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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. Because Gilliam is so useful http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXonhnsil9Q&feature=youtube_gdata Prolouge was exactly the same.
  2. ASS I have to restart, because I just read no meatshielding, and unarmed Seth kept getting attacked, even though it played no purpose in the chapter.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYXZJ0YVv5U This strategy is fairly well known for the prolouge, feel free to copy it.
  4. I plan on recording this run as well. I'll probably alternate days between this and the FE7 draft. I'll get a start on this tonight. Good luck everyone.
  5. I'm kind of randomly guessing at who to pick now. I don't know what I'm doing. No HM Bonuses in this game right?
  6. Yeah, I don't have confidence in Matt's dodging abilities. I don't like restarting chapters repeatedly anyway. Thanks.
  7. Are we counting defend chapters as the literal turncount, or what the game registers them as (turncount +1)
  8. It's possible to do this with an undrafted Matt. Hector takes two to break down the door, and Matt has to dodge either the archer or soldier. He unlocks the door for Hector, who runs to Wire and kills him. I've done it in normal mode, Matt would probably die in HM.
  9. Chapter 13 7/20 Turns http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXhoyvUc-as
  10. In related news, Chapter 12 is done, completed in 6 Turns. (6/13) Crap, sorry about the double post, I thought Soul had posted. Derp, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-U8v5aOZlWA&feature=youtube_gdata
  11. The music of unreleased games is always underappreciated. Btw, your up in the SS draft Soul.
  12. So.... I have decided to record this run, for the hell of it. I'll edit them into the posts while I go. Chapter 11 7/7 Turns http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjZTk0TN1DY&feature=youtube_gdata
  13. Actually, I like Soul's team better pesonally. **Grumbles**
  14. Yeah, two fliers, Oswin, Kent, and Harken. I am :) But I have to recruit Canas.
  15. Awesome, Wil and Rebecca! I'll start this tonight, probably if I have time/don't raegquit.
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