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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. I am loving the potential of having two Berserker Etzel's running around.
  2. Your turncounts look good so far, refer to this for a similar thing from an above poster. Maybe emulate the way he lays out his chapter details, one by one, with exp, character stats, and turncounts per chapter. Just to make it a bit more informative. I'll be following this, provided you finish.
  3. Ok, so I'm copying the others. Whatever. Difficulty is H2. I would do H3, but ... well, my units don't exactly kick ass. Note: Marth is not a mandatory unit. 1. Xane 2. Athena (Peg. Knight --> Pally) 3. Jeigan (Swordmaster) 4. Etzel (Berzerker!) 5. Gordin (Cavalier --> Draco) 6. Elice (Myrm --> Swordmaster) 7. Shiida (Alternating Clasees) 8. Hardin (Archer --> Draco) 9. Maria (Archer --> Sniper) 10. Wolf (Sorcerer) 11. Linde (Myrm --> Swordmaster) 12. Draug (Fighter --> General) 13. Matthis (Archer --> Sniper) 14. Rickard (Thief) 15. Ogma (Fighter --> Hero) Ok, team is complete. Should I allow forges, as I don't think I'll be able to kill Medeus with this team. Just a weapon to kill Medeus with.
  4. For future reference, just post these things on Serenes right away, the gamefaqs board is pretty much dead, and full of trolls/people who don't know what they are talking about. And this looks fun, I may do this sometime. And I agree, kick Norne out and do a H2/3 run. **Waits for defence blessed Cav!Wrys**
  5. How are you out of Hammerne? You haven't even obtained it yet!
  6. Star Fox. Everything is better in space. And I agree with FF6.
  7. It depends on what you need more. Personally I would promote Merric, so I wouldn't have to lug Lena around to every battle, she'll be getting hit pretty hard if you make a mistake, possible 0HKO's, while Merric actually has the durability to take a hit, which is excellent for a mage in H5. I would wait for your next Master Seal for Abel, which is unfourtunatly not until chaper 16, IIRC. If you aren't using Hammerne, feel free to drop Lena, as Etzel can replace her as an auxilery staff user when recruited, not to mention attack stuff occasionally. As for the other unit to drop, I would drop Caeser or Roger. Caeser probably has a better weapon rank, and will be a lot more durable than Roger, but Roger has a huge strength and luck growth, with nothing else. I would remove Roger, but it's up to you.
  8. Horace's poor durability hurts him too much to be used in H5 as anything other than a General, or mayyybe a Hero. And he's still only temporary, as his growths suck.
  9. English and Swedish are my main languages. Know a small amount of French.
  10. I believe Minerva will only attack you if you enter her range, and have not recruited Maria. The physic staff is huge, so make sure you grab it. If you can't catch the levin sword thief, it's not big deal. You only need Marth to recruit the whitewings.
  11. Fiora. You don't really need the 7 extra luck, and Fiora's durability is better.
  12. If you recruit him, Jeorge can actually help out quite a bit if you hang around for the reinforcements. He can double some pirates with his silver bow (or an Iron one) but not his steel bow. Two healers will help if you plan on taking on the reinforcements.
  13. 1. Note that I never have to bench more than two characters at a time for the rest of Lyn Mode (technically we bench three in Ch. 8, but Matthew sits out anyway, so this would only be a concern if you guys want to bench Matt). Note that since we're getting 19xx, I cannot bench Nils. Which two characters get benched for the rest of Lyn Mode? Dorcas and Wil 2. Who gets the Angelic Robe and Energy Ring? Robe = Lyn Ring = Kent 3. I will attempt to get at least an A Support for every character because we're not playing for ranks or turn counts, meaning I can spend as much time dicking around as I want. What supports do you want to see once we get to the main story? Dart x Farina Kent x Fiora Lyn x Rath Lucius x Serra Harken x Vaida
  14. If it's only Midia you care about, just shove her into one of the rear positions of the cell, and let her sit there, she won't be hurt. The others are relatively useless on H5, due to their low base level. You have a chance to attempt to use Dolph if you go to 12x, however.
  15. Q1: Name me five enemies you wish could be recruited (any FE game). Selena (FE8), Eagler (FE7), Linus Reed (FE7), Lloyd Reed (FE7), Camus/Sirius (FE1/11) Q2: Which is your favorite Cavalier duo? Cain and Abel, Alec and Noish, Kent and Sain, Lance and Alan, Kyle and Forde, or Oscar and Kieran. Kent & Sain by far. Q3: Name any characters who canonically die that you can remember off the top of your head. Hector, Murdock, Zephiel, Leila, Hardin, Canas, Karla, Elbert, Uther, Glen. Q4: Which FE boss is the most unmemorable? Uhh ... Dejanira Q5: Where do you think FE characters go when they die? Be creative. The history books. Q6: Think of a character that you typically use as cannon-fodder. State that character's name. Est
  16. Terrible at FPS. Just thought I would throw that out there. I am unreal at Wave Race 64, Star Fox 64, Star Fox Assualt, and Banjo-Kazooie, and great at Zelda games in general, Fire Emblem, as well as NHL games. I'm also pretty decent and Mario Party, Mario Kart, and Smash Bros.
  17. Don't use Dark Mage Ceaser in H5. Trust me. Draug doesn't make a very good mercenery because he doesn't have the strength growth to back it up. He's better off as a fighter. Roger is a suitable replacement. Radd is extremely hard to train in H5, and isn't really a whole lot better than Navarre, due to the massive level difference.
  18. Epic Fail: Fighting the chapter 3 boss on H5, Ogma procs a Killing Edge crit, then Barts starts his critical animation... with the devil axe and kills himself.
  19. N64 + Ocarina of Time + Mario Kart 64 + 3 controllers = $15.
  20. You can warp Shiida and Wing Spear blick the Silver Lance cav, and my 7 def 18 HP Shiida could take a hit from the other cavalier, who does not have a silver lance, but a steel. Just finish off the thief with a javelin. Beware once he gets that Killing edge though.
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