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General Horace

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Posts posted by General Horace

  1. imo you can't go ban individual moves from one character because then not all characters are on a level playing field. If you ban counter sapling on villager villager mains will complain to get mii brawlers broken upb banned and it's just an endless cycle. customs were kind of a neat idea but it really ended up being for the most part "add windbox here" or "make stronger and slower here"

  2. if you get resire her accuracy leaves something to be desired so tanking with it isn't always the safest, but it's nice being able to have a unit ORKO the armours in chapter 7, She's basically useless in chapter 6 and chapter 8 though, then she's gone by chapter 10. She show up to goon the final boss. I'll give her a 3/10 for being slightly more useful than Deirdre, but still not that useful overall.

  3. did a few more maps a couple days ago.

    Reclassed Felicia to Malig Knight before 16, Jakob to Paladin

    CHAPTER 16 - 6/80 TURNS

    Kana and Felicia did a bulk of the work, Hinata got shove.

    CHAPTER 17 - 2/82 TURNS


    Setsuna ORKO'd Flora (somehow)

    CHAPTER 18 - 1/83 TURNS

    Lol, Leo.

  4. absolutely. Oifaye really does very little throughout the course of the game and doesn't have anything special to contribute, he's just another combat unit and you have loads of those. At least Delmud contributes Charisma. I will admit I rated him a little lower to balance out all the crazy 9's and 10's he's getting, If Oifaye's getting a 9, what are people going to give Aless/Leaf? They aren't 10/10 units imo, and they're vastly better than Oifaye.

    I'm also under the impresstion that a 5/10 is an average rating, unlike other people here who have said "average units" get 7. I've rated most units 1-2 points lower than the average for the most part this whole time. Alec has perfect availability, (Oifaye almost does too but he does nothing in his first chapter), and is very good with a chapter 3 promotion (which is what I assumed since it's using him at his fullest). Midir has some of the best offence on the team thats invaluable in chapter 2 where he has a chance to instagib armours that nobody can ORKO till Fin gets the brave lance, and in LTC he makes killing the barrier ring thwomp much easier. I also probably rated them slightly higher than normal because so many people gave them shit ratings and they're better than that (Alec moreso, he's probably the most underrated gen 1 unit)

  5. I usually pick one guy I want to promote for chapter 3 (it's pretty tough to promote both of them for the start of chapter 3) and have one set the other up for kills. Very few units (Fin) can even ORKO the armours reliably in chapter 2 so it's not tough to set up kills for them to steal there in chapter 2, and they can clean up some of elliot's squad. Save the chapter 2 arena for after the elite ring (have them kill Voltz or get some money from villages/Dew), the chapter 2 arena is actually pretty easy for either one of them to clear. After two arenas with the elite ring (chapter 2/3) plus some misc. exp in the other maps should be easy enough to promote one of them.

    I managed to have Beowulf/Alec promoted for the start of chapter 3 in my current run, so Noish/Alec is also definately possible.

  6. You can probably get enough levels on Eliwood in his forced maps earlygame + a couple in his forced maps later on to hit level 10 for a promotion if you're desperate for another mount. It's tough to justify deploying him in other maps though, HHM's deployment limits are painfully low a lot of the time and the earlygame maps are some of the harder ones in the game. He's less bad than Lyn or Roy though.

  7. Briggid - Ichival is kind of an underwhelming holy weapon, but it works well enough in gen 1 since its bad hit doesn't hurt it too much since nobody has any avoid. She's footlocked without any real utility other than killing things though, and even though Jamka doesn't have Ichival he kills pretty much anything Briggid does anyway and he's been around since the end of chapter 1. I'll give her a 2.5/10.

    Claude - He's a staffbot. He can't really do it very well since he joins near the end of the generation and Aideen kinda wants to start hoading all the useful staves around chapter 4/5. Still, reserve is nice to have and he can restore bot in chapter 4 if anyone gets put to sleep. I'll give him a 2.5/10 as well.

    I think we should just assume kids at their best when rating them. It doesn't matter if people are giving Sety 8/10 for Levin!Sety or Claude!Sety, they're both still Sety!

  8. used M!Corn, +HP -Skill because i don't want to do -luck this time.


    Nothing to see here.

    CHAPTER 1 - 4/6 TURNS

    Or here.

    CHAPTER 2 - 3/9 TURNS

    Felicia can 3 turn too.

    CHAPTER 3 - 5/14 TURNS

    oh god had to restart like 10 times to hit the boss twice

    CHAPTER 4 - 7/21 TURNS

    Rinkah got a kill!

    CHAPTER 5 - 4/25 TURNS


    CHAPTER 6 - 1/26 TURNS

    Corrin killed leo and xander (with Ryoma's help)

    CHAPTER 7 - 8/34 TURNS

    Stupid Outlaw reinforcement cost a turn. Felicia got strength twice, HYPE


    Silas, Azura and Rinkah went south, while Corrin and Felicia went left towards the boss. Pretty simple stuff.

    Corrin Felicia are already at A support lol. Wyvern Kana incoming!

    CORRIN   LORD       11.63 32 11 07 07 14 09 11 06 D SWORD D DRAGONSTONE
    FELICIA  MAID       09.71 22 09 15 14 13 16 05 15 C SHURIKEN D STAFF
    RINKAH   SAVAGE     07.29 22 09 05 07 09 05 12 03 D CLUB
    SILAS    CAVALIER   08.22 22 13 00 10 08 08 11 06 C SWORD D LANCE

    CHAPTER 8 - 5/45 TURNS

    Felicia kills most of the map, Silas and Rinkah help out where they can. Azura had to clutch it out at the end by killing an Oni savage that had 1HP left on turn 5 enemy phase, which was pretty funny.

    CHAPTER 9 - 7/52 TURNS

    Rinkah surpassed all expectations i've ever had for her and ORKO'd some cavaliers with Setsuna pair, and Setsuna even orko'd a dank mage on the last turn to help out. Hinata killed the other dank mage reinforcement, Silas right side off the start then hunted down the Outlaws, Felicia + Corrin ran up the middle. Got Felicia Corrin S, getting Kana now.


    There's so much experience in this paralogue, since there's loads of promoted units (and promoted reinforcements). Don't think I would have been able to handle them without Oboro's defence seal tbh. Got Setsuna a load of exp so she can promote for the boat map. Heart Sealed Kana to Wyvern. Kana's pretty lame, but hopefully she turns into something useful.

    CORRIN   LORD          14.56 34 12 09 10 17 09 11 07 C SWORD D DRAGONSTONE
    FELICIA  MAID       ??/16.13 23 11 17 18 18 19 08 19 B SHURIKEN D STAFF
    RINKAH   SAVAGE        12.46 23 13 06 10 12 08 15 05 C CLUB
    SILAS    CAVALIER      15.87 26 17 00 13 13 11 14 09 C SWORD C LANCE
    SETSUNA  ARCHER        13.69 25 12 00 15 19 09 09 10 C BOW
    HINATA   SAMURAI       12.43 28 12 00 09 15 12 12 03 C SWORD
    OBORO    SPEARFIGHTER  13.89 26 16 00 14 14 11 15 09 C LANCE
    KANA     WYVERN RIDER  10.00 26 10 07 13 13 12 12 07 E AXE

    CHAPTER 10 - 5/57 TURNS

    lmao paralogue exp is hilarious. Couldn't get rescue because no Locktouch, oh well.

    Setsuna OHKO'd all the ninjas, which was pretty funny. Kana carried Felicia ahead to the right, with Silas joining them after getting danced on turn 1. Azura got passed onto Silas on turn 2, which allowed Felicia to clean up a couple ninjas, then engage Kotaro on turn 3, killing him (and all the goons around him) on turn 4. Kana killed a spearfighter and the shrine maiden on turn 5. Everyone else hung out around the start/middle, Setsuna ORKO'd Takumi, lol. Promoted her at the chapter's end for next map.

    CORRIN   LORD          15.06 34 13 09 10 18 10 12 08 C SWORD D DRAGONSTONE
    FELICIA  MAID       ??/17.18 23 11 17 18 19 20 08 20 B SHURIKEN D STAFF
    RINKAH   SAVAGE        13.25 23 14 07 10 13 08 15 05 C CLUB
    SILAS    CAVALIER      15.95 26 17 00 13 13 11 14 09 C SWORD C LANCE
    SETSUNA  KINSHI     14/01.00 26 12 01 17 24 13 10 19 C BOW E LANCE
    HINATA   SAMURAI       12.77 28 12 00 09 15 12 12 03 C SWORD
    OBORO    SPEARFIGHTER  14.02 26 17 00 15 14 12 15 09 C LANCE
    KANA     WYVERN RIDER  11.05 27 12 08 14 13 12 13 07 E AXE

    CHAPTER 11 - 5/62 TURNS

    Gave Setsuna the energy drop so she could ORKO the wyverns with the Brass Naginata, Rinkah pair and strength tonic. She's really fast so she even doubled the falconknight. She went there on turn 2 and then killed the boss on turn 4 (with a bow) then killed his lackeys on turn 5. Everyone else took out part of the ship.

    CHAPTER 12 - 2/64 TURNS

    Dudes got exp, Setsuna flew Corrin to the goal.

    CHAPTER 13 - 5/69 TURNS

    Kana solo'd the south part with a Concotion, she ORKO'd everything there. Silas lured the wyvern lord on turn 1 with the guard naginata, and with a Setsuna dual strike brought it low. Hinata and Rinkah took out the cavaliers while Felicia baited Camilla. Felicia went back and took out the general and the knights with the sting shuriken with Hinata pair (he reclassed to Oni Savage with the village heart seal after killing the cavaliers). Rinkah hammered the other general and Setsuna killed the thwomps on the bridge with a steel bow.

    CHAPTER 14 - 3/72 TURNS

    Promoted Silas and Kana to Paladin and Malig Knight. Kana beelined for the boss and used the power of tomebreaker to kill her.

    CHAPTER 15 - 2/74 TURNS

    Kana went and dealt with Keaton's area, Setsuna killed the promoted wolf from the bottom left and sent her bow to the convoy when she got the master seal so she could counter attack one that attacked her. Promoted Rinkah so she would double the other wolf from the south, since she had to be in range after shoving Silas. Corrin chipped a wolf on turn 1 then used the dragon vein turn 2. Silas took the beastkiller and killed the promoted guy left of the starting area turn 1, then took Oboro after being shoved by Rinkah and dropped her after trading her the beast killer in range of the asshole on the mountain that was otherwise impossible to kill on turn 2.

    rip Kaze :<

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