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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. Fixed the math error, it wasn't chapter 7, it was chapter 3 x.x
  2. Yeah, I just have him as a distraction so my other units can get away. He takes hardly any damage from anything.
  3. Chapter 19 Turns 5/118 Shiida reclassed to Paladin, and Jagen picked up the XL Buillion and Bolganone, as I don't need any more Master Seals. Shiida was MVP this chapter, killed Tiki with Dragonpike. Gaggles got to Lvl 20. Has 17 Defence O.o
  4. Was anybody else disgusted that the Warp Staff sells for 0g? Chapter 13 5/82 Turns Draug took out the bottom Ballistae for the Hoistflamme, while Boah, Gordin, Marth, Jagen, and Barst headed up the middle. Midia recruited Astram, who promptly died. Horace, Shiida, and Wendall took the top road. Reclassed Horace to Hero and Shiida to Mage. Recruited Beck. Previously used Speedwings on Gordin, and Goddess Icon and Spirit Dust on Wendall Unit Lvl Exp Class HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Marth 14 51 Lord 31 13 0 6 13 16 10 0 B Swords Jagen 7 90 Paladin 25 7 1 14 9 4 11 6 A Lance C Swords Gaggles 15 34 Cavalier 29 8 0 8 12 12 14 0 D Lance E Sword C Bow Draug 14 69 Pirate 29 12 0 7 18 6 5 0 C Axe Shiida 14 00 Mage 29 5 3 12 17 18 6 3 E Tome C Lance Barts 15 65 Fighter 32 14 0 13 14 11 8 0 B Axe Wendall 5 38 Bishop 25 1 6 3 12 5 5 6 B Tome C Staff Boah 2 05 Bishop 22 1 5 8 10 4 5 9 B Tome C Staff Horace 3 31 Hero 26 13 1 19 16 7 9 3 D Sword E Axe Beck 2 20 Shooter 21 7 0 4 4 6 14 0 Ballistae. Chapter 14 8/90 Turns Had to take a couple of extra turns to recruit Palla, but in doing so, I got a buillon from the thief. Not much strategy here, just rushed south, Beck killed that annoying fortify curate, and Draug went south towards the tresure room to loot the thievs, and was kept alive by physics from the Bald Bros. Chapter 15 6/96 Turns Catria was meant to be sacrificed to Gharnef, but she didn't die, so he went and pwned some generics instead. My fliers went north and cleared the way for Marth, who seized before Gharnef left. I had 3 +0 level ups this chapter (Palla, Gordin, lolBoah) Chapter 16 7/103 Turns Cut thru Xane's building, Gordin swapped to archer to kill dracos, lured by Dolph. Draug crossed the sea and killed all the horseman so my flying units could be more effective. Chapter 17 3/106 Self-explanatory. Marth got bosskill. Unit Lvl Exp Class HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Marth 16 41 Lord 33 14 0 6 14 17 10 0 B Swords Jagen 8 19 Draco 24 8 1 14 10 4 13 3 A Lance E Axe Gordin 17 75 Archer 28 9 0 9 11 11 14 0 C Bows Draug 01 00 General 44 17 1 10 18 9 16 3 C Lance E Bow B Axe Shiida 17 47 Peg. 30 9 2 18 20* 20* 10 6 B Lance Barts 17 37 Fighter 34 14 0 13 14 11 9 0 B Axe Wendall 7 05 Bishop 25 1 7 3 12 6 5 11 B Tome C Staff Boah 3 86 Bishop 22 1 5 8 10 4 6 9 B Tome C Staff Horace 4 27 Hero 26 14 1 19 16 7 9 3 D Sword E Axe Beck 7 05 Shooter 24 9 0 5 7 9 15 0 Ballistae Palla 10 92 Peg. 23 7 2 9 13 5 8 6 B Lance Did a huge run last couple days. Taking a bit of a break now. 17X. Got Barts to 20, levelled up Palla a lot. Finally killed off Catria. Chapter 18 7/113 Turns. Boss had 1 HP left x.x would have been 6. Shiida promoted, and she is absolutly hax. Jagen killed Est for Mercurius. Used drop on Gordin, since no one else needed it. Unit Lvl Exp Class HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Marth 18 03 Lord 34 14 0 7 14 19 10 0 A Swords Jagen 8 43 Draco 24 8 1 14 10 4 13 3 A Lance E Axe Gordin 19 40 Cavalier 31 11 0 8 13 11 16 0 D Lance E Sword B Bow Draug 3 09 Zerker 42 16 0 11 21 9 8 0 B Axe C Lance Shiida 1 00 Draco 36 14 1 20 21 20 14 3 A Lance E Axe Barts 1 55 Hero 38 18 1 23 21 12 14 3 B Axe D Sword Wendall 8 43 Sage 25 3 8 4 12 7 5 8 A Tome C Staff Boah 5 71 Bishop 22 1 5 8 10 6 5 10 B Tome B Staff Horace 5 27 Hero 27 15 1 19 16 7 9 3 D Sword E Axe Beck 9 77 Shooter 25 9 0 6 9 9 15 0 Ballistae Palla 16 06 Peg. 25 10 2 13 15 5 9 6 B Lance You unfourtunatly missed the boots.
  5. Yeah, i'll have to scout out the chests there, and pick up necessary items (boots). Edit: I have 6 uses of master key left. Better make them count.
  6. Thanks, just actually bought some door keys and a bridge key in chapter 10, I don't think any place sells chest/Master key...
  7. Chapter 9 5/52 Turns Easy again, reclassed Barts to Merc, Gordin to Myrm for doubling, and... yeah. Jagan Looted the Godess Icon and Buillon, while everyone else went south and killed everything in their way. Draug got boss kill. Chapter 10 8/60 Turns Everyone except Jagen ran west, Jagen picked up Physic. Reclassed Gordin to Cav, Barts to Fighter. Marth actually got boss kill. Wanted Hauteclere, but Minerva was too powerful with it. Chapter 11 9/69 Turns What a pain in the ass. Shiida flew over the mountain and bought some stuff, namely blizzard tome and Rapier, and took care of the Mercs. Draug and Barts Reclassed to Merc to keep up. Everyone minus Shiida went towards the throne. Killed Khozen as well, had to restart a couple times because Barts got critted by killer bow, and I foolishly put Jagen in range of Jake Arrowspate. Chapter 12 8/77 Turns BOAH BOAH BOAH. Extra turn for the boots. Heimler convieniently plunked himself on the throne after Volzin was dead, so I got his master seal, and the master seal in the chest via Marth. Barts and Draug went north, Wendall took care of the mages, and Gordin took care of the thieves that were surrounded by the generics. He went back to archer for this chapter, and got 2 speed level ups in result. He's actually looking kinda decent. Gaggles for Skittles Tier. Chapter 12x Ended the chapter quicker than I wanted, because I accidently provoked Horace and his knights. Reclassed Wendall to Swordsmaster and Draug and Barts to Knight. They again failed to gain Defence. EDIT: Skipped out on recruiting Maria and Jeorge I'll post stats later, i'm in the middle of a multi-chapter run I think.
  8. Chapter 8 5/47 Turns Really easy, Shiida bought herself a wing spear, then flew over to kill Kannival. Everyone else ran up, the AI like to target Barts for some reason, and Gordin was tinked by a knight. Reclassed Gordin to Cav. Lowen anybody? Unit Lvl Exp Class HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Marth 11 01 Lord 28 10 0 5 11 13 10 0 B Swords Jagen 5 17 Draco 22 8 1 12 9 4 12 3 B Lance E Axe Lowen 10 15 Cav 27 8 0 5 8 10 12 0 E Lance E Sword Draug 10 83 Fighter 28 10 0 6 16! 4 4 0 D Axe Shiida 9 06 Peg. 27 8 1 13 19 14 9 6 C Lance Barts 12 87 Fighter 30 13 0 10 12 9 6 0 C Axe Wendall 3 26 Sage 24 3 4 2 12 2 5 7 B Tome D Staff
  9. Almost better. Horace has much higher strength, and can use Silver Lances. The generic has +5 HP, +2 Def. Chapter 7 6/42 Turns Swapped Draug to knight in hope of getting Def. He got Str, and Spd. Go figure. Swapped Barts back to fighter. Sent Shiida and Jagen to block forts, and Vyland and Hardin as decoys. They still won't die. Gordin hung around and killed dracos and pegs as they went after generics. Draug took out the stuff by bantu's village. Barts and Marth rushed south, and Barts killed the boss with a hammer, and got some craptastic level ups. Marth did nothing but seize. Used Seraph robe on Shiida. Unit Lvl Exp Class HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Marth 10 81 Lord 27 9 0 5 10 12 9 0 B Sword Jagen 4 71 Draco 21 8 1 12 9 3 12 3 B Lance E Axe Gaggles 9 26 Archer 24 8 0 6 6 10 11 0 C Bow Draug 9 86 Knight 25 10 0 7 8 4 12 0 D Lance Shiida 8 49 Peg 26 8 1 12 18 14 9 6 C Lance Barts 12 08 Fighter 30 13 0 10 12 9 6 0 C Axe Wendall 2 92 Sage 23 3 4 2 12 2 5 6 B Tome D Staff
  10. Gaiden. Swapped Barts to Knight so he wouldn't kill everything. Unit Lvl Exp Class HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Marth 10 81 Lord 27 9 0 5 10 12 9 0 B Swords Jagen 4 71 Draco 21 8 1 12 9 3 12 3 B Lance E Axe Gaggles 8 18 Archer 23 8 0 6 6 9 11 0 C Bow Draug 8 91 Fighter 27 8 0 6 14 3 4 0 D Axes Shiida 8 29 Peg. 19 8 1 12 18 14 9 6 C Lance Barts 10 46 Knight 26 14 0 10 5 8 14 0 E Lance Wendall 2 58 Sage 23 3 2 2 12 2 5 6 B Tome D Staff
  11. Chapter 6 6/36 Turns Jagen hunted down the thieves to get their goodies, I used Wolf and Hardain as meatshields to block of the north passageway, while Gordin sat there and shot them. Draug didn't do much, Marth, Barts, Shiida and Wendall ran toward Emerus, and Barts Hammered him. Unit Lvl Exp Class HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Marth 10 57 Lord 27 9 0 5 10 12 9 0 B Swords Jagen 4 71 Draco 21 8 1 12 9 3 12 3 B Lance E Axe Gaggles 6 78 Archer 21 7 0 5 6 8 9 0 C Bows Draug 6 62 Fighter 26 7 0 5 13 2 4 0 E Axes Shiida 7 27 Peg. 18 7 1 11 17 13 8 6 C Lances Barts 10 03 Fighter 28 13 0 9 12 8 6 0 C Axes Wendall 1 69 Sage Base
  12. He's gonna Levin Swordsmaster for the lolz after I get Boah.
  13. Chapter 5 5/30 Turns Not too tough, would have been 4, but Barst didn't reach the boss in time. Reclassed Jagen to Draco, Gordin back to LOLcher, where he got another killer lvl up. Everything cept speed. Jagen bought a lot of steel weapons and javelins. Unit Lvl Exp Class HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Marth 10 27 Lord 27 9 0 5 10 12 9 0 B Sword Jagen 4 11 Draco 21 8 1 12 9 3 12 3 B Lance E Axe Gordin 6 21 Archer 21 7 0 5 6 6 9 0 D Bow Draug 6 05 Fighter 26 7 0 5 13 2 4 0 E Axe Shiida 5 98 Peg. 17 5 1 9 16 12 8 6 D Lance Barts 8 58 Fighter 27 13 0 8 11 7 6 0 C Axe Wendall Base I've got mah Excaliber user now.
  14. Chapter 4 7/25 Turns Finished earlier, than I realized I forgot Excalibur. Sent all non-drafted characters left, but not all died, because Bord wouldn't die. He's still alive. Reclassed Gaggles to Curate (just for this chapter, till I get Wendall), Draug to Fighter. Everyone rushed left, and killed shit. Descriptive, huh. Unit Lvl Exp Class HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Marth 10 27 Lord 27 9 0 5 10 12 9 0 B Swords Jagen 3 87 Pally 22 7 1 12 8 3 10 6 B Lances C Swords Gaggles 5 89 Curate 20 1 1 2 6 7 5 6 E Staves Draug 5 41 Fighter 25 6 0 4 12 2 4 0 E Axe Shiida 5 34 Peg. 16 5 1 9 16 12 8 6 D Lance Barts 7 42 Fighter 26 12 0 8 10 7 6 0 D Axe
  15. Chapter 3 7/18 Turns Pretty easy, Draug, Shiida, and Gaggles went north, Barts, Jagen and Marth went west. Barts almost died, and would have had 6 turns if Jagen haden't missed the boss. Oh well. Recruited Narbal for his Kill Sword. Unit Lvl Exp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Marth 9 84 26 8 0 4 10 12 9 0 C Swords Jagen 3 43 22 7 1 12 8 3 10 6 B Lance C Swords Gaggles 5 21 20 6 0 4 6 7 8 9 D Bows Draug 4 30 22 7 0 4 4 2 12 0 D Lance Shiida 4 10 16 5 1 8 15 11 8 6 D Lance Barts 5 53 25 12 0 7 10 5 6 0 D Axe Yeah, it would be helpful for the first couple of chapters, than Jagen could do it.
  16. Chapter 2 5/11 Prettu easy, but easily the highlight was GAGGLES GOT A PERFECT LEVEL UP. I thought I was hallucinating. Marth and Jagen rushed, with Barts not far behind. Barts got all the axes from his bros. Doga and Gaggles took out the enemies to the north. Shiida recruited Castor because he was getting in the way, and Shiida also went shopping on turn 5. Got the village. Unit Lvl Exp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Marth 9 59 26 8 0 4 10 12 9 0 C Sword Jagen 3 03 22 8 1 12 8 3 10 6 B Lance D Sword Gaggles 4 00 20 6 0 4 6 6 8 0 D Bows Draug 3 60 21 7 0 4 3 2 11 0 D Lance Shiida 3 20 16 5 1 8 14 11 8 6 D Lance Barts 3 60 Base
  17. Chapter 1 6/6 turns Not doing video since no one else bothered. Marth rushed, Shiida almost died, and Gaggles failed. Unit Lvl Exp HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep. Lvl Marth 8 96 25 7 4 9 12 9 0 Sword C Jagen 2 25 22 7 11 8 2 10 6 Lance B Sword D Gord 3 60 19 5 3 5 5 7 0 Bow D Shiida 2 00 16 4 7 13 10 8 6 Lance D Draug 2 00 20 7 4 3 2 11 0 Lance D Shiida got defence O.o Draug got skill and luck x.x
  18. 1: Core: Abel, Hardin, Navarre, Caesar, Athena, Vyland, Roger, Tomas, Astram 2: The_Steel_Lance: Frey, Oguma, Cord, Sedgar, Minerva, Dolph, Roshea, Wrys, Jake 3: Janissary: Cain, Merric, Bord, Darros, Catria, Rickard, Midia, Xane, Macellan, Etzel 4: General_Horace: Shiida, Barst, Wendall, Draug, Palla, Gordin, Horace, Beck, Boah, Arran, Maria 5: Eclipse: Castor, Wolf, Julian, Lena, Radd, Linde, Matthis, Norne, Elice, Samson Is this OK?
  19. 1: Core: Abel, Hardin, Navarre, Caesar, Athena, Vyland, Roger, Tomas, Astram 2: The_Steel_Lance: Frey, Oguma, Cord, Sedgar, Minerva, Dolph, Roshea, Wrys, Jake 3: Janissary: Cain, Merric, Bord, Darros, Catria, Rickard, Midia, Xane, Macellan 4: General_Horace: Shiida, Barst, Wendall, Draug, Palla, Gordin, Horace, Beck, Boah, Arran 5: Eclipse: Castor, Wolf, Julian, Lena, Radd, Linde, Matthis, Norne, Elice, Samson None of the last 4 are going to be used anyway.
  20. 1: Core: Abel, Hardin, Navarre, Caesar, Athena, Vyland, Roger, Tomas, Astram 2: The_Steel_Lance: Frey, Oguma, Cord, Sedgar, Minerva, Dolph, Roshea, Wrys, Jake 3: Janissary: Cain, Merric, Bord, Darros, Catria, Rickard, Midia, Xane, Macellan 4: General_Horace: Shiida, Barst, Wendall, Draug, Palla, Gordin, Horace, Beck, Boah 5: Eclipse: Castor, Wolf, Julian, Lena, Radd, Linde, Matthis, Norne, I should pair Wendall and Boah with Gotoh in the final chapter.
  21. 1: Core: Abel, Hardin, Navarre, Caesar, Athena, Vyland, Roger 2: The_Steel_Lance: Frey, Oguma, Cord, Sedgar, Minerva, Dolph, Roshea 3: Janissary: Cain, Merric, Bord, Darros, Catria, Rickard, Midia 4: General_Horace: Shiida, Barst, Wendall, Draug, Palla, Gordin, Horace, Beck 5: Eclipse: Castor, Wolf, Julian, Lena, Radd, Linde, Matthis, Norne
  22. 1: Core: Abel, Hardin, Navarre, Caesar, Athena, Vyland, Roger 2: The_Steel_Lance: Frey, Oguma, Cord, Sedgar, Minerva, Dolph, Roshea 3: Janissary: Cain, Merric, Bord, Darros, Catria, Rickard, Midia 4: General_Horace: Shiida, Barst, Wendall, Draug, Palla, Gordin, Horace 5: Eclipse: Castor, Wolf, Julian, Lena, Radd, Linde I had to.
  23. Are you emulating? If so, hypercam/any recording device works just fine for recording video. As you can see in my videos, the sound is extremely nonexistant/glitchy, but it does not really matter a whole lot for this kind of thing. If you are playing on a ds game card... it will be significantly tougher. Make sure just to do the prologue for now (which really doesn't need to be put up), as Wrys and Norne are still avaliable.
  24. Oh wow. Your Marth is 3 levels lower, and is winning in Str, Spd, & Def. I really want to get this started.
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