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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. I just completed 13 in 6 turns, if we are allowed to have Oswin and Lowen power west weaponless to reach the village, with Rebecca breaking the snag. If we're not, I'm fine with RD's suggestion.
  2. For 28x, whoever doesn't have a flier's turncount will be a lot higher compared to everyone elses, I see that. Going to try something different for chapter 13.
  3. Alright, i'll experiment with that. However, 13x is going to be impossible for myself and anyone else with only 3 earlygame units without meatshielding. And yeah, I don't see why 28x is prohibited.
  4. I've kept a save at chapter 13 in case people decided differently, and 13x will be a greater problem I think. Also, there is that cavalier by the village that said unit would have to kill/avoid.
  5. I've tried restarting 13x multiple times, and WoD also says that unit placement has something to do with Lyn mode, so I'm going to assume that is that cause. Meanwhile, this is going to be confusing, as I started FE6. Chapter 1 (FE6) - 6/6 Turns Yay for Lance being a distraction. Marcus ran ahead of the others, weakening bandits for Roy to kill. On turn 3, Marcus rescued Roy, and headed for the boss. Lance was on a forest to the south, surrounded by bandits. Marcus dropped Roy, while he parked in front of the boss, and Marcus had to dodge 4 attacks from the boss (at ~25 displayed hit to live, and Roy had to dodge 1 of 3 42, 42 and 76 displayed hit to live. Lance got the gold village on turn 6, while Roy Seized. UNIT LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP SUPPORT Roy 02.14 19 5 6 8 7 5 0 D Sword Marcus 01.59 32 9 14 11 10 9 8 A Lance D Sword E Axe Lance 02.95 20 6 6 9 3 6 0 D Lance E Sword Chapter 2 - 9/15 Turns This one was tougher, as I don't have Thany/anybody from Dieck's group to kill the enemies, so Marcus had to slow down to kill them. Lance is already doubling, and is insanely blessed, although he didn't do much this chapter. Thany got the armourslayer from Merlinus, and she passed it on to Marcus, who ORKO'd Rude. UNIT LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP SUPPORT Roy 03.70 20 6 6 9 8 5 0 D Sword Marcus 02.30 33 9 14 11 10 9 8 A Lance D Sword E Axe Lance 04.44 21 8 7 11 3 7 0 D Lance E Sword
  6. I've always remembered Marcus starting there, unless it's different in NM/EM. Moved Chapter 13 elsewhere.
  7. If Marcus goes to the left, all the enemies from the south come up to kill your undrafted units/Rebecca/Eliwood/other shitty earlygame unit. And Marcus starts to the far right. But I guess I could take the extra 2/3 turns it takes.
  8. Also, in regard to going to 13x, anybody without Oswin or 4 units in that chapter will have to take a meatshielding/unit useage penalty in order to visit the village. And I disagree with allowing to steal the member card, even though it would benefit me. We should wait to see what Janissary says though, it's his draft.
  9. Unit analysis. Might as well. FE6: Lance - Better than Alan IMO, please don't get strength screwed. Should be one of, if not the most vital unit. Rutgar - Bosskiller, dodgy, and pretty good combat. Don't get strength screwed. Saul - Early staff user. Wanted Ellen, but Saul will actually have average combat, and might double something after promotion. Percival - Awesome bases, will be seeing a ton of useage. If Lance fails, he'll pick up his job. Fir - Don't get strength screwed. Zeiss - I've never used you very much, get decent speed. Will probably see an early promotion. Geese - Average in every way possible. Filler combat unit. Yodel - Uses staves effectively. We'll see who will use Warp, Saul, or Yodel. Barth - You're gonna be pretty useless. Sofiya - You too. Overall, I shouldn't have too much trouble killing stuff, but i'll have issues getting Roy to the throne for a while. FE7: Pent - I always draft you, and I'm never disappointed. Lucius - So I have Lucius and Pent, the best warpers. Should shave off a few turns Kent - Kinda crappy early on without Lyn Mode, but once he promotes, he should be decent. Farina - Needed a flier. Money will not be an issue. Hawkeye - CRIT BLICK GOGOGOGO Vaida - Underrated, bue comes late. I have too many units that want speedwings. Rebecca - You might never promote. Not too impressed with this team here, I should gain some turns late game, but I'll have some major issues midgame if Marcus doesn't get some speed/strength. I started FE7, because it's easier I felt like it, I'll be doing screenshots. Chapter 11 - 7/7 Turns No screenshot here, but it's pretty self explanatory. No red gem. Chapter 12 - 5/12 Turns Rebecca ran to get the secret book, as she's useless on this chapter. Marcus stole Bartre's axes and Lowen's lance, and sat on the fort with a hand axe. He had to lure in the other bandits down south, so he couldn't get up north to help Hector as quickly. Hector sat on a fort, and hit stuff with his hand axe, and got a lucky crit on one of the pegs. He lured Zagan on turn 4, hit him once on turn 5, and Zagan targeted Marcus on the enemy phase, because he was in KO range and Hector wasn't and Marcus finished him with the iron sword. I didn't like the odds on the handaxe hit, so I didn't try it. Plus I want to save uses on it as well. UNIT LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP SUPPORT Hector 05.04 23 9 6 6 5 10 1 C Axe Marcus 01.84 31 15 15 11 8 10 8 A Sword A Lance B Axe Rebecca 01.00 Base :)
  10. Sofiya for helping me visit villages with +1 movement.
  11. Me too. And out of the last scrubs, I believe that Barth will be the least useless.
  12. Rebecca. She'll probably cause many restarts in early chapters.
  13. No fliers till Zeis though. That'll hurt. And my FE7 team sucks, I only have Marcus to kill things until Pent, unless Kent turns out well. And goddammit, I don't want Makalov anymore.
  14. My units would have been better if I didn't skip a bunch of Gaidens, but I only really needed Cain and Hardin. Roshea got 2 speedwings I think, and I had a ton of res procs for some reason.
  15. I better be safe and pick Farina now. And SP stole both early thieves.
  16. Also, is there a time limit on drafting? Jake has had almost more than 24 hours.
  17. New Post for Character analysis: Was good at the start, as he hit hard, but he hit his midgame rut, and then somewhat redeemed himself after promotion. Was blessed early on, then never looked back, as he was my MVP from Chapter 1 till endgame. He was filler early on, and shitty lategame Was excellent in Cain's shadow, he just didn't have enough power without his silver lance sometimes. When I bought a ton in chapter 13, he was good till the end. He was actually pretty cool on some chapters, with arrowspate and curate killing abilities. Would draft again. Was almost nullified in because of awesome Cain. Still earlygame flying was nice. LOOK AT THAT SEXY SPEED. His stats were the result of multiple unneeded statboosters. He raped the shit out of a bishop and 2 Paladins in endgame, otherwise, he sat around for ~15 chapters. I hate you too Marth. Nice Strength and speed. Thanks for the extra resistance. Terrible start, but once he promoted, he became kind of awesome, due to fail enemy AS, and a speedwing. Oddly enough, I only remember her getting one kill. You almost made it! He died on the 4th turn EP of Endgame.
  18. Chapter 16 - 6/89 Turns Marth opened the first door on turn 2, Jeigan the second on turn 3. It got kind of hairy, as I should have given Marth a Robe before the chapter, but it worked out in the end. Jake sniped the dracoknights at the start for exp. Promoted Roshea and Hardin. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP Marth Lord 12.91 27 10 8 13 15 10 1 B Sword Kain Dracoknight 18/08.72 38 19 22 23 12 16 6 B Lance D Axe Jeigan Dracoknight ??/08.68 21 8 12 11 3 11 3 A Lance D Axe Draug Fighter 10.17 28 7 4 15 3 4 0 D Axe Bord Hero 13/01.69 33 16 19 14 4 10 3 B Axe D Sword Hardin Paladin 18/02.15 34 14 16 16 9 11 7 A Lance D Sword Roshea Dracoknight 14/01.97 34 16 15 12 5 11 3 B Lance E Axe Jake Shooter 07.02 22 8 3 4 6 16 0 S Ballistae Macellan Mercenary 05.89 19 8 12 15 5 6 0 E Sword Chapter 17 - 3/92 Turns Marth opened the door, Cain killed the boss, Hardin got the VIP card, Roshea and Bord got exp. Bord promoted. Skipped 17x thankfully, didn't feel like doing it. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP Marth Lord 12.91 27 10 8 13 15 10 1 B Sword Kain Paladin 18/10.60 42 19 23 23 13 14 6 B Lance C Sword Jeigan Dracoknight ??/08.68 21 8 12 11 3 11 3 A Lance D Axe Draug Fighter 10.17 28 7 4 15 3 4 0 D Axe Bord Fighter 13.07 31 15 10 9 4 6 0 B Axe Hardin Cavalier 18/02.52 34 14 16 16 9 11 7 A Lance D Sword Roshea Dracoknight 14/02.49 35 16 15 13 5 11 3 B Lance E Axe Jake Shooter 07.02 22 8 3 4 6 16 0 S Ballistae Macellan Mercenary 05.89 19 8 12 15 5 6 0 E Sword Chapter 18 - 6/98 Turns Reclassed Cain back to Paladin. Cain and Hardin smashed their way through the sable order, with my dracoknights and Bord cleaning up. Draug, Jake, and Macellan didn't even move. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP Marth Lord 13.70 35 11 9 13 16 10 2 B Sword Kain Paladin 18/12.47 43 21 24 24 14 14 7 A Lance C Sword Jeigan Dracoknight ??/08.81 21 8 12 11 3 11 3 A Lance D Axe Draug Fighter 10.17 28 7 4 15 3 4 0 D Axe Bord Hero 13/01.86 33 16 19 14 4 10 3 B Axe D Sword Hardin Cavalier 18/03.93 35 14 16 17 10 11 7 A Lance D Sword Roshea Dracoknight 14/03.10 35 16 16 14 5 11 3 B Lance E Axe Jake Shooter 08.10 22 8 4 5 7 16 0 S Ballistae Macellan Mercenary 05.89 19 8 12 15 5 6 0 E Sword Chapter 19 - 4/102 Turns Got all the items except pure water and spirit dust. Cain and Hardin ran up the middle, clearing the way for Marth. Jeigan got the top left tresure room, Rickard got the one two down from it, and Bord got the upper right tresure room, Roshea killed the Starsphere thief. Macellan got a kill for the first time since chapter 12x. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP Marth Lord 14.00 35 11 10 13 17 11 2 B Sword Kain Paladin 18/12.98 43 21 24 24 14 14 7 A Lance C Sword Jeigan Dracoknight ??/08.81 21 8 12 11 3 11 3 A Lance D Axe Draug Fighter 10.27 28 7 4 15 3 4 0 D Axe Bord Hero 13/01.86 33 16 19 14 4 10 3 B Axe D Sword Hardin Cavalier 18/05.22 37 15 18 18 12 13 7 A Lance D Sword Roshea Dracoknight 14/03.91 35 16 16 14 5 11 3 B Lance E Axe Jake Shooter 08.57 22 8 4 5 7 16 0 S Ballistae Macellan Mercenary 06.96 20 8 12 15 5 6 0 E Sword Chapter 20 - 5/107 Turns Shit, missed Ymir. Don't think he would have done a lot anyhow. Cain killed Camus, Marth ran to the throne, Hardin killed the hoard of Paladins for exp. Draug promoted, and him and Bord used Hammers on the generals on the other side of the river. What kind of promoted axe user has 9 strength? UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP Marth Lord 14.70 35 11 10 13 17 11 2 B Sword Kain Paladin 18/14.49 43 21 26 24 16 14 7 A Lance C Sword Jeigan Dracoknight ??/09.03 21 8 12 12 3 11 3 A Lance D Axe Draug Fighter 10/01.40 32 9 5 15 3 7 0 C Axe Bord Hero 13/02.79 34 17 20 14 4 10 3 B Axe D Sword Hardin Cavalier 18/06.94 37 15 19 19 12 13 7 A Lance D Sword Roshea Dracoknight 14/04.66 36 16 16 14 5 11 4 B Lance E Axe Jake Shooter 08.81 22 8 4 5 7 16 0 S Ballistae Macellan Mercenary 06.96 20 8 12 15 5 6 0 E Sword Chapter 21 - 3/110 Turns Cain grabbed the Gradivus and ripped shit up. Jeigan visited the secret shop and bought 3 energy drops and speedwings. Cain used some stat boosters before the chapter. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP Marth Lord 14.70 35 11 10 13 17 11 2 B Sword Kain Paladin 18/16.44 52 25 27 25 17 16 7 A Lance C Sword Jeigan Dracoknight ??/09.03 21 8 12 12 3 11 3 A Lance D Axe Draug Fighter 10/01.64 32 9 5 15 3 7 0 C Axe Bord Hero 13/03.89 34 17 21 14 4 10 3 B Axe D Sword Hardin Cavalier 18/07.36 38 16 20 20 12 14 7 A Lance D Sword Roshea Dracoknight 14/05.09 37 17 17 14 5 12 4 B Lance E Axe Jake Shooter 09.70 23 8 4 5 8 16 0 S Ballistae Macellan Mercenary 06.96 20 8 12 15 5 6 0 E Sword Chapter 22 - 7/117 Turns Cain killed everything with Gradivus, generics drew dangerous enemies away from Marth. Jeigan bought another arrowspate for Jake, who killed the dracoknights around Michalis, and the annoying fortify curates. Used various stat boosters. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP Marth Lord 14.80 35 11 10 13 17 11 2 B Sword Kain Paladin 18/18.27 54 25 28 25 17 16 7 A Lance C Sword Jeigan Dracoknight ??/09.11 21 8 12 12 3 11 3 A Lance D Axe Draug Fighter 10/01.86 32 9 5 15 3 7 0 C Axe Bord Hero 13/04.75 35 18 22 14 4 10 3 A Axe D Sword Hardin Cavalier 18/07.51 38 20 20 20 12 14 7 A Lance C Sword Roshea Dracoknight 14/06.13 38 17 18 18 5 13 4 B Lance E Axe Jake Shooter 12.68 24 10 6 5 10 16 0 S Ballistae Macellan Mercenary 07.56 21 8 13 15 5 6 0 E Sword Chapter 23 - ~7/124 Turns I think it was 7 turns. Used pure water on Marth, Roshea, and Hardin so the swarm dudes would attack Cain, who could heal himself with Gradivus (although he didn't need to...) Forgot stats. Chapter 24 - 4/128 Turns Cain killed a shitton of stuff with Gradivus, while Jeigan bought out the secret shop. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP Marth Lord 15.47 36 11 10 14 17 11 2 B Sword Kain Paladin 18/20.00 56 25 28 25 17 17 9 A Lance C Sword Jeigan Dracoknight ??/09.41 21 8 12 12 3 11 3 A Lance D Axe Draug Fighter 10/01.86 32 9 5 15 3 7 0 C Axe Bord Hero 13/05.65 36 19 22 14 4 10 3 A Axe D Sword Hardin Paladin 18/09.17 38 19 21 21 13 15 7 A Lance C Sword Roshea Dracoknight 14/07.64 39 17 18 18 5 13 4 B Lance E Axe Jake Shooter 15.69 26 11 8 5 11 16 0 S Ballistae Macellan Mercenary 07.56 21 8 13 15 5 6 0 E Sword I don't wanna do 24x. Chapter 24x: Here's stats: UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP Marth Lord 16.83 37 12 10 15 17 12 2 B Sword Kain Paladin 18/20.00 56 25 28 25 17 17 9 A Lance C Sword Jeigan Dracoknight ??/09.41 21 8 12 12 3 11 3 A Lance D Axe Draug Fighter 10/02.39 33 10 5 15 3 7 0 C Axe Bord Hero 13/06.96 36 20 23 14 5 10 3 A Axe D Sword Hardin Paladin 18/09.81 38 19 21 21 13 15 7 A Lance C Sword Roshea Dracoknight 14/11.38 41 19 21 19 6 13 4 A Lance E Axe Jake Shooter 16.80 26 11 8 5 11 16 0 S Ballistae Macellan Horseman 10/01.00 27 11 13 13 5 7 0 D Bow D Sword Endgame 4/132 Turns Cain ran to Medeus, and crit blicked him. He would have killed on the EP anyway. Marth hid, Nagi killed a ballistae, while Hardin and Roshea killed stuff on the left side of the keep. Macellan one rounded two Paladins and a mage with Parthia Verifying turncount, then unit analysis.
  19. Chapter 13 - 3/72 Turns Cain cleared the way for Marth, who seized. Jeigan bought 10 silver lances, and 5 steel axes, swords, and lances. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP Marth Lord 11.65 26 10 7 12 14 10 1 B Sword Kain Cavalier 18/04.87 37 17 20 20 10 14 6 B Lance C Sword Jeigan Dracoknight ??/07.57 21 8 12 11 2 11 3 B Lance D Axe Draug Fighter 10.07 28 7 4 15 3 4 0 D Axe Bord Fighter 11.95 29 13 10 8 3 6 0 B Axe Hardin Cavalier 16.29 29 12 11 14 9 9 1 A Lance D Sword Roshea Cavalier 13.81 31 12 12 9 5 8 0 C Lance E Sword Jake Shooter 02.97 20 6 1 3 3 14 0 S Ballistae Macellan Mercenary 05.75 19 8 12 15 5 6 0 E Sword Chapter 14 - 6/78 Turns Cain with a door key in hand, ran towards the throne room, with Marth in his wake. I failed hard at getting the silver card. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP Marth Lord 11.90 26 10 7 12 14 10 1 B Sword Kain Dracoknight 18/06.05 36 19 21 22 11 16 6 B Lance D Axe Jeigan Dracoknight ??/07.88 21 8 12 11 2 11 3 A Lance D Axe Draug Fighter 10.17 28 7 4 15 3 4 0 D Axe Bord Fighter 12.80 30 14 10 8 3 6 0 B Axe Hardin Cavalier 17.41 29 12 11 15 9 9 1 A Lance D Sword Roshea Cavalier 14.22 32 13 12 9 5 8 0 C Lance E Sword Jake Shooter 04.29 21 7 3 4 5 16 0 S Ballistae Macellan Mercenary 05.89 19 8 12 15 5 6 0 E Sword Chapter 15 - 5/83 Turns Marth ran across the desert, Cain and Jeigan killed everything in his way. Hardin and Roshea killed dracoknights. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP Marth Lord 12.02 27 10 8 13 15 10 1 B Sword Kain Dracoknight 18/07.25 37 19 22 22 12 16 6 B Lance D Axe Jeigan Dracoknight ??/08.40 21 8 12 11 3 11 3 A Lance D Axe Draug Fighter 10.17 28 7 4 15 3 4 0 D Axe Bord Fighter 13.07 31 15 10 9 4 6 0 B Axe Hardin Cavalier 18.24 30 12 12 15 9 9 1 A Lance D Sword Roshea Cavalier 14.79 32 13 12 9 5 8 0 C Lance E Sword Jake Shooter 04.46 21 7 3 4 5 16 0 S Ballistae Macellan Mercenary 05.89 19 8 12 15 5 6 0 E Sword EDIT: Fixed my turncounts. For some unknown reason, I added 10 turns for no apparent reason.
  20. I knew I was hallucinating. Chapter 9 - 5/46 Turns Cain rushed boss and killed it. Jeigan got the wyrmslayer, Rickard got the other 2 chests. Uh, everyone else just kinda chilled out. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP Marth Lord 10.22 25 9 6 11 14 10 1 C Sword Kain Cavalier 15.98 31 13 14 15 8 13 0 C Lance C Sword Jeigan Dracoknight ??/05.19 21 8 11 10 1 11 3 B Lance E Axe Draug Fighter 08.00 27 7 3 14 2 3 0 D Axe Bord Fighter 09.15 27 11 8 8 2 6 0 B Axe Hardin Cavalier 11.94 27 9 9 9 5 8 1 B Lance D Sword Roshea Cavalier 07.13 25 7 8 7 4 8 0 D Lance E Sword Chapter 10 - 8/54 Turns Not much to be said here. Cain ran to the boss, then I forgot I needed to kill the hero for his crest, so he went over and attracted the hero (the only enemy on the map he didn't ORKO) and Jeigan finished him. Marth always ends up a space short of seizing on turn 7, so he chipped the boss for Cain to kill. Sacrificed a shitton of units. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP Marth Lord 10.75 25 9 6 11 14 10 1 C Sword Kain Cavalier 16.75 31 13 14 16 8 13 0 C Lance C Sword Jeigan Dracoknight ??/05.74 21 8 11 10 1 11 3 B Lance E Axe Draug Fighter 08.10 27 7 3 14 2 3 0 D Axe Bord Fighter 09.99 27 11 8 8 2 6 0 B Axe Hardin Cavalier 13.65 28 10 10 11 6 9 1 A Lance D Sword Roshea Cavalier 07.83 25 7 8 7 4 8 0 D Lance E Sword Chapter 11 - 9/63 Turns Uh, Cain run and kill stuff blargh. Shiida suicidally recruited Jake on turn 2 (after he targeted a generic peg on turn 1 instead of her). Jeigan chatted with Anna on turn 2, and weakened all the mercs for Roshea to get a ton of exp. My axemen hung out around the start and killed a peg. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP Marth Lord 10.99 25 9 6 11 14 10 1 B Sword Kain Cavalier 18.18 33 13 16 16 9 13 0 C Lance C Sword Jeigan Dracoknight ??/06.41 21 8 11 11 2 11 3 B Lance D Axe Draug Fighter 08.40 27 7 3 14 2 3 0 D Axe Bord Fighter 09.99 27 11 8 8 2 6 0 B Axe Hardin Cavalier 14.47 29 11 10 12 7 9 1 A Lance D Sword Roshea Cavalier 10.01 28 10 10 8 5 8 0 C Lance E Sword Jake Shooter 02.02 20 6 1 3 3 14 0 S Ballistae Chapter 12 - 6/69 Turns Jake helped here. Cain premoted before the chapter. Cain blasted towards the throne room with Hardin and Jeigan. Jake hit one of the clerics with an arrowspate so the other would move to heal it. Cain opened the door to the throne through the tresure room, and one rounded the sniper with a Javelin. Hardin and Jeigan killed the clerics, Jake chipped the boss so Cain wouldn't have to take a counter. Cain finished the boss. Cain left a the first cav with 1 hp somehow, so Jake killed that one, Jeigan the next, and Hardin Ridersbaned Harmein. Cain ran ahead and grabbed the boots on turn 6. Rickard and Marth got all the treasure. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP Marth Lord 10.99 25 9 6 11 14 10 1 B Sword Kain Cavalier 18/02.09 37 15 19 18 10 14 6 B Lance C Sword Jeigan Dracoknight ??/06.85 21 8 11 11 2 11 3 B Lance D Axe Draug Fighter 08.97 27 7 3 14 2 3 0 D Axe Bord Fighter 10.44 28 12 9 8 2 6 0 B Axe Hardin Cavalier 15.24 29 12 10 13 8 9 1 A Lance D Sword Roshea Cavalier 11.30 29 11 11 8 5 8 0 C Lance E Sword Jake Shooter 02.97 20 6 1 3 3 14 0 S Ballistae Macellan Knight 03.00 Base Chapter 12x: Here's the stats: UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP Marth Lord 11.65 26 10 7 12 14 10 1 B Sword Kain Cavalier 18/04.25 37 17 20 20 10 14 6 B Lance C Sword Jeigan Dracoknight ??/07.53 21 8 12 11 2 11 3 B Lance D Axe Draug Fighter 10.07 28 7 4 15 3 4 0 D Axe Bord Fighter 11.68 29 13 10 8 3 6 0 B Axe Hardin Cavalier 16.16 29 12 11 14 9 9 1 A Lance D Sword Roshea Cavalier 13.53 31 12 12 9 5 8 0 C Lance E Sword Jake Shooter 02.97 20 6 1 3 3 14 0 S Ballistae Macellan Mercenary 05.75 19 8 12 15 5 6 0 E Sword
  21. What, someone else actually updated? I'll keep going then. Chapter 7 - 6/36 Turns Cain ran to the boss, then waited in front of him with an armourslayer. Cain was 3HKO'd by the boss, who has a silver lance, showing how OP he is this run. Hardin helped Cain get to the boss, Bord killed straglers, Draug almost died, and Marth actually picked up a couple kills along the way. Roshea attacked the archers with javelins, and got another +0 level up. Missed 6x, but I managed to sacrifice 2 units last chapter, hoping to get 12x. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP Marth Lord 09.22 24 8 5 10 13 10 1 C Sword Kain Cavalier 13.99 29 12 13 14 8 12 0 D Lance C Sword Jeigan Dracoknight ??/04.87 21 7 10 9 1 11 3 B Lance E Axe Draug Fighter 06.45 25 6 3 14 2 3 0 D Axe Bord Fighter 07.03 25 11 6 8 2 6 0 C Axe Hardin Cavalier 08.32 25 9 8 9 4 8 1 B Lance D Sword Roshea Cavalier 05.40 23 6 6 7 4 7 0 D Lance E Sword Chapter 8 - 5/41 Turns Cain ran to the boss and killed him with the armourslayer. Hardin got all the horsemen angry at him, and almost died, but all the enemies got attracted to Draug on a mountain. Marth burned through Rapier uses, but Jeigan bought him a new one. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP Marth Lord 10.07 25 9 6 11 14 10 1 C Sword Kain Cavalier 15.02 31 13 14 15 8 13 0 C Lance C Sword Jeigan Dracoknight ??/04.97 21 7 10 9 1 11 3 B Lance E Axe Draug Fighter 07.50 26 6 3 14 2 3 0 D Axe Bord Fighter 08.46 26 11 7 8 2 6 0 C Axe Hardin Cavalier 11.26 27 9 9 9 5 8 1 B Lance D Sword Roshea Cavalier 06.43 24 6 7 7 4 8 0 D Lance E Sword
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