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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. Chapter 1 - 10/10 Turns Well that was unexpected. Jeigan and Marth walked to the boss, and the 4 Alteans managed to die, because one of the pirates had 2 extra skill procs and critted Draug... Then thinking I would need Marth to weaken the boss, I sat his ass on the fort, while Jeigan waited in front of the boss with his lance, and on the enemy phase, he said "Fuck you" to the boss and critted him. But Marth couldn't seize because he was one space away, so that sorta levels it out. UNIT LEVEL CLASS HP POW SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP Marth 2.60 Lord 19 5 4 8 7 8 0 D Swords Jeigan 2.46 Paladin 23 7 10 8 1 10 6 B Lance D Sword
  2. 13, you may want to start a new topic for better organization/cluttering this one.
  3. I'll go through possible times of death: 0:18 Eliwood dodging two shaman. I would imagine the hitrates were around 40, as he had his Hector support in action on the turn. 0:57 If both these shaman hit (Roughly 55% Displayed hit) Hector is dead. 2:45 If this peg proc's defence, Florina can't one round, and it causes massive issues. 4:15 If Florina doesn't dodge here, she or a healer or Lucius is dead. 63 displayed hit. But really, other than that, not too bad. I don't mean to make myself sound good, but it required some strategic placing of units as well. That was the tougher part. And Hector dying due to killing too many shaman in a row with a hand axe. EDIT: First attempt at Chapter 19 resuslts in this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dXJGfMuRTo
  4. Actaully, not really. Hector blocked one chokepoint, and Eliwood blocked the other, and he like, 5RKO'd the Mercs. Lucius got some decent exp though I think. EDIT: Chapter 19 Units: Hector, Serra, Priscilla, Lucius, Florina, Raven, Lyn, Wil, Rebecca, Sain, Lowen, Dorcas, Dart (Turn 1), Fiora (Turn 3) Unit Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Lvl Supports Hector 17.26 33 14 12 11 6 15 3 A Axe C Eliwood Matthew 7.70 23 5 7 14 6 5 3 C Sword Eliwood 8.39 25 8 9 11 9 8 1 B Sword C Hector Marcus 3.18* 32 15 16 11 9 10 10 A Lance A Sword B Axe Rebecca 6.55 20 6 6 11 6 5 3 C Bow Lowen 6.58 26 7 5 8 5 9 1 D Lance D Sword Dorcas 6.99 32 9 7 7 5 4 0 C Axe Bartre 7.61 34 10 8 6 6 7 1 C Axe Oswin 11.23 29 13 10 6 4 15 3 B Lance Serra 7.21 19 2 6 13 11 2 7 B Staves Guy 7.66 29 8 15 16 6 7 1 C Swords Erk 7.35 20 6 8 12 3 2 5 C Anima Priscilla 7.01 18 9 8 10 9 4 8 B Staves Lyn 7.40 20 7 10 13 6 3 2 C swords C Florina Florina 6.50 19 7 10 11 9 5 5 D Lances C Lyn Wil 6.96 23 7 6 6 7 7 1 D Bow Kent 8.19 26 9 9 10 6 7 3 D Lance D Sword Sain 6.48 23 10 7 8 6 8 1 D Lance D Sword Raven 7.02 30 11 15 16 3 6 2 C Sword Lucius 6.27 19 10 8 11 3 1 8 D Light Canas 8.91 Base Video is up at the top of page.
  5. FUCK YOU PIRATE SHIP http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVgnZKHer18&feature=youtube_gdata I beat Chapter 18. I waited it out. I am so pumped to say that I have 13 units deployed next chapter, maybe one will be good and not named Hector. Video to come.
  6. I think Xander has the best team, and we're not going to be getting normal mode turncounts here, it's H2. Except in your case, I don't think having to wait the extra turns is going to make a huge difference, unless you plan on seriously using Marth in combat.
  7. True, devil axe Bord has Merits for sure, and his highish skill will help him hit. And really, the only really capable combat unit for their entire existance present in this draft is Hardin.
  8. I might show a video at how badly my units get brutalized when I try that.
  9. Best: Lowen's hair. Worst: Sacaen oceans of grass. Nominate best map theme
  10. Anyhow, I have not had the time to try since, but I figured I would answer some questions. Mist, if I leave Hector on the armoury, the mercs will ignore him and precede to slaughter the rest of my units. Pegs are a constant spawn on this map, including the 6 that start on the map. Again, if I move Hector away from one of the chokepoints, whoever fills his spot dies. Therefore he can't rush the boss. Not that he would make it, he gets raped by the shaman. And yes, it is a Guiding Ring, which I would like very much, but Matthew has no chance of making it to Zoldam alive without Florina, and then Florina has no chance of making it there either. I'll give it another shot in a while and see how it goes.
  11. The funds ranking as a whole is the net worth of all your items and gold put together. Items are worth double their selling value as previously states. This means that you should watch who you should promote, noticeably Dart and the thieves. Also, Heaven Seals are worth twice as much as other promotion items. And make sure you get the silver card in chapter 19x. When you get that, you will be set for funds for the rest of the game, providing you don't promote too many units.
  12. Horace: Linde, Elice, Ymir, Matthis, Caesar, Vyland, Bord, Wolf Why do you think that I will win Eclipse? My best offence until Wolf gains a few levels will be lolBord, and lolMarth, and Jeigan. Anyway, since it seems like the cool thing to do, I'll do unit analysis here. Wolf: Well he will royally suck for the first few levels, but still manage to have good offence as far as my team goes. Bord: Dude, you are a beast. Don't let me down, or i'm screwed. Vyland: Well, you worked on normal mode before, but you blew chunks in my H3 run. I'm expecting you to blow chunks here too. Sorry bro. Caeser: I've always been disappointed in you in drafts. Matthis: lolMatthis. I hope you get a lot of strength and defence. YMIR: YES I HAVE AN OFFENSIVLY CAPABLE UNIT Elice: Well, fortify! Linde: You suck. Merric and Wendall are exceptionally better. And you cost me 4-5 Turns.
  13. Sounds cool, I'll go with Kyle. And that is 9 o'clock in what time zone?
  14. Closest I've been able to get on chapter 18 is 9/11 turns, then the Pegs rape me. Eliwood and Hector are the only units that can survive two rounds of combat against the Mercs, and Lucius is 0RKO'd by steel lance pegs if they proc strength. Bartre can't hit anything other that the Pegs, and thankfully, he doubles the weighed down ones. And Matthew is absolutely useless in combat unless he's using a lancereaver against a Peg. Any suggestions anyone can think of?
  15. Thanks for Anouleth for pointing out the misspelling of Nabarl. Rebuttal: Thieves, Mages and healers are indeed overrated. Barst however isn't. While Nabarl does nothing, while Barst does something beneficial. Well, no one is completely useless. But Nabarl is doing about as much as Castor at this point. . First off, Archers have 5 speed, and 5-6 strength here. That translates to 2-3. If the archers have 3 AS, Nabarl isn't doubling as a cav. But granted, he's probably still a myrmidon. And Pirate Barst can easily reach the throne by turn 4 and wreck everything in his path. He can do just as much as an OP cav here. That Silver Lance dude generally needs to hang around to kill some Wolfguard members, so Jeigan won't be reaching the boss. As previously stated, an OP Cav doesn't need help with the boss. Oh, and Barst can reach the boss easily too. And one round him. On Turn 6 Yeah, I agree. Although Jeigen doesn't need Hammer usage when all the enemies fall to Silver lances anyhow. Actually, he can reach it by turn 5. And he does a helluva lot better job than anyone else at killing the boss. Again, Barst easily reaches the boss on turn 5. Both do well here, but Barst's combat is better so, edge Barst. And he can do some damage to the boss too, although the OP cav is probably doing that job. C Barst can again reach the throne on Turn 8. Again, Nabarl 0HKO's with expensive silver swords, while Barts 0HKO's with a cheap 1-2 range weapon. It costs 100G per swing of a silver sword, and Nabarl needs 2 swings to 0HKO, so thats 200G. Barts still needs 2 swings for most stuff, but his costs a grand total of 36G total. What level should Nabarl be here? Lemme See. At the end of: Chapter 3 - Maybe 4. Chapter 4 - Ok, 4 now. Chapter 5 - Still 4. Tons of better units here. Chapter 6 - 5. Can kill archers. Others kill the boss better. Chapter 6x - Sure, level 6. Chapter 7 - 7 sounds reasonable, lots of enemies. Chapter 8 - 8. Chapter 9 - 9 Chapter 10 - What's he killing here? Still 9 I calculate Chapters 3/4, and 9 come as a myrmidon, and the rest as a cav. His stats look like this. UNIT Class HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP Nabarl Myrm 24 7.0 11.6 13.4 10.4 7.0 0.0 B Swords Nabarl Cavalier 26 9.0 4.6 8.4 10.4 10.0 0.0 B Swords E Lance Nabarl Cavalier 26 9.0 4.6 10.4 10.4 10.0 0.0 B Swords E Lance With the speedwing, those offensive stats look like something you would see from Cain/Abel/Frey in Chapter 1. Oh, and with the speedwing, he's only beating Barst's base speed by 1. And still hasn't hit his base Strength. 10 Speed is not enough to double the Cav's in the next chapter, as from chapter 11 on, cavs have from 8-10 AS. Cool, we just burnt a speedwing. So we have 3 axe users who all are using it turns 1-3~~ Or Navarre for the whole map. And 2 Cavaliers. You said something about navarre still haveing speed issues. If so why would we give it to Roshea and Matthis who have them even more. Navarre doubles more with it than cavaliers and uses it more per chapter than Fighter. Competion? More like prefering worse option Well seeing how the longest chapter takes 9 turns, and Marth doesn't have the boots yet, and our units all start closer than Marth, 6 mov characters can use then for quite a while. So still not exclusive. And a level 7 Roshea has roughly equal combat with Nabarl after using the speedwing. OP Cav/Jeigan can do the job just as well, or better. Yeah, because Nabarl has Javelin useage and Can double Cavaliers/Boss/Do Shit all to Heimler. They both do next to nothing here. Barst can even stay back and pick up some sweet EXP from the Horsemen and Cavalier Reinforcement. Oh, but he was very useful. Hammer Jeigan is cool though. Too bad Barst can still rip through everything he encounters. Jeigan can do other stuff, while Barst kills Knights too. He's a great utility character. Woop, Nabarl does 12 damage with the Levin sword. Only one Ballistae is needed to be cleared for Marth, and the OP Cav does that. Meatshields draw away ballistae fire from other drafted units. Since Barst is getting those smexy bosskills, he'll be at least level 18 here. Well, Barst can too. With 3 turns to spare. Badly. On Turn 5. You only need Jeigan here, although your OP unit can do it too. Both just get minimal exp here. Damn right. Both can kill the boss, but Nabaral takes two turns. Barst one rounds with Silver. But really, this chapter is so short, it doesn't matter. This speedwing can go to Nabarl, sure. Think of a +4 speed Hero Bord using Silver Axes. 35 bucks? Thanks dawg. Continuing on my list of Nabarl's Levels. Chapter 11: Sure, Level 10. Chapter 12: What's he doing here? Chapter 12x: Obligitory Gaiden Level. 11 Chapter 13: Still 11. One kill at the most. Chapter 14: Still not doing a ton. But 12 seems reasonable. Chapter 15: Not needed. Chapter 16: Lots of enemies, 13. Chapter 17: Meh, 14. Chapter 17x: I'll give him 2 levels here. Level 16 Eclipse has Nabarl at level 15 at the end of 17x on one of her runs. So those stats look more like... UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP Barst Hero 18/3 39.6 17.8 21.8 19.1 11.8 12.3 3.0 B Axe D Sword Nabarl Paladin 16/1 35.8 13.4 10.7 13.2 13.2 12.2 6.0 B Sword D Lance Nabarl Swordmaster 16/1 33.8 11.4 17.7 19.2 13.2 9.2 3.0 A Sword Well... Woop, Barst wins again. Nabarl is rougly equal to base Horace in offence right now. Barst wins by 4 HP, 4 Str, 11 Skl, 6 Spd, -2 Lck, and -3 Res. That's like, +20 in total stats. I agree that skill is pretty useless in this game, unless you are facing a boss on a throne. 13 Speed and 13 Strength isn't what I would call plenty of offence. I also gave the same boosts and class routes you did. Yeah, any flier can get Mercurius. Barst can rip shit up on the bridge before Marth passes him by one space. By that time, all the enemy units are dead. And 1 mov behind Marth still means he can still contribute. And his contributions are better than Nabral. Barst doubles the Heros here. He is one of the best at clearing a path for Marth. Nabarl needs a crit. Jeigen makes a good Starsphere fetcher. Yeah, he can kill one of the two generals that threaten 2/3rds of Marth's HP. What exactly does Dracoknight Nabarl plan on doing with his D in lances, anyhow? Be arrowspate bait? Here is a list of units that can secret shop: Jeigen, Abel, Cain, Frey, Norne, Shiida, Wrys, Lena, Nabarl, Merric, Matthis, Hardin, Roshe, Biraku, Wendall, Athena, Raddy, Jeorge, Maria, Minerva, Linde, Midia, Tomas, Palla, Catria, Arran, Xane, Est. It's not like its exclusive to Nabral. And Barst's 8 movement is enough to hit the boss with a hand axe on turn 2, so he has more than enough movement to pick up anything threatening Marth that the Gradivus user missed. I'll also add in that Chapter 22 has a few Ridersbanes floating around, and Marth starts well away from the throne. So 8 Movement here is plenty. Chapter 23 isn't exactly great for either of them, as you only need to deploy swarm fodder, a Gradivus user, and Marth. Barst makes a great swarm target as a Berserker. Chapter 24 Barst can lead Marth over the mountains as a Berserker, while Nabarl isn't going anywhere on his horse. Or is doing little damage with his Javelin/Steel Lance. Endgame - Uh, they both survive? Woop. You overrate him. He's a good 3rd round pick. As are units like Cord and Wendall. Yeah. That's a plus. However, he will have problems killing stuff in Marth's way. I've already proved that Barst can reach the throne and finish the boss before Marth seizes. This means he isn't falling behind. BAHAHAHAHA. No. And you only need Knight killing for earlygame, where weapon ranks are low. .So can like, 20 units. Your point? Yeah here: I've said this twice now, and you blissfully ignore it. That's a huge issue Nabarl has. He doesn't have that till chapter 18. And it still isn't good. I don't think you've touched on this either.
  16. Ughh, I wanted to start now... I think I might do it myself, as I doubt 13 will be on anytime soon....
  17. Are you referring to the funds ranking chapter by chapter, or the ranking itself? The ranking itself works like this: Say you have a Red Gem, which can be sold for 2500G. Since stuff can only be sold for half it's listed value, the Red Gem is worth 5000G. Or when you buy something with the Silver Card, you are essentially gaining half an items worth for your funds ranking. Hope that made sense.
  18. Does this mean we can start now?
  19. Dammit. I am going to have to pick Cain or Abel.
  20. Just a heads up, your funds rank also took a hit because you didn't get a gem from Lyn's mode, which could have netted you a 20 000 G buffer, at the cost of having an unpremoted Sain. Although I am very jealous that you have a Sain that was not doubled by the 11 AS Merc and the Myrmidon.
  21. That's three units... So I am assuming that Navarre is still avaliable, so I'll pick him.
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