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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. Vaike has really good mods for a gen 1 dude and some pretty awesome skills (Axefaire/buster, sol, lucky seven, etc). I'd say he's a lot better than Cordelia. All his class options are pretty good too, barring trickster.
  2. Generals still have skills like Pavise to help against Hammers and the like, so it's not like they're totally dead.
  3. I actually haven't played any gen1 matches either, only gen2. Assassins are probably better there since caps are less malleable. Maybe I should play one before making assumptions
  4. Luna!Assassins are scary yes. You proc'd astra nearly twice as much as what was expected in your match too. That made a huge difference. Carmine's team had some... interesting class choices in it too. Bow Knights and Paladins are pretty bad.
  5. assassin is mid tier at best if they don't double (and they won't always) or don't have Luna they're horrible. Their only niche is being good against sorcerors. the other issue i have with them is if anyone attacks them with a brave weapon and proc's luna, they're toast. Other classes can likely survive. I think berserkers aren't very good either, they're locked to one weapon type. and are easy to shut down as a result. Sorcerors are the only class deserving of being a tier above the rest. I think Yen'fay's pretty good though. He's missing good proc skills though, astra is pretty underwhelming because of its proc rate and its his only option.
  6. yenfay can't counter a brave bow if it just flat out kills him general and warrior are far better classes than assassin imo any offensive proc and he's dead too we need the fe13 LA discussion thread assassins are pretty good against sorcerors though.
  7. walhart for one totally annihilates yen'fay also a brave bow warrior could work too
  8. yenfay is actually so easy to kill brave lance + swordbreaker = profit his defence stats are just so terrible he's way too high risk to use
  9. also woah, hang on, my Morgan doesn't double his morgan. It's 5 speed in FE13, not 4.
  10. TURN 1 VS Stahl @Brave Bow attacks Yen'Fay @Balmung! 29x2 damage, 65 hit, 0% crit (82) (83, 10) Yen'fay takes 29 damage! (51/80) (53) (33, 39) Yen'fay takes 29 damage! (22/80) Anon's turn. Quint Frederick 80/80 Stahl 80/80 Vaike 80/80 Miriel 80/80 Tharja 80/80 -------------------------------------------------------- Anon Gangrel 80/80 Walhart 80/80 Yen'fay 22/80 Cookie 80/80 Tiki 80/80
  11. i think his morgan has 54 hp if I did my math right brave bow his morgan with my morgan
  12. you guys both suck for not providing stats not as much as elie for not updating doof's and my game though. TEAM QUINT VS TEAM ANON Stats UNIT HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS HIT AVO CRIT General!Frederick 80 52 28 43 33 45 52 35 87 72 21 Assassin!Stahl 80 42 29 49 46 43 33 29 95 90 23 Hero!Vaike 80 45 28 47 43 44 40 34 92 86 23 Sorceror!Miriel 80 28 47 39 41 45 39 44 81 84 19 Bride!Tharja 80 40 42 41 43 42 42 40 82 85 20 -------------------------------------------------------- Sorceror!Gangrel 80 28 44 41 43 44 40 44 83 86 20 General!Walhart 80 54 28 41 34 44 54 33 83 73 20 Assassin!Yen'fay 80 41 28 50 50 45 30 28 97 97 25 Assassin!Cookie 80 39 29 50 50 44 31 30 97 97 25 Bride!Tiki 80 40 38 42 43 47 42 42 86 88 21 (27) Quint goes first.
  13. i see no typo can a a male kid inherit bond as a skill? Similarly can a female unit inherit res+10?
  14. you can have a unit with bond that's not a bride though.
  15. just like ingame, you get 8 "points" a point is either 1 MT/5hit/3crit. You can only put 5 points in a stat though, so the max MT you can have is 5MT, max hit is 25, and max crit is 15. and no brave weapons of any variation can be forged (including celica's gale, waste, Eirika's blade, etc)
  16. <----- this guy didn't read half of this page regardless i can still host if you want
  17. that's fe9 right? I can do it. also confirming that I have an fe4 team, and looking for a host for a game with jedi
  18. I would play again, but if someone else wants a shot, they should go for it.
  19. i think it would be a whole lot of 27+ speed units beating on each other for 20 damage once repeatedly hoping for skill procs
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