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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. Harken is an awesome Boss Killer, due to being able to use both the Brave Axe and Brave Sword, and his WTFhax high strength in HHM. He's also slightly more solid defensively than Raven.
  2. I don't want to end up using Wil for the whole game though! I've done this type of run for a bit of this game before, and the cavs only came out of LHM at level 6 and 7 respectively, and only Lyn, Rath, and Wallace were a higher level. I think I'll still do LHM. Plus, I want those stat boosters.
  3. Movement in Kent's case, and I guess a Sain support, and he will be a decent level coming out of Lyn Mode. Heath, because having a promoted flier before Vaida is awesome. And Heath can survive while carrying people around, whereas Florina and Fiora cannot, as well anyway. And Oswin really falls behind before he gets the boots, which are not even a guarentee for him in the first place, as someone like Ninian or Hector can make equal or better use of them. But really, it is your run. And what is the reasoning behind Rebecca? And I'm sure you know this, but Hawkeye, Pent, Harken, and Vaida are all great filler units.
  4. Yes, I was probably going to do this anyhow. Yeah, least I would get to use him for 5 turns or so this way. I think i'll wait until level 20... Although I will run into the issue of endgame of being an Athos and Hector solo, with a bunch of unpromoted scrubs. Although it should still be doable for sure. I do plan on doing LHM too, with no Lundgren abuse. I will also do my run somewhat efficiently, and try to stick to the ranks as best I can. I'm definately not promising an S-Rank. Actually, I feel like starting this soon, so I will probably begin this tonight.
  5. On ranked runs, both thieves will reach level 20. Oh, I would not plan on promoting Oswin either, instead promoting Kent or Heath.
  6. Yeah, I would obviously not just send units like Wil and Bartre into mounds of enemies just so I wouldn't have to use them. I think i'll start this... on the weekend.
  7. Well some like Jeigan, Wendall, Minerva, Horace, Etzel and Ymir are all decent, but you can't get the last 3 on this type of run.
  8. Yeah, since the Prepremotes in SD were pretty lackluster, I would treat prepromotes as higher level. Should be doable on HHM as well, I reckon.
  9. This run consists of using only forced units, units recruited in the chapter, and the lowest levelled units that you have, done on HHM. Every character must live, (except maybe Wallace, if I am unable to recruit him) and I will attempt to stick to ranks as well as possible, but do not expect anything extraordinary. [spoiler=Turncounts]Chapter 11: 7 Turns Chapter 12: 5 Turns Chapter 13: 10 Turns Chapter 13x: 8 Turns Chapter 14: ~ 7 Turns (Can't quite rememeber) Chapter 15: 8 Turns Chapter 16 11 Turns Chapter 17 13 Turns Chapter 17x 5 Turns Chapter 18 12 Turns Chapter 19 12 Turns Chapter 19x 11 Turns [spoiler=Rankings (as of Ch. 19x]Tactics: 4* Survival: 5* Experience: 5* Funds: 4* Combat: 4*
  10. Counter! General_Horace: Frey, Barst, Cord, Wendell, Vyland, Catria, Ceasar, Horace, Gordin, Etzel General_Horace: Caeda, Barst, Wendall, Draug, Palla, Gordin, Horace, Beck, Boah, Arran The_Steel_Lance: Frey, Cain, Barst, Cord, Draug, Castor, Roger, Horace, Matthis, Dolph Krad: Barst, Cain, Wolf, Sedgar, Roger, Midia, Elice, Vyland, Bantu I see Barst with 1 Altean Cav, Shiida, TWO Altean Cavs, and One Altean Cav. And you are already admitting Barst should be a higher pick than Narbal. Thanks bro. Too bad Narbal fails to kill until he hits silver, which is around Chapter 13. And You could potentially have Ogma, Cain, or SM! Jeigan using that Killing edge. All have much higher strength, except for Jeigan. Oh noes 1 move. What if the enemy is an archer, or a Javelin wielder, or a Hand Axe Wielder? Barst kills them, Narbal does not. They block Marth's path. Narbal has to stay and kill them. Barst marches on. As I've already mentioned, stick Barst closer to his destination. The cav of your choice doesn't need it. Oh shi- now we have this 14 Atk ball of destruction running around! That does like, 12 damage to lance wielding 7 def cavs! Or Myrm Narbal would be beaten to within the inch of his life by cavaliers on par with Matthis. Oh look, they are all still alive and well too! Or Narbal's killing edge is half gone. Marth/Altean cav/Barst/Ogma/Cord/Jeigan does a much better job at this. But you said that Narbal is going Myrmidon! Good competion includes Bord, Darros, Roshea, Matthis and even Barst. And the speedwings don't come until chapter 10. Looks like Narbal is either setting up other kills because he can't finish them as a Myrmidon, or he is failing to double as a Cav without a 1-2 range option for a while, whilst Barst is a wrecking ball. Oh look it's cav Narbal again! I thought he didn't exist! Barst can blast the first knight of the bridge for the Altean Cav to destroy everything else. Or if no Altean Cav exists, Barst can do everything himself? Can Narbal? And Narbal is essentially a scrub in this chapter as well if he is doing the same job as say... Gordin. Let's close our eyes and hope we hear the critical hit sound! Or we could just have Barst kill it outright. And the killing edge isn't a Narbal Prf weapon as I established earlier. Ok sure. I'll give you that one. Note that Ogma can do Navarre's job too. Better. Ogma can do this job too. Oh, and Narbal's skill sucks so badly as a cav that he faces a reasonable chace at whiffing it. Narbal Lvl 6 has 8 Strength 3 Skill, 7 Speed as a Cav. He has 80 + 3 + 4 hit - 10 WTD - 20 for the throne. That is ... 55 displayed hit. I don't like those odds. And damage wise. 8 + (7*3) + 1 = 30 Damage. Emerus's Defence = 14. Attack 30-14-1 = 15 Damage at 55 displayed hit. Narbal fails to double. Sure, it does some good damage, but you can't call that anywhere near reliable. The Altean Cav can Attack on the Player Phase, take an enemy phase, and if Emerus is still alive for whatever reason, finish on the next Player phase, allowing Marth to Seize. Narbal isn't even needed. Or you could just have Barst do it by himself and have Jeigan help clear the way for Marth, or heaven forbid, heal. Speedwing is also not Narbal exclusive. 13 Speed still fails to double roughly half of the cavaliers, if they hit 10 AS, which is not out of the question. Even with a speedwing, Narbal fails to double Horsemen, most Paladins, and Heroes. And without an armourslayer, he's not touching Generals. Plus his Strength is still pretty pedestrian. Matthis? Good? Dear lord, he can hit things once for an average amount of damage. Or Barst can just kill them outright while Jeigan does other stuff. PEMN, but I've used Roshea as a successful Gradivus user on a H3 draft. It's that OP. And as evidenced by the post near the top, Getting Barst and Shiida/Altean Cav/Hardin is easily doable. I'm glad you can spell. Even with a 3 speedwings, Narbal still falls short of Barst's speed. That's just sad. Barst isn't exactly a speed demon. No, as evidenced above. Do more research and try again. You still haven't countered the fact that Narbal has no 1-2 range either, and when he does, it still isn't killing stuff. Daydream? I think it is a rather obvious fact. Oh, and the fact that Barst has gone higher than Narbal in every draft but one is not some coincidence either. Your counterarguement just makes Narbal seem like some filler character that contributes every once in a while. So my arguement still stands, Barst kills everything in his way, for the entire game, while Narbal needs multiple stat boosters to accomplish this. So .... Barst >>> Narbal
  11. Looks like I open. I will be defending Barst, whilst Sho will be defending Navarre/Narbal. Or whatever you want to call him. Barst comes in the second chapter, and will have the best offence on the team barring the possibility that an overlevelled OP Altean Cav Exists. Lets take a look at his bases: Level 3 Fighter HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Lvl 24 10 6 9 5 6 0 D Axes You're probably crapping your pants right now looking at those bases. Weapon Atk Hit(+) Hit(O) Hit(-) AS Range Iron Axe 17 100 90 80 9 1 Hand Axe 18 80 70 60 9 1-2 Steel Axe 20 90 80 70 9 1 That is some crazy attack. He boasts the most powerful 1-2 range attack on the team by far. He even beats out a Level 10 Abel with a C in Lances. And this is 7 levels lower. But he can't hit! Yes, he can. How many sword users are there in the first 12 Chapters that are not thieves? I count less than 10. This game is extremely lance heavy. So this improves his hitrates well. So Narbal (I'm referring him to Narbal as I have the European copy of the game) Comes along in chapter 3, way the hell out of the way. His bases look like this: HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Lvl 19 5 9 11 8 6 0 C Swords Astounding. He is getting slaughtered by Barst right now. Barst has +5 HP, +5 Str, -3 Skl -2 Spd +3 Lck and equal defence and resistance. However, Narbal is unlikely to stay as a Myrmidon. We'll want more movement, won't we? So at the beginning of chapters, our two units are looking like this: Unit Class Level HP ST SK SP LK DF RS WEP Barst Fighter 6 26.4 11.2 7.2 9.9 6.2 6.45 00 D Axe Narbal Cavalier 4 21.9 7.3 2.4 6.5 8.4 9.1 00 C Sword E Lance I was generous and gave Narbal a level as a myrmidon for killing all the fighters he hangs around in chapter 3. In chapter 4, you may think that Narbal is better due to more move. However, Marth is quite a few spots back of the furthest west deployment slot, so even if Barst doesn't get the bosskill, he can assist in taking out the cavs, or take out the fighters and hunter to the north for exp. Navarre fails to double anything on the map, except for the Knight, whom he can barely scratch anyway. Navarre 3RKO's with a Steel Sword, and doesn't double. Barst will double the Armourslayer dude for the 0RKO, and If he procs speed will also one round Matthis. He 2RKO's everything on the map, except the boss, whom he isn't making it to anyway. But Narbal can! The boss packs a ridersbane, and Narbal has no 2 range weapon, and has shaky hitrates because of weapon disadvantage and his godawful skill. Narbal will get better though right? Here are their growths: Unit HP ST SK SP LC DF RS Barst 80 40 40 30 40 15 00 Narbal 80 35 45 35 40 20 00 Barst's growths are not really considered to be excellent, but merely passable. And Narbal's are more or less the same. So Narbal's stats are never going to be getting very much better. Chapter 5 is loaded with Knights, and it is possible to get Barts to the throne on turn 5, and it is feasible to have C axes at this point. It only takes 11 battles to get there. That's 3.67 battles per chapter, not including the first parts of chapter 5. Perfectly obtainable. Barst is your best bet for a Knight killer due to Hammer useage, if he wasn't already due to awesome strength and 1-2 range with WTA. Narbal barely scratches them, and is still failing to double anything other than Knights. Chapter 6 requires a unit that can bust through all the knights and the mage at the start. Barst is still one rounding easily. Navarre still needs crits to do any damage, because of his poor speed. But lo! There is a Killing Edge in this chapter! Well, good luck getting that. I don't think anyone has managed. The OP cav is required for the bosskill, and Jeigan also helps with his lance. Look! Navarre can reach the boss before Marth can and Barst can't! I doubt if Navarre can do anything to the boss without being killed in 2 rounds of combat. You get the point of earlygame I think. Barst can get to the Chapter 7 boss before Marth seizes, so he can get the bosskill there. Lets fastforward to Chapter... I'll say 14, because 13 is stupid. Although Barst smashes those ballistaes. Lets take a look at our units now... UNIT Class Level HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP Barst Hero 18/1 38 17 21.2 18.5 11.0 12.2 3.0 B Axe D Sword Narbal Paladin 15/1 34.7 13.2 10.4 11.4 12.8 12.3 6.0 B Sword C Lance [b]Matthis[/b] Paladin 15/1 35.7 11.8 8.9 9.6 3.9 11.9 6.0 B Lance E Sword Barst @ Iron Axe has 24 attack, and 18 AS. Narbal @ Silver Sword has 26 attack, and 11 AS. Matthis @ Silver Lance has 25 attack, and 9 AS Uh, Barst is hitting with 2 less attack with the cheapest weapon in the game, with 7 more AS, than Navarre is with a Silver Sword. Also, Navarre is failing to double some promoted stuff, and even some unpromoted cavaliers. Barst doubles everything. Also, when you are only outdamaging MATTHIS by 1, you're doing it wrong. Woop. Barst @ Hand Axe has 25 Attack, and 18 AS. Narbal @ Javelin 21 Attack, and 11 AS Matthis @ Javelin 19 Attack, and 9 AS Barst is again doubling everything, except this time, with 4 more attack. So, Well... Narbal is winning in Luck! Narbal has 2 move on Barst, but more often that not, there are multiple spaces that are multiple spaces closer to the throne than Marth is, and Marth will only have one more move. I also threw in Matthis, who is the worst cavalier by consensus. Narbal isn't excactly demolishing him, is he? And Matthis can use silver lances, and could use Ridersbanes and Javelins earlier. Barst is still destroying the General bosses here with his Hammer, and is one rounding literally everything on the map. Narbal even fails to take out the boss here with an armourslayer in one round, and is 2RKO'd in return. But Navarre can fly! That takes away the only good thing about him, his Sword rank. When lategame comes around, the Gradivus user is the only unit that really matters, and Narbal is not doing that. Barst is more useful at taking care of the refuse that Impedes Marth's progress anyhow, due to superior offence. 8 Movement is more than enough to stay ahead of Marth for the first few turns. Endgame stats, just for fun. UNIT Class Level HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP Barst Hero 18/10 42.2 18.4 23.7 21.2 13.8 13.6 3.0 A Axe D Sword Narbal Pally 15/07 39.5 15.2 13.1 13.4 15.2 13.5 6.0 A Sword C Lance I'm not going to post combat numbers here, as Barst still destroys Narbal. Those stats pretty much sum up this debate. Even though neither of them is doing much in the final chapter, look at the stats. Barst wins in everything except Luck and Resistance, the most useless stats in this game. Narbal may have exclusive use to Mercurius if Ogma doesn't exist, but he's not doubling anything with that speed. Barst wins earlygame by a landslide, Midgame by a landslide, and they both do nothing in lategame, so he wins that too. So basically, Barst beats Narbal earlygame due to 1-2 range and substantially better offence, Barts beats Narbal Mid-game to to far superior offence and boss killing, and Barst beats Narbal Late-game because they are both next to useless, and Barst's stats are much better. So, Barts >>> Narbal.
  12. Well, I didn't see that. That helps a ton. Uh, Tomas.
  13. That is why I picked him. That, and I think Navarre is terribly overrated.
  14. Done my run! According to the games turncounter, here are my turns Chapter 1 6 Chapter 2 5 Chapter 3 5 Chapter 4 7 Chapter 5 4 Chapter 6 7 Chapter 6x 8 Chapter 7 10 Chapter 8 5 Chapter 9 9 Chapter 10 12 Chapter 11 13+1 Chapter 12 7 Chapter 12x 4 Chapter 13 5 Chapter 14 8 Chapter 15 5 Chapter 16 10 Chapter 17 3 Chapter 17x 7 Chapter 18 9 Chapter 19 6 Chapter 20 5 Chapter 20x 8 Chapter 21 3 Chapter 22 7 Chapter 23 7 Chapter 24 4 Chapter 24x Doesn't count, 13 Endgame 4 Total 207 Turns Character analysis in a jiffy. UNIT B W Level Class HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS WEP Marth 110 55 17.10 Lord 39 15 0 9 17 21 10 1 B Sword Above average all around, was pretty good for a while. Still could kill stuff occasionally with a silver sword. Gave him a Seraph Robe to help his meh durability. UNIT B W Level Class HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS WEP Jeigan 114 53 12.27 Draco 22 11 0 14 14 4 15 3 A Lance D Axe Blessed all around except for HP and luck, he was a good combat unit until about chapter 23. Secret shopper as well. UNIT B W Level Class HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS WEP Abel 209 162 20.00 Pally 59 25* 1 28*25*14 23 8 A Lance B Sword Raped everything. Tried to make him use Mercurius, but that didn't work out. Oh well. UNIT B W Level Class HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS WEP Bord 85 53 6.17 Hero 39 18 1 23 19 8 12 3 A Axe D Sword Pretty average all around stat wise, but did well early game before his speed began to bite him in the ass. Ate two speedwings. Didn't hit A in axes till 24x. UNIT B W Level Class HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS WEP Cord 111 35 3.21 Zerker 38 16 0 11 20 13 11 0 B Axe Strength screwed, and useless for the most part. Hand axe chip was nice though. UNIT B W Level Class HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS WEP Hardin 118 83 14.57 Draco 51 26* 1 24 23*11 22 8 A Lance E Axe Raped everything that Abel missed. It is awesome having two competent cavs. UNIT B W Level Class HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS WEP Roger 45 15 1.12 Hero 30 11 1 12 18 7 9 3 D Axe D Sword Promoted at level 10. His stats are inferior to... Samson... UNIT B W Level Class HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS WEP Jeorge 43 15 7.11 Sniper 27 10 1 14 16 6 8 3 A Bow Killed an assload of stuff in his joining chapter, then disappeared till endgame, where he critted the hell out of things with Parthia. Pretty useless. UNIT B W Level Class HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS WEP Jake 69 19 17.99 Shooter24 9 8 11 7 11 20 0 - Meh, didn't do as much as I expected. He had the habit of missing fortify curates. Then critting them. UNIT B W Level Class HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS WEP Samson 19 9 12.23 Hero 25 12 0 15 17 8 9 3 B Axe D Sword He didn't die, and actually killed stuff. Enough for me. UNIT B W Level Class HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS WEP Athena 82 44 9.31 Draco 38 18 1 20 21 9 17 3 B Lance E Axe Pretty decent. Had the most perfect levels ups, and the most +0 level ups. Her and Jeigan tag teamed till she could kill stuff on her own. UNIT B W Level Class HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS WEP Horace 56 26 12.12 Hero 33 17 1 27 26* 8 10 3 C Axe D Sword Got some nice level ups as a Berserker, and then I gave him all my secret books due to favouritism. Maxed speed naturally. UNIT B W Level Class HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS WEP Nagi 3 2 16.23 Dragon Base +1 in everything Uh, nice work there. So basically, Abel >>> Hardin >>> Jeigan = Bord > Athena > Marth > Horace > Cord > Jake > Samson > Jeorge > Roger > Nagi.
  16. Hold on, what? We aren't picking an entire team for a single person? The only reason I picked Xane was so that whoever got my team would have to recruit him and Arran on the same map. And after Xander picks, it is my pick right?
  17. Give it to Merric, he is doubling almost everything Wendall is anyhow, and will surpass him pretty quickly.
  18. I didn't create this topic, but I assume that you can join this one as well.
  19. I've completed up to Chapter 22, I'll post stats here, videos to come, eventually. Unit Class Exp HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS WEP Marth Lord 15.09 37 13 0 8 15 19 10 1 B Swords Abel Pally 15.07* 48 23 0 25 25* 12 16 6 A Lance B Sword Jeigan Draco 11.62 22 11 1 14 13 4 14 3 A Lance D Axe Bord Pirate 17.21 32 16 0 11 11 6 9 0 B Axe Cord Fighter 16.29 32 12 0 8 18 11 7 0 C Axe Hardin Draco 4.99 33 16 1 20 22 9 14 4 A Lance E Axe Roger Fighter 11.85 28 10 0 3 13 7 5 0 D Axe Athena Peg. 19.11 30 12 2 14 15 9 11 6 D Lance Jeorge Draco 4.36 20 9 1 8 12 5 11 3 D Lance E Axe Horace Berserker 9.08 34 16 0 13 14 8 8 0 C Axe Jake Shooter 12.22 22 9 0 6 4 8 17 0 - Samson Hero 11.27 24 11 0 14 16 8 9 3 B Axe D Sword Be jealous of Jeigan.
  20. 1. oval 2. lancelot 3. General_Horace 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
  21. Xane Sorry for the delay, unexpeceted stomach flu.
  22. Derp, I read the wrong list. I've edited my post.
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