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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. A bunch of useless units now. I'll try Macellan and Astram. And holy shit you guys, already started?
  2. Oh dear... I'll pick Horace and .... Roshea...
  3. He's on the list, at the start of the second line.
  4. **Facedesk** I drafted Catria in the last tournament. I know she takes an extra turn to recruit, because you have to wait for her to show up. Catria has a 5% resistance rate. Whoop-de-doo. Barts has some of the best bases in the game. Barts can have 7 Move once he promotes to hero, and he will be one rounding almost everything on the map. Katua will not be able to do anything to things like knights. Not to mention again that Barts comes 12 chapters earlier, not including Gaidens, technically 13 as she will be doing almost nothing in her joining chapter. Who cares if Barts can't gain res, he has roughly 15 more HP than Catria will have at her joining point. And not to mention once Catria promotes, she will have the same resistance as Barts, unless you get lucky and she gains a point. I'm not trying to bash Catria here, she is IMO the best character in the game 20/20. But she's not going to approach that figure in a draft run.
  5. Only problem with her is again, you waste quite a few turns recruiting her. But the Hauteclere is also very nice, especially in H3
  6. Yeah, I picked Wendall because I wanted a Physic staff user, and wanted Merric to focus on attacking. I may have picked Wrys, except it takes a turn to recruit him, although I doubt Marth will be able to max move to the throne at base level in H3.
  7. First of all, Barts is a much better pick. Picking Catria costs you a turn in order to recruit, and takes a long time to get up with the rest of the pack. Meanwhile, Barts is a great unit all game long. Plus, Barts comes what, 12 chapters before Catria? Wendall is an excellent pick. He will be doubling almost everything early game, and has staff utility. And TSL has a magic user named Jagen. If he doesn't win, I will be extremely surprised. Iris, forgive me, but Linde was a terrible pick. She takes quite a few extra turns to recruit, and is severely underleveled (make sure you don't let Horace attack her, or else it will probably be a one shot). You don't really need a magic user for the drafting tournaments (for this game anyway), as your high movement units will be out of their range in 2-3 turns.
  8. So you have Cain, Abel, Barts, and Cord. Oh dear.
  9. Ground Hippodown Garchomp Swampert Gliscor Mamoswine Nidoking.
  10. Chapter 22 6/127 Turns Skipped starlight, promoted everyone. Not much to be said here, my dracoknights were better than Michalis's.
  11. Chapter 20 5/119 Turns Marth ran across the water, and had a clear path to run to the throne once Camus was killed. Early promoted Cord, Gordin and Vyland. Reclassed Cord to general to help hold off the Paladins so that Caeser and my mages wouldn't die. Chapter 20x I really didn't feel like doing this chapter. Oh well. Caeser and Catria got lots of exp. Got some chests, was too lazy to get others. Don't really need anything else. I don't really know what the tourncount was, it was around 15. Chapter 21 3/121 Turns Jagen flew to the secert shop with the silver card, and bought everything. Frey used Gradivus to kill everything. Marth ran for the throne, and got hit by a mage. First time he's been attacked in a while. Unit Lvl Class HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Marth 14.94 Lord 30 12 9 15 16 9 0 B Swords Jagen 10.91 Draco 22 12 12 12 3 12 3 A Lance D Axe Frey 16.35 Paladin 48 23 28* 25* 17 20 7 A Lance C Sword Gordin 1.60 Sniper 34 11 15 15 9 11 3 A Bow Barts 4.62 Hero 38 18 21 18 13 13 3 B Axe D Sword Cord 1.63 General 39 16 10 11 13 17 3 D Lance E Bow Vyland 5.53 Draco 39 15 18 18 8 12 3 A Lance E Axe Wendall 12.22 Sage 29 5 3 13 5 5 9 A Tome A Staff Caeser 17.02 Fighter 37 13 6 16 8 9 0 D Axe Horace 8.15 Hero 30 16 23 18 7 9 0 D Axe D Sword Catria 19.00 Peg 30 13 20* 20* 13 11 7 B Lance Etzel 8.31 Sorcerer 31 15 15 10 8 7 12 B Tome D Staff
  12. ... hold on, The_Steel_Lance has Frey AND Cain. And he picked 5th? Ohhh man.
  13. I would say just leave the remainders undrafted, they aren't gonna be used anyway. EDIT: And what's the ruling on Gaidens? Are they like the last drafts, where you have 20 turns to complete, and don't count towards the turncount, or are they like legitimate chapters. And are they optional if they are counted in the tourncount?
  14. I'm looking forward to this. Should be a lot tougher than the NM draft, as you can't just have Marth max move to the throne, because he'll get killed.
  15. Ha, I seem to be one of the people with less units in Drafting Tourney III. Oh well. Anyways, I would gladly join a H3 tourney.
  16. I think i'm going to join the H2/3 draft, so somebody else may take the last spot. And eclispe, im not done, I just did chapter 18 yesterday. It'll be smooth sailing from there on out.
  17. I would prefer to let somebody else take a spot in this draft, but I will join if nobody else shows up for a while, if you don't mind me being in 2 drafts.
  18. Don't allow clock abuse. That's absurd. If I recall correctly, there is a time that gives you a critical hit if you have something like 35 hit and 1 crit that could be abused. Although I am not joining this, I recommend Iris to not allow clock abuse.
  19. I completed 17x, and got Etzel. Woo-hoo. I can't wait to give him all my spirit dusts. Chapter 18 6/109 Turns Easy, Frey is unstoppable. He killed everything on the bridge with the help of an early promoted Barts. Marth just ran to the throne. Jagen DOUBLED Est, and stole Mercurius. Unit Lvl Class HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Marth 14.71 Lord 30 12 9 15 16 9 0 B Sword Jagen 10.12 Draco 22 12 12 12 3 12 3 A Lance E Axe Frey 10.97 Paladin 44 22 24 24 16 19 6 A Lance C Sword Gordin 15.78 Archer 26 9 10 10 9 10 0 B Bows Barts 2.64 Hero 37 17 20 18 12 13 3 B Axe D Sword Cord 16.01 Fighter 31 13 8 14 13 5 0 C Axe Vyland 17.31 Cavalier 32 12 10 14 7 8 0 B Lance E Sword Wendall 11.36 Sage 29 5 3 13 5 5 8 A Staff B Tome Caeser 12.46 Fighter 31 9 4 14 8 7 0 D Axe Horace 6.51 Hero 28 14 20 17 7 9 3 D Axe D Sword Catria 13.53 Peg 26 9 14 20* 11 10 7 C Lance Etzel 6.53 Sorcerer Base +2 Magic Chapter 19 5/114 Turns Got the XL Buillon and the Bolganone, because I wanted stat boosters. Gordin fetched me those with the 3 uses of master key I had. Otherwise, Frey killed shit and everyone else stood around and watched.
  20. I'm still going to finish run, just been busy with school sports.
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