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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. Don't worry about it. Everyone's a beginner at some point.
  2. ... Pent is one of the best first round picks in normal drafts... Lowen is up there too. I'm definately not complaining.
  3. I'll take over for the open spot, HNM won't take long at all.
  4. I'm expecting a massive dive after I complete the FE4 draft.
  5. Fliers. Tana obviously isn't the only unit who can do so. Chapter 10 (Ephraim): New Units: Duessel - Great base strength and durability, with a speedwing, he should have enough speed to double reletively consistantly. He's also mounted, with complete WTC, with an A rank in swords, axes and lances. Perfect Garm user. Cormag - Combines durabilty and flying, which is awesome. He hits hard, and can promote reletively quickly as well. However, he has some attack speed issues, and cannot ferry some of the heftier units (Duessel, Garcia, Gerik) after promotion. Units Fielded: Ephraim, Seth, Franz, Forde, Kyle, Artur, Moulder, Joshua, Natasha, Garcia, Tana You can choose to wait out this chapter, or you can end the chapter by killing the boss. Selena will leave during the 1st turn of the enemy phase, so you don't have to worry about her raining bolting down on you. Beran, the boss who replaces her is no slouch either. Cormag starts moving on turn 4, and can be recruited with Tana or Duessel. To recruit Duessel himself, talk to him with Ephraim, or wait out the chapter. Be wary of the ballistaes in the water, they can pluck Tana and Vanessa out of the sky with ease. However, you need a flier to get the secret book on the one in the northwest of the map, so just exhaust him ammo, or get lucky. I sent Tana to the torch staff village on turn 2, then sent her over in Cormag's direction to recruit him. Seth, Franz, Forde, and Joshua towards Beran, who was eventually taken out by KE Joshua. The horsies took out the enemies around him. Cav reinforcements eventually came from the north, but they didn't get close enough to anybody to do any damage. Duessel completely walls them, however. Cormag killed the ballistae with the secret book (he could take a hit from it anyway). Garcia and Artur just wandered around, and did very little. 7 Turns. [spoiler=Unit Stats] UNIT LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP SUPPORT Ephraim 12.91 31 12 13 16 14 12 3 B Lance Seth ??/08.44 37 16 16 13 16 14 10 S Lance A Sword Franz 15.46 31 13 14 18 4 10 1 B Lance D Sword Gilliam 06.85 27 11 7 3 4 10 3 C Lance Vanessa 06.02 20 7 11 16 7 8 6 C Lance Moulder 09.01 21 7 8 14 2 2 5 A Staff Ross -06.11 16 6 4 4 10 3 1 E Axe Garcia 11.94 33 14 10 9 7 6 1 B Axe Niemi 01.00 Base D Bow C Colm Colm 06.36 22 6 4 13 11 5 1 D Sword C Niemi Artur 10.01 26 9 10 10 2 3 10 D Light Lute 01.00 Base C Anima Natasha 05.53 19 3 5 11 9 4 9 C Staves Joshua 16.11 34 15 20* 20* 11 7 3 B Sword Forde 12.52 29 10 10 9 9 10 2 C Lance D Sword Kyle 12.51 32 13 9 9 6 11 2 B Lance D Sword Amelia -10.00 Base Tana 05.35 21 7 9 13 9 6 8 D Lance Cormag 09.99 Base Duessel ??/08.20 Base
  6. There's also chapter 15 (desert chapter) where she can ferry people around to defeat enemies or ferry Colm/Rennac around to pick up items, as the center of the map is pretty devoid of enemies. It's also nice in chapter 17, (Syrene's chapter) to get someone to Lyon faster, Chapter 18, to kill the Gorgon eggs, and in final to ferry people over the gaps. But year, she will have issues gaining levels. I'll probably just end up using Cormag and Syrene as fliers anyhow, unless I am able to get more levels on Tana then I expect. And yeah, Franz usually looks like around level 20 unpromoted. I just wish Seth would proc some strength and speed.
  7. Update! Chapter 9 (Ephraim): New Units: Amelia - Like Ross, she is a trainee. Unlike Ross, she comes 8 chapters later, and has worse base stats, and doesn't have a good weapon to level up on. Absolutely useless. Tana - Another flier, with better bases and growths than Vanessa, at the cost of coming later. However, flying utility isn't as important for the first bit of the game, so Tana is still an excellent unit. Sleep Staves are annoying. Kyle was sleep staff fodder early on, as my other cavs and Seth powered through the initial enemies. Artur took care of the shaman reinforcements to the southwest, while Franz and Seth plowed through the middle of the fort. Franz recruited Amelia, who immidiatly GTFO'd. There is an archer with a longbow and a red gem along the left corridor next to the main entryway, I got Colm to steal that. Seth, with a Chest key in hand, got the restore staff guarded by the killing edge myrmidon, while Colm looted the other 2 chests, being protected by Forde. Joshua and Franz gangraped Gheb for the bosskill. Tana sat in her cell. Be aware of the knight in the southeast corner, he wields a horseslayer. 15 Turns. [spoiler=Unit Stats] UNIT LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP SUPPORT Ephraim 12.24 31 12 13 16 14 12 3 B Lance Seth ??/07.65 36 15 15 13 16 14 9 S Lance A Sword Franz 13.01 30 13 13 16 4 10 1 C Lance D Sword Gilliam 06.85 27 11 7 3 4 10 3 C Lance Vanessa 06.02 20 7 11 16 7 8 6 C Lance Moulder 08.51 21 6 8 13 2 2 5 B Staff Ross -06.11 16 6 4 4 10 3 1 E Axe Garcia 11.25 33 14 10 9 7 6 1 B Axe Niemi 01.00 Base D Bow C Colm Colm 06.36 22 6 4 13 11 5 1 D Sword C Niemi Artur 09.64 25 9 9 10 2 3 10 D Light Lute 01.00 Base C Anima Natasha 05.87 19 3 5 10 8 3 9 C Staves Joshua 14.01 32 14 18 20* 11 7 3 B Sword Forde 11.25 28 10 10 9 9 10 2 C Lance D Sword Kyle 11.10 31 13 9 8 6 11 2 B Lance D Sword Amelia -10.00 Base Tana 04.00 Base EDIT: Shit, I forgot Tana.
  8. I really have no idea how to draft for these. Ayra.
  9. Uh, yeah, but there are no archers to use that ballistae. Look at the map.
  10. Yes, it is very possible. Chapter 7 Map The ballista is way over to the right. Vanessa can easily drop a unit like Seth or Franz over to take out the archers, and then come back for Eirika. Or if she's good enough, Vanessa can just drop Eirika and let her solo.
  11. Update! Chapter 6: No new units. Units Fielded: Eirika, Seth, Franz, Gilliam, Moulder, Vanessa, Garcia, Colm, Artur, Joshua First fog of war chapter... kind of a bad thing, as the enemy density is surprisingly high for an early chapter. The soldiers pack a punch against your swordlocked units, and there are a couple Iron Blades running around the map, one on a merc in the middle, one on a Cav to the north. On turn 4, three enemy cavaliers appear, and they can pack a punch as well. If you go tediously slow, the youngest NPC girl will start freaking out (rightfully so) about a Bael coming for a snack. However, IIRC, the Bael won't reach the civilians until turn 9, so you have ample time. I sent Seth, Franz and Garcia up North, while the others took out the middle units. I recommend giving the torch obtained in chapter 5 to Colm, as you will be able to see about half the map if he uses it. Joshua can easily dispose of all the middle units with a steel sword/armorslayer, but I needed to give other units like Colm and Eirika exp as well, so I had him and Artur weaken them when they could. Gilliam was doubled for a total of 12 damage by one of the cavs, but the others had javelins equipped, and didn't pack as much of a punch. Eirika used her Rapier to pick up some exp there, while Seth and Garcia killed the boss on turn 6. If all the civilians are safe, you recieve an Orion's Bolt at the chapter's end. Neimi is the only unit who can use this, so I will be selling this. 6 Turns [spoiler=Unit Stats] UNIT LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP SUPPORT Eirika 06.05 17 6 11 12 9 4 2 D Sword Seth 05.31 34 14 15 13 15 13 9 A Sword A Lance Franz 04.42 24 11 9 13 3 8 1 D Lance E Sword Gilliam 06.85 27 11 7 3 4 10 3 C Lance Vanessa 05.17 19 7 10 15 6 8 5 D Lance Moulder 05.24 20 4 7 10 2 2 5 C Staff Ross -06.11 16 6 4 4 10 3 1 E Axe Garcia 07.65 30 11 9 8 4 5 1 C Axe Niemi 01.00 Base D Bow C Colm Colm 04.26 20 4 4 12 10 3 1 E Sword C Niemi Artur 03.93 20 6 6 8 2 2 6 D Light Lute 01.00 Base C Anima Natasha 01.55 Base D Staves Joshua 08.77 26 10 14 16 8 6 2 C Sword Eirika finally proc'd HP. But she's still going to die in 2 hits. Chapter 7: No New Units. Units Fielded: Eirika, Seth, Franz, Moulder, Vanessa, Garcia, Colm, Artur, Natasha, Joshua Note that the mage wielding thunder has a stealable Energy ring. Although there is a ballistae on this map, Vanessa shouldn't need to worry too much about it, as it is in a pretty bad spot. If you have been training Neimi, there is an unnoccupied ballistae to the north of your starting position to take advantage of. I sent Seth ahead to deal with the ballistae, and due to some bad level ups, he didn't double the mercs along the way, leaving some for other units. All the other units cleaned up scraps. Artur went north to take care of the fighter and mage, there is a mountain there that will make any unit pretty dodgy. This map is pretty straitforward. Steal the energy ring, kill shit in your way, and uh, yeah. The boss drops a Knight Crest, and the mage by the west ballistae drops a pure water. 9 Turns. A lower turncount can be easily achieved by rescue dropping Eirika over the river with Vanessa. My Joshua is ridiculous. [spoiler=Unit Stats] UNIT LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP SUPPORT Eirika 06.83 17 6 11 12 9 4 2 D Sword Seth 06.63 35 15 15 13 16 13 9 A Sword A Lance Franz 09.73 26 11 11 14 4 8 1 C Lance E Sword Gilliam 06.85 27 11 7 3 4 10 3 C Lance Vanessa 06.02 20 7 11 16 7 8 6 C Lance Moulder 05.24 21 5 7 11 2 2 5 B Staff Ross -06.11 16 6 4 4 10 3 1 E Axe Garcia 07.77 30 11 9 8 4 5 1 C Axe Niemi 01.00 Base D Bow C Colm Colm 04.71 20 4 4 12 10 3 1 E Sword C Niemi Artur 06.71 23 8 8 9 2 2 9 D Light Lute 01.00 Base C Anima Natasha 02.21 18 3 5 9 7 3 7 D Staves Joshua 09.29 27 11 15 17 9 7 2 C Sword Chapter 8: New Units: None, but Ephraim, Forde, and Kyle rejoin. Units Fielded: Eirika, Seth, Franz, Moulder, Garcia, Natasha, Joshua, Artur, Colm I didn't field Vanessa here because she is largely useless due to the amount of Archers and Armours running around. And it's indoors. Ephraim and his crew join on turn 2, which helps. I had Ephraim stay back at take care of the Cavalier reinforcements (IIRC, around turn 4-5) to the southwest, while Seth chipped at the mercs for Forde and Kyle to kill. They eventually busted through the wall so Colm could loot the treasure room. Garcia and Joshua cleared the room to the north of armours, and then they cleared the throne room. Josh killed the annoying thief that spawns and runs around stealing your shit (the thief has 15 speed). Tirado was annoying and proc'd Great shield twice on Joshua, but eventually he hit him down to 2 HP, allowing Eirika to fittingly get the kill. Got the Silver Sword, Elysian Whip and Angelic Robe out of the chests. 12 Turns. [spoiler=Unit Stats] UNIT LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP SUPPORT Ephraim 08.22 27 10 10 13 11 11 3 C Sword Seth ??/07.15 36 15 15 13 16 14 9 S Lance A Sword Franz 10.76 27 11 11 15 4 9 1 C Lance E Sword Gilliam 06.85 27 11 7 3 4 10 3 C Lance Vanessa 06.02 20 7 11 16 7 8 6 C Lance Moulder 07.17 21 5 8 12 2 2 5 B Staff Ross -06.11 16 6 4 4 10 3 1 E Axe Garcia 09.88 32 13 10 9 6 6 1 B Axe Niemi 01.00 Base D Bow C Colm Colm 05.18 21 5 4 12 11 4 1 E Sword C Niemi Artur 06.71 23 8 8 9 2 2 9 D Light Lute 01.00 Base C Anima Natasha 03.43 19 3 5 10 7 3 8 D Staves Joshua 12.11 30 13 17 19 9 7 2 B Sword Forde 08.02 26 9 10 9 7 8 2 C Lance D Sword Kyle 10.16 30 13 9 7 6 11 2 B Lance D Sword I kept a save file in case I go back and do Eirika's route, but I'll be off to Ephraim's first regardless. I probably gave Joshua too much exp in the first few chapters, but with stats like those, I don't feel guilty. At the end of the chapter, Hayden also gives you 10000 gold. What a guy.
  12. No Strength on Hector :( If you can't fix the sound, just don't include the stock sounds at all. My mic does the same thing, except way worse.
  13. Thanks, I never noticed the name. I've been watching the Sharks/Canucks series pretty intently. I still don't intend to use Neimi, I don't like her x.x I'll probably use Innes however. Chapter 5: New Units: Natasha - Another early healer, always nice. Lower base stats than Moulder, and lower staff rank, in exchange for slightly better growths and looks. I still prefer Moulder, however. Joshua - He has great bases, and an awesome base strength for a myrmidon, but like all myrms, a disappointing strength growth. Awesome earlygame offence, that only starts to fade during lategame, where he can use Audhulma to compensate. Units Fielded: Eirika, Seth, Franz, Moulder, Vanessa, Garcia, Artur, Colm, Natasha. I dislike this chapter. Recruiting Joshua is kind of a pain in the ass. I sent Garcia, Moulder, and Artur up the left side, Colm dealt with the bandits to the south, Vanessa flew around and got the villages, and Seth and Franz killed most of the enemies. Eirika was supposed to get more exp this chapter, but she got hit by every enemy she attacked, and her HP and defence still blow chunks, as she is still 2HKO'd. Seth won 3 rounds in the arena, and Joshua one-rounded the boss. Bought a steel sword, and a steel axe. If you visit all the villages, you recieve a Guiding Ring at the chapter's end. 7 Turns. I forgot stats. Oops. Chapter 5x: New Units: Ephraim - Awesome bases, awesome prf weapon, and gets a horse on promotion. The only real knock against him is his lance lock and avaliability in Eirika's route. Nontheless, one of the best characters in the game. Kyle - The cavalier that excels in strength, and has a slight durability lead over the other cavs. He is a bit on the slow side, but a speedwing can fix that problem. Forde - The cavalier that excels in ... skill. Like his brother Franz, he is pretty well rounded, but like Franz, his strength can be troublesome. He doesn't have the level lead that Franz has, so he is often the odd cav out. Orson - He can one round everything on the map for one chapter, then you don't see him again for a long time.... The only thing you need to do to reach this gaiden is beat chapter 5 :D Orson grabbed the chests, while Kyle and Forde flailed at the enemies. Ephraim cleaned up their scraps until Orson caught up, and Orson carried him to the throne room, cleared out the throne room, and allowed Ephraim to seize. Got the elixir off the archer in the right room. I really dislike the way Kyle and Forde are equipped for this chapter. And I wish IS had giving Ephraim an Iron lance or Javelin instead of the Steel Lance. 11 Turns. [spoiler=Unit Stats] UNIT LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP SUPPORT Eirika 05.00 16 6 10 11 8 4 2 D Sword Seth 04.65 33 14 15 12 14 12 9 A Sword A Lance Franz 06.78 23 11 8 12 3 7 1 D Lance E Sword Gilliam 06.34 27 11 7 3 4 10 3 C Lance Vanessa 03.99 18 6 9 13 6 7 5 D Lance Moulder 04.89 20 4 6 9 2 2 5 C Staff Ross -06.11 16 6 4 4 10 3 1 E Axe Garcia 06.52 29 10 9 8 3 5 1 C Axe Niemi 01.00 Base D Bow C Colm Colm 03.47 19 4 4 11 9 3 1 E Sword C Niemi Artur 03.93 20 6 6 8 2 2 6 E Light Lute 01.00 Base C Anima Natasha 01.55 Base D Staves Joshua 06.53 24 9 13 15 8 5 2 C Sword Not posting the stats of Ephraim's crew till they rejoin. Because I forgot
  14. If I do end up doing both, I intend to use generally the same units, with some minor changes. Chapter 4: New Units: Artur - Pretty average bases asides from speed, but I prefer him to Lute do to the fact that he has a better start, and better base speed. Also gets C in staves upon promotion, and slayer. Starts with an unfourtunate E rank in Light Magic though. Lute - Similar to Lilina, overkill magic growth, unspectacular bases. If I end up using a Sage, Saleh is my man. High Anima rank ©, but very low con, which further hampers her below average attack speed. Preparation screen! Units Fielded: Eirika, Seth, Franz, Gilliam, Vanessa, Moulder, Ross, Garcia, Artur The first chapter that requires some thought process. My Eirika still has base HP and Defence, so she was 2HKO'd by everything on the map, so I had to be careful. Artur and Vanessa took care of the northeastern part of the map, with Vanessa grabbing most of the kills that Artur set up. Garcia and Franz took the bridge south, and eventually took out the boss. Eirika, Moulder, and Seth went to Lute's village, with Eirika grabbing most of the kills, with Moulder on constant healing duty. On turn 3, four bonewalkers appeared from the north. Anyone with <4 speed can pretty much solo these guys, but I left Gilliam back there to deal with them, and he did an ok job, due to enemy phase offence. 5 Turns UNIT LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP SUPPORT Eirika 03.65 16 5 9 10 6 3 1 D Sword Seth 02.70 31 14 13 12 13 11 8 A Sword A Lance Franz 05.58 22 10 7 11 2 6 1 D Lance E Sword Gilliam 06.34 27 11 7 3 4 10 3 C Lance Vanessa 03.34 18 6 9 13 6 7 5 D Lance Moulder 04.11 20 4 6 9 2 2 5 C Staff Ross -06.11 16 6 4 4 10 3 1 E Axe Garcia 05.51 28 9 8 8 3 5 1 C Axe Niemi 01.00 Base D Bow C Colm Colm 02.41 Base E Sword C Niemi Artur 02.80 Base E Light Lute 01.00 Base C Anima
  15. I've always wanted to do a playlog of a FE game, so I put all the FE's that I have access to into a hat, and drew out one of them. It was this one. This run will not be a LTC run, but it will be an efficient run. Without further ado... Prologue: New Units: Eirika - She is similar to Lyn, with slightly better durability, but a worse Prf weapon. I do not like frail sword locked units, but she is a lord, so I am obligated to use her. EDIT: Just notice she stars with an E in swords Seth - He will be getting heavy use this run. Seth is one of, if not the best character in any Fire Emblem game, due to being your best unit for about 75% of the game. Not much to be said here. With the use of Seth, it can be cleared in one turn, but I felt Eirika needed the exp more. 5 critical hits later, the chapter was over. 2 Turns Chapter 1 New Units: Franz - Similar to Kent, he has a slight speed edge on the other cavaliers, with above average stats all around everywhere else. Unlike Kent, he stands above the others cavaliers in this game due to vastly superior avaliability. Gilliam - Slow moving, unimpressive bases, and unimpressive growths overall. What kind of level 4 knight has 9 defence? He is built to be a tank like character, but he joins in axeland, so he doesn't have the chance to take advantage of his high HP and Defence. Seth can OHKO the fighters with a steel sword if they fail to proc HP. He starts doubling doing 21 damage a hit. Anyway, Gilliam and Franz join at the start of turn 2. They can help clean up if need be. If you through this chapter slowly, reinforcements will appear on turn 4, and attack you from the back. I did not need to deal with them, as I seized on Turn 4. Seth got the bosskill, as the others still get fine exp from generic enemies. 4 Turns At the chapter's end, you recieve 5000 Gold. UNIT LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP SUPPORT Eirika 02.55 16 5 8 10 6 3 1 E Sword Seth 01.61 Base A Sword A Lance Franz 01.62 Base D Lance E Sword Gilliam 04.30 Base C Lance Chapter 2: New Units: Vanessa - Unspectacular combat due to lackluster strength, but flying utility is always nice. Depending on how she turns out, she may be dropped for Tana/Cormag. Moulder - High staff rank, high con, and decent bases. I plan on using Moulder over Natasha in the long run as my main healer, but both will be getting fielded occasionally. Ross - Not a big fan of trainees, but Ross still has potential to be decent due to relatively high base strength. Unless he surprises me, I plan on using Garcia as a filler character for an axe user before Gerik/Duessel. Garcia - Nice bases, but low speed growth. He still has good offence for the first half of the game, so I plan on using him pretty constantly throughout the first half. For the second half... maybe... Got the Red Gem, Elixir and Pure water from the villages. Bought 2 Iron Swords, 2 Iron Lances, an Iron Axe, and a Slim Lance. Gilliam really is terrible. He takes ~7 damage from the axe users, and hits back at around 65% displayed hit. Franz shouldered most of the load here, despite not picking up many kills. Garcia soloed his part of the map with ease, while Seth took out the bandits that spawn on the mountains north of the southern village. Vanessa got the bosskill after Eirika weakened the boss. 5 Turns UNIT LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP SUPPORT Eirika 02.66 16 5 8 10 6 3 1 E Sword Seth 01.78 Base A Sword A Lance Franz 02.43 20 8 6 8 2 6 1 D Lance E Sword Gilliam 04.51 Base C Lance Vanessa 01.91 Base D Lance Moulder 03.33 Base C Staff Ross -10.66 Base E Axe Garcia 04.00 Base C Axe Chapter 3: New Units: Niemi - Archer + Horrible base stats + Average growths = benchwarmer. All she will be remembered for in this entire playthrough is recruiting Colm, and shooting a broken wall once. Colm - Decent growths, but poor base strength and sword lock means he will rarely see combat. Still, a thief is extremely useful. Collected the Hand Axe, Iron Sword, Javelin, and whatever other item was in the top chests. I think a Vulnerary. There is a pure water to steal off an enemy in this chapter, but he will probably will be dead by the time Colm arrives, unless intentionally kept alive. I was going to let Eirika get the bosskill, but she doubled for 4 damage total and was 0HKO'd by the boss. Seth ORKO's at base with his steel sword. He got the kill. Ross got two levels, each containing only skill and luck. 6 Turns. Aside from Vanessa, everyone got bad level ups this chapter. UNIT LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP SUPPORT Eirika 03.10 16 5 9 10 6 3 1 E Sword Seth 02.60 31 14 13 12 13 11 8 A Sword A Lance Franz 03.28 21 8 6 9 2 6 1 D Lance E Sword Gilliam 04.51 Base C Lance Vanessa 02.02 17 6 8 12 5 6 5 D Lance Moulder 03.67 Base C Staff Ross -08.66 Base E Axe Garcia 04.73 Base C Axe Niemi 01.00 Base Colm 02.41 Base
  16. The Nintendo Coin was slightly tougher, and missable. And it was a pain if you missed it the first time.
  17. Assuming this isn't the actual rival battle music. R/S/E G/S/C R/B/Y D/P/Pt B/W
  18. It was supposed to be a week? I played hockey 3 days after getting mine out. On topic, finish your FE7 draft
  19. This means he needs more information. I would try redownloading everything.
  20. I found Louise's defence to be kinda high. IIRC it is higher than Pent's. I found Dart to be way to OP in 1x as well, although I think that tale is supposed to be pretty easy. Dorcas was pretty useless though. Lucius was tough to use for offence in Raven's tale, because he got doubled and one rounded by most of the map due to the divine tome. Oh, and Erik was pretty fail, but I'm pretty sure he's meant to be that way.
  21. No, not the Flying Pop-Tart Cat. ... Most annoying video ever.
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