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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. Why is Ross higher than Garcia? He takes a long time to get where Garcia is at base, and Garcia stomps the game anyway if he gets Gerik's hero crest. I could see him being above Moulder, because Kyle and Forde are underlevelled, and 5 warp range isn't that impressive.
  2. Well, I intended to use Franz, but it never panned out. I didn't use Cormag because he was not recruited, otherwise, he probably would have been. I intended to use Vanessa, but she never panned out either. I shouldn't say I didn't use them, I just expected Franz to take part in more combat than he did.
  3. I'm not going to lie, If I were in this, I would be much more sadistic than you guys.
  4. Didn't see one around, so I recorded an efficiency playlog of FE8. It's complete, I'll leave a screenshot and some brief notes per chapter before I get the videos up... which will take a while. I'll include an "MVP" of each chapter just for fun, although most of them are either Seth or Saleh. Promotions: Franz (Chapter 10) Gerik (Chapter 11) Artur (Chapter 12) Forde (Chapter 14) Tana (Chapter 15) Knoll (Chapter 15) Eirika (Chapter 16) Ephraim (Chapter 16) [spoiler=Chapter Summeries]Prologue - Standard 1 turn clear with Seth. 1 Turn. MVP - Seth Chapter 1 - Eirika faces death chances here, although the loldiers could have proc'd less strength as well. Seth drops Eirika in seize range on turn 2, and kills the boss. 3 Turns. MVP - Seth Chapter 2 - Seth pretty much soloed the map. Franz and Eirika, and of course NPC Garcia helped where they could. 4 Turns. MVP - Seth Chapter 3 - First chapter that required some thought. Seth carried Eirika to near the boss, ORKO'd him on the EP, and Eirika seized on turn 4. It was key that Garcia chipped at the wall on turn 1. 4 Turns. MVP - Seth Chapter 4 - I actually can't remember who I fed all the kills to, I think it was a mix of Seth and Garcia because Seth had to kill the 3 dudes by Lute's village. 3 Turns. MVP - Seth Chapter 5 - All the villages were visited, Joshua was recruited. Seth ran to the boss and killed him with and Iron Lance IIRC. 3 Turns. MVP - Seth Chapter 5x - Orson carried Ephraim most of the way, with assistance from Forde (or Kyle, I can't remember which). 7 Turns MVP - Seth Orson. Chapter 6 - Seth ran to the boss, and ORKO'd him on the EP. Earlygame chapters are boring to describe. 3 Turns MVP - Seth Chapter 7 - Vanessa ferried Seth over first, then Eirika. A 3 turn is possible, but Vanessa needs to dodge a shitton of stuff that OHKO's her, and Eirika needs to ORKO the boss. My Eirika didn't even double, and Vanessa was like level 3, so I didn't bother. MVP - Vanessa Chapter 8 - Seth ran to the boss carrying Eirika. First "tough" boss so far, Seth needed to hit 4 times at ~60% with the armourslayer. Skipped the top left chests. Nessie never reached level ten anyhow. Chapter 9 - In a moment of derp, I accidently gave Vanessa the dragonshield. Seth was dropped over near Binks on turn 3, and soloed the entire south portion of the map. Franz rushed down to recruit Amelia, and Tana landed a low % crit that saved a turn, although in all fairness, the enemy she killed had the stupid AI that moves near a unit, but doesn't attack for whatever reason. 7 Turns MVP - Tana, Seth Chapter 10 - Seth and Eirika were dropped over the mountain on turn 2 and 3 respectively, and the ballistae missed Eirika (she was in KO range). Seth took care of the boss. Definately faster with a flier that can eat a ballistae. 5 Turns MVP's - Tana, Vanessa Chapter 11 - Seth went south, while an insta promoted Gerik took care of the east. Innes killed the enemies in the room with the chest with a longbow. 6 Turns. MVP's - Seth, Gerik Chapter 12 - This chapter demonstrated why Artur is better than Lute, because of Slayer (and C staves, I guess). Tana killed some Mogalls (those are the floating eyes, right?) and triggered the south reinforcement on turn 2, and Artur OHKO'd all the southwest ones with Shine. Various units took care of the southeast stuff, Gerik was dropped on turn 1 to get a head start on the north, Saleh started spamming barrier. Unfourtunatly, there is a Bael that starts way in the top left, and moves 1 space every turn, and is only ORKOable by turn 8 (unless you rely on 35 displayed hits from Dolza on turn 7, or have an OP flier. If Dolza had one less con, so much more would be possible, because he could have multiple shots at hitting with ~35 displayed hit. 8 Turns. MVP's - Gerik, Artur Chapter 13 - Gave Seth a speedwing so he could double Aias. He doubled Aias on the turn 2 player phase, and finished on the EP. 2 Turns. MVP - Seth Chapter 14 - Promoted Forde here to help with ferrying. L'Arachel was also brought along to get Rennac out of the way, and she has a horse. Saleh hit B in staves mid-chapter. The bosskill was another sketchy one, a killer lance crit at 57 displayed. In all fairness, he could have attacked on turn 7, but meh. 8 Turns. MVP - Seth Chapter 15 - It was tough getting Saleh requisite staff exp and soloing the level, but I managed. Another couple of sketchy bosses, as Seth was 1 speed off doubling Caellach, and Saleh required a crit to finish Valter (albeit ~25%). Also, KNOLL WAS REQUIRED TO 5 TURN THIS, AND NOT BECAUSE OF PHANTOMS. He was the only unit (Other than Duessel) that could ORKO a wyvern, but Duessel couldn't be danced to ORKO a troubadour, so Knoll took that too. 5 Turns. MVP - Saleh, Knoll Chapter 16 Saleh hit A staves on turn 2, and warped Seth over on turn 3, and with the aid of Tethys, sent Eirika over as well. The first very sketchy boss was here, as it required a 7% crit from a Silver Lance to finish Orson in one hit. Seth had to eat an Energy ring to hit the requisite 22 strength. Saleh ate the other two to help with power warping. Orson is by far more annoying than Valter or Caellach. 3 Turns. MVP - Saleh Chapter 17 - Tana got the boots. Artur Barrier'd Seth, who was rescued by Tana. Tethys danced Tana, who was warped by Saleh. Tana dropped Seth in front of Lyon with a spear equipped. He needed one crit with 14-17% critical. 1 Turn. MVP - Tana Chapter 18 - Burned an unnessesary rescue here because I forgot I needed to use a use of Hammerne to get Saleh to A staves in time. Kinda hard to explain things, Saleh warped people, Artur rescued people, and fliers ruled. 6 Turns. MVP - Saleh Chapter 19 - Saleh used Torch, Artur rescued Seth, Saleh warped Seth near Riev (he was visible due to torch), Moulder Hammerned warp, and Seth killed Riev with a killer lance crit (he had two cracks at it) 1 Turn MVP - Saleh Chapter 20 - This one required some though without the extra rescue that I had anticipated having. Syrene rescued Seth, and was danced by Tethys. Saleh warped them towards Morva, and Syrene dropped Seth in front of him, with Vidofnir equipped. A rescue drop chain from Vanessa and Tana ensured Eirika would be in range of the throne after Saleh warped her on turn 2, and one of Knoll's phantoms allowed her to survive the Turn 1 EP. Seth had to dodge either Riev's or Morva's attack, he dodged Morva's then was critted by Riev, but survived with 1 HP, so things worked out. 2 Turns MVP - Saleh Final - Part 1 I had to keep resetting until Lyon had 26 defence instead of 27. It took a while. Or I could have rigged Seth's level up the previous chapter to get strength. Saleh warped Seth right in front of Lyon (with Tethys assistance) and he double critted Lyon (with ~14 crit IIRC) for the KO. 1 turn. MVP - Saleh Final - Part 2 - I underestimated Fortimiis, and made a couple of mistakes (not getting Gerik to S in axes, not getting the body ring so Saleh would double) that made this a LOT harder than it should have been. I had to rig two 7% crits from Seth and Myrhh respectively. I regret the (mostly) clean run ending like this, but them's the breaks. If Gerik could use Garm, and I had another rescued charge (because of the wasted one earlier) things would have been a lot simpler. I could have had Gerik double with Garm, Seth attack, Myrhh attack (rescued by Artur) and Saleh attack (Tethys) with probably would have ended with a dead DK. 1 Turn MVP - RNG Fun fact - Franz was generally useless beyond ferrying people, Duessel never killed anything outside of the desert, and Vanessa was not promoted. Eirika can promote, even if she is not level 10.
  5. I honestly don't think Sigurd needs the +10 evasion anyhow, and no other units barring somebody bulky like Lex or Cuan are going to be near enough to benefit from it anyhow. ... I wouldn't know though, I've always just killed Eltshan.
  6. My promoted Lowens usually look like yours does right now, haha.
  7. I never actually Silence Clement anyway, just have Sigurd chip at the knight that blocks your way (the one that doesn't move), then canto away out of sleep staff range, have some other unit kill the knight (if Sigurd did not) and Sigurd can kill the boss. Or you could just have had Deirdre chill by Nodion castle unit the rest of your units come back.
  8. Started, unit stats after the prologue. I know I'm not drafting Est, so yeah. My Luke is unremarkable. UNIT Class Level HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP LEVEL Marth Lord 07.81 27 9 10 10 9 8 0 D Sword Luke Pirate 10.70 27 13 9 12 7 7 0 E Axe Arran Dracoknight ??/03.00 24 11 12 11 4 12 3 B Lance E Axe Forgot to get Ogma's and Merric's stats, but Ogma got a perfect level and another good one, and Merric gained two levels. MU was a knight that never got strength or speed, so he was terrible.
  9. As promised, unit stats! He was an absolute monster. His high point was chapter 2, where he nearly killed all of Zyne's squad with a Javelin. Also note that he more or less had these stats in CHAPTER 2, as he did nothing in chapter 3. Looks pretty awesome to me. I don't get it when people say Midir is bad. Even without Jamka's killer bow, he still doubles most everything, which is more than some units can say. A good last round pick IMO. Reserve and Libro Spam. I think he got attacked, like, once. He was actually pretty awesome with the Hero Sword, his high point was killing all the Orgahil Pirates in one turn. I thought she got screwed, but then I looked at her growths. They are absolutly atrocious! Still, she was invaluable in the last chapter when she flew ahead to kill the sleep staff guys, allowing Sylvia to progress unharmed. She was the castle guard, and never got attacked. No point in raising her when there is no second gen. The crux of my turncounts, Fury, Midir, Beowulf and Sigurd really appreciated her when she got the leg ring.
  10. I haven't played this game in forever, so I could be completely wrong when saying this, but if Medeus can be damaged by magic (his base resistance is listed as zero, and the site here says that Medeus's dragonstone only gives +27 defence, so could he not be damaged by magic? I'm guessing you skipped Marich and Excalibur, but theoretically you could (maybe) damage him with Bolganone or something, if you get up close, as IIRC you can't attack Medeus from range, because IS really pushed for Marth killing Medeus in this game. Of course, if he can't be damaged by magic, ignore my rant.
  11. I do all my homework on campus so I can do whatever I want when I'm home/elsewhere. Wait, Elincia again? I've already had her.
  12. I'll be out today, so if Xander picks before I'm back, give me Horace, if he picks him, I'll take, Belf.
  13. Nightmare, in short is a hacking program designed for Fire Emblem that allows one to at the very least change growth rates and base stats, along with a ton of other stuff. Post below did a better job of explaining. It can be used to look up stuff like Karkarot did above. Woah new badge. Haven't seen this one anywhere before. Maybe they got shuffled.
  14. All you can do is try, right? Finishing is more important in most people's books.
  15. I've completed Darros's FE4 Gen 1 Draft in 124 turns.
  16. I was kinda skeptical about picking Sylvia so early, but I'm pretty sure she's saved more than enough turns now that I've gotten this far in. Chapter 5 - 17/123 Turns Zaxon to Lubeck - 4/111 Turns Beowulf, Sylvia, Fury and Midir all helped Sigurd get in front of Langbart on turn 4, and a Silver sword double crit ended Langbart. Siggy also disposed of the Bow Ritter with his Javelin, which is actually nearing 50 kills. Claude healed Sigurd once with Libro at the start, and is way too far behind to help at all with the rest of the chapter. Fury can heal anyhow. Lubeck to Phinora - 4/115 Turns Sigurd repaired Tyrfing, he had 50000 gold. It's nice not having to worry about second gen. He ran, Fury killed the meteor guys, Sylvia danced, and Claude was actually able to reserve everyone by going south near where Ardan gets a skill boost if he has a lover. Almost there... Phinora to Ida - 9/124 Turns Sylvia and Sigurd danced across the desert, while Fury, Midir and Beowulf took care of the Thracians, with aid from Claude-on-a-cliff. That's it folks, i'll have unit stats and such up in a bit. I think Sylvia broke the game. EDIT: Imageshack is being dumb, so stats will have to wait.
  17. I can't remember the castle specific seizes, but Chapter 4 - 23/107 Turns Leg Ring Sylvia is awesome. MIDIR GOT HERO BOW. Sigurd crit blicked stuff, Tiltyu hid in a corner, Claude healed occasionally, and Fury Hero Lanced stuff, while Beowulf Hero Sworded stuff. UNIT LEVEL HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES ITEMS Sigurd 30.00 62 30 2 22 25 19 24 8 Silv. Sword, Javelin, Skill, Barrier, Speed, Power, Shield Cuan 22.81 53 24 0 16 18 8 23 4 Silv. Lance, Javelin, Pursuit Midir 27.50 47 21 2 16 22 6 15 4 Hero Bow, Silver Bow Beowulf 28.54 54 23 0 27 19 8 18 5 Steel Sword, Hero Sword, Armourcutter Sylvia 05.60 28 4 1 4 13 7 2 6 Leg Ring, Return Fury 21.14 40 15 8 17 26 10 12 15 Hero Lance, Light Sword, Slim Lance, Silv. Blade, Live, Silv. Lance Claude 25.63 36 0 23 14 15 10 5 23 Reserve, Libro, Wind, Recover Tiltyu 10.57 34 0 15 18 13 12 1 10 Tron, Magic Ring
  18. Madino to Sivail - 6/76 Turns Sigurd returns home, and the next turn he is danced by Sylvia, and Siggy murders all the cross knights but two and Eltshan with a Javelin. Cuan finished Elty with a horseslayer, and he and Sigurd ran towards Shagall. Meanwhile, Beowulf grabs Ayra's hero swords and finished his arena (he got stuck on the dark mage before) and goes north to wait for the pirates. Fury gets the strength village, Midir gets the restore staff, while being chased by Aideen. Siggy critblicks Shagaal on turn 10. Sivail to Orgahill - 8/84 Turns Sigurd returned home, was danced by Sylvia the next turn. Beowulf ORKO'd all the pirates (including the boss) with the hero sword, (except the hand axe ones) while Fury went to help Claude and Tiltyu. Beowulf sold the Leg Ring, and Siggy bought it the next turn, and he ran to the boss, and ORKO'd him with the Silver Sword. Cuan will be missed, but Beowulf will promote next chapter, so it won't be too bad.
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