 12 A SWORD
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