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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. Chapter 7 - 6/53 Turns Palla 0RKO'd Astram with an unforged Javelin, and proceeded to 0RKO the rest of his gang too. Feena died on turn 1, Navarre on turn 3, but Navarre took out some hunters and thieves before going down. Cecile went north cleaning up thieves, and took the bosskill. Caeser even killed something this chapter. Got the hidden physic staff, courtesy of Arran. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP Marth Lord 10.41 29 12 0 14 13 13 9 0 D Sword Cecile Dracoknight 20/03.06 35 20 4 24 23 14 14 3 C Lance E Axe Palla Sniper 20/08.64 41 26 1 26 20 14 20 5 A Lance E Axe Matthis Dark Mage 07.29 22 5 2 4 5 2 6 3 E Tome Rickard Thief 03.40 Base Wendall Sage ??/07.28 Base Caeser Mercenary 07.50 Base Chapter 8 - 5/58 Turns Burned a rescued staff use here to recruit George. Palla killed all of Hardin's General's sans 1 with a Javelin, and Caeser picked up the final one with an armourslayer. Arena'd Matthis in hopes of proc'ing magic, but he got strength instead. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP Marth Lord 11.33 30 13 0 15 13 13 9 0 C Sword Cecile Dracoknight 20/04.09 36 20 4 25 23 14 15 3 C Lance E Axe Palla Sniper 20/09.97 43 26 1 26 21 14 20 5 A Lance E Axe Matthis Dark Mage 08.41 23 6 2 4 6 2 6 3 E Tome Rickard Thief 03.51 Base Wendall Sage ??/07.87 Base Caeser Mercenary 08.50 27 9 0 12 12 7 8 0 C Sword
  2. I've sent Harken, Pent and Louise down the left to take care of Maxime, and Marcus and everyone else down the right. Marcus can 0RKO all the enemies sans the Hero and Ursula with a Hand axe, so it makes it easy for me. I'll send Dorcas to replace Marcus in guarding Zephiel, and will hopefully be kept alive by Lucius's Physic staff. Marcus will destroy Ursula with the Brave Sword while she has Bolting equipped.
  3. Finally Started. Did Armour Knight MU, just clicked random options for his build. Stats through prolouge: UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP Marth Lord 08.14 28 10 12 12 11 9 0 D Sword MU Knight 09.12 28 14 11 2 9 20* 0 C Lance Cecile Cavalier 09.35 24 11 12 13 8 8 0 D Sword E Lance Marth is a lot better in this game. MU never proc'd a point of speed, but that was fine by me, all he did was hit stuff hard enough for Cecile to pick up the kills. Chapter 1 5/5 Turns Cecile and Marth blasted through all the bandits, and Marth talked to Lawrence on turn 4. Seized on turn 5. Arran picked up the money and bought a lot of Javelins. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP Marth Lord 08.29 28 10 12 12 11 9 0 D Sword Cecile Cavalier 10.85 24 11 13 14 9 8 0 D Sword E Lance Chapter 2 6/11 Turns Jesus christ, silver swords already? Missed the Lady Sword sadly, I needed one more unit. Catria recruited Warren on turn 2, and they moved out of the way of any combat. Marth and Cecile both one rounded the cavs with Iron/Steel respectively, so they didn't pose too much of a threat. Didn't get to kill the boss, but w/e. Marth had to dodge a 44 displayed hit attack from the boss to win this chapter. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP Marth Lord 08.29 28 10 0 12 12 11 9 0 D Sword Cecile Cavalier 10.85 24 11 2 13 14 9 8 0 D Sword E Lance Chapter 3 15/26 Turns Marth had to run through the middle unarmed, so Matthis wouldn't die Fourtunately, Cecile, somehow didn't one round Matthis, so that allowed her to take out the ballistae which allowed Palla to assist her in taking out the cavs. Broke Palla's Silver Lance, but got another one and still have Arran's, so nbd. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP Marth Lord 09.71 29 11 0 13 12 12 9 0 D Sword Cecile Cavalier 13.65 26 13 2 16 15 10 10 0 C Sword D Lance Palla Peg. Knight 15.33 26 14 2 16 17 12 10 6 B Lance Matthis Cavalier 04.00 Base Chapter 3x 6/32 Turns First of, Matthis is a fucking winner: Palla baited the enemies chasing Wrys (meaning she had to dodge a steel bow archer or an iron lance knight) and Marth used his Rapier to take out one of the Knights. The other 2 knights at the start, as seen by the pic above, went after Matthis, and failed to kill him. Rest of the map is trivial. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP Marth Lord 10.05 29 12 0 14 13 13 9 0 D Sword Cecile Cavalier 13.93 26 13 2 16 15 10 10 0 C Sword D Lance Palla Peg. Knight 15.89 26 14 2 16 17 12 10 6 B Lance Matthis Cavalier 05.67 22 8 0 4 8 1 9 0 D Lance E Sword Chapter 4 - 3/35 Turns Yumina surrounded herself with enemies, and rescued Marth on turn 2. Sirius stole Ogma's vulnerary, and ate it in front of the boss on turn 2, and finished him on turn 3. Yubello died, but it was inevitable. Reclassed Matthis to merc just cause. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP Marth Lord 10.33 29 12 0 14 13 13 9 0 D Sword Cecile Cavalier 14.21 27 14 2 16 15 10 10 0 C Sword D Lance Palla Cavalier 16.29 29 16 0 14 16 12 12 1 B Lance Matthis Mercenary 06.20 23 8 0 10 11 1 7 0 E Sword Chapter 5 - 5/40 Turns Arena'd Palla up to level 20 and promoted her. She was a Dracoknight here. Palla rushed the boss (she wasn't 0HKO'd by the Arrowspate) and took out all the enemies except the single ballistae. (Not the boss). She then chased down the master seal thief. Marth ran to the throne, while Cecile and Matthis killed mages. Rickard assisted Matthis because Matthis couldn't double. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP Marth Lord 10.41 29 12 0 14 13 13 9 0 D Sword Cecile Cavalier 14.69 27 14 2 16 15 10 10 0 C Sword D Lance Palla Cavalier 20//03.56 37 23 1 22 19 13 17 4 A Lance E Axe Matthis Cavalier 06.87 23 9 0 4 8 1 9 0 D Lance E Sword Rickard Thief 03.40 Base Chapter 6 6/46 Turns Palla killed everything, blah blah blah. Lang is just sad: Got all the shards, missed whatever was in the south chest. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP Marth Lord 10.41 29 12 0 14 13 13 9 0 D Sword Cecile Peg. Knight 15.84 25 14 2 19 17 11 8 6 C Sword D Lance Palla Dracoknight 20/06.03 40 26 1 25 20 13 19 5 A Lance E Axe Matthis Cavalier 07.19 24 10 0 5 8 2 9 0 D Lance E Sword Rickard Thief 03.40 Base Wendall Sage ??/07.00 Base Chapter 6x 1/47 Turns Arena'd Cecile to promotion. Cecile killed Roro, Palla killed the knight, Wendall rescued Marth, who seize. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP Marth Lord 10.41 29 12 0 14 13 13 9 0 D Sword Cecile Dracoknight 20/01.50 33 20 4 23 21 12 14 3 C Lance E Axe Palla Sniper 20/06.15 44 24 1 28 22 13 16 5 A Lance C Bow Matthis Dark Mage 07.19 22 5 2 4 5 2 6 3 E Tome Rickard Thief 03.40 Base Wendall Sage ??/07.28 Base Caeser Mercenary 08.00 Base
  4. Just did a test run of the chapter, Marcus can easily make it to the throne room by turn 6 without much risk of death, but my main issue is getting the treasure, as Jaffar keeps killing the thieves, and I have only 1 use of lockpick left anyhow. And I don't have any more deployment spots for Matt anyway. I might decide to sent Harken down the right side instead, and see how that works.
  5. I always get Jerme's map too, but it's easier to get Harken there, so that's cool. Although the exp rank is tougher to get there IIRC.
  6. I have a few physic staves, and Lucius can almost use them too, so it won't be bad for me. Prissy probably doesn't have enough range on Physic to heal Zephiel, so you're gonna need to bumrush.
  7. Chapter 4 - 6/24 Turns Cain + Abel + Jeigan took out the wave of cavs, and Castor and Bord chipped at them. Marth was . Jeigan hit the boss twice with his almost busted Silver Lance, then the boss was finished by Javelin! Abel and Iron Lance Cain. My level ups consisted of a lot of +HP and +Lck UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP Marth Lord 03.46 19 6 3 8 8 8 0 D Sword Cain Cavalier 05.65 23 7 7 8 6 8 0 D Sword E Lance Abel Cavalier 04.46 23 8 9 10 2 8 0 D Lance E Sword Jeigan Dracoknight ??/03.32 Base +2 Lck Bord Fighter 05.13 23 9 4 7 4 5 0 C Axe Castor Hunter 06.43 22 8 3 8 4 6 0 D Bow Chapter 5 4/28 Turns Level ups Boss went down to Bord + Jeigan, Pirate Bord can reach the throne on turn 4. Castor seems to be getting ALL the thief kills, because his level is somehow higher than everyone elses. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP Marth Lord 04.33 20 7 3 8 8 8 0 D Sword Cain Cavalier 06.02 24 7 8 8 7 8 0 D Sword E Lance Abel Cavalier 05.19 23 8 9 10 3 8 0 D Lance E Sword Jeigan Dracoknight ??/03.51 Base +2 Lck Bord Fighter 05.99 23 9 4 7 4 5 0 C Axe Castor Mercenary 07.43 21 7 7 12 4 8 0 E Sword Chapter 6 6/34 Turns Cain! Cain hit C in swords, and went to town on the boss. Bord cleared out the initial knights, while Castor cleaned up the Archers with the help of Abel. Jeigan also helped in the effort of the bosskill. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP Marth Lord 04.73 20 7 3 8 8 8 0 D Sword Cain Cavalier 07.71 24 8 9 10 7 9 0 C Sword E Lance Abel Cavalier 06.70 24 9 9 10 4 9 0 C Lance E Sword Jeigan Paladin ??/04.45 22 7 11 8 3 10 0 A Lance D Sword Bord Fighter 07.70 24 9 5 7 4 5 0 C Axe Castor Mercenary 08.47 21 7 8 12 5 8 0 E Sword Chapter 6x - 16 Turns Reclassed Bord to Hunter and Jeigan to Sniper, in hopes that they would proc speed. No such luck. Abel got a couple awesome level ups, and is now set to solo the game. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP Marth Lord 05.79 21 8 4 9 9 8 0 D Sword Cain Cavalier 07.71 26 8 10 10 7 9 0 C Sword D Lance Abel Cavalier 08.56 26 10 11 12 5 10 0 C Lance D Sword Jeigan Dracoknight ??/05.14 20 8 11 8 4 12 0 A Lance E Axe Bord Fighter 08.90 24 9 6 7 5 5 0 C Axe Castor Mercenary 09.41 22 8 9 12 5 8 0 D Sword Chapter 7 - 6/40 Turns The boss went down to Armourslayer Cain, after Abel cleaned up the enemies around him. Jeigan blocked the ridersbane fort, Bord proc'd speed, and Castor went hunter to take out that dracoknight that doubled Bord. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP Marth Lord 06.36 22 8 4 9 9 8 0 C Sword Cain Cavalier 10.81 27 8 10 11 7 9 0 C Sword D Lance Abel Cavalier 09.89 26 10 12 12 6 10 0 C Lance D Sword Jeigan Dracoknight ??/05.31 20 8 11 8 4 12 0 A Lance E Axe Bord Fighter 09.27 25 10 7 8 5 5 0 B Axe Castor Mercenary 10.42 23 8 10 13 5 8 0 D Sword Appears that Bord hit B in axes just in time to use the newly acquired Silver Axe. Chapter 8 - 5/45 Turns Standard bossrush. Bord can reach the throne on turn 5, and the Hammer + Armourslayer took out the boss. Castor, back to Mercenary, cleaned up Abel's scraps, along with Jeigan. Radd, whom I forgot I drafted, went to the arena once, and bought a silver lance. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP Marth Lord 06.74 22 8 4 9 9 8 0 C Sword Cain Cavalier 11.62 28 9 10 12 7 9 0 C Sword D Lance Abel Cavalier 11.17 27 10 13 13 6 10 0 C Lance D Sword Jeigan Dracoknight ??/05.72 20 8 11 8 4 12 0 A Lance E Axe Bord Mercenary 09.70 21 9 14 11 5 7 0 E Sword Castor Mercenary 11.40 23 9 10 14 5 8 0 D Sword Radd Myrmidon 01.30 Base Chapter 9 5/50 Turns First off: Cain took out the boss with a killing edge, while everyone ran to the boss. Skipped whatever was in the chests. Reclassed Bord to Merc for this chapter. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP Marth Lord 06.74 22 8 4 9 9 8 0 C Sword Cain Cavalier 12.25 28 10 10 13 7 9 0 C Sword D Lance Abel Cavalier 12.17 28 11 14 13 6 10 0 C Lance D Sword Jeigan Dracoknight ??/06.12 20 8 11 9 4 12 0 A Lance E Axe Bord Fighter 09.87 25 10 7 8 5 5 0 B Axe Castor Mercenary 11.93 23 9 10 14 5 8 0 D Sword Radd Cavalier 01.89 Base Chapter 10 8/58 Turns Cain was 3RKO'd by the boss, which meant he could solo the boss. Radd actually killed a dracoknight and the hero in this chapter, after my other units had brought them down to sub 3 HP. This is what he responded with. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP Marth Lord 06.94 22 8 4 9 9 8 0 C Sword Cain Cavalier 12.99 28 10 10 13 7 9 0 C Sword D Lance Abel Cavalier 13.10 29 11 15 14 6 10 0 C Lance D Sword Jeigan Dracoknight ??/06.55 20 8 11 9 4 12 0 A Lance E Axe Bord Fighter 10.79 26 11 8 8 6 5 0 B Axe Castor Mercenary 12.46 24 9 11 14 5 9 0 D Sword Radd Cavalier 03.45 22 6 2 6 1 9 0 D Sword E Lance
  8. Chapter 19x was completed in 11 Turns. Why must I rely on Hector landing sub 50% chance hits to kill bosses? Anyway, pre video analysis, Lucius and Erk got some crits which helped a ton, and the boss kill was complete garbage, but i'll take it anyhow. Lucius was the MVP of this chapter. Unit Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Lvl Supports Hector 19.90 35 15 13 13 7 16 3 A Axe C Eliwood Matthew 10.88 26 7 8 15 8 5 4 B Sword Eliwood 8.39 25 8 9 11 9 8 1 B Sword C Hector Marcus 3.18* 32 15 16 11 9 10 10 A Lance A Sword B Axe Rebecca 8.90 21 7 6 13 6 6 3 C Bow Lowen 8.51 29 8 5 8 7 11 2 C Lance D Sword Dorcas 8.50 34 11 8 7 6 5 0 C Axe Bartre 8.87 35 11 8 6 6 8 1 C Axe Oswin 11.23 29 13 10 6 4 15 3 B Lance Serra 8.02 19 2 6 14 11 2 7 B Staves Guy 7.66 29 8 15 16 6 7 1 C Swords Erk 8.31 21 6 8 13 3 3 5 C Anima Priscilla 7.82 18 9 8 10 9 4 8 B Staves Lyn 8.24 21 7 10 13 7 3 3 C swords C Florina Florina 8.44 21 8 10 13 9 6 6 C Lances C Lyn Wil 7.70 24 8 7 6 8 7 1 D Bow Kent 8.19 26 9 9 10 6 7 3 D Lance D Sword Sain 8.00 25 12 7 10 7 8 2 D Lance D Sword Raven 9.82 32 13 16 16 3 7 2 B Sword Lucius 8.54 19 12 9 11 3 1 9 C Light Canas 8.91 Base Fiora 7.77 Base Dart 9.52 34 13 8 9 3 6 1 B Axe Next Chapter Units: Hector, Lyn (forced), Eliwood (forced), Guy, Wil , Fiora, Priscilla, Sain, Serra, Kent, Erk, Florina. I don't think this chapter will be too bad. Here's 19x: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o27Igcr1kNo
  9. If you blaze through Genesis, you will have a ton of extra turns. And Night of Farewells has a high turncount requirement as well.
  10. **Uses phoenix down on topic** Anyway, just completed chapter 19, nothing too impressive, but it is finally over. Unit Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Lvl Supports Hector 18.64 34 14 12 12 6 15 3 A Axe C Eliwood Matthew 7.70 23 5 7 14 6 5 3 C Sword Eliwood 8.39 25 8 9 11 9 8 1 B Sword C Hector Marcus 3.18* 32 15 16 11 9 10 10 A Lance A Sword B Axe Rebecca 7.63 21 7 6 12 6 6 3 C Bow Lowen 7.61 28 7 5 8 6 10 1 D Lance D Sword Dorcas 8.50 34 11 8 7 6 5 0 C Axe Bartre 7.61 34 10 8 6 6 7 1 C Axe Oswin 11.23 29 13 10 6 4 15 3 B Lance Serra 8.02 19 2 6 14 11 2 7 B Staves Guy 7.66 29 8 15 16 6 7 1 C Swords Erk 7.35 20 6 8 12 3 2 5 C Anima Priscilla 7.82 18 9 8 10 9 4 8 B Staves Lyn 8.24 21 7 10 13 7 3 3 C swords C Florina Florina 7.32 19 8 10 12 9 5 6 D Lances C Lyn Wil 7.70 24 8 7 6 8 7 1 D Bow Kent 8.19 26 9 9 10 6 7 3 D Lance D Sword Sain 8.00 25 12 7 10 7 8 2 D Lance D Sword Raven 9.82 32 13 16 16 3 7 2 B Sword Lucius 6.77 19 10 8 11 3 1 8 D Light Canas 8.91 Base Fiora 7.77 Base Dart 9.52 34 13 8 9 3 6 1 B Axe Video to come. Next chapter units: Hector, Florina, Lucius, Erk, Bartre, Matthew, Rebecca, Lowen. Killing the boss is going to be very sketchy. Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZUqzslw60I&feature=youtube_gdata Ignore the savestate at the end, it actually didn't matter, as Hector WHO WASN'T SUPPOSED TO CRIT UHAI critted Uhai, and stole exp from Raven and/or Sain. I fully didn't expect this run to work out, which explains the sketchy strategy.
  11. Sure, this game isn't that long. Sign me up.
  12. Make sure to abuse the hell out of the FFO arena.
  13. Just wait a couple chapters for the physic staves in chapter 22. You should be spamming torch in chapter 21 anyhow.
  14. Hmm... I join. And I assume if we pick Nidoran male, we would also get Nidorino and Nidoking, amirite?
  15. FE 1/3/11/12 Abel, Merric, Oguma, Minerva, Palla, Horace. FE 4 Sigurd, Aideen, Briggid, Jamka, Lex, Tiltyu, Eltshan, Alvis, Cuan, Ethlin FE 5 Leaf, Fin, Marty FE 6 & 7 Dieck, Klein, Tate, Lott, Echinda, Hector, Eliwood, Dorcas, Kent, Wallace, Marcus, Fargus, Denning. FE 8 Seth, Syrene.
  16. Give Erk a promotion item to carry around during the chapter (and a heal staff, maybe) and when he hits level 20 (and has nothing to do) promote him. Hawkeye the speedwing.
  17. I completed the SD H2SOYO in 156 Turns, SD draft VIII in 207. It might be good to note that in draft VIII, you had to recruit every unit, drafted or not.
  18. I recommend cutting out battle animations. 40 minutes on a mid-game chapter is ridiculous for a viewer to watch.
  19. I don't call these stats broken: HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES 54.5 6.9 8.6 28.7 29.8 20.1 13.7 7.7
  20. Pokemon Stadium. The original one.
  21. Well... Do you think units like Lowen/Erk/Kent will hit 20/20? I promoted Lucius at level 14, but he is kind of an exception because I did it to raise his staff rank/ensure he isn't 0HKO'd. AND DONE CHAPTER 27 13/108 Turns Marcus critted Jerme like a boss. It stopped reinforcements coming. Also, Harken. Lucius soloed the north after the wyverns got killed (badly) by Dorcas, Fiora, and Rath, while Pent, Louise, and Canas took out the southeast, thanks to the unlock staff. Marcus killed everything on the path to Jerme's room. UNIT LEVEL HP POW SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP Hector 20.00 36 17 20* 12 5 12 5 A Axe Marcus ??/16.78 38 22 23 20 12 12 14 S Lance A Sword A Axe Sacrod 16/02.18 44 19 16 10 12 8 4 A Axe E Bow Lucius 14/04.55 30 20 13 17 4 5 17 A Light B Staff Canas 16/01.94 32 15 12 13 8 9 15 A Dark E Staff Fiora 18.12 34 14 17 20 8 9 9 A Lance Rath 14.67 32 12 12 13 6 9 3 A Bow Louise ??/07.30 29 13 14 18 17 10 12 S Bow Pent ??/09.32 34 18 21 17 15 12 18 S Anima A Staff Harken ??/08.74 Base
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