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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. I honestly don't care, because I can't see it saving any turns, and having an undrafted sister get attacked will most likely be counterproductive anyhow. Not to mention that all three sisters cost turns to recruit, ironically.
  2. Sounds fair to me, that way the people who draft Ross won't destroy everyone on that chapter.
  3. He's wondering if Franz can promote before chapter 15, providing he uses the second knight crest.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXlP7Sa6qiY&feature=channel_video_title Prologue through chapter 3. Not uploading them individually because it's a waste of time.
  5. Ah, I never thought of that. Makes more sense that way.
  6. I would just make Vanessa free for chapter 7 personally, if you're not going to restrict them. She saves 3-4 turns.
  7. Go Eirika route, early promoted Gerik absolutely destroys chapter 11 and 12 (like, actually ORKO's everything, except Mouthe Dogs which he misses by 1-2 HP). And Eirika's route is shorter.
  8. Josh is probably a better bet, I think I just had Garcia beat on him with a Steel axe, so I don't think there is a hammer by that point. Ok, I lied, I had Eirika kill him with the armourslayer.
  9. IIRC there is a different method (I think its turncount based) to get to that gaiden.
  10. Chapter 4 is going to be really rough. I have no idea how Soul had a level 10 Ross at this point. Save the Rapier for Murray, and make sure you get the armourslayer for Tirado (unless Ross can take him on)
  11. Chapter 2 - 14/25 Turns Why do we need Julian again? Does he have to be alive to access the real ending? Anyway, Luke was a pirate, and Arran was a sniper. Luke went on the water and ORKO'd all the dracoknights, and Marth and Arran went to get the bridge key. Matthis kept attacking Arran (I would have been seriously upset if he used his Javelin) until Julian was able to recruit him. Luke killed the boss. Palla killed all the dracoknights on the mountain for another Silver lance and a master seal. UNIT Class Level HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP LEVEL Marth Lord 10.35 29 11 13 13 12 11 1 D Sword Luke Pirate 15.57 32 18 10 16 8 10 1 E Axe Arran Warrior ??/04.71 33 12 11 11 4 7 1 D Axe E Bow Matthis Fighter 03.00 25 9 4 7 1 5 0 E Axe oh god Matthis just got crit blicked by an armour knight Chapter 3x - 6/31 Turns Marth ran, Matthis 4HKO's archers, and Luke and Arran cleared the way for Marth. Chapter 4 - 4/35 Turns Sirius fails to ORKO the boss with a silver lance, so I couldn't seize in three. I got Sirius and Ogma this chapter, so my team's offence picked up a lot. UNIT Class Level HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP LEVEL Marth Lord 12.27 31 12 13 13 13 13 1 C Sword Luke Cavalier 16.39 33 17 11 15 9 13 1 D Lance D Sword Arran Paladin ??/05.53 28 10 13 11 4 10 1 B Lance D Sword Matthis Cavalier 06.30 23 9 3 8 2 10 0 D Lance E Sword Ogma Cavalier 10.26 30 12 9 12 6 11 0 C Sword E Lance Sirius Paladin ??/01.49 28 12 14 13 4 11 6 A Lance B Sword Chapter 5 - 5/40 Turns Marth ran to the throne, lead by Sirius and Luke. The others went north for exp. Ogma recruited Barst. UNIT Class Level HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP LEVEL Marth Lord 12.35 31 12 13 13 13 13 1 C Sword Luke Cavalier 16.80 33 17 11 15 9 13 1 D Lance D Sword Arran Paladin ??/05.93 28 10 13 11 4 10 1 B Lance D Sword Matthis Cavalier 07.64 24 10 4 8 3 10 0 D Lance E Sword Ogma Cavalier 10.90 30 12 9 12 6 11 0 C Sword E Lance Sirius Paladin ??/02.55 29 12 14 13 4 11 6 A Lance B Sword
  12. First off, I know Soul did get him to promotion by chapter 4, but it cost him a turn in chapter 2 (probably to recruit Ross) and while I don't know how tough it would really be, I imagine would be pretty tough, as Ross has no enemy phase until he gets a point of speed (otherwise, he's doubled and 2HKO'd. Even with the point of speed, he's still 2HKO'd until he reaches promotion (first one). I think it would take a good amount of luck to have Ross promoted by chapter 4. Garcia is much better in chapter 3 and chapter 4 (if he proc's strength, he can ORKO every enemy on the map with a hand axe (the boss requires a steel axe, IIRC). Ross also perpetually lags behind Garcia in level, and by the time chapter 9 rolls around, Garcia is around level 19-20 ish, Ross around 13-14. They are pretty much the same unit. Ross pretty much never surpasses Garcia combat wise, (crits aside, but Garcia ORKO's everything anyhow, due to overlevelling. If Ross goes Pirate, he promotes one chapter earlier (although, he hasn't reached level 20 yet, not that it matters). This isn't a huge matter, as Berserker Ross isn't doing anything 20/00 Garcia can't do in chapter 10, they both can't hit things because almost everything is a sword user, and is usually flier skipped or Pally rescue-charge. There are also easily obtainable speedwings in chapter 9 (Amelia), which helps both Ross and Garcia. They both get Garm anyhow, so speed isn't an issue lategame. tl;dr, Ross never surpasses Garcia combat wise, and has a worse start. Also, I agree Tana should drop a litte bit.
  13. I missed both of them by one square, the hardest part about chapter 3 is FUCKING MATTHIS SUICIDES ON LUKE WHEN BOTH ARRAN AND MARTH HAVE LOWER DEFENCE AND ARE WEAPONLESS, AND HE HAS A JAVELIN. Also, I didn't see anything on forges, I assume they are a no go?
  14. Chapter 2 - 6/11 Turns Man, that boss is tough. 10 move, with pretty decent attack, and great durability. He was lured on turn 4 by Arran, and killed on turn 6 by Luke (after Arran had weakened him). Luke and Marth both got Res, and Marth got a perfect level up. UNIT Class Level HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP LEVEL Marth Lord 09.65 29 10 12 12 11 10 1 D Sword Luke Cavalier 12.96 29 13 10 12 7 10 1 D Lance D Sword Arran Paladin ??/04.23 27 10 12 11 4 10 6 B Lance D Sword
  15. Also note that I don't know how to play this game well. Chapter 1 - 5/5 Turns Marth starts ORKOing things Reclassed Luke to Pirate so he would pick up some speed and strength that he was lacking. Arran got the gold, then bought Javelins (wtf 3 MT) and Handaxes, while Luke killed the stuff around the starting area. Marth ran to Lorenz, made him explode, and then seized the next turn. Also, started with 7000 gold because I didn't know if you let units die in the prologue you lose money UNIT Class Level HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP LEVEL Marth Lord 08.60 28 9 11 11 10 9 0 D Sword Luke Pirate 11.23 28 14 9 13 7 7 0 E Axe Arran Dracoknight ??/03.48 24 11 12 11 4 12 3 B Lance E Axe
  16. I was confused when you picked Rody over Luke, but they pretty much stomp the game regardless, it's just Luke's bases are better. Shiida is pretty awesome, Wendall/Ellerean can kill Gharnef. And I have no idea how three quarters of this cast performs, so I can't really comment on the rest. Although most of the cast has unreal growths, so they all end up pretty superheroish in the end.
  17. Matthis might chuck a couple javelins/handaxes, while Roshea will forever sit in a village.
  18. I can't believe Ardan actually promoted! Very impressive turncount without Sylvia. I kinda think that dancers should be free in drafts, but not everyone agrees there. My Sigurd was even more ridiculous than yours, and my Cuan was kinda ridiculous too, so they made stuff easier.
  19. I have this feeling that Berserker Matthis isn't a terrible idea. And I kinda want to start, so I picked him, and the rest of the cast either suck horribly, (Frost) cost turns (Bord, Bantu, Thomas, Roshea) have stupid recruitment requirements and cost turns (Vyland, Sedgar, Wolf, Misheil) or I don't like (Ymir).
  20. In FE1, its 15 units plus Marth. I'll give you... Minerva.
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